TL/Editor: looloo

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Once the Suzerain intervenes, they won't stand a chance.

'I’m unsure about the Mines...'

It's the notorious Legion of the Sky.

Given how many want them dead, they might face execution, right?

While lost in my thoughts, Kim Seohyun approached me.

"What was that?"


"That sword energy-like thing."

Ah, he's referring to the Black Abyss.

It indeed felt like an alien force. Mainly because of the Conceptual Stat Spirit Against Heaven, it appeared as sword energy.

"It's not sword energy. It's a kind of secret technique."

"It looked more dangerous than sword energy to my eyes."

"Because it's a secret technique."

"You seem to have more up your sleeve than I thought."

Kim Seohyun's eyes sparkled.

It's the look he gives to a promising peer or someone stronger than him.

'Luckily, he doesn’t know that I’ve recently advanced to the intermediate level.'

Feeling proud, I tried to pat Kim Seohyun on the shoulder, but my strength was gone, so I just walked past him.

Using the Conceptual Stat Spirit drained me more than I expected. It felt as taxing as when I had defeated the superior foes using the Abyssal Void.

I took a moment to survey the surroundings.

The scene was a mess. Everything seemed chewed up, destroyed, and trampled.

Observing the chaos, The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision approached me.

"Did you summon the Suzerain?"


"How did you... Nevermind, that's not the crucial point."

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision lowered his head in gratitude.

Those around us looked shocked by his gesture.

"First off, I want to thank you. Without you, most here would've been dead, and I most certainly would've been among them. You're nothing short of a life-saver for all of us."


I knew of The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision's nature.

But I didn't expect him to acknowledge it so openly in front of so many.

"It's nothing. Anyone else in my place would’ve done the same."

"But the Suzerain might not have personally intervened. Anyway, thank you. Oh, and if there’s anything you need, just ask. Despite appearances, I’m quite a capable mage. If there’s something you desire, I can procure it."

"I'll let you know if something comes up."

Remembering his offer, a few things came to mind.


The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision hesitated, then looked at me directly.

"Has our Yuhwa caused you any trouble? I’ve pampered her a bit too much, and she can be a handful at times."

"...It's okay."

She’s mischievous sometimes, but not bad-hearted.

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision seemed to ponder something for a moment.

"Do you, by any chance, have any special feelings for our Yuhwa?"

"Are you trying to seduce our daughter-in-law?"

A deep voice interrupted.

The Suzerain approached, carrying a half-dead lieutenant on his shoulder.


"He was quite the nuisance. Tried to save his subordinates at the expense of himself."

With a tsk, the Suzerain set the lieutenant down.

The condition of the vice commander was better than I expected. Except for one of his legs that seemed to be torn off by something, he looked quite intact.

It's because of who the opponent is.

The intimidating power of the Suzerain.

"Ah, speaking of which, the sword he used looked pretty good. Do you want to take it?"

The Suzerain smirked, showing me a sword with a blue blade.

It was the Sword of Winter.

"The Sword of Winter!"

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision looked at it with surprise.

"Lee Seoha. Accept that. It's a rarity, even if you were to offer a fortune for it."

"Of course, it'll be a hassle if it draws attention, but..."

I promptly responded.

"Thank you. I really wanted that."

"Heh, just look at this guy."

The Suzerain chuckled. Footsteps started echoing from the entrance.

"It seems the association is finally here. Why are they getting slower these days?"

"It seems there's some political infighting going on up there."

"Tsk. Fools."

The Suzerain clicked his tongue in disdain.

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision looked at me.

"Lee Seoha, do you plan to hide today's events?"

"...Can I?"

"Of course. Most of those I invited today are my precious acquaintances. And..."

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision discreetly glanced at the Suzerain.

It meant that no one here would cross the Suzerain.

"Then I'd appreciate it."

"Sure. Be careful, I heard that the Legion of the Sky has targeted you."

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision handed me a red badge.

"If you feel in danger, press the button on the badge. I'll come running."

"Ah, if you're taking the Sword of Winter, you should hide it quickly. Those guys might not take it looking at my mood, but they can be a nuisance."

The Suzerain said, eyeing the members of the association. Without a moment's hesitation, I quickly stored the Sword of Winter into my void space.


Raei Translations


Once the chaos subsided, I stepped outside.

I sat on a nearby bench, taking a potion beneficial for recovery, and looked up at the sky. That’s when I noticed a woman. She was dressed in a suit, her hair tied back in a ponytail.

She had an undeniable presence.

It made sense. After all, she was on par with the vice-captain of the Legion of the Sky, the same unit that had been battling the Mines just moments before.

“You are...”

She was a significant figure in the association. I remembered her from the time when the Mines caused an incident. It was Baek Jiyeon, known as the Sword Queen.

"It's been a while."

I responded with a nod and a brief greeting.

Baek Jiyeon's gaze scrutinized me. As her eyes traveled over my form, they began to light up with recognition.

“You've grown substantially since our last meeting. It's common for youths to grow fast around this age, but you are an exception. It’s no wonder the Emperor took an interest in you.”

She then took out a cigarette and was about to light it, but paused when she saw me.

"Ah, my apologies. It's just a habit. Anyway, it's good to see you."

She took a deep look at the hotel, probably assessing the situation.

Given her caliber, she likely deduced the sequence of events – no traces of the Mines' unique magic, meaning it was a villain attack, and the situation was mostly under control.

The immense power surge suggested someone of great power intervened.

‘Impressive speed.’

She probably felt a hint of regret at this moment.

The association is always slow to act. They usually arrive after an incident has occurred and mostly resolved. Mines and villains strategically target the association, which slows them down. In contrast, the government remains uncorrupted, filled with individuals of integrity.

“Please convey my regards to Seo Yebin when you see her.”

With that, Baek Jiyeon left. Not long after, members wearing the emblem of the association emerged from the hotel.

"Seriously, what's up with our higher-ups these days?"

"They've always been slow, but it seems even worse lately. Want to take out your sword for a bit?"

"Chill out. We might genuinely get into trouble."

Members of the association voiced their complaints as they left.

Soon after, Hong Yuhwa, nicknamed Pillager, appeared.

“You're still here?”

“Yeah, there's nothing to do even if I go.”

I looked at Hong Yuhwa, who had changed her battle-worn dress. She wore a beige short-sleeve blouse with a high-waisted black skirt. She looked at me with a haughty expression.

Suddenly feeling playful, I asked, “Who am I?”


With a sly grin, I answered, “Someone who single-handedly handled one of the top members of the Legion of the Sky and dealt a critical blow to the formidable opponent you guys were struggling with.”

Hong Yuhwa stared at me in disbelief, her mouth hanging open.

“Now, who's on top?”

Immediately after, an indistinguishable scream, whether from a beast or human, erupted from Hong Yuhwa’s mouth.

I couldn't help but smile triumphantly.


Raei Translations


[Master, you won't abandon me, will you?]

Heavenly Demon feigned sorrow as she settled beside me.

The reason for Heavenly Demon's behavior was evident: the Sword of Winter I acquired from the Suzerain.

'The Sword of Winter is indeed exceptional.'

But it's not exceptional enough to make me forsake the Black Heavenly Demon Sword. Maybe if it were the legendary Four Seasons Sword, I'd reconsider.

I closely examined the Sword of Winter.


【Sword of Winter (S)】

Forged with the auroras of the Arctic and imbued with the power of extreme cold.

Legends say this sword can replicate the power of all four seasons.

: Adds an ice attribute to all attacks made with the Sword of Winter.

: Inbuilt skill, Aurora Blade.


Its effects are straightforward.

However, its capability is not as simple. I drew the Sword of Winter and swung it through the air.


The empty space sliced by the blade began to freeze.

'It's weaker than I expected.'

But that's unavoidable. This weapon unlocks its true potential upon reaching a specific realm.

When I surpass my current level and reach the pinnacle, it will show its true power.

I sheathed the Sword of Winter and stored it in my spatial bracelet.

Checking the time, it was 8 in the morning.

Even though the Korea Hero Academy is currently on break, I should start heading to work soon.

'I can't believe I'm attending school at this age and also have a job.'

I sighed involuntarily.

After taking a deep breath, I quickly dressed in a short-sleeved hoodie and slacks and stepped outside.

enjoy! :)

damn you guys really hate yuhwa right now don't you

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