[The mock battle results between the top students of Korea Hero School and Divine Academy are in. Divine Academy was overwhelmingly defeated.]

[Cynthia, once hailed as a genius who even dared to insult the gods. How has it come to this?]

[Defeated by a single strike, America’s treasure. What sets Korea Hero School apart?]

“It’s quite a commotion.”

A man said while looking at the newspaper.

The world was in an uproar.

The clash between the brightest students from the world’s most renowned schools had ended too easily.

Just one strike.

The duel between the two students had concluded with just one strike.

The man folded the newspaper and propped his legs up on the desk.

“How’s the plan going?”

“Smoothly. It’s going so well, it’s almost surprising.”

“Of course. Since the beginning, the Goddess of Fate has sided with us.”

The beginning and the Goddess of Fate.

A deity who blessed new beginnings, and this deity has favored their side, especially the ‘terror’ in America.

As a result, they could seize the fate they desired.

“And the Seven Evils?”

“It’s impossible to get much support. At best, Vicious Abomination and Remnant Evil will participate.”

“That should be sufficient. With Vicious Abomination, on par with The Overlord, and Remnant Evil, comparable to Celestial.”

The man shifted his gaze.

Above the sky.

There floated an island.

Sky Island.

Atop it, a pure white temple stood. The White God Temple. A sanctuary where a hundred gods resided. The gods who have ruled over America for the past 50 years were gathered there.

The man smiled faintly.

Finally, they could retaliate against those damned gods.

“What about the Nazis?”

“They’re ready. The Nazis harbor a lot of resentment against America.”

“Indeed. Every time they attempted to cause an incident, the priests of the White God Temple would go berserk and thwart them.”

The man closed his eyes.

“Is the team battle tomorrow?”


“It’ll be a great day for a festival. After all, a festival needs sacrifices.”

If the futures of Divine Academy and Korea Hero School were to be sacrificed, it would be satisfactory.

For the extraterrestrial beings they worshiped.

Heavenly Demon.

An existence that once dyed the sky with its demonic nature.

A transcendent being who dominated an era, yet only ruled for a single era.

A transcendent being who achieved enlightenment, shed its race, and inscribed its own laws in the universe, yet had an insignificant lifespan.

It could live for hundreds of years, or even a thousand years, if it wished.

Thus, the life of the Heavenly Demon was filled with questions.

Why did it only dominate one era? Why didn’t it exterminate the orthodox factions? Why did it leave the unorthodox alive?

Many gossiped and speculated.

But no facts were revealed.

It’s assumed that the ominous power that denied everything she had, prevented her from continuing her life.

I, too, thought the same.

Perhaps the power of Defying Heaven even shattered the vessel known as the Heavenly Demon…

-…I don’t want to interpret any further.


-It’s just praise for the Heavenly Demon and questions about why she abandoned herself. To put it simply, it’s completely mad from the middle onwards.

“Is that so?”

Was that how it was?

I looked around. There were stone walls reminiscent of ancient structures.

This place was where the legacy of the Heavenly Demon once lay dormant.

Sung Han-byul used her talent to read memories from Mine. This was the place.

Since it was nearby, I came here hoping there might still be something left.

‘There was some gain.’

I turned my gaze. In the center of the cave, I found a statue of a woman resembling the Heavenly Demon.

It was very familiar to me.

‘Black Heaven.’

The statue of the Heavenly Demon looked like her. No, it was identical.

I decided to investigate the area further.

Thinking there might be something else of the Heavenly Demon’s legacy.

‘Honestly, it can’t just be a pair of handcuffs.’

I activated Divine Sight and looked around, but there wasn’t much to see. Just as I was about to give up due to the scarcity of findings, I sensed a faint trace of the Energy of Defying Heaven.

Extremely faint.

So faint, in fact, that I wouldn’t have noticed it without my Conceptual Stat. It felt like a remnant, as if it had lingered for a while before moving on. The source was deeper inside the cave.


“Just a moment.”

I moved towards the wall where I had felt the remnants.

When I knocked on the wall, it sounded hollow.

I gathered the Energy of Defying Heaven and released it.


The wall crumbled, revealing a passage. The remnants of the Energy of Defying Heaven grew stronger.

-There was such a place.


Eternal Heaven and I entered. Passing through the passage, we arrived at a space resembling an altar. In the center, there was a dark-colored box.

A strong Energy of Defying Heaven emanated from inside it.

-To think such a place was left behind. Or rather, it seems like the dimensions have overlapped and mixed?


I approached the box. It appeared to be just a luxurious box. I placed my hand on it and absorbed the Energy of Defying Heaven.

[Your Conceptual Stat Energy of Defying Heaven has increased by 5!]

[Your Conceptual Stat Energy of Defying Heaven has reached 50. A new function is unlocked. The Seal of Absorption (吸).]


The Black Essence in my heart began to stir. It greedily absorbed the Energy of Defying Heaven, expanding significantly.

‘…Is this risky?’

The Black Essence absorbed more Energy of Defying Heaven than it could handle, overwhelming it.

The density and volume seemed to increase after surpassing 50. A characteristic of the Conceptual Stat. One Conceptual Stat is at least three times more powerful than a special stat.


I dispersed the overflowing Energy of Defying Heaven throughout my body’s energy channels. This method maintains the total amount of Energy of Defying Heaven, but there’s a risk of conflict with the mystery and power I would gain in the future.

‘Do I need to grow it quickly?’

There must be a way with Black Heaven. After stabilizing the Black Essence, I turned my attention.

And checked the notification.

“The Seal of Absorption?”

I think I roughly understood the principle. The power gained at 30 was retrieval.

Having obtained that, I became able to immediately recover the Energy of Defying Heaven. Thanks to this, my combat endurance has increased tremendously.

I roughly guessed the function of the Seal of Absorption.

But the Energy of Defying Heaven was hard to come by, absorption, huh.

It was ambiguous.

While thinking about this, I sensed the Energy of Defying Heaven.

‘1+2, perhaps?’

This is quite a bounty.

As I thought this, the Energy of Defying Heaven shaped itself into a form.

A dragon-shaped entity. A black dragon made of the Energy of Defying Heaven appeared. Its yellow eyes focused on me.

-You are…

-Seo-ha, run away quickly!

Eternal Heaven urgently shouted. Simultaneously, the dragon-shaped being’s eyes flashed.

-A despicable descendant of the Heavenly Demon!

The opponent spoke with a murderous voice. At the same time, it opened its mouth and charged at me.

Suddenly, I remembered what Eternal Heaven and Black Heaven had mentioned.

The Heavenly Demon had divided her power into 25 parts, and there were beings guarding them. And they might not be friendly towards me.

I drew Black Heaven.

Using the subtlety of the Soul Absorbing Sword Technique, I deflected the dragon’s charge.

[Your Conceptual Stat Energy of Defying Heaven increases by 3.]


The dragon shrank in size.

The problem was that a massive amount of Energy of Defying Heaven had entered the Black Essence. I quickly released it.

[Your Conceptual Stat Energy of Defying Heaven decreases by 3.]


-What is this…?

In a brief lull, I listened. I communicated with Eternal Heaven through Nyeom.

‘Eternal Heaven. Can you absorb the Energy of Defying Heaven?’

-Huh? Yes, I can.

‘Then try consuming this.’

I directed the Energy of Defying Heaven towards Eternal Heaven.

-Err, wait, this density and volume are too much…!

The Seal of Absorption.

I mastered its use. By harmonizing my body with Black God Martial Arts, my leg muscles expanded, and I leaped in an instant.


I merged Black Heaven with the White Rouge and extended my hand. A smooth vinyl brushed against my palm.

I activated the Seal of Absorption.

[Your Conceptual Stat Energy of Defying Heaven increases by 3.]

[Your Conceptual Stat Energy of Defying Heaven increases by 4.]

[Your Conceptual Stat Energy of Defying Heaven increases by 2.]

The black dragon significantly diminished in size.

-Impossible! How can such an absurd event occur! A mere novice, with just a moderate hit, manipulates the Energy of Defying Heaven better than the Heavenly Demon?!

Shock overwhelmed the black dragon.

I funneled the remaining Energy of Defying Heaven into Black Heaven. Woosh! The Energy of Defying Heaven spiraled into the Black Heavenly Demon Sword.

The black energy formed a sharp blade.


An unpleasant sensation tingled in my hand as I cleaved the black dragon in half. It was less significant than anticipated. The power I felt should have been more substantial.

-…I curse you. You will face the most fatal destiny at the most critical moment.

A chilling voice. The gravity of its accumulated stature in life was vast; even its spoken words carried a potent force.

A black sphere materialized.


-That’s dangerous!

Eternal Heaven exclaimed. I knew. It was dangerous. The intuition of the Sword Demon signaled a warning.

As if all previous threats paled in comparison.

“…Sorry, but did you forget that I’m immune to curses?”

-Kehehe. A descendant of the Heavenly Demon, still clumsy. I know you’re afraid right now. And the power that sacrifices rank is close to a mystery. These are just words for now, but in the future, they will hold you back.

The black dragon communicated with me through thought energy, its Nyeom quivering with what seemed like pleasure.

The Energy of Defying Heaven doesn’t take effect properly. I took out the Black Eek. It wrapped around me like a barrier.

-Hehe, try struggling.

Ignoring the black dragon’s words, I closed my eyes.

[The proficiency of 'Inscrutable Talent (A-)' increases.]

[The proficiency of 'Advanced Heroic Spirit Power Enhancement (B)' increases.]

I didn’t need vision now. I sharpened my senses.

I felt the spirit energies around me.

[The proficiency of 'Midas' Hand (A)' increases.]

I finely tuned and controlled the spirit energies. Then, I broke down the Seal of Absorption into pieces. I looked at the curse with Divine Sight.

Seeing (見).

The curse made up of ranks.

Eyes that watched the bright dawn showed me the flow. But it wasn’t enough. I needed more. Something else to add here.

Inscrutable Talent is extremely activated. I felt something mystical, a power different from before, similar to a mystery.

‘Is this its rank?’

Right now, I felt an insurmountable wall too high to even look up to.

Forced down by something.

Intending to damage my existence with malice.

As the black dragon said, this was a power that would interfere with my destiny, acting most fatally at the most crucial moment.

It would strangle my life like a deadly poison.

‘It’s definitely going to be tough.’

Smiling bitterly, I tuned the Energy of Defying Heaven with Midas’ Hand. I activated Nyeom to the extreme. My head was spinning.

Biting my lips forcibly, I focused my mind.

‘Not bad.’

Forcing a smile, I operated the Seal of Absorption. Think the opposite. Let’s absorb this rank right now.


The Black Essence nestled in my heart stirred. While operating the Seal of Absorption, I directed the curse towards my heart.

If I’m wrong, it’ll act fatally, just as the black dragon warned. I might even die.

Simultaneously, I experienced a peculiar intuition.

A gamer’s sense? Or perhaps something honed from playing Epic World? I’m uncertain what to label it.

Something more profound whispered to me.

I can do it.

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