Chapter 87:

Note: Sorry only 1 Chapter for today, file got corrupted will upload extra chapters 2Days from now.

Chapter 87

Indeed, it was no easy task to take on the strongest character in the region.

Togril was incredibly strong and fast.

Not only that, but he turned out to be quite skilled.

The title of strongest man in the Khabar steppes was not earned lightly.

Hes fought countless battles to get to where he is today, and hes defeated countless others.

Togril, like Kairos, is a veteran of many battles, though not as many as Kairos.

He had more experience in battle than Otto dared to hope to match.

As if to prove it, Togril pressed Otto hard with a relentless assault.

On top of that, three additional, stronger, higher-tier hawk spirits were summoned.




The three hawk spirits were enormous in size, and they were extremely smart at pressuring Otto.

Theyd dive in, and out.

When he attacked, they would strike.

Sometimes they would even block Ottos counterattacks as he tried to exploit Togrils gaps.

This left Otto frantically dodging and weaving, unable to launch a proper counterattack.

Togril alone is a formidable foe, but trying to deal with three hawk spirits at the same time made Otto physically exhausted

I need to buy some time first.

Otto hastily imbued the <Blazing Fire Armor Set> he was wearing with mana.


The flames erupted and momentarily pushed back the Togril and Hawk spirits.

It would have been nice if the flames would have reduced the enemies to charcoal, but unfortunately, such luck did not happen.

All it did was make them back off for a moment.

I thought I told you that this kind of trick would never work.

Togril sneered at Otto in a murderous tone.

The blood dripping from his gaping left eye was eerily similar to tears.

I will boil you in a pot and use your bones to make a soup, your flesh will be chopped up and shared among my warriors, your skin will be used as a rug for my tent, and your two eyeballs will be chewed out by none other than myself.

Haha hahaha.

Otto broke out in a cold sweat at the sight of Togril.

Fucking Crazy Bastard

In the ensuing battle Otto could never have imagined Togrils power was this level.

Hes stronger than I expected. Was he this strong at this specific period?

Otto had a rough idea of how strong a character was at different time periods.

But Togril exceeded his expectations.

To make matters worse, Togril was a hexagonal character with no corners.

It was a character with no real edge, but no downside either.

Therefore, the most obvious way to defeat Togril was to use <Strength>.

It was an opponent that he had to push with his spec without much of a strategy.

Shit. The Petrifying Eye didnt work. What am I supposed to do if he dodges the flame blast? He was hit by a Vile Death Orb once, hes not going to get hit a second time.

Otto had played all his cards, and he was helpless in the face of Togrils overwhelming power.

Ill cut you into two!

Togril swung his greatsword at Otto.


Otto tried to dodge Togrils attack as best he could, but it was no use.


Togrils greatsword and Ottos sword collided.

*Crack!* freewёbnoν

Ottos sword shattered into pieces.


Otto screamed and was thrown back a distance.

He was sent flying, unable to withstand the force of the collision of their swords.


Otto groaned in pain and pushed himself up.


Blood trickled down his chest. ƒrē

As if shattering Ottos sword wasnt enough, Togrils greatsword had managed to slice through his Blazing Fire Armor Set and cut his chest.

If the armor had been even slightly less durable, he wouldnt have been able to avoid a fatal wound.

Im going to die.

For a moment, fear flashed through Ottos mind.

You stupid bastard.

Kaiross voice pierced Ottos mind.

* * *

Are you scared? Are you afraid youre going to die?

Stop talking to me!

Otto is already on the verge of death, but Kairos is talking to him, making him irritated! Then he shouted.

As if that werent enough of a distraction.

Otto didnt have time for Kairos sarcasm or to listen.

Hehehe! When you meet someone who is a bit aggressive, you are so flustered that you dont even know what to do!

Ah what?

Ignorant fool. Dont you even know that in the world of mercenaries, newcomers are referred to as rookies?

I dont care about that crap! And now

That moment.


Togrils kick flew out and caught Otto in the stomach.


Otto was sent flying again and crashed to the ground.

Kuk! Dont say anything





Three hawk spirits dive-bombed toward Otto.

Kairos, is this madman trying to kill me?

That was all he could manage to think about.

Rookie! Get back to basics!

What are you talking about!

Otto shouted as he ducked and weaved around Togril and the three hawk spirits.

Are you going to give up your life to the enemy because youre stuck on a few techniques, or because youre out of gas?

Of course not!

You have the invincible swordsmanship.


Besides, the wretch has no left eye! Thats enough!

At that moment.


Otto listened to Kairos advice and realized what he had to do to get through this.

Okay, lets do it.

As he thought through the plan, his disoriented mind began to settle into gear.

Duck, dodge, and petrify.

Gray light burst from Ottos eyes as he dodged the attacks of Togril and the hawk spirits.

<Eye of Petrification> was used once again.

It wont work!

Togril continued to attack Otto, taking the brunt of Petrifying Eye.

As if he had no intention of dodging in the first place, he relied on his own magical resistance and battered him with his body.

Opportunity will come.

Undeterred, Otto concentrated, and continued to unleash the Eye of Petrification toward the left side of Togrils body.

And then.


Otto dashed to Togrils left.


Togril shouted, swinging his greatsword in a futile attempt to parry Ottos counterattack.



Togril was surprised.


Otto roughly pulled out the sword that was lodged in Togrils side and spun around to the back of his left side in an almost waltz-like movement.



Ottos sword sliced through Togrils side and back.


Togril groaned and staggered.




The hawk spirits could not help Togril.

Otto stuck close to Togrils left side, which meant that if they made a wrong move, they could attack their master.

Why the hell?

Togril did not understand why he allowed Otto to attack him in succession.

Well, I wonder why.

With his back to Togril, Otto sneered.

Togril was blind in his left side thanks to the loss of his left eye, and Otto took advantage of it.

With <Eyes of Petrification>, Otto focused on Togrils left arm and leg and slowing him down.

He then darted into the left blind spot and utilized the <Invincible Swordsmanship> move to target Togrils vulnerability.

-Hehehe! Look! Its working!

I see.

Otto smirked, glancing at Kairos in the distance.

As usual, Kairos was sitting on the corpses of his enemies, gulping down something-obviously alcohol-from a leather pouch.

Kairos, indeed.

As an absolute who had fought countless battles in the past, his words of wisdom were worth listening to.

In common sense, the experience from Jjam was far from ordinary.

Ill have to thank you later but for now.

With that, Otto continued his relentless assault on Togrils flank.


Togril was furious and threw his strikes in all directions, but it was no use.

Otto never left his blind spot, and thoroughly toyed with Togril.

And then.

I will kill you!!!

Togril shouted angrily, swinging his greatsword wildly.


Ottos sword sliced through Togrils throat.


Togril fell to the ground.




Everyone watching was stunned.

The chieftain of the Kerrates, who had long reigned supreme in the Steppes of Khabar and dreamed of unifying the entire region, had fallen to a nameless Continental.

* * *

[Notification: You have killed <Togril>!]

[Notification: the potential of the Kerrates tribe has been reduced!]

[Notification: Togrils scenario has been deleted!]

[Alert: Your experience has gone up!]

[Alert: Level 102 reached!]




[Alert: Level 106 reached!]

[Your level has increased.]

[Notification: You have leveled up and unlocked the skills Clairvoyance and Petrifying Eye!]

[Notification: You have reached a higher level and unlocked the higher skills in the Eye of Calypso skill system!]

[Alert: The <Poison Gaze> skill is now unlocked!]

Thanks to this, he also gained a new skill.

However, Otto didnt have time to check his growth.

Togrils death signaled the end of a fierce battle, and it was coming to an end.

Ch-Chieftain has been killed.


Chieftain Dead

When word of Togrils death spread, the warriors of the Kerrates were shaken and demoralized.

Now that the one thing that had sustained the battle against the odds has fallen, the will to fight is extinguished.


I surrender!

One by one, the warriors of the Kerrates dropped their weapons and surrendered.

Thats how the battle ended.

I won!

We won!

Within minutes of Togrils death, shouts of victory erupted from the mouths of Allied soldiers.

Ugh. I thought I was going to die.

Otto slumped in his seat as the tension drained out of him.

I cant afford to freeze up. I need to be more calm. In the real battle, if I start panicking, Ill die.

Otto learned a lot from his bout with Togril.

The situation will never flow as I wish, and I cannot always fight under favorable conditions. If I freeze up when faced with such situations, then Im truly done for. From now on, lets be more composed and find solutions calmly.

Even if he had gained the power of the Invincible Emperor, it was still remarkable that Otto, a mere gamer living in a small house, was able to do this in real life.

The problem with that is that its not enough to survive in this world, but.

In any case, facing off against the mighty Togril had made him realize what he was doing wrong, and it had set the stage for further growth.


Otto struggled to his feet.

My lord.

Amukhan walked up to Otto and knelt down on one knee, extending a courtesy bow.

Congratulations on your victory.

Everyone was stunned by the sight.

All of them, excluding the Lota Kingdom army, the Magritte Kingdom army, the Kongurat tribe, Helmuts army, and the Kerrates tribe.

No one would have guessed that Amukhan, the young wolf of the prairie and chief of the Kongurat tribe, was actually a subordinate of the young continental man.

** ** **


1. As a Gamer Kim Dojin(MC) who is now inhibiting Ottos body, he knows the different periods of time in the game, when a particular NPC or one of the playable Lords will get a boost in strength.

2. It means the NPC Togril is a well balanced character with no stat that he is severely strong in or lacking.

3. Metaphor, Kairos asking if Otto already run out of stamina to fight properly

4. a person described as Jjam-bab or jjam, it presents that he has abundant experience in a certain field or career.

5. Those living in the Khabar Steppes and Haver Prairie are only familiar with the Valdemar Family(Family of Helmut) and the Magritte Kingdom which they fought for close to 200 years, so they have no idea who Otto is.

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