He appeared to be shrouded in shadows.

Proof that he had completely transformed into a Mine, magical energy rose like a mirage, emitting a repulsive scent.


Tak Yoon-il loosened his body and fixed his gaze on me…

As if I were the person he should be most wary of in this place.

-So you are the prophesied being born with the fate to annihilate all Mines.

It must be Seo Ga-yeon to whom Tak Yoon-il was referring.

However, the Energy of Defying Heaven was also strong against Mines.

Honestly, I wished Seo Ga-yeon were here. If she could unleash her Starlight Magic and use her specialty, the intermediate-level magic Spear of Judgment, we could kill Tak Yoon-il with a single strike.

Although Tak Yoon-il was a top-tier Mine and we might have to consider death, Starlight Magic boasted an enormous affinity that ignores strength levels. That’s why it was said to have the fate to annihilate all Mines.

-Be careful.

Black Heaven warned.

-The Energy of Defying Heaven is particularly strong against extraterrestrial beings. But the difference between you, Seo-ha, and that Mine is clear.

-Overcoming the difference is not easy. But if it’s the master, it’s worth trying.

I nodded slightly in response to the advice from Eternal Heaven and Black Heaven.

-First of all.

Slowly, it felt as if Tak Yoon-il’s words were directly imprinted in my brain.

-The annoying one first.


With a sword and spear in hand, I charged at the Cheonryu Guild member. I immediately responded and rushed toward the person Tak Yoon-il had referred to as Jau.


When our swords clashed, a shockwave ensued. He moved his spear, and I quickly struck down using the Black Flash Sword Technique. The spear aimed for the neck of the Cheonryu Guild member, and then for mine.

[Your proficiency in the Soul Stealing Sword Technique has increased.]

I incorporated the subtlety of variation; the extremely fast sword drew a change.


The sword pushed away the spear, but Tak Yoon-il swiftly moved his blade.


With a swift motion, he repelled the Cheonryu Guild member with his sword and charged at me. A stream of black sword energy extended, taking aim at me.


That’s the trouble with a skilled ambidextrous fighter—it’s like facing multiple adversaries in a single duel.

But I wasn’t alone.

“Aren’t you a bit too defenseless?”

Park Woon-hyuk thrust his spear, infused with the Thunder and Lightning Technique, from the side. Kim Seo-hyun tightened his grip on his sword, a wave of intangible energy emanating from his frame, bearing down on Tak Yoon-il.

I surged forward.

-How irritating.

Tak Yoon-il fell back as the magical energy cloaking him intensified.


Arms emerged—constructs of magical energy that quickly multiplied into six.

He drew weapons from the subspace: an axe, a sword, a whip, and knuckle-dusters. This was his unique talent, the reason he was hailed as a master.

-Come on then, attack.

We converged on Tak Yoon-il. I intercepted his sword, its energy humming.


Tak Yoon-il’s face twisted into a peculiar expression as he swung his blade. Kim Seo-hyun flanked him, slipping in from the side, while Park Woon-hyuk launched an overhead assault from the opposite direction.

Tak Yoon-il parried Park Woon-hyuk’s downward strike with his axe and warded off Kim Seo-hyun with his spear. The guild members Jau and Hyun-woo joined the fray, which he countered with the whip and knuckles.

‘He has grown stronger.’

I observed him keenly with my Divine Sight. A Mine’s physique is formidable, surpassing ordinary monsters in strength, and their severed limbs reattached with ease.

As a human opponent, Tak Yoon-il was manageable, but as a Mine, the dynamics shifted. His transformation into a Mine compensated for most of his weaknesses.

His magic power was feeble, and his physical strength and stamina paled in comparison to other martial artists, yet he surmounted these shortcomings with his expertise.

However, after becoming a Mine, his magical power turned formidable, and his strength, stamina, and agility improved dramatically, along with his skills.


Chang Chang Chang!

He fended off all the attacks coming from every direction. We were the ones attacking, but we started to get pushed back bit by bit.

“Just attack quickly instead of clumsily mixing in feints!”

“Damn, we haven’t practiced combined attacks; this is too much!”

‘This is worse than I thought.’

Our attacks were uncoordinated.

It was to be expected. We hadn’t practiced attacking together.

I had the talent, Sword Demon (S-), and Kim Seo-hyun had a corresponding ability, but Park Woon-hyuk was an A-grade martial artist, and the Cheonryu Guild member was B-grade, making it awkward.

“Seo-ha and I will block in front, Park Woon-hyuk support! The rest defend!”

Kim Seo-hyun shouted.

I quickly swung my sword, changing positions.

-Good decision. But.

Dark energy condensed intensely. On the sword and blade, spear and axe, whip and knuckles. Intent focused on the six weapons.

-Six-Armed Strike.

Tak Yoon-il’s six arms began to move.

Each of the six weapons traced a different path. The sword moved unpredictably, the blade swiftly, the axe powerfully, the whip smoothly, the knuckles savagely, and the spear was the fastest.

Kim Seo-hyun’s eyes widened.

I intuitively realized that all six attacks were targeting me.

‘Black Scales won’t work.’

There were too many points of enemy attack. Black Scales couldn’t block them all. I could only make fists with Black Scales.


The Energy of Defying Heaven spewed from my back. I formed Black Wings. The right wing started to transform.

Black Wing Transformation.

Black Cloud Wrapping.


The wing transformed into a cloud shape, enveloping my body.

The black cloud negated the opponent’s attacks. Most of the attacks coming from various directions were blocked.

In a brief moment of weakness, Tak Yoon-il retracted his spear and thrust again.

I quickly retrieved the Energy of Defying Heaven, and a part of the cloud coalesced into Black Heaven, emitting a dark sword wave.

-Indeed a nefarious power!

Tak Yoon-il was shocked and retracted his spear with a crack. His muscles twisted visibly from the forced motion.


The spear and sword clashed, sending out a shockwave. Six attacks had been exchanged, and Tak Yoon-il had been forced to retract and thrust his spear.

Tak Yoon-il revealed a clear opening.



Kim Seo-hyun charged in immediately. The Winter’s Sword shone with a blue hue. Kim Seo-hyun’s eyes glittered a piercing blue.

Thousand Year Meridian Convergence.

White Sky Steel Sword Strike.


The Winter’s Sword emitted a wail, a cry of the sword. A deep blue light enveloped it, bringing an intense cold.

“Young Master, have you forgotten that I am a Mine?”

Tak Yoon-il’s twisted arm was gradually healing. Clenching his teeth, he swung his axe.


It was a scene where extreme light and darkness seemed to collide.

The blue light intensified, freezing Tak Yoon-il’s weapons and body, while his magical energy infiltrated Kim Seo-hyun.

‘Eternal Heaven!’


Eternal Heaven quickly formed a spell. I infused it with the Energy of Defying Heaven. In an instant, my body felt lighter and I charged at Tak Yoon-il.

Simultaneously, I activated a spell. An illusion that was engraved in reality.

And there, the magic inscribed on my coat disoriented Tak Yoon-il’s senses.

-Tricky tricks!

However, Tak Yoon-il wasn’t as easily fooled by the illusion as Harun had been. He stepped back a significant distance and swung his whip.


The sword and whip collided. The concentrated Energy of Defying Heaven negated the spirit within the whip.


The Winter’s Sword froze the axe, and the cold penetrated deeply. It completely froze Tak Yoon-il’s arm.

“Haah, Hah.”

But Kim Seo-hyun’s condition was far from ideal. His face turned pale from the strain of channeling energy.

Kim Seo-hyun created a fleeting opportunity.

The sword, the blade, and the spear reacted.


Park Woon-hyuk’s voice rang out. He charged forward, his Thunder and Lightning Technique fully condensed.

The blade was aimed at Park Woon-hyuk. Clenching his teeth, he accepted the strike enveloped in blade energy.


Then he thrust his spear forward.

He altered its course, aiming for Tak Yoon-il’s spear.


Gritting my teeth, I clutched Black Heaven. I channeled all of the Energy of Defying Heaven into it.


Black Heaven resonated, emitting a sword cry.


A warping force joined the negating power.

Tak Yoon-il’s motion to thrust the sword paused momentarily. But that was enough.

I swung the sword with lightning speed, employing the finesse of the Black Flash Sword Technique. The sheer velocity of the blade deeply gashed Tak Yoon-il’s chest.


His chest burst open, black blood spraying in all directions. It was a clearly fatal wound.

“Everyone, attack!”

Two guild members, teeth gritted, closed in on Tak Yoon-il. The wound was fatal, yet the foe was a Mine. In just a minute, he could recover enough to move.

I clenched my teeth, withdrawing all the Energy of Defying Heaven I had infused into Black Heaven. Then came Black Scales.

Dark, negating power coalesced in my right hand.


I had to kill Tak Yoon-il.

Too much time had already been lost. The enemy wasn’t just Tak Yoon-il alone, after all.

I staggered and leaped toward Tak Yoon-il, who was under attack from the two guild members.


Synchronizing with Black Flash, I reached out toward Tak Yoon-il’s chest.

Sensing something, he opened his mouth and amassed magical energy in front of his hand.

But it was already too late.


Black God Martial Arts.

Black Mirror.

It negated everything, dispelling Tak Yoon-il’s magical energy with an impact wave.

-I am.


Tak Yoon-il, attempting to speak, found his head burst open.

A chilling sensation washed over me.

I felt something— a gaze. I turned.

The girl wore a mesmerized expression.

“Found you.”

The true Heavenly Demon.

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