I Became The Academy Necromancer

Chapter 34: Battle of Academy (1)

Chapter 34: Battle of Academy (1)

I had always held the belief that love was a truly noble emotion.

Throughout my journey, I had crossed countless paths, encountered diverse individuals, and been privy to their unique stories. Love, amidst it all, emerged as a recurring character, always making its presence known.

I thought it was still a distant tale for me.

While I innocently bestowed my blessings upon and envied the love of others, deep down, I held the belief that such emotions would never grace my own life.

However, after meeting a professor who perfectly embodied the word 'coldness', I was able to understand that emotion.

Afterward, I fought alongside him to save the continent.

We overcame numerous challenges and hardships. We grew, felt sadness and anger, and eventually reached the end.

But I was defeated

"If there is a next time for you, then"

In the end, what was the professor trying to say to me?

You know what

Truth be told, I regretted it at that moment.

'I couldn't properly express this feeling to you.'

With the absence of just one person, my heart shattered like fragile glass, scattering into irreparable fragments.

And so, the world came to an end.

All that remained was a tinge of regret from a young girl.

That was the end of the worldor so I thought. However...

I found myself seven months before my own demise.

As my parents reveled in their joy at my enrollment into the esteemed Robern Academy, I couldn't help but feel a different emotion blossoming within me.

Once again, I had the chance to reunite with Professor Deus.

How long has it been?

My life had turned unbearably bleak after his passing.

In the grand scheme of starting anew, the opportunity to meet the professor once again was something I cherished even more than my own survival.

Honestly, I yearned to see him immediately, but I restrained myself, enduring the wait for the sake of my ultimate goal.

It was akin to sowing seeds and reaping the harvest.

And now

Finally, the moment I had been eagerly awaiting had arrivedI could stand before the beloved Professor Deus.





Mana surged through Aria's clenched fist, a testament to her mastery over the magic energy she had acquired in her previous life.


Aria shattered the reinforced glass with her fist, which had been imbued with the power of malevolent spirits. Princess Eleanor, observing from behind, could only stand there, her mouth agape in astonishment.

However, before she could say anything, Aria had already left behind all the other students and was heading out of the window.


It was far from a simple barrier.

Recalling the spirit ritual at North Whedon, I could vividly picture the awakening and gathering of souls in the vicinity... It mirrored what was happening now.

Not only were the academy's evil spirits gathered, but also wandering souls and non-existent creatures were appearing one by one, breaking the boundary between life and death.

A single glance at the colossal worm-like entities that had emerged on the academy's sports field was enough to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

These creatures, known as Devourers, were instruments of agonizing torment, feasting on their victims for hours, known as a demonic form of punishment.

The situation had spiraled out of control, becoming too dire. Thankfully, I knew the solution.

"Illuania, hand me the ax and wait outside."

"Ah, understood."

"The guards will be arriving soon. Explain everything just as I instructed you."

Illuania bowed her head and exited the barrier.

I held the ax I had brought for Finden Ai and prepared myself to confront the Devourer, but...

"You've arrived!"

Suddenly, Finden Ai's lively voice resounded from above. To my surprise, she was gliding down towards me, gracefully skimming across the smooth body of a Devourer.

Another Devourer nearby lunged at Finden Ai, jaws wide open, ready to attack. However, she had anticipated the move and leaped skillfully, causing the clumsy Devourers to clash with each other.

With the agility of a wolf, she landed before me, making quite the grand entrance. It was as if she had descended from the rooftop.

"Why are you so tardy? I wasn't concerned, but I did entertain the thought of being abandoned."

"There was a slight mishap."

Finden Ai cast a glance at my attire, noticing the remnants of the encounter with the widow spirit we had encountered during our carriage ride. She clicked her tongue disapprovingly.

"Tsk, you can't even travel without stirring up trouble."

"...I don't want to hear that from you."

Never did I imagine that I would hear such words from a woman who seemed to attract accidents merely by roaming around the mansion.

Finden Ai nonchalantly disregarded my response and flashed a smile as she took hold of the ax.

"Cool and sturdy. Not bad. Where did you get it?"

"From the Verdi Warehouse."

It appeared to be quite valuable. Darius would definitely have something to say if he found out.

"Oh, great. So how should I handle this? Shall I eliminate them all?"

Finden Ai chuckled confidently, the ax resting on her shoulder.

Strangely, seeing her like this filled me with a sense of reassurance, prompting me to nod gently. freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

"I'll make my way into the academy. Clear the path for me."

"When the master commands, I must oblige!"

Finden Ai twirled her maid outfit and dashed forward. Due to her energetic movements, everything was exposed, but she didn't seem the least bit embarrassed, thanks to the shorts she wore underneath.

Following suit, Gideon descended from the rooftop, brandishing his Flame Sword with precision.

Erica, too, landed gracefully, golden mana scattering around her.

In perfect harmony with Finden Ai, the two of them commenced a relentless assault on the Devourers, cutting them down one by one.

Within the barrier, the evil spirits found it easier to inflict harm upon humans, but the reverse held true as well.

"Die! Die! Dieeee!"


Gideon and Erica moved with even greater fervor as if seeking to compensate for their prior misfortune.

At that moment, a graceful figure approached me, effortlessly maneuvering through the horde of Devourersa feat even Gideon and Erica couldn't accomplish.

She wore the distinctive uniform of Robern Academy, with a red tie signifying her status as a first-year student.

Her flowing black hair and universally beautiful appearance earned her the title of beauty by anyone who laid eyes on her.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Aria Rias, a freshman who just entered Robern this year!"

Her cheerful smile seemed out of place amidst the hellish scenery that surrounded us.

"Aria Rias," I unintentionally murmured her name. It was a name that would be forever etched in my memory.

She was the protagonist of this game.

"Um... considering that you broke through the barrier and made it in, you seem really strong. Can I fight alongside you?"

Feeling a momentary conflict, I glanced in the direction from which she had come

A broken window on the second-floor classroom revealed struggling students, desperately jumping out and crying for help.


Without thinking, I clicked my tongue in frustration.

The Aria Rias I knew was an innocent girl who understood the importance of justice and cherished camaraderie with her classmates.

Though their time together must have been short, I knew she wouldn't abandon her fellow students from the same class.

With a bitter smile, I passed by her.

"If you're a student, stay put. You're not the one protecting, but the one being protected."

"Ah, yes! I understand!"

I nodded and left behind a delighted Aria, who bounced up and down with strange excitement. There were many things I wanted to say and ask her, but...

"It's not a priority right now."

For now, stabilizing the academy took precedence.

I walked along the crimson path cleared by Finden Ai.

The Devourers had been dealt with roughly, and the three of them who had been engaged in the battle stood at the entrance of the building, waiting for me.

"You're finally here. You're damn late," Gideon complained openly, running his hand through his red hair.

"We're going in. Everyone, prepare yourselves."

Ignoring his remark, I focused on gathering mana. Now, without any souls to manipulate, it was time to test my basic skills as a necromancer.

At that moment, Erica hesitated and cautiously approached me.

"Um, about what happened earlier..."

"I'll postpone small talk. We don't have time for it now."

Upon hearing my words, Erica pressed her lips together and nodded slightly before asking another question.

"What do you think about this barrier?"

Finally, a slightly meaningful topic emerged. I answered as I enveloped mana in my hands.

"The spirits are utilizing necromancy to create it."


"Wasnt there a Necromancer you guys had invited?"


Erica nodded vigorously, realization dawning upon her.

"I see! So that's how the spirits were able to create this barrier. Since the invited Necromancer died, they would have become a spirit too!"

"Given that the Necromancer is the only victim who was killed, I doubt they're willingly cooperating. It's more accurate to say they're being forcefully used."

So, this fight was straightforward.

"Once we locate the Necromancer's soul, it will be over."

Then we could immediately dismantle this barrier, causing the inadvertently awakened and summoned spirits and monsters to vanish.

"I see."

Erica clenched the end of her white glove tightly, indicating that she, too, had finished preparing for battle.

Gideon interjected with a raised voice.

"Wait! Before we begin, tell me. Deus Verdi! Are you a Necromancer?"

Unconsciously, I furrowed my brows and responded.

"Get ready. You should know what kind of monster is at the central entrance, right?"


Gideon's face filled with dissatisfaction as he looked at me, and I let out a sigh before answering.

"Yes, I am a Necromancer. Are you satisfied now? If you keep wasting time with pointless chatter, I'll make you the first casualty, you bastard. Now, shut up and get in formation."

Giving him a stern warning, I snapped my jaw shut. After hesitating for a moment, Gideon stood beside Finden Ai, biting his lips in frustration.

"Master can be quite terrifying at times."

Everyone shut up.

Finden Ai giggled, and Gideon's face turned red with a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

Erica cautiously took her place next to me, and together, we entered the central entrance as a group.

As soon as we stepped inside, we immediately noticed a one-armed warrior sitting on the stairs of the first floor, his head bowed.

Raising his head slowly, his eyes, like blue flames, emitted intense hostility toward the intruders.

"Well, well, that bastard is still the same."

As I expected, Finden Ai, who must have had a previous encounter with the warrior, smiled confidently.

So, she must have already lost the ax too.

I had anticipated it, but her self-assured demeanor indicated that a certain estimation had already formed within Finden Ai.

"He is a restless spirit of sorts."

I briefly started explaining about the warrior named Musah.

"A warrior who hasn't laid down his sword, determined to protect innocent spirits."

Upon hearing my words, Erica and Gideon looked at me in surprise. It seemed that the two of them were familiar with the events that had taken place in this land in the past.

"We can't go inside unless we defeat him."


As if affirming my words, the sound of a sword being unsheathed echoed in our ears.

With a purplish and ominous momentum, the one-armed warrior, Musah, slowly rose to his feet.

And without delay, he rushed toward us.

--- End of The Chapter --

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