Chapter 131

Why Are You Stepping In

When Kraush responded, Pandora smiled faintly.

From his perspective, he judged that Kraush had taken the bait.

“Then about 10:10 should be good? Looks like there are about that many second-years too.”

Pandora said with a smile in his eyes.

Indeed, there seemed to be about 9 Starlon students behind Kraush.

“Kraush, I’ll join your team too.”

At that moment, Haring, who had been watching from the side, stepped forward.

Instantly, the eyes of the Imperial faction turned towards Haring.

And their eyes were filled with discomfort.

Of course, Haring was originally on the Imperial faction’s side.

“Junior Haring, what are you thinking?”

Even Pandora stared at Haring, unable to understand her actions.

He couldn’t understand why she, an Imperial, would take the side of Kraush from Starlon.

“You just said second-years, didn’t you?”

Haring replied confidently, without any hesitation.

“I’m a second-year too.”

Pandora’s brow furrowed sharply behind his glasses.

True to her words, Haring was a second-year.

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She fit within the boundaries of second-years that Pandora had mentioned.

Mentioning only Starlon specifically would likely lead to unmanageable problems later, so referring to them as second-years in general had backfired.

Honestly, Kraush thought he could handle it alone.

But having Haring participate was even better for making Pandora eat his words.

“Will you be okay?”

When Kraush glanced at Haring and asked, she nodded.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’m on Kraush’s side.”

Well, Haring was someone who showed a sharp reaction to strangers she first met.

Anyone would be more comfortable with someone familiar. That must be what she meant.

“Me too, me too, me too! I’m a second-year too!”

Then Balak jumped up and down in his seat, expressing his intention to participate.

They had nothing to say about Balak’s side.

After all, Balak was indeed a second-year from Starlon.

“…I’m a second-year too.”

At that moment, Glen, gripping his spear tightly, spoke towards Kraush’s side.

This was already an act that went against chivalry.

And on top of that, he had heard such shameful remarks.

No matter how Imperial they were, Glen could not forgive them. freё

And perhaps because of what was just said, Glen was looking at Kraush with new eyes.

Knowingly or unknowingly, the strongest in his heart was engraved as Mary.

Kraush’s words acknowledging her further ignited Glen’s sense of chivalry.

Murmurs continued among the Imperial faction.

Including Kraush, there were four special class graduates.

They had intended to corner Kraush alone, but things were already starting to go awry from the beginning.

“Junior Glen, what are you doing?”

Pandora addressed Glen coldly, intending to at least make him back down.

However, Glen showed no signs of backing down.

“It’s to uphold my chivalry.”

Seeing Glen’s firm resolve, Pandora’s eyebrows furrowed deeply.

It was natural, since the situation he least wanted had arisen.

“Well, I guess we can just pick more from over there for our team.”

Kraush said as he looked around at the Imperial faction members.

“If you want, you can increase your numbers even more.”

As he smiled provocatively, Pandora gritted his teeth.

What a lightweight and short-sighted bastard.

He clearly judged that like Charlotte, this side would be arrogant and have no one around.

Even Aslan, who usually hangs out with Kraush, was in Magic Studies.

“Puhahaha! Well, things are getting interesting.”

It was at that moment.

Along with a strange laugh, the ground suddenly rumbled with a boom.

Kraush immediately recognized the identity of that peculiar laugh.

Where Kraush turned his head, there was a massive figure large enough to block out the sunlight.

The shadow created in front of him was enough to cover part of the training ground.

Deep green eyes.

Distinctive tattoos drawn on his body.

Frea, the minority tribe named after Mount Frea, infamous as the most treacherous mountain range in the Empire.

A child of Frea with innate martial prowess like Balheim, who would later become a member of the Skyborne Generation.

Battle Emperor

Arsoldar Frea

One of the Skyborne Generation whose combat ability alone was monstrous had appeared.

“I can join in on this too, right?”

He walked over with heavy steps and casually placed his arm on the shoulder of a nearby Imperial faction member.

Perhaps because his arm was so thick, the Imperial faction member’s posture nearly collapsed just from that.


Pandora’s face lit up as soon as he saw him.

He knew Arsoldar’s skills very well.

‘I didn’t expect this guy to butt in here.’

Kraush felt slightly displeased.

It seems he’s currently affiliated with Sigrid’s faction for now.

That must be because Sigrid somehow piqued his interest.

And it looks like the current situation has sparked his interest as well.

“You’re Charlotte’s brother, right?”

He stared at Kraush with a face that could hardly be considered that of a teenager.

“I’m looking forward to it. Give us a good fight.”

Kraush almost wanted to punch that grinning face, but held back.

He could already see roughly how the situation would unfold anyway.

“Haa, fine.”

He had thought he would have to clash with this guy at some point anyway.

Arsoldar enjoys fighting strong opponents as much as Charlotte does.

“Just get on with it already.”

Even waiting is tiring.

* * *

At the suddenly arranged martial arts match between first-years and second-years.

Naturally, Kraush was pushed to the very last in the order.

“Kraush, you rest. I’ll take care of everything.”

“I want to go first!”

“This is Imperial business. I’ll handle it.”

Kraush looked at the three who all wanted to take the lead.

Originally, he had planned to sweep through them all himself, but how did it end up like this?

[Isn’t this all because of what you started?]

It doesn’t seem that way this time.

But Kraush was also hesitant to take the lead.

He didn’t really care if there were ten or a hundred Imperial guys.

It was because Arsoldar had joined.

‘Those three can’t handle that guy.’

It’s not for nothing that he’s called the Battle Emperor, succeeding Mahwang who is now the headmaster of Rahelrn Academy.

This side may not lack talent, but a 1-year gap at Rahelrn Academy is significant.

‘Looks like I’ll have to step up.’

When Kraush looked at Arsoldar, he grinned back.

It was a response saying he would come out immediately if Kraush did.

“Um, we…”

Meanwhile, the Starlon second-years standing awkwardly on the side didn’t know what to do.

After all, they had gotten caught up in their own affairs, so they felt uncomfortable.

Kraush stared at them for a moment before speaking.

“Pandora, that guy approached you targeting me from the start.”

He could gain several advantages if he could take down this side.

Kraush waved his hand as if telling them not to worry.

“So just watch comfortably. I’ll show you how second-years should act to avoid being looked down on.”

Kraush said that, then turned to look at the three who still wanted to take the lead.

“Balak, you go first.”


As soon as Kraush finished speaking, Balak jumped up and down excitedly.

Then both Haring and Glen turned with dissatisfied expressions.

“Kraush, why am I not going first?”

“Why are you sending that Balak guy first?”

When both protested at the same time, Kraush pointed at Balak.

“Do you think that guy has the patience to wait until you’re all done fighting?”

The two fell silent simultaneously.

They agreed with Kraush’s words.

Meanwhile, Balak walked to the center of the martial arts training ground.

Since the situation had turned out this way, everyone had stepped back to watch from the sidelines.

Then one of the Imperial faction members walked out as well.

“Who do you think will win?”

“Balak will win. That guy is quite strong.”

When Haring turned to Kraush and asked, it was Glen who answered.

But Kraush offered a different opinion.

“It won’t be that different.”


Glen turned to Kraush with an expression that said ‘What do you mean?’

After all, Balak was skilled enough to belong to the special class.

However, Kraush knew the gap between first-years and second-years.

“You guys seem to be under one misconception, so let me tell you in advance.”

Kraush looked at the confident-looking Balak and the Imperial faction member as he spoke.

“Rahelrn Academy has something called summer training.”

Summer training, written as summer training but referred to as hell training.

It’s essentially a time where students are pushed to train continuously until they’re on the brink of death, forcing them to grow.

Of course, this is an official training that cannot be skipped even if you establish a clan.

That’s because it’s training directly implemented by the former Battle Emperor Durandal.

“After going through that, even mediocre guys become capable of holding their own.”

And during that training process, students learn one big thing.

“How the weak can bring down the strong.”

It’s easy to deal with the weak.

Conversely, of course, it’s difficult to deal with the strong.

In life, there will be countless times when you encounter those stronger than yourself.

And if that strong person happens to be a World Erosion species, you could face death without being able to do anything.

So Rahelrn Academy teaches it.

How the weak can deal with the strong.

“It’s hard for the weak to defeat the strong.”

“Both of you, get ready!”

A student who had been dragged in as a referee suddenly called out for them to prepare.

“So at the very least, they fight so that their efforts can be passed on to others.”


With the start signal, Balak immediately charged in, drawing two swords.

Balak’s two longswords, longer than the reach of his arms, overcame the limitations of his small body’s reach.


With the clash of blades, Balak’s fierce attack began.

Balak’s fierce onslaught, combined with his innate flexibility and battle sense, was like an endless chain of attacks.

But before him.

The Imperial faction member thoroughly defended against Balak’s fierce attacks.

He was defending while distributing his strength to conserve as much stamina as possible.

In contrast, Balak’s movements as he launched his fierce attacks were large.

As he mixed in feints here and there, Balak’s stamina was being depleted faster.

The battle gradually dragged on.

Clearly, it was the Imperial faction member who was constantly being attacked.

But it was Balak whose face was becoming increasingly furrowed.

“Argh, what an annoying way to fight!”

Balak swung his swords in frustration after striking down.

But the Imperial faction member silently blocked those swords.

He was focused solely on whittling down his opponent’s stamina.

These factors also gradually shake the attacking side’s mentality.

No matter how fiercely he attacked, as the opponent kept blocking, even Balak started to feel impatient.

Balak’s breathing became rough.

Sure enough, for a very brief moment, he made a mistake.

The Imperial faction member, who had been waiting for just that opening, instantly threw a punch.

And that flying fist clearly struck Balak’s abdomen.


Balak, who tumbled to the ground from the impact, immediately got up while biting his lip.

He had forcefully gotten up to counter the opponent’s next attack, so his stamina drained in chunks.

But the opponent didn’t attack.

He just stood in the same spot as before, waiting for Balak’s attack.

“Argh, so annoying!”

Seeing him only preserving his stamina until the end, Balak became extremely irritated.

And Balak’s next fierce attack was on a different level from before.

He drove forward as if burning up his stamina.

As a result, even the Imperial faction member finally reached his limit in blocking and had to counterattack.


The flat of Balak’s sword strongly struck the Imperial faction member’s face.

When he staggered from that, Balak succeeded with a follow-up attack, and the Imperial faction member tumbled to the ground.

“Huff, huff.”

Balak breathed heavily.

It was because he had used up all his stamina to take him down.

He clearly won, but as Kraush said, it wasn’t an overwhelming victory for Balak.

Glen and Haring’s eyes furrowed.

That’s because the next Imperial faction member who came out had a very relaxed expression.

This is a game where the first side to run out of participants loses.

Kraush’s elite manpower consists of Balak, Haring, Glen, and Kraush himself, totaling four people. The rest are Starlon second-years who couldn’t even make it into the special class.

On the other hand, all of their side can be considered elite forces.

Naturally, the losses will steadily accumulate on this side.


And the battle between Balak and the Imperial faction member began.



Balak was thrown back from the very first clash.

It was his limit because he had used too much stamina earlier.

Balak tried his best to continue the offense and defense, but it didn’t last long.

A flying sword slashed across Balak’s chest, sending him tumbling to the ground.

The Imperial faction member’s sword was pointed at Balak’s neck.

The victory had been decided.

Pandora looked at this side with a sinister smile.

It was an expression of certainty in victory.

Should I punch that bastard’s face first before the match or whatever?

“I’ll go.”

At that moment, Glen stood up from his seat.

Kraush stared at him for a moment before speaking.

“Want some advice?”

Glen glanced at Kraush.

“If they refuse to fight until the end, you can just refuse to fight from the start.”

Glen’s eyes filled with puzzlement.

Then soon realizing what that meant, he showed an exasperated reaction.

“This match will drag on then.”

“It’s not just our side that’s getting impatient.”

Glen gripped his spear tightly with a fighting spirit-filled expression.

“I’ll do better than expected.”

An eye for an eye.

A tooth for a tooth.

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