Chapter 82:

Chapter 82

The king, who decided to escape without a moments hesitation, took extraordinary measures before doing so.

What are you doing?

The crown prince was horrified when the guards suddenly arrested him and handcuffed him.

Why are you arresting me, dont you know who I am!

cause its.

The Knight Commander narrowed his eyes, unable to speak.

In the meantime, arrest the Crown Prince and put him in jail.

But he was a Knight Commander.

No matter how unreasonable an order may be given, one is obligated to carry it out at the risk of ones life.

Your Royal Highness, please forgive my rudeness. I have orders from His Majesty the King.

Why, why would my father order you to arrest me! ƒгeewebnovё

We shall escort you.

Answer me, why I am to be arrested! freeweɓnø

The knight did not answer.

They simply handcuffed the crown prince and locked him in a cell in the palace where they kept important prisoners.

But the crown prince wasnt the only one under arrest.

Let go of me! Let go of me!

Do you know who I am? Im royalty! How dare you arrest me and think you can get away with it!

Why are you doing this to me, Ive done nothing wrong!

There was a boom in the royal prison, which usually had no prisoners and only flies.

All the royalty, young and old, had been taken in, from the immediate family to the ministries.


As the crown prince watched the royals being led into the prison, he suddenly realized why he had been arrested.

Pfft pfft pfft pfft.

A maniacal laugh escaped the crown princes mouth.

yes Father, the King forever Fuck the king until you paint shit on the wall no If you die, Ill make a stuffed animal out of you and sit you on the throne you unworthy motherfucker.

The royals, including the crown prince, were arrested because of the kings lust for power.

Before escaping.

If I were to be captured.

The king envisioned a worst-case scenario in which he was captured.

If this guy, the commander-in-chief, betrays me wont I be dethroned?

It was a bit of a stretch, but it was a possible scenario.

The king is captured by the enemy.

    The Commander-in-Chief takes advantage of the opportunity to abdicate the existing monarch and install a crown prince or other royalty as the new monarch.
      The king loses his throne, becomes a former king, and loses all power.
        The commander-in-chief becomes the new regent and takes control of the Magritte Kingdom.
          The king is beheaded by his enemies, as he is no longer useful.

          It was a scenario that clearly existed among the options available to the current commander-in-chief, and it was a worst-case scenario for the king.

          Oh, no!

          The king was incompetent, suspicious, and greedy, but his obsession with power was unparalleled.

          He was the kind of man who would never let go of power, even in death.

          Arrest all the royals, including the crown prince, right now, and put them in a cell in the palace, and no matter what happens, never let them out!

          This was the harebrained solution the King came up with while planning his escape.

          Eventually, the king ordered all royalty, including the crown prince, to be arrested and locked up in a cell in the palace.

          He betrayed his entire family in order to preserve his value and power as king, in case he was captured.

          Even his own only son.

          * * *

          Advancing with terrifying speed to the capital of the Magritte Kingdom, the Lota army broke through the defenses in the blink of an eye.

          In a matter of hours, they had captured the castle and taken the capital.

          There was no real battle.

          There was only a small amount of resistance, as the Magritte forces defending the capital surrendered with a white flag.

          No, nonsense!

          Helmuts daughter Elise watched the scene in real time and felt her common sense crumbling.

          Youll see when we get there.

          Ottos words echoed in her mind.

          The capital of the Magritte Kingdom is empty right now, just like the kings head.

          To think that everything he said in a playful voice was true

          Did you see this coming, did you plan this? came the unbridled thoughts of Elise as she saw how the army led by Otto conquered the capital of Magritte Kingdom.

          A chill ran down her spine, and she shuddered.

          Mmmmm. This is tasty. Mmmmm.

          He was so uneducated that even the sight of him munching on a snack next to her now scared her.

          A little part of her felt like a screw had fallen out, and she had no clue what was hiding behind that scrawny face, so.

          Mmmmm. Our soldiers. Tskk, I havent even had a chance to warm up. Tskk.

          right? Otto asked Elise beside him while still eating without a care in the world.

          They opened the gates for us. Tsk, and even feigned a fight and then suddenly surrendered with a white flag. Haaa Otto commented.

          Because there was no chance of winning. Elise rebuked Otto.


          Otto shook his head.

          Because there is no need to fight. Otto said in a firm voice.

          ? Elise tilted her head questioningly at Otto to elaborate.

          Maybe you think theyll just let the capital go, minimize the damage, and then take it back when the main force thats been out there slaughtering Helmut returns?



          Your Majesty, we are ready for your entry into the enemy capital.

          The officer approached and knelt to report to Otto.

          Take over the palace immediately, and start by securing the crown prince and the royal family in their cells. I dont expect any of them to have escaped since theyre locked up, but we dont want to lose any of them, so make sure you take care of them.


          Otto was convinced that the crown prince and royalty were being held in prisons within the palace.

          Thats what he does. Hes a power hungry asshole.

          [Territory Wars] in his experience, the pattern of the kings escape has always been the same.

          This is because its a very famous pattern for cornered kings to lock up their crown princes and royalty to increase their value.

          I know it seems like the best thing to do, but youre going to wring your own neck.

          Otto smiled coldly at the thought of the king, then turned to his officer.

          I have other business to attend to, and Ill be entering the palace later, so you go ahead. Let our men get some rest after all that marching.

          yes! majesty!

          After giving the order, Otto turned to Elise.

          Did you mention you dont like chess? Otto asked Elise beside him.

          Are we talking about chess again? came the exasperated voice of Elise.

          I like it, I dont like it. came her immediate reply without much thought.

          I dont particularly like it, nor do I hate it. I did it often when I was younger. My father likes to play chess.

          Then lets play a game.


          Just for one game.

          Otto said, and dragged Elise with him.

          Otto and Elise were followed by the magical swordsmen of House Kuntachi.

          * * *

          The king escaped from the palace by means of a concealed emergency exit, and, escorted by the Royal Guard, raced through the darkened secret passageways.

          However, the speed of the kings entourage was extremely slow, almost tortoise-like.

          Whew! Whew! Now, wait just a little bit whew! Slow down whoo! Whee! Whoo!

          The king was morbidly obese, standing 160 centimeters tall and weighing 120 kilograms.

          As a result, he had a very hard time just walking fast.

          He had paid a very steep price for being obese, for not exercising, and for eating fatty food three times a day with alcohol.

          Your Majesty, you must get moving! Be strong!

          Hmph whew Im so out of breath.. whew..


          Wait hold on stop take a break stop

          Eventually, the Knight Commander ordered his men to take turns carrying the king.

          There was no way to move the king without carrying him, as he had spread out and was no longer able to walk.

          The problem was that carrying the king, who weighed a staggering 120 kilograms, was no easy task.

          Ugh I cant do this anymore. Ugh.


          Ugh! Dam-, my legs are shaking ugh!

          Knights who were already wearing dozens of kilograms of armor could run for less than five minutes while carrying the king.

          Smaller, less muscular knights might not even be able to carry the king at all.

          For this reason, the king and his retinue were as slow as a turtle.

          Damn it. If its Your Highness weight even if he were to escape through a secret passage and ride away on horseback, a horse would not be able to hold him. Whats the sin of the horse..

          The Knight Commander thought it was cruel to carry the king on horseback, but he didnt say it out loud.

          After a long, slow march, each step seeming like an eternity, the king and his knights slipped through a secret passage into an unnamed forest on the outskirts of the capital.

          Well, at least we made it out of the secret passage safely Ugh.

          The Knight Commander froze when he found a pair of handsome men and women and dozens of knights waiting for them.

          No such promise was ever made.

          There was no such thing as a plan to have allies waiting in the shadows.

          That means.


          As soon as the Knight Commander realized they were enemies, he unsheathed his sword like lightning.


          The Knight Commander warned in a commanding voice.

          Disarm and step aside at once, or I will strike every last one of you.

          Then a handsome blond man with a regal bearing, to say that he was simply handsome would be an understatement, spoke to the fair woman beside him.

          We won this game, didnt we?

          He pointed to the King, who was surrounded by his Royal Guards.


          This is what it meant, that he was going to take the king alive.

          Elise suddenly realized why Otto had mentioned chess.

          It was a fitting analogy because chess is a game where you win by capturing the king.

          A very scary man He knew where the King would run to, which is why he was able to chase him all the way here.

          Elise is surprised.

          I promise that no one will get hurt if you serve me your fine honey.



          Otto pointed over the Knight Commanders shoulder at the King, who was still huffing and puffing.

          I have no use for you, so just walk away nicely, and I promise no one will get hurt.

          How dare you!

          The Knight Commander was furious.

          How dare you urge knights to betray their lord, and think you can get away with it!

          Dont do that and wont you pass him over nicely?

          Shut up! We are the Royal Guards, and it is our virtue to lay down our lives in defense of our king! Insult us no more!


          Otto looked perplexed, realizing that the invitation to surrender wasnt working.

          This is why talking with knights tend to be so exhausting.

          Chivalrous knights dont surrender.

          Knights will never betray their lords, no matter what the circumstances.

          Even if the monarch is a scumbag unworthy of protection.

          So it was safe to say that there was no peaceful way to resolve this situation other than to subdue the knights.

          Or kill them all.

          You say you have no intention of handing him over.

          Otto glanced at his group of magical swordsmen.

          Subdue them, but dont kill them. Let it be said that they lost a battle in the line of duty and were forced to surrender the king.

          Yes, Your Majesty!

          At the same time, the Kuntachi familys magical swordsmen launched themselves in unison toward the Magritte Kingdoms Guard Knights.

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