Chapter 79:

Chapter 79

[Marquis Resolve]

It shall be an impregnable fortress.

A Nomadic Shaman

Description: These bricks were blessed by a nomadic shaman from the Haver Prairie when the ancestor of House Valdemar built his castle.

An ancient and very powerful spell is cast on it.

Rating :

Effect :

+500% to Wall Durability

Increased combat power and morale of allies during defensive operations (this effect increases the more troops the enemy has!) (10-100%)

30% chance for enemies ranged attacks to miss

Special Note: This Relic is portable, making it even more valuable when used strategically.

Most Relic items have a deceptive effect.

The same goes for [Marquis Resolve]

Not only does it increase your wall durability by a whopping 500%, but it also increases your allies combat power and morale by up to 100%, so its undeniably a scam.

They dont call it the Space Defense Helmut for nothing.

Helmut was one of the 100 Lords who specialized in defense.

Ugfh. I feel sick just thinking about it.

Otto shuddered at the thought of Helmut holed up in a building, holding on for dear life.

To capture a fortress or castle defended by a Helmut, youd need at least ten times as many troops.

Therefore, gamers who were skilled at using Helmut were able to draw enemy troops into a castle or fortress with <Marquis Resolve> and force them to lose troops.

Since there was no chance of falling through the walls or losing a defensive battle, they could take advantage of this by forcing the enemy to pile up their forces.

This is why Otto did not fight Helmut, but instead kidnapped his daughter Elise to negotiate with him.

There was no way Otto wanted to go to war against Helmut, who was trapped inside the castle.

No one can deny that House Valdemar has not neglected to build up its military might.

Otto said to Helmut.

Ill also admit that the knights and soldiers of House Valdemar are the elite of the elite, but that alone doesnt account for their unusual, unorthodox, and mysterious winning percentage over the past two hundred and fifty years. This brick has.

Otto explained to Helmut the effect of Marquis Resolve.

Thats right. I had no idea that such a holy object was hidden within the city walls, along with the other bricks I dont understand why they would leave it here.

Perhaps its because the shaman didnt want these bricks to be used for anything else?

What does that mean?

Well, sometimes defense can be a great offense, and what if we took this brick and used it to build another castle or fortress?

That would make it an impregnable fortress.

And if you used it strategically in war?


Since youre a wise man, Im sure you know the value of these bricks.

Well, yes, of course I do, Ive been a field commander all my life. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

So just trust this brick and hold on for now. Fifty thousand Magritte Kingdom troops, Im sure theyll hold out for that long. Even if 100,000 come, theyll last a week, right?

All right, Ill hold out.

Helmut trusted Ottos words, or more precisely, the effect of Marquis Resolve, and decided to hold out.

After all, he had accepted Ottos offer, so he had no choice but to do as he was told.

Very well.

Otto nodded.

Ill make sure you meet your daughter soon.

Is that so?

Helmuts expression brightened.

It was proof that Helmut was not a cold-hearted ambitious man.

He might not be an idiot, but he was a father who loved his daughter, Elise, more than anyone.

Theres no way Marquis Helmut is going to betray me and align himself with the Kerrates again now that the coup has failed, so Ill give you your daughter back as a gesture of trust, so just give me a few days.

Understood. I will wait.

Otto had only staged the kidnapping because he needed a pretext to approach Helmut, a reason to persuade, threaten, and intimidate him.

There was also room for sympathy, as Helmut had rebelled because of the royal familys excessive oppression, exploitation, and pampering.

* * *

Meanwhile, Togril, chieftain of the Kerrates tribe, was on the verge of going completely mad.

Until Amukhans disappearance and his alliance with House Valdemar, he thought he would soon crush the Kongurat and claim supremacy of the Haver Prairie.

But when Amukhan returned, things began to go awry.

We lost again? Again????

Togrils blood pressure began to rise when he received the report that the fifth battle had been lost.

But that was only the beginning. frёewebnoѵē

What, you lost again? You incompetent bastards! What do you mean you dont know how to win?

The losing streak.

Every time a report came in, it was about a defeat, not a victory.

In the meantime, most of the territory occupied by the Kongurat tribe was lost, and now even the territory of the Kerrates tribe was gradually being taken away.

When word came that the horsemen he had sent to Helmut had been wiped out, Togril was dazed and nearly fainted.

To lose 2,500 cavalry in one night.

Helmut, you incompetent bastard, what kind of men are they, to lose the elite cavalry Ive spent my entire life training?

Two thousand five hundred cavalry is no small number.

Moreover, the value of these warriors, who rode tame Tatar horses, a specialty of the Khabar Steppes, was immense.

The horsemen who had been slaughtered represented fifty percent of the Kerratess total military strength.

Togril struggled to control his emotions, barely holding back the urge to cry.

Since ancient times, a ruler must not be shaken.

If he showed weakness in front of his men, he never knew when they might betray him.

It was the law of the prairie.

Anyone who appeared weak could be preyed upon at any time.

Even if it was a chieftain..

Helmut what did he say?

Yes, Chief. According to Helmuts letter This incident was the result of a tactical error. He plans to visit you soon, Chief, and apologize on his knees.

Damn it! A tactical miscalculation? The warriors of our tribe were annihilated by that tactical misjudgment! such a dog! Just because he knelt down and bowed his head, did you mean that our dead warriors and horses stolen by our enemies would come back!!!

Togrils anger was unspeakable, but he could not take revenge on Helmut.

For now, neither Helmut nor Togril would be labeled with the dirty word.

If he tried to fight Helmut here in retaliation, both would be ruined.

Helmut to the armies of Magritte.

Togril to the Kongurat.

Each of them would only suffer individual blows.

He even got down on his knees to apologize.

So what do you say, this is not a matter for an apology!

Helmut says hes sending 2,000 reinforcements as an apology.

Sending reinforcements? And how does Helmut expect to hold off the onslaught of Magrittes forces?

Well hold out as long as we can, but in the meantime, the chieftain wants us to crush the Kongurat tribe first, and then ask for help, and I think we can resolve this situation somehow.


Anyway, the rebellion is as good as a failure, so after that, I will become a subordinate of the chieftain and become a margrave who protects Haver Prairie from the Magritte Kingdom.

Oh ho?

Togrils ears perked up.

Sure. Togril suppose he doesnt need to look beyond the Magritte Kingdom. How can he look beyond the Magritte Kingdom when he cant even unify the whole prairie?

In any case, Togrils goal is not the Magritte Kingdom, but the supremacy of the Haver Prairie, and to build a kingdom by unifying them.

To do that, he needed to unify the Haver Prairie, but he also needed to defend them from the Magritte Kingdom, a foreign power.

In that sense, acquiring Helmut and his territory was a pretty good deal.

Helmuts territory was strategically located, and could be used not only for defense, but also as an outpost to invade the Magritte Kingdom.

In other words, Helmuts offer was a deal that would more than make up for the loss of the horsemen.

Good. Go tell Helmut.

Tell him.

It is grievous and disheartening that my army has been so futilely lost. But the fact that he himself has come on his knees to apologize, that he has offered to become my servant, that he has offered his territory, and that he has offered to send reinforcements, is a very good thing, and I shall have special mercy on him.

but Togril had no intention of forgiving Helmut.

Helmut, you incompetent bastard. Do you think Ill forgive you? Well see. As soon as I have unified my prairies, I will surely boil you alive and take away your territory.

Togril vowed to execute Helmut in a horrible way, and decided to wait for his reinforcements.

For now, it was imperative that he gain supremacy over the prairie.

* * *

Same time.

The Magritte forces, whose supply convoy had been robbed, paused in their advance to wait.

They waited for supplies and additional troops to replace those killed in the battle with the Kerrates horsemen.

Helmut, this traitorous bastard has allied himself with these savage nomads!

King Magritte was furious when he received the report.

It was bad enough that they had rebelled, but the fact that they had allied themselves with the nomads of the Khabar Steppes, the greatest threat to Magrittes kingdom, infuriated him even more.

But the kings anger didnt last long.

What, a great victory? Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

The kings ears perked up as reports came in of a great victory over the nomadic horsemen.

The annihilation of 2,500 nomadic horsemen was a revolutionary feat worthy of being recorded in the kingdoms history books.

Helmut, did you dare to think that you could succeed in revolting against me Magritte, even if you had allied yourself with those barbarous, filthy nomads? I will teach you very clearly what happens to a dog that bites its master, here!

Yes, Your Majesty.

Rally the whole army, leaving only a minimal defensive force, and march! We will show that traitor, Helmut, how fearsome the wrath of the King is!

Traditionally, a rebellion is something that needs to be quelled quickly.

It was also imperative that he crush his enemies ruthlessly and brutally, and mete out terrible punishment to all involved.

He needed to set a clear example of the terrible end that awaits those who challenge his kingship.

This was the only way to prevent a second or third rebellion.

So when the king declared that he was going to gather all his troops and destroy Helmut, his subjects were in full agreement and support.

Wise is your judgment, your Majesty!

Your words are right a hundred times over, Your Majesty!

Your words are wise, Your Majesty!

The kings will and the opinions of his subjects were unanimous, and the Magritte army set out to destroy Helmut, leaving only a minimal force to defend the capital.

The initially planned reinforcements of 5,000 men tripled to a whopping 15,000.

It was a show of force, and it took nearly all of their available troops.

And at the same time.

*Clink, clink* *clip, clop* *Clink, clink*

The 15,000-strong Lota Kingdom army began to move.

They headed northwest.

It was the direction of the Magritte Kingdom and the Haver Prairie.

** ** **


1. Changed the Holy Relic Name of Marquis Helmut to [Marquis Resolve], when it was plucked out of the wall by Otto to show Helmut the main contributing factor why their Valdemar Family are proficient in defending in siege it went inactive. Hence its name got turned into [Marquis Resolution] and when it got placed back as a part of a wall it reverted back to [Marquis Resolve]

Resolution a decision to do or not do something.

Resolve firm determination to do something.

2. When players use Helmut as their character in the game [Territory Wars] they just connect and expand the walls of their new conquered territory(space) with the primary wall that has the Holy Relic, which over time the moniker Space Defense got tag with Helmut

3. If he called Helmut as a Delusional Bastard, it implies that he (Togril) is also one because they made an alliance for their own gain.

Helmut To escape the grip of the Magritte King to his Family and save his daughter.

Togril To conquer the Haver Prairie and unify the Steppes and Prairie under his rule.

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