Chapter 53: New Knowledge

Returning to my room, I let out a sigh, stretching my tensed muscles. I had exerted quite a bit, thanks to the apprentices of the Grand Mage.

[Youve worked hard.]

Dark Sage appears, thinking its finally time for a conversation. I had glared at her several times to stay still, so she had avoided talking altogether.

I sneak a peek at her, then start to remove my jacket.

When Eleanor was asleep, did you see anything?

To my question, Dark Sage firmly shakes her head.

[Not at all. Do you really think theres an evil spirit inside? The more I see, the more I feel thats not the case.]


Seeing me stay silent, she subtly moves closer, mimicking an offer to hold my jacket for me. Of course, she cant physically hold it, so I hang it on the coat rack, disregarding her gesture.

Seemingly miffed, she crosses her arms and poses a counter-question.

[And you? In this domain, youre more of an expert than I am, arent you?]

I know.

That she didnt see anything.

Still, I had to ask.


I, too, didnt see anything.

No presence of any evil spirit or monster I didnt feel any energy whatsoever. I had suggested to the princess that maybe if she slept I might see something.

Yet I saw nothing, which left me a bit perplexed.


Seated on the chair, I crossed my legs, but soon stood up again, yearning for a sip of coffee or tea. The room was equipped with essentials for me: tea leaves, coffee beans, a grinder, and a teapot.

Normally, Id boil tea, but tonight, given that Id likely pull an all-nighter, I started grinding coffee beans.

*Whirr, whirr.*

As I turned the hand grip, the rich aroma of coffee playfully teased my nose.

Suddenly, I thought of Finden Ai.

I had once told her not to touch the tea leaves as when she prepared the tea, it tasted like pigs urine. But after that, she seemed to have developed a taste for brewing and kept bringing me more without my asking.

All of them tasted atrociously bad. Honestly, it was mostly lukewarm water.

I bet shes doing well right now.

She might be tackling a highly challenging dungeon, but it was the combination of Aria and Finden Ai. Given their prowess in close combat, possibly the best, my trust in them was absolute.

Yes, all I need to do is perform well here.

To roam the kingdom proudly as a necromancer, I need to resolve this matter.

After brewing the coffee, I sat back down on the chair. Dark Sage was gazing at me, seemingly irritated.

[Since you also didnt see anything, dont you think its not related to evil spirits? I heard the saintess also failed, so it seems like its not a spiritual issue but something else.]


[No, is the princess even truly having nightmares in the first place? Isnt she just mentally ill? Maybe delusional?]

... Is there a way to enter someones dream?

I too had felt something was amiss, and thus, wanted to dive into the dream myself.

To that, Dark Sage replied with a peculiar expression.

[Is it even possible? Even if some sort of soul-to-soul connection is feasible, entering dreams might be impossible. We dont even understand the nature of dreams in the first place.]

Hmm, youre right.

As I firmly shut my mouth, deep in thought, Dark Sage, after observing me for a moment, proposed with a hint of pity.

[Lets run away at dawn.]


Her sudden statement seemed out of place, but she was dead serious.

[This isnt something we can handle. Its not our expertise to begin with. So, lets run away. After all, its normal for a dark mage to flee.]


Such needless words and worries. I sip my coffee, not even deeming it worthy of a response.

Considering it was brewed by an amateur like me, the flavor and aroma were rather impressive, probably due to the good ingredients.

[You shouldnt be so nonchalant like this.]

Just as I decided to remain silent, preparing to address all matters in one go, the door swung open, admitting two figures.

It was King Orpheus and the Grand Mage Rockfelican.

Normally, it would be customary for me to seek them out. But currently, I was essentially a prisoner. Given that I had defeated the Chief Magistrate, I was considered highly dangerous, and they seemed to prefer keeping me in this prison-like place.

Honestly, it was more comfortable for me, so I didnt mind.

So, any updates?

King Orpheus immediately asked about my progress. A faint glimmer of hope shone in his eyes.

And so, I answered him candidly.

Its not related to evil spirits. Just as the saintess failed, my necromancy hasnt been able to identify the entity appearing in the princesss dreams.


[Are, are, are you out of your mind?!]

Thats how disappointed King Orpheus and startled Dark Sage reacted.

The implication of failing a trial is linked back to the execution, which probably explains their reactions.

However, I continued without pause.

But a solution is possible.

A solution is... possible?



The king, the Grand Mage, and Dark Sage all turned to look at me simultaneously. Explaining everything all at once turned out to be quite convenient.

While its impossible to verify what the entity is, isnt the dream itself the main issue for the princess?


We simply need to eliminate that dream.

Its not a complete solution.

There may be a parasite within the princess that could lead us into a maze of problems. But resolving the issue at hand was possible.

Is that feasible?

In response to King Orpheuss inquiry, I calmly replied. Composure instills trust in the listener.

Yes, its possible. There are entities in this world distinct from magical beastsones formed from spiritual concepts.

Spiritual concepts?

Its an exceedingly rare concept; you may not be familiar with it. Nonetheless, thats what I plan to use.

The In-gol-Chung created by Marks and the angel formed from the wishes of the Setima girl was of this exact nature.

Just as the grudges of evil spirits activate mana in place of a physical body, phantoms or thought-forms can also become tangible through accumulated desires.

The being I aim to create is known as Mack, a creature that consumes nightmares.

Ive mentioned this unique creature before: its nose resembles that of an elephant, its body that of a bear, its tail that of an ox, and it has tigers claws. Ive heard it referred to as Baku in Japan.

As King Orpheus seemed lost in the conversation, Grand Mage Rockfelican interjected.

So, you intend to create something based solely on a concept? Thats the realm of creation. No matter how you frame it as magic, its impossible.

Hes right.

What I aimed to do essentially resided in the realm of creation.

While the In-gol-Chung and Setimas angel were concepts solidified by many, Mack existed only in my understanding.

While its challenging, its not impossible. With the backing of the royal family and the aid of the Grand Mage, we can achieve it.

It was indeed a shot in the dark. But Id witnessed a successful attempt in the underground chambers of Verdi mansion.

Moreover, here, we had access to more skilled mages, superior facilities, and ample resources.


I possessed an artifact called the Lemegeton - a ridiculously powerful item.

We dont need to create a perfect being. If we can harness it just once, thats enough.

I wasnt aiming to craft a flawless weapon like In-gol-Chung but rather a single-use being that consumes nightmares.

Both of them seemed skeptical, dealing with such an undefined concept.

But I asserted firmly,

Its to save the princess of this nation who has suffered for years. Doctors? Priests? Even the saintess and me, a necromancer, have failed.

I gaze at King Orpheus.

His clenched fists already indicate his resolve to save his sister. So, I added fuel to the fire.

Thats the magnitude of the challenge. We must confront the impossible head-on.

* * *

Since yesterday, the plan has progressed rapidly.

Following the kings directive ready to do anything to save his sister on the surface, the research began centered around the Grand Mage. However, in reality, I would be leading the initiative.

After all, I was the only one with knowledge and understanding of the being named Mack.

After changing my clothes and stepping outside, the Grand Mages disciples were still waiting for me, clearly irritated.

To travel anywhere, I had to have these two by my side.

It was undeniably inconvenient, but it couldnt be helped.

As I walked with these thoughts, Princess Eleanor suddenly appeared from around a corner.

Seeing the princess, both the disciples and I promptly paid our respects. Eleanor, with a hint of awkwardness, cleared her throat and spoke.

Deus, is this reality?

Napoleon Bonaparte. Originally a soldier in France, he became Emperor through the coup of the 18th Brumaire.

Having prepared the character in advance, I smoothly relayed the information. Eleanor, listening blankly, tilted her head in confusion.

France? Napoleon? Am I the only one not aware?

When I shrugged my shoulders, she asked the two disciples beside me, and they too shook their heads in discomfort.

We... Were also unfamiliar.

Its the first time weve heard of it. ƒrē

Hmm, interesting.

The princess nodded, looking somewhat relieved, and walked past us. She probably thought it was a simple story I had crafted within me.

Yet, after that, Princess Eleanor kept seeking me out on a whim.

Even during meal times.

De, Deus? I think I just dozed off for a moment. Is... is this reality?

There was a website full of videos called YouTube. I used to frequent it quite often.

You, what? Vid... what are you talking about?

Even while conducting research.

Deus! Is this reality?

Theres a theory called the Theory of Relativity, posited by Albert Einstein. Its a vital concept that explains the fundamental laws of the universe.

...I really have no idea what youre talking about.

And as evening approached, on my way back to the room-

Is this reality, Deus?

...Theres something called a cell phone. Its a versatile device that can take photos, send texts, and make calls.

Hm, quite the peculiar object.

Eleanor nodded with satisfaction.

As she was about to turn away, I called out to her.

Princess, do you simply find pleasure in listening to these tales?


Eleanor responded in alarm, fluttering her hands about. Her face turned a bright shade of red.

I-Its not like that! I genuinely need to verify if this is reality!

Although she said this, her embarrassed demeanor made me think I had some insight into why she acted the way she did.

Meeting me and briefly discerning reality probably brought her relief from her ongoing stresses.

As if addicted to that sensation, she kept seeking me out.

I, I, Ill excuse myself!


Watching her swiftly turn and leave, I couldnt help but think Id be dealing with this quite often.

--- End of The Chapter ---

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