I Became The Chief of A Primitive Village

Chapter 63: Application of Shaman Technique and Farming

Yan Hua acted as if it was very simple, saying, “Just find a place and stick these slips into the ground.”

[As I thought, I shouldn’t have had such high expectations…] Su Bai’s eye twitched.

Without tilling the soil, the sweet potatoes would not be able to grow very large. Their survival rate was also questionable.

Seeing the Shaman’s stiff expression, Yan Hua blinked her red eyes and asked in a clear voice, “Is that not how it’s done?”

“Farming requires Technique.” Su Bai sighed. [For people in primitive society, gathering food is how they obtain food. Farming is completely new to them. Seems like this requires some guidance.]

“Then how do we plant?” Yan Hua patiently asked for instruction.

“Follow me,” Su Bai stood up, taking a few small sweet potatoes and walking towards the Teepee door flap.

The cow horned girl and fox eared girl curiously followed behind.

Su Bai left the Teepee, his gaze passing over the Tribe members twisting threads. He began looking for a suitable place to cultivate farmland within the Tribe.

As for the idea of cultivating outside the Tribe, it was discarded as soon as it appeared in his mind. He would not be able to feel at ease if the sweet potatoes were not grown under his watchful eye.

These sweet potatoes were to be kept as seedlings. If something unexpected happened, who knows how long it would take for the next Assistance Package to produce sweet potatoes?

Moreover, sweet potatoes would be needed to raise livestock in the future. Raising livestock requires a fixed food source.

“This place is good. Let’s use this area,” Su Bai quickly found a suitable location.

It was near the toilet and bathing area, which would be convenient for watering and fertilizing.

He led the two women to the area near the toilet and instructed, “Dig up and loosen all this soil and pile it up.”

“Okay,” Yan Hua did not say anything else. She just found a piece of wood, sharpened it, and began digging the soil.

[We lack farming tools…] Su Bai watched the cow horned girl’s laborious efforts, somewhat missing iron hoes and shovels from Earth.

It was too late to ask Shan Qiu to carve stone hoes now. The sweet potato slips needed to be planted quickly. Otherwise, in the current weather, they would wither in just a few hours.

The cow horned girl loosened the soil, while the fox eared girl was responsible for piling it up.

Yu Ying’s small face was dirty as she looked up and asked, “Shaman, is the soil piled high enough?”

“That’s enough,” Su Bai looked at the small mound of soil and instructed, “No need to pile it into a single mound. All the soil can be connected and piled up in lines.”

“Okay!” Yu Ying was full of enthusiasm, or rather, she was having fun.

Half an hour later…

*Huuuu huuuuu…* Yan Hua continued digging the soil, feeling her lungs becoming a bit tight.

[Now is a good time to practise the Blessing Shaman Technique] Su Bai saw the panting cow horned girl and his eyes lit up. He thought of the Strength Enhancement Technique he had practised last night.

He stepped forward, coming in front of the cow horned girl. His black eyes were staring directly at her.

“What, what is it?” Yan Hua felt uncomfortable being stared at, her cheeks flushing red, especially when meeting Su Bai’s deep black eyes. She felt as if her mind was being drawn in.

She stared blankly, slightly murmuring, “Your eyes are so beautiful, like a night sky full of stars.”

[Blessing Shaman – Strength Enhancement Technique,] Su Bai took three seconds to form the Shaman Rune, which was why he had been staring.

His hands emitted a crystalline red light, which he patted onto the horned girl’s shoulder. The red light quickly entered Yan Hua’s body, and her entire body emitting a faint red glow.

“Oh!?” Yan Hua came to her senses, feeling her whole body full of strength. She felt as if she could kill a Ferocious Beast with one punch.

“It actually worked.” Su Bai was very satisfied. He had finally learned a Blessing Shaman Technique. Doing it a few more times, he could shorten the time to form the Shaman Runes.

“Shaman, you actually used a Shaman Technique on me?” Yan Hua immediately understood what had happened.

She looked at the Shaman with emotion, thinking, [He must have seen how hard I was working and used the Shaman Technique for my sake.]

“Alright, I’ve enhanced you with the Strength Enhancement Technique,” Su Bai said with a smile, “You should be able to dig faster now, the sweet potato slips are about to wither.”

“…” Yan Hua blinked her red eyes, wondering if she had heard wrong. [So, he used the Shaman Technique on me because he thought I was digging too slowly?]

*Hmph!* She puffed her cheeks and gave a light snort, digging even faster. She vigorously poked at the soil with the wooden stick in dissatisfaction.

“Uh…” Su Bai looked bewilderedly at the cow horned girl. [Wasn’t everything fine just now? Why does she suddenly seem to hold a grudge against the soil?]

He shook his head and came to the fox eared girl, practising the Strength Enhancement Technique and enhancing Yu Ying with it as well.

Yu Ying had been watching the interaction between the Shaman and Yan Hua, so when Su Bai stared at her, she did not have any misunderstandings. She just lowered her head shyly. After being enhanced with the Shaman Technique, she piled up the soil even faster.

Five minutes later.

The faint red glow on Yan Hua and Yu Ying’s bodies disappeared, and their movements slowed down.

“The duration of the Strength Enhancement Technique is only about five minutes,” Su Bai had been observing the two women, silently counting the seconds in his mind.

He asked in a gentle voice, “Do you feel very tired after the Shaman Technique wears off? Or do you feel weak?”

“I’m not tired, but I do feel a little weak,” Yan Hua said in a clear voice, her face breaking into a smile. [The Shaman does care about us after all.]

“What about you, Xiao Yu? Do you feel weak?” Su Bai turned to ask.

Yu Ying thought carefully and said in a soft voice, “No, it’s just like going back to how I was before.”

“That’s good,” Su Bai now knew the specific effects of the Strength Enhancement Technique. It lasted five minutes, roughly doubling the target’s strength, and had no other side effects.

The cow horned girl feeling weak was just an illusion produced by suddenly becoming stronger and then returning back to normal. In reality, she had just returned to her original state, without the doubled strength.

“I’ll enhance you with the Shaman Technique again,” Su Bai once more performed the Blessing Shaman Technique, forming it faster than the previous two times.

Yan Hua and Yu Ying looked at each other, feeling as if Shaman Techniques were a commodity, to be used whenever.

In their minds before, Shaman Techniques were very mysterious and precious. They were hardly casted. Now, their understanding of Shaman Techniques has been completely shattered.

If someone had told them before that a Shaman could use Shaman Techniques on people digging soil, just to speed up the digging, they would not have believed it even if beaten to death.

Now, they had no choice but to believe it. Right before their eyes was a Shaman casually using Shaman Techniques like it was nothing.

Su Bai looked at the two dazed women and urged, “Don’t just stand there, the Shaman Technique’s effects are going to run out…”

He had run out of Shaman Power, having used up his Mental Energy to cast the Technique.

“Oh~~” Yan Hua and Yu Ying responded with a drawn-out sound, once again digging and piling soil.

“In this world, I’m probably the only one who would use Shaman Techniques like this…” Su Bai said with a smile, watching the fox eared girl and cow horned girl with their raised buttocks.

He discovered that the Blessing Shaman Technique and the Healing Shaman Technique consumed different amounts of Shaman Power.


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