Chapter 217 – Making Lunch

Sunday. Today, just as planned, the four of us were going to make side dishes for our lunch. We wouldn’t make anything too complicated though, just something that my mom and I usually made.

Since we were cooking in my house, the other three would be buying the ingredients. I would be making five people’s worth of food because I also had to make my mom’s portion, so later I’d be giving them extra money for the ingredients.


I let out a yawn after I finished cleaning the house. Because it was summer vacation, I stayed up later than usual last night. I knew that I should rest more because I still had summer school tomorrow, but I couldn’t help it. I spent most of my day studying and found myself unable to sleep after I was done.

I changed from my sleepwear to my usual clothes and sat listlessly while waiting for the other three to arrive. Suddenly, I heard the sound of the door being unlocked.

Since I didn’t know when they would be coming, I gave Umi a duplicate key so they could enter the house whenever.

‘Woah, you got the key to his house? You’re pretty much his wife already, Umi~’

‘Why haven’t you moved in with him yet? Also, isn’t it about time for you to change your name to Maehara Umi?’

‘S-Shut up! You two are bothering the neighbors!’

“That’s exactly the kind of line that a housewife would say, you know?”

Mom had already given Umi permission to come over whenever she wanted to. We treated her like a member of our family already. She just didn’t impose on us much because of her reserved personality.

Yes, our moms were friends, but I doubt that my mom would give Nitta-san or Amami-san the same permission if they were in Umi’s shoes.

Anyway, I should get up and welcome them first.

“Good morning, Umi.”

“Good morning, Maki. Hm? Did you just wake up? Your hair looks messy. You didn’t stay up late, did you?”

“Sadly I did. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t sleep last night… Good morning, Amami-san, Nitta-san.”

“Hehe, good morning, Maki-kun! It’s been a while since I visited your house this early in the morning, hasn’t it?”

“Mornin’~ My hands are hurting, where can I put these bags down? Ah, so thirsty…”

“Give me that. Also, feel free to use the towels over there.”

I left them to wipe off their sweat and rest while I put the ingredients in the fridge.

“Maki, let me do your hair.”

“Go ahead– Ah, wait, Amami-san and Nitta-san–”

“Don’t mind them.”


The other two were my good friends, but I still felt embarrassed showing them this scene. But I couldn’t overpower Umi, so I had no choice but to bear with it.

I noticed the other two were taking pictures of us. Why can’t they just watch us in silence? Seriously…

“Your hair looks messier than usual. Should I cut your hair again later?”

“Eh, I’ll just go to a barber later. Maybe after summer school is over.”

“Okay, I’ll let my mom know. After summer school, at my house like last time, alright?”

“Did you hear what I just said?”

“Of course I did.”

“I give up…”

Honestly, I didn’t care who cut my hair. I only kept moving my mouth to hide my embarrassment. If it was just the two of us, our conversation would normally proceed like this:

‘Do you want me to cut your hair?’

‘Sure, I’ll be in your care.’

Yes, the conversation would end that quickly.

I didn’t like going to a barber, but it wasn’t like I was repulsed by the idea of it.

I just preferred having Umi do it for me.

“Hehe… Seeing those two like this reminds me of when we were kids. We used to be like this when Umi and I had just become friends…”

“Well, back then you were a shy kid like Maki. I had to invite you everyday before you’d go to school or play with me. I was a meddlesome kid back then, huh?”

I guess that was part of the reason why I caught Umi’s eyes in the first place. My appearance wasn’t as eye-catching as Amami-san, but my personality reminded Umi of her best friend.

Amami-san and I were polar opposites, but at one point in our lives, we were similar to each other.

Both of us were saved by Umi and managed to earn a spot in her heart as her best friend and lover respectively.

“Back then, I couldn’t leave you alone… I thought you’d be lonely if I left you by yourself, that’s why I decided to help you that day. That was just the way I was, meddlesome, always trying to do something unnecessary for the sake of other people. Honestly, I’m still surprised that you didn’t push me away back then, Yuu.”

“That’s one of your virtues, Umi. Besides, thanks to that personality of yours, you met Maki-kun~ Aren’t you glad, Umi?”

“Yes, of course. By the way, haven’t you taken enough pictures of us already? Do you two think I won’t notice?”

I couldn’t see Umi’s face from where I was, but I could guess that she was wearing a gentle expression on her face.

Maybe I wore the same expression too without realizing it.

“By the way, Maki, you will never leave my side, will you?”

“Do you need to ask? Of course I won’t.”

“Hehe, thank you.”

I should start thinking about dedicating this whole summer vacation to her.

It had been half a year since we started dating, but my feelings for her were still going strong.

“Alright, all done. Enough resting you guys, time to start cooking. We’re not good at controlling the heat, so we’ll leave you to that, Maki. Aside from that, we’ll do our best to help you.”

“Right! You can leave the veggies to us, Maki-kun! We’ll slice them up real good~”

“You don’t need to show off your biceps for that, Yuuchin, it’s not that hard of a job. Oh yeah, I’ll be taste testing the food, Rep, please take care of me~”

“Actually, I have the perfect job for you, Nitta-san. Come with me.”

I had to cook more than usual, so it would take more time than usual to finish everything. Since the four of us were all here, at least it wouldn’t be boring.

I wished the other three good luck before I started.

And so we began cooking and—

“M-Maki! T-The pot is moving! I-Is there something inside the pot?”

“Hehe, sorry, Maki-kun, I made a mistake while peeling the potatoes… I accidentally sliced them in half…”

“Jeez, why can’t these veggies stay still? Are they actually alive? Rep, are these veggies mutated or something?”


Yeah, it wouldn’t be boring with these three here.

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