[Let’s make a contract.]

It wasn’t exactly a trade, but I suggested a contract to Yoon Iseon.

[If you provide the location, I’ll eliminate Duoexini. The other students on the island will be arriving soon, and I don’t have much time. I’ll come to you later with the details.]


[What do you say? Will you enter into a contract?]

It might have sounded like a devil’s whisper, but in reality, it was an offer to eliminate the Duoexini.

“If we do this, can we defeat the villain known as Duoexini?”

[I will ensure his removal. I can’t just leave someone who causes such chaos and boasts about reappearing a month later.]

Even organizations with ties to Pandemonium would likely want to sever connections with a figure like Duoexini after causing such turmoil.

[When you enter into a contract with me, you must uphold only two conditions. One is to keep our contract a secret. And…]

“Regarding The Golden Priestess, I don’t know anything.”

[Good to see we’re in agreement.]

I held out my fist to Yoon Iseon, and she cautiously tapped it with hers.

[The contract is sealed. Tomorrow, at 10 PM, I’ll come to your room.]

“My, my room…?”

[Leave the window open. That’s how I’ll enter.]

“It’s, it’s dangerous…”

[You don’t have to worry about that.]

No one on Sejong Island could detect my presence.

And even if they could, there are those who would look the other way, depending on the circumstances.

[See you later.]

I mounted my bike and rode away from the area.

Along the way, I nonchalantly passed by a couple of white-haired Zenros and steered my bike toward Sejong Island, heading out to sea.

“Hey, that way!”


I drove the bike off a cliff, plummeting straight down.

I continued forward due to inertia, avoiding the cliff, until I was just above the undulating sea.


I maneuvered the bike, diving downward with all the remaining magical power.

Turning west, I engaged stealth mode and faded from view along with the bike.

‘Really impressive.’

Not only was I impressed, but the fact that the bike could also be phased and hidden was remarkable.

Although the Chief had been directly involved in its development, it was even more extraordinary and cooler than I had expected.

Moreover, it had remained intact even after a head-on attack by an S-grade demon wrapped in mana. It was the perfect bike for a rider.


I turned back towards the land.

How long had I ridden?

Ten minutes?

It hadn’t taken long.

I returned towards the island, propelling the bike upwards with magic power, and slowly descended over the familiar pension.


It was like a helicopter landing, stirring the air, but no one paid any attention.

After all, this pension was currently booked by me, and no one else was there…

“Ex-girlfriend, what do you mean by that?”

“Just what I said. I’m the ex-girlfriend. Though we didn’t part on bad terms, so technically, I could still be considered a girlfriend, right?”

“Huh. I see. But do you know the Goblin is married?”


“Are you calling yourself an ex-girlfriend because the Goblin’s wife took him away from you?”

“You, you’re insolent?”

Hearing the quarreling voices inside, I placed my hand back on the bike.

Entering now seemed like it would be bothersome, but I saw Brewer in the kitchen, holding a cup alone.


She casually sipped something that resembled a sweet rice drink, but her fingers gripping the cup were trembling slightly.

She probably hoped for someone to come in and resolve the situation, and naturally, there was only one person who could do that.

[Transformation cancel.]

I canceled my transformation.

I would appear outside as a naked man, but that wasn’t really a problem.

“What are you doing inside the pension?”

The sliding door creaked.

As I stepped through the veranda door, the gazes of Yumir and Doul, who had moved closer to each other, turned toward me.


Brewer choked and spat out her sweet rice drink as I entered the room, closed the veranda door, and headed straight for the wardrobe.

“Why start fighting as soon as you meet?”

“That, teacher?”


“Well, uh, suddenly appearing in that state?”

“Is it okay?”

“…… It’s pleasing to the eyes but a bit surprising.”

Yumir coughed and stepped back.

Doul, who was getting heated up…


With a strange sound, she collapsed backward onto the sofa.


Blood began to flow from Doul’s nose as she lay on the sofa. I grabbed a white gown from the wardrobe to put on temporarily, and Yumir looked flustered, unsure of what to do.

“This is like something out of a comic…!”

“Don’t mind her too much. She fainted from seeing something too good. Yumir, you’re used to it, so it’s nothing special.”

“No, it’s not that I’m unimpressed….”

Yumir licked her lips, scanning my gown from top to bottom.

“That, are you sweaty because you just came in… There’s definitely a bit of a feel….”

“I’ve been quite busy moving around.”

“Speaking so openly.”

“Since Baek Seol-hee is not here.”

Only people from the Secret Society and Yumir the Golden Priestess were in here.

There was no reason to hide that I was the Goblin.

I had already shown them everything, and this wasn’t the place for Yumir and me to joke around about Do Ji-hwan and Goblin.

“Yumir. For now, you need to go back to where you belong.”

“The dormitory?”

“Yes. People will be arriving soon, and I’ve spoken with Yoon Iseon. She will help hide your identity.”

“Ah, that’s a relief….”

“The problem is the other one.”

I pulled out a tablet PC from the table and showed her the face of a woman.

“Eunhae Young, be careful with this woman.”

“The possibility that she discovered my identity-”

“It’s not there. I checked before I came.”


“Of course. I’m not that careless.”

With one member of the group of five missing, I naturally checked where the remaining one was.

“She’s probably still holed up in the ladies’ room, so just coordinate well with Yoon Iseon.”

“Got it. Then…”

“And one more thing.”

I stood up and approached Yumir, grasping her shoulders with both hands.

“From now on, you need to think as ‘Yumir.’ Set aside all thoughts of being the Golden Priestess. You’ve done your best and everything you could.”


“People will say all sorts of things about the Golden Priestess. There will be those who are kind, but most will spew malice. Whether it’s envy, anger, slander, or extortion.”


Yumir still didn’t know.

About the witch hunt on the internet.

She had never experienced being the target of those who expose everything about a person once an issue arises.

I had shown her a glimpse of that before, but that was nothing compared to the barrage of criticism that would be aimed at the Golden Priestess.

“Yumir. If you want to let something out, if something is building up, come to me. I’ll listen to all your worries and help you release everything.”

“Is that how you persuade me?”

“Before being a member of the Secret Society, this is a person-to-person conversation.”

“You say that, but you actually want me to join the Secret Society, don’t you?”

“There’s a bit of truth to that.”

I couldn’t sugarcoat it in front of Yumir.

“Sigh. All right. I’ll keep that in mind. As you said, whatever nonsense others say about the Golden Priestess, I’ll let it go in one ear and out the other, and if it builds up, I’ll come to complain to you.”

“Good. Always come. Even if I’m in the middle of counseling someone else, I’ll listen to your story.”

“That counseling doesn’t sound like counseling.”

Yumir glanced at Doul and then looked at me seriously.

“Teacher. Apart from your wife, everyone’s the same, right?”

“…For now.”

“Then that’s enough. I thought you had multiple wives. Hmph.”

Yumir laughed and tapped my hand on her shoulder, and I stepped back from her.

“I’ll be back soon. If the practice session in Ulleungdo fails and I end up staying, I’ll talk to the student council president and come straight here.”

“Regarding teleporting—”

“I don’t know what’s at the teleport destination, so I’ll appear at a safe distance and then move according to the situation. Is that okay?”

“Yes. That will do.”

Yumir then opened the veranda window and leaped out immediately.


It seemed like a commotion had just occurred, but I sat down on the sofa, feeling both relieved and exhausted.


“Should I bring a drink?”

“Anything, as long as it’s cold.”

Brewer brought me iced tea, which I gulped down.

“…Ugh. Man, I really traveled a lot back and forth today.”

I must have covered almost 1000 km.

Even though I was on a bike, there were frequent battles along the way.

“Doul. Get up.”


“…Get up, Hyeon Se-rin.”


Doul, or Hyeon Se-rin, slyly opened her eyes.

“How was it?”

“Too much manga, I guess.”

“But you stepped back at the right moment. You really got cooked thoroughly, didn’t you? What did you use to fall so deeply?”

“This, this, this.”

She pointed to my face with her index finger.

To my chest with her thumb.

And then her hand moved lower.

“Admit it.”

Hyeon Se-rin readily admitted.

“So tell me. Duoexini, what is that guy?”

“One of Pandemonium’s Seven Deadly Sins.”

“…One of those arrogant ones? That guy? No, there wasn’t such a crazy one, right? We destroyed them all.”

“He’s one of the newly emerged Seven Deadly Sins.”

Human experimentation.

DNA manipulation.

“The guy considers himself a demon. He maintains his sanity after becoming a demon… through nationalistic fervor.”

“He resists being consumed by evil by embracing a more insane evil as his own? Crazy.”

“He aims to turn everything non-Korean into demons, to eliminate everything non-Korean.”

“…Crazier than I thought.”

“He implants demons into his body to study them.”

I knew this from fighting him.

He died countless times.

“I thought he was just a mad minion of Pandemonium, but then I realized after he created the 72 demons, that this was not the case.”

His death was merely the planting of demon seeds within his body; Duoexini had never truly died.

“I thought he was just a nationalistic lunatic, but it turns out he’s more significant than I initially believed.”


“The fact that he’s absent from the Secret Society’s intelligence files is telling. When you think about it, the only possible culprits are them, right? The Seven Deadly Sins who have transcended humanity, forsaken their human nature, becoming something else entirely.”

The unfortunate executives who were only briefly mentioned by the original author in the first part but never actually appeared due to a meteor collision.

“Duoexini is not human.”

The conflict between heroes and villains within the nation was escalating to a grander scale, unveiling the origins of special abilities, the protagonist’s true nature, and various narrative threads intended for the second part.

“He might be an extraterrestrial.”


Beneath Sejong Island.

“An alien demon who immersed itself in Korean culture, ending up with kimchi soup for blood instead of a human’s. Or perhaps it possessed a Korean.”

A beast born from a fallen meteor.

“In other words, an alien consumed by nationalistic zeal.”

Once more.

“We call it a demon.”

This world was steeped in nationalistic fantasy.

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