TL/Editor: looloo

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

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The faces of the elders bore expressions of resignation, yet within them, there was an odd sense of euphoria and hope.

"Foolish ones," someone muttered.

"They believed that the Tianma, destined to arrive someday, would lead them. They deluded themselves into thinking it would guide them to paradise, trusting every action they took as if they would be saved by the Tianma."

Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Spirit scoffed.

"Most of these fools, while claiming to ride on the back of the Tianma, behave worse than beasts. It's not worth our concern."

Heavenly Demon stood beside me.

I looked at them.

Except for the Mines, this was my first kill.

Yet, my mind was calm.

'Is it due to my talent, my dedication, the skills of the Black Heavenly Demon Sword, or the poison spirit?'

Or is it that I don't feel the weight of taking a life?

Closing my eyes briefly, I opened them to see a dazed Xiaotianma.


"Yes, yes?"

Ersil answered with a cheerful tone.

"I have a favor."

"Oh come on, between you and me, you don’t need to ask."

Ersil said, giggling.

"The villains caused quite a ruckus this time. I couldn’t greet you properly. Plus, you helped our guests. Just be ready, I'll repay this favor in a big way."

"Why would I need to brace myself to receive gratitude?"

I chuckled at Ersil's way of speaking.

After all, it's a big deal if villains caused chaos in a martial arts event organized by her family.

"And the guests?"

"No one's hurt. They were mainly targeting the warehouse, something about a Tianma's legacy."

"The legacy of the Tianma?"

"Do you need it?"

Ersil smirked as she looked at me.

"…I'll pay whatever it costs."

"Between us? No need. You helped during the martial arts event. Take a gift before you leave."

I left Xiaotianma with Ersil and turned to look at Seol Hwaryeon, who had a peculiar expression.

Seol Hwaryeon was also looking at me, lost in thought.

"Shall we talk for a bit?"


Seol Hwaryeon followed me to a secluded spot. I leaned against a pillar, lost in thought.

'Should I have been more forthcoming?'

I felt regretful for how I had acted around Seol Hwaryeon.



"You infiltrated the Korea Hero Academy, didn't you?"

Seol Hwaryeon exclaimed with excitement.

"I thought it was strange. Lee Seoha, just a student. But if it's you, it makes sense!"

She continued with enthusiasm.

"If it's you, the trials given by the Tower of Trials can be shattered in an instant. Even without magic, you can beat Park Woonhyuk in a duel!"


"So, you infiltrated. Did you have a purpose, and in the process, did you cross paths with me?"


"I knew it!"

Seol Hwaryeon smiled brightly.

Facing that spectacle, I found myself at a loss for words.


Raei Translations


Ersil Merhen captivated the audience before speaking.

"They're definitely after the legacy of the Tianma. We knew because the one named Successor was mentally weak."

The Tianma wasn’t mentally weak to that extent. Rather, it was because Ersil’s illusion magic was exceptionally advanced.

"But is this legacy really worth the villains risking their lives for? It's a bit curious."

I was able to discern the legacy of the Tianma: a black cloth resembling a handkerchief. Yet, a hint of the Demonic Qi circulated within it. I appraised it using the talent "Reading", but found nothing.


【Black Cloth (B+)】

A cloth imbued with someone's power.

It was an ordinary cloth, but due to its extraordinary user, it transformed into an artifact.

:Conceptual Stat: Spirit Against Heaven +3.

:If the possessor is a magic user, they will face significant difficulty when using magic.



It was a pleasant surprise.

Having an item that still works when stashed in a pocket was a bonus.

"You seem quite pleased."

"Yeah, the gains were bigger than expected."

"Those guys are wanted by the guild. There's a bounty on them. Should I give it all to you?"

"If you do, I'll become a target."

"That's why I'm asking now."

Ersil chuckled.

"We'll handle it on our end."

"Thanks. I'd appreciate it."

There are still many reasons why I shouldn't be known to the world. And it’s not like I’m short on money.

I headed toward the room assigned to me in Ersil’s mansion.

'Pretty decent.'

Inside, there was a virtual reality machine. As I stared at it, something seemed to come to mind.

'...Oh, right.'

I remembered there was a gathering at the Alchemy Guild today. Looking at the time, it was cutting it close. It was already 11 pm.

'I better head there quickly.'

I entered the capsule and logged in.


Raei Translations


"Did you hear? Many are attending this Alchemy conference."

"Those reclusive folks?"

"They say a very influential figure will be participating. Hence, master craftsmen with the title of 'Master Artisan' are also attending in large numbers."

The world was abuzz.

Master Artisan. A title for crafters so rare that less than 100 exist globally. Particularly in alchemy, where it’s known for its reclusiveness, barely 10 individuals have this title. And now, all of them were gathered in this virtual world.

"Never thought these unsociable guys would gather like this."

"Can't help it. Regardless of his name, his recipes are certain."

Al Magus chuckled as he spoke.

"Have you seen that outrageous recipe he proposed? It's truly absurd."

"Using toxic herbs and guiding them through a precise magic system to create an elixir. The idea is simple, but simplifying the process is far from easy... Clearly, his skills surpass ours. Show at least a hint of respect, you fool."

"Tsk, what's with you? You've become a believer in his methods?"

Al Magus sighed deeply.

Alchemists are a reclusive bunch.

Yet, they have all gathered here because of a certain rumor.

Within the virtual reality, there is a hall that can accommodate over a thousand people. Normally, this place would be empty, but now, it's overflowing with people trying to find a spot.

All because of one rumor.

There's word that a figure with an immense influence in the world of alchemy might make an appearance.

"His name was on the list, right?"

"Yes. He said he would personally lecture."

"But I still can't believe it. Veritas coming here? Even those hailed as masters can't replicate a single one of his formulas."


Zhermeng remained silent.

Truthfully, Zhermeng still couldn’t figure out what he truly wanted.


Ever since he emerged, the world of alchemy divided into two eras: before and after his formulas.

The recipes he casually threw out had such impact.

That's why alchemists were divided in their opinion of Veritas.

One was the awed response that a genius of the century had emerged.

"Veritas is the god of alchemy! He descended to the mortal realm to share with us techniques not even available in the heavenly archives!"

And the other response held him in almost religious reverence.

"Now, we will begin the Alchemy Assembly. Starting with Mr. Hain from Japan, a renowned craftsman!"

"It has begun."

The Alchemy Assembly was like an academic conference.

They would showcase the formulas they've crafted and critique each other’s work. Passing a recipe here would earn them awards and promotion, so many had a lot riding on this event.

The presentations were quite intriguing.

Many had adopted audacious methods in emulation of Veritas.

...Yet, they were soon overcome by disappointment.

"So, mixing the tongue of the equatorial lizard with three leaves from the petroleum tree..."

"When two toxins combine, there are usually two reactions. Either the toxicity increases, rendering any antidote ineffective, or they interact in unpredictable ways..."

"They're all trying so hard to be like Veritas."

"Tsk, they're all amateurs. It's good to emulate Veritas’s thinking, but why can't they even get the basics right?"

Time dragged on.

10 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour.

And then two hours passed.

This assembly was more intense than anticipated.

Perhaps because of the rumors of Veritas's attendance, many had brought out their most treasured elixirs.

But Zhermeng wasn’t pleased.

To him, all of these formulas paled in comparison to the ones Veritas had shared.

"And now, the person many of you have been eagerly waiting for has graced this assembly with his presence."

The announcer's voice quivered.

"Veritas is entering."

Click-clack, click-clack.

He stood towering at approximately 185cm, dressed in a meticulously arranged suit. Yet, in this place, outer appearances held little significance.

For instance, there's Al Magus, who, despite being male, sports an avatar of a girl.

His steps echoed with arrogance.

Yet, simultaneously, he exuded the confidence befitting of those strides.

An aura, perhaps?

He emanated a presence potent enough to ensnare one's spirit.


With a prideful lift of his chin, he surveyed his surroundings.

"An alchemy assembly? Representing alchemy with just this level?"

He made a scathing remark.

"All of you are wrong."

In his imperious tone, he dismissed the very lives of everyone here.

enjoy! :)

2/2 maybe the game world's history is split by b.v. (before veritas) instead of b.c. 💀

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