TL/Editor: looloo

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Inside a deserted factory, an oppressive atmosphere lingered, further intensified by windows shattered in various places.

In the center stood three figures.

A woman with blue hair, a man with eyes as red as blood, and another man cloaked in black fabric.

"Our plan is as follows. Any objections?"

"Interesting. I never liked that guy anyway."

"Do you ever like anyone, considering your hot-headed nature?"

"Watch your mouth, harlot. Your foul breath reeks."

The blue-haired woman disregarded the man's caustic remark, continuing, "So, I'm going after Lord Jeok Tapju, and he's your target?"


"Fine. Jeok Tapju is holding a modest party this time, and none of the guests seem noteworthy. Oh, right. I heard a rather promising student from Korea Hero Academy is attending? He's mine."

"Typical of you, falling for men."

The man scoffed audibly.

The Legion of the Sky.

A group where villains united for their mutual benefit, priding themselves on their elite numbers. Although they belonged to the same faction, internal strife was commonplace. After all, being villains, they primarily acted on whims and personal sentiments.

"So, Harun and I will strike at Jeok Tapju."

"While I create a diversion?"


"What about the spoils?"

"I've set my sights on the Heart of Jeokgui that Jeok Tapju possesses."

"I want the magical tome he holds."

"I'll claim the ring he wears."

"The one made from Bloodstone? It's just jewelry."

"You men are so clueless, dismissing such an accessory as mere jewelry."

"Enough. Let's proceed with the plan."

The man shrouded in black intervened, halting the bickering between the woman and the man.

"Oh, by the way, what about the request our leader received recently?"

"To capture the boy from that academy?"

"What are we supposed to do with the boy once we catch him? Is he that special?"

The man took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

On the paper was the name and picture of a strikingly handsome boy, as if sculpted by the gods themselves.

"Oh my, they want us to catch someone this good-looking? I want him."

"Don't get greedy. I know you're impulsive, but I trust you to know your limits. It was a direct request from Chilak."

"From Chilak himself?"


The man wrapped in cloth looked at the boy with shadowed eyes.

Truthfully, he didn't want to capture this boy, especially after hearing that Emperor Seo Yebin had taken an interest in him.

'Chilak may be a nuisance, but Seo Yebin is a handful.'

A figure who ascended from a puppeteer to an emperor.

Her stars were truly formidable. While none of them were transcendents, they were all seasoned to their utmost potential. Just two or three of them could fend off a transcendent.

The Legion of the Sky might be a formidable villainous group, but Emperor Seo Yebin alone has the capacity to obliterate the entire legion.

On the other hand, the Seven Evils have been in trouble quite often. Not too long ago, they attacked the Korea Hero Academy, targeting Seo Yebin, and as a result, were confined to the boundary once again.

If they break free from the boundary one more time, it would have truly dire consequences.

The treaty established by the once great and legendary hero would surely bind them tightly.

'I'm not sure why the leader accepted such a mission.'

If that boy potentially grows to a level surpassing Seo Yebin, it would be right to stop him now.

“Wouldn’t it be better if we try to capture the boy alive?”

“I share the same opinion as this woman.”

“Hey! Why are you calling me a woman of the night?”

“If a woman crazy about men isn't a woman of the night, then what is she? But, the Korea Hero Academy is tightly guarded right now. How do you suggest we proceed?”

“That's a problem we should worry about later.”

The deputy leader said, and the man with eyes as red as blood chuckled.

“That’s right. Your point stands. Eliminating Jeok Tapju first and then planning our next move wouldn't be an issue.”

The deputy leader replied with a bright smile.


Raei Translations


The party was a dazzling affair.

Although the Lord of the Crimson Tower had a modest demeanor, someone of his stature couldn't possibly hold a humble event.

I sipped grape juice in a quiet corner of the party with Ersil.

"Feeling better now?"

"Was I that obvious?"

"When Miss Hong Yuhwa provoked you, your face was priceless. Had it not been Lord of the Crimson Tower's birthday party, it seemed like you'd have challenged her to a duel on the spot."

Ersil's eyes widened in amusement.

"Seeing you like that was quite surprising."

"...Is that so?"

"Yes, it felt refreshing. Like discovering a new side to you."

With that, Ersil elegantly took a sip of her juice-filled wine glass.

"You seem quite interested in me."

"Well, you are a competitor, after all."

A faint blush colored Ersil’s cheeks, perhaps she was carried away by the ambiance.

I pondered about Ersil.

She's straightforward and cunning.

Initially, she wasn't the type to work hard.

Being cunning meant she often relied on luck rather than effort.

But after meeting Melanie, she witnessed a world crafted of lies, one that blurred the line between reality and fantasy. From then on, she strove to create that world.

Although she’s fundamentally a good person, on some paths she becomes corrupted, turning into an ‘Apostle of Despair’.

"Well, Ersil was bound to fall into such temptations."

I took another sip of my grape juice.

'What should I do about the Legion of the Sky?'

I contemplated the Legion of the Sky.

This villainous group, famous for its elite few, consists of top-tier thieves. They would resort to any means necessary to steal whatever they desired.

That's why they're villains.

Humans so wicked that even the Sword Queen couldn't reform them.

And tonight, they plan to assassinate the Lord of the Crimson Tower and plunder his treasures.

'The members are Parang, Harun, and the Deputy Chief.'

They form a well-balanced team: the powerful Harun, the assassination-specialized Deputy Chief, and Parang, skilled in creating chaos.

Especially, the Deputy Chief is the one mages dread the most.

An assassin who commands shadows, specialized in stealth kills.

Harun is a simple-minded berserker, while Parang is an illusionist adept in disruption.

Handling Parang should be left to Ersil. Even if she's clearly outmatched, she has Melanie by her side.

'Which means, my job is to...'

Hold off the Deputy Chief and fend off Harun.

'Given the Deputy Chief’s capabilities, he can certainly kill the Lord of the Crimson Tower.'

Despite the massive power gap between the Lord of the Crimson Tower, who's average at best among top-tier powers, and the newly-promoted Deputy Chief, the situation turned sour due to their incompatible nature.

Furthermore, the weapon the Deputy Chief possesses, the Sword of Winter, is particularly menacing.

'I wish I could get my hands on the Sword of Winter.'

It's one of the twin swords I need to become a dual-wielder.

When all the swords of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter are gathered, they form the Four Seasons Sword. This sword boasts the most formidable power in this world.

However, there was the matter of one's realm. I might be able to defeat an elite with the right conditions, but a grandmaster? That's a different story.

Even with my new intermediate-level status, I'm just starting out at this level.

Lost in these thoughts, I felt someone's gaze. I had the distinct feeling I was being watched.

When I swiftly turned my head, I was met with the piercing blue eyes of a handsome man.

He looked to be in his mid-30s, a dashing middle-aged gentleman. He observed me through his glasses.

I recognized him.

One of the titans who leads the Magic Tower.

The Master of the Crimson Magic Tower.

"We meet for the first time."

The Crimson Tower Master regarded me.

"Hello," I greeted hesitantly.


He gave me a once-over, and his eyes betrayed a hint of surprise.

"I knew the man my granddaughter has taken a liking to must be something special... But I didn't expect this."

"Ah, so Miss Hong Yuhwa has feelings for Lee Seoha?"

"Hong Yuhwa?" Ersil asked with a slight bite to her voice, which took me by surprise.

I'd never sensed any romantic feelings from Hong Yuhwa towards me.

In fact, I only understood her feelings as competitive towards me.

"...Didn't my granddaughter express fondness for you?"

The Crimson Tower Master mused aloud, "Doesn't she collect pictures of those she adores?"

His sharp intuition, a result of his sword expertise, caught onto something barely audible.

"It seems I misunderstood," he admitted softly.

"It's okay," I responded.

"You certainly have a dignified aura. Principal Seo Yebin seems to see promise in you."

"Did the principal mention me?" Ersil was visibly shocked.

"Yes, lately, she's been talking about you to every acquaintance. Made me curious who this prized pupil of hers might be."

The Crimson Tower Master leaned in, whispering a magical message only for my ears.

-But be wary. At her core, she is a puppeteer. She might just turn you into one of her toys.

With that, the Crimson Tower Master left.


Raei Translations


The Master pondered about the young man he just met.

The boy was an enigma, even to the wise Master's eyes.

Yet, certain things were evident.

His aura, presence, and the well-trained physique.

His body alone radiated energy, even through his clothes.

It resembled a finely honed legendary blade.

However, he thought, 'Is he really worth Principal Seo Yebin's high praise?'

Not that Lee Seoha lacked talent.

If at his age he's reached the intermediate level, he's a prodigy among the world's best.

She might indeed desire such a talent.

Yet, it was unprecedented for Emperor Seo Yebin to publicly declare someone as her own with such pride.

Then, it must have been due to his incredible talent.

Even the Emperor, Seo Yebin, was captivated by such talent.

Because it was far superior to her own.


Having thought up to that point, Jeok Tapju's face hardened.

A very faint surge of magic occurred. It was the kind of magic that touched the essence of his being.

It was the power of flames.



There was an explosion. It was accompanied by the soft sound of shattering glass.

"Ah! What the–!"

"Are you kidding me?! An explosion in the middle of Korea?!"

It was an ambush.

enjoy! :)

(2/3) damn another explosion

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