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"Alright, let's begin the meeting."

Tak Yoonil spoke as he walked toward the holographic screen.

"The dungeon we're targeting is called the Nest of the Water Lizard. This dungeon is full of water-type lizards."

"Not bad."

Kim Seohyun nodded in response to Tak Yoonil's words.

If Hong Yuhwa, who has awakened the fire mana, were here, there might be concerns. But with Park Woonhyuk, who controls wind and lightning, and Kim Seohyun, who has awakened most elements, there is no issue.

My heavenly energy also shouldn't be a problem, since it mainly "negates" other abilities.

"Any objections, Seoha?"

"None from me."

"I have no issues either."

"Then, this dungeon seems suitable. Now, let me explain its structure."

Tak Yoonil pointed with a laser beam.

"This dungeon consists of two levels. Monsters inhabit both the first floor and the basement. Once you clear the monsters on the first floor, an elite monster appears. Clearing the monsters in the basement will summon the boss monster."

The holographic display shifted, showing not water lizards, but two different monsters.

"The elite monster is a giant water snake, roughly 5 meters in length and possesses mid to low-tier strength. The boss monster is also a giant water snake but with ice powers. It's equivalent to mid to high-tier strength, since it's an ice-awakened creature..."

Tak Yoonil continued explaining.

I looked at him with heavy eyes.

Tak Yoonil wasn't always a villain.

As previously mentioned, he genuinely admired the great hero. Even though he looked and acted like a rogue, he was genuinely one of the heroes who wanted to help humanity.

Or, at least, he used to be.

But now, after seeing the dark side of the association and losing faith in humanity, he's begun to resent heroes. At this point, his transformation into a villain seems inevitable.

Though he appeared as a rough character, he was genuinely good-natured and popular because of his good looks and jovial nature.

Many users hoped he wouldn't become a villain. However, all their efforts failed. It's certain Tak Yoonil will turn.

"But not just yet."

"That concludes the dungeon briefing. Any questions?"

"Will we be going into the dungeon alone?"

"No, as I mentioned before, your safety is our priority. We will bring two mid-tier members from the Celestial Guild. Those members are..."

I raised my hand.

"Is there a chance the Mines might interfere?"

"The Mines, huh? You sure are cautious. I'd like to say don't worry, but I've heard they've been more active lately. We'll operate with our elite members. In case of emergencies, the Celestial Guild's top elites will step in."

"I see."

I turned my gaze to see the semi-transparent blue window welcoming me.


Main Quest Chapter 4.5: Stop Tak Yoonil's Plan.

The soon-to-be villain Tak Yoonil is plotting something.

◈Reward: Increase in Conceptual Stat Spirit Against Heaven

◈Failure: Serious injury or death of Kim Seohyun.


This quest seems pretty difficult.


Raei Translations


Just before heading to the dungeon.

We made our way to the second floor of the Celestial Guild to get potions and other supplies. This floor housed the training room, the resting room, and the place dedicated to alchemy.

"Normally, people spend a fortune out in the market. But lately, thanks to the acclaimed Veritas, the skills of our guild's alchemists have significantly improved. They've become quite valuable," Tak Yoonil said with a chuckle.

"Watch your tongue when you mention Veritas. If you want quality potions, be respectful," a sharp voice retorted. A woman with dark circles under her eyes appeared.

"Oh, a fan of Veritas, I see."

"Of course. Veritas is a figure of great prominence, leading all alchemists. While not as revered as a great hero, Veritas is of comparable importance."


Tak Yoonil's eyes widened in surprise.

I couldn't lift my face. While I've always been shamelessly audacious, receiving such praise made even me unable to muster the confidence to look up.

"Ah, Chief Jeong Yuri. These are the interns from the Korea Hero Academy. The top students, Lee Seoha, Kim Seohyun, and Park Woonhyuk, have arrived."

"Those rumors were true? You've brought along the top student, and even Kim Seohyun and Park Woonhyuk?"

Chief Jeong Yuri looked at Park Woonhyuk with a peculiar expression. It seemed she found it perplexing that the heir of the Sun Guild was here.

"Well, personal choices, I suppose. Now, let's go check out those potions," she said, leading us inside with a haughty demeanor.

Inside, individuals who looked like either zombies or overworked graduate students were groaning. Yet, strangely enough, they all seemed to be smiling, which felt somewhat unsettling.

"Sorry about that. Our folks have been focused in research lately."

"Due to the changes in magical properties?"

"You're aware of that?"

"It's the hot topic these days. Mages and alchemists are collaborating extensively because of it. I've heard the costs associated are staggering."

"The government has provided a lot of support. I heard they spent nearly 10 trillion this year alone. The aim is to expand basic alchemy and lead the world. Still, none of this would be possible without Veritas."

Trying to play it cool, I examined the potions.

Some of them were of decent quality. Most were concoctions that modulated magical properties, so their efficacy wasn't high, but...

'Oh, this one's good.'


【Azure Flame Potion (D)】

A potion crafted by an alchemist, inspired by another.

: Grants a weapon the effect of azure flames for 30 minutes.


"Seoha, you're interested in this? Ah, you're taking alchemy courses, aren't you?"

"Yeah, this potion seems well-crafted."

I looked at the Azure Flame Potion.

This surely captured the potential of the ingredients used.

"Decent, you say?"

Chief Jeong Yuri looked at me, a hint of irritation evident.

"You're the top student, aren't you? You've smashed all the records at Korea Hero Academy this year. But remember, alchemy is a completely different field. I acknowledge your prowess, but I doubt you could match me in alchemy."

"Right... of course."

I played along, responding in agreement.

“If you wish to contest my words, then try alchemy right here. Do you really believe you can best me, the first disciple of Master Veritas?”


I've never had a disciple like you.

“What? You became a disciple of Master Jeong Yuri?”

“Of course. I was the first to discover the recipe bestowed upon us by her, and I've researched it the most.”


Kim Seohyun wore a perplexed expression.

“Isn’t that just being her first fan...?”

“That’s practically at the level of a fanatic.”

“Of course. I have faith in Master Veritas, who enlightened me with a new truth. Oh, praise be to Master Veritas.”

I was at a loss for words watching Master Jeong Yuri bring her hands together in prayer.


Raei Translations


We headed towards the dungeon.

At the entrance of the dungeon stood individuals wearing emblems adorned with the symbols of the Celestial Guild.

"Confirmed: Tak Yoonil and five others."

"Good. Everyone's working hard."

Our path led us into a cavernous space, so vast that even if two people entered, there'd still be room to spare.

"Ugh, feel that dampness."

"Yeah, it's a bit stifling."

Tak Yoonil and Park Woonhyuk took the lead, while Kim Seohyun and I followed close behind. Trailing us were two heroes of medium rank.

Kim Seohyun shed his outerwear, now in his short sleeves, sweat glistening on his skin. There was a strangely sensual aura about him. For a moment, I glanced at him curiously before redirecting my attention forward.

Although this dungeon was easy for someone of my level, one couldn't let their guard down. I had memorized the terrain, but there was no need to showcase that to the others unnecessarily.

After walking inward for about 10 minutes, I felt peculiar presences through my sense domain.

As we moved a bit further, we spotted water lizards. They were about 1 meter in length.

"Those are the water lizards. They might seem easy, even for medium-ranked heroes, but..."

Tak Yoonil rested his spear on his shoulder.

With a swift motion, he swung it. A water lizard's tail got sliced off.


From the severed tail, a new water lizard emerged.

"If you don't take them down in one shot, they split like this. Hence, it's essential to kill them in a single blow without injuring them. That's why water lizards are classified as tricky monsters."


Tak Yoonil swung his spear again, blowing the head off a water lizard. Its body trembled before collapsing.

"Ah, and we should collect the hydrous mana stones they drop. Mana stones with properties fetch a good price."

Tak Yoonil remarked as he extracted a blue mana stone from the defeated monster.

"You see those two over there? Who wants to take them on?"

"I'll handle it."

Park Woonhyuk stepped forward with a resolute expression, assuming a posture ready to charge.


He's considerably skilled, impressive enough to earn Tak Yoonil's admiration.


Park Woonhyuk stomped the ground and swung his spear.


Lightning resonated as he accurately struck the heads of the two water lizards. Boom! Their heads separated from their bodies, a sign of their demise.

"Hooh, that's some clean spear technique."

"He's grown a lot, hasn't he?"

Park Woonhyuk momentarily relaxed his face at the praises from Tak Yoonil and Kim Seohyun. He then cleared his throat and presented the two mana stones he retrieved.

"You did well. It's apparent why you two have already made names for yourselves."

"Oh, come on. It's nothing compared to Master Tak Yoonil, who's been directly titled a 'Master' by the world itself."

Although his face said otherwise, Park Woonhyuk's shoulders puffed up with pride.

"… Such a show-off."

Kim Seohyun murmured.

We continued our journey deeper into the dungeon.

The water lizards might be tricky adversaries, but they weren't a match for us. We quickly cleared out all the monsters on the first floor.

"Wow, everyone's so impressive. No wonder the professors are saying that the freshmen this year are competent enough to be deployed in real situations."

"The professors said that?"

"Yes. Though students' specifics are confidential, it's common knowledge that the professors think this year's batch is exceptionally skilled. Especially since the Tower of Trials results from the entrance exam were made public and everyone performed overwhelmingly well."

Tak Yoonil glanced at me, "Of course, all of that is overshadowed because of Lee Seoha over there."

"Come to think of it, how did you finish so quickly?" Park Woonhyuk asked with a hint of curiosity.

"He must have a one-shot kill move," Kim Seohyun said with a knowing smirk.

He probably was thinking about the technique I used not too long ago, the one that nearly killed Harun. I appreciate the compliment, though.

"So, you're saying he overpowers all resistances?"

"Alright, let's set aside our questions for now and focus on clearing the dungeon," Tak Yoonil interjected with a smile.

Not long after, we encountered an elite monster.

enjoy! :)

"there was a strangely sensual aura about him" huh????

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