The finals of the Staring Contest are about to begin.

I waited on the right side of the stage.

Soon, the host at the center of the stage shouted loudly.

-The Elinia Academy Festival's Staring Contest! At last, we have reached the much-anticipated finals! These two future heroes have defeated formidable opponents one after another and made it to this stage. Let's give them a round of applause!

Applause resounded from the audience.

-First, let me introduce our first hero! Ranked 2nd in the Hero Department, it's Piel de Chalon!

Following the host's words, Piel, wearing the Hero Department uniform, appeared from the left side of the stage.

She still seemed to be in a foul mood, her face stiff.

It resembled my usual indifferent expression in a way.

Step by step, Piel moved to the center of the stage, and the host continued.

-Next, let me introduce our second hero! Ranked 181st in the Hero Department! Ah, my apologies... Anyway, it's Theo Lyn Waldeurk!

I walked slowly to the center of the stage and stood beside Piel.

The host positioned himself between Piel and me, saying,

-At last, the moment we've all been waiting for! But before the finals begin, let's have a quick interview with our future heroes. How are you both feeling right now?

The host handed the microphone to Piel but she said nothing.

Slightly puzzled, the host quickly thrust the microphone towards me.

I responded,

"I don't have any particular thoughts, only the desire to win."

-As expected from the ambitious Theo! By the way, according to the information we've received, there seems to be quite a special relationship between Theo and Piel, in the past—

The host paused, glancing briefly at the audience.

The spectators were silent, staring at the host, waiting impatiently for him to elaborate.

With a slight smirk, the host said,

-Hahaha~ Is there something on my face? Even if you glare at me like that~ Of course, I was going to share the details. Firstly, there were rumors that during the first semester, Theo was heavily bullied by Piel—


Piel's eyes widened in shock, but the host continued, unbothered.

-They say Piel verbally abused Theo in the classroom and, during practical training, caused him an injury that took 8 weeks to heal. Is this true?!

The audience buzzed with excitement and whispers.

The spectators alternated their gaze between Piel and me, discussing amongst themselves.

I already knew about this.

'This happened before I took over.'

As the owner of [Twisted Noble's Dignity], Theo was always causing disturbances.

He would say things like how commoners' swordsmanship is lacking, and that it's a waste of national funds to support talentless commoners.

That they, even if they become heroes, will only ever be fit to lick the boots of the Waldeurk and Chalon families...

Considering I've only seen the little bit shown in the game, I don't even know how far Theo went.

It was only natural that Piel retaliated.

Ah, that damn fool Theo.

It's something that happened before the possession, so there's nothing I can do about it.

"I behaved in a manner deserving of it."

I corrected the host's words.

If one only heard the host's version without knowing the whole story, they would inevitably criticize Piel.

But since it happened publicly in the classroom, there are hundreds of witnesses.

It's advantageous to quickly correct fake news.

There's nothing to gain from letting it spread.

The host laughed awkwardly.

-Ahahaha... So that's what happened. Oh! There's more information. Some here might know that Theo participated in an academic seminar in Arman last week.

The audience nodded at his words.

My attendance at the academic seminar was widely covered by the media, so most of them would probably know about it by now.

"...What are you saying?"

Piel's eyelids shook intensely.

"I just thought you looked sad..."


Her eyelids fluttered again.

"I'm worried."

"...Stop it!"

Phy shouted in frustration.

"All of this is because of you! You bastard─!"

It was a cry that was almost a scream.

At the same time, she had closed and opened her eyes that had been facing mine.

I spoke.

"...Let's talk after this."

The host shouted.

-Woah! I thought it would be a long battle, but it's decided in less than 20 seconds! The final winner of the Elinia Academy Staring Contest is Theo Lyn Waldeurk!

The host spoke with an excited expression.

-Wow, dear audience, you must have heard the conversation between Theo and Piel! I don't know the details, but it's very sweet~

-Kyaa~ Youth is the best, isn't it? Theo seems indifferent on the outside, but looks like he's warm on the inside! Please give a big round of applause for Theo and Piel for giving us such a sweet final!"

The sound of applause echoed from the stands.

'Phew. That was close. Not easy.'

I tried to maintain a nonchalant expression as I scanned the audience.

Piel, with a face on the verge of tears, was glaring at me.

The staring contest had ended, but Theo and Piel were still standing on stage.

The two of them stood about a meter apart and silently stared at each other for quite some time.

After a while, Piel approached Theo.


Her voice trembled.

“Do you... not hate me?"

“Why would you think that?”

“I've... made it so difficult for you, right?"

She looked up at him, waiting for his reply, biting her lip.

“I'm sorry.”


He didn't reply, merely gazing deep into her eyes.

Her heart raced.

What could he be feeling right now?

What words would come from his mouth?

She closed her eyes tightly.

Still, no response came from him.

A long silence passed between them.

Breaking the silence, he smiled and laughed loudly.

She stared at him blankly.

It was the first time she had seen him smile so brightly.

He said,

“Don’t apologize... or say such sad things, Piel.”

Bending his knees, he leveled his eyes with hers.

In a soft voice,

“You look best when you’re your usual cheeky self.”

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