Chapter 56

TL: IDevK11

Editor: Capitano

As the civil war in the Kingdom of Roshan intensified, it worked in Ottos favor.

The best-case scenario was for the suppression army and the rebel forces to fight each other and end up destroying themselves.

To achieve that, it was essential to crush the 9,000 rebel troops who had left Canyon Ridge.

Although the rebels had given up Canyon Ridge, they had suffered minimal losses in terms of personnel.

About 500 of the troops who remained on the Canyon Ridge had scattered and fled as soon as the battle began, so they could join the rebels at any time.

Furthermore, the 9,000 rebel troops who had left Canyon Ridge were still intact.

It would be problematic if they managed to return to their main force unharmed.

(I cant let that happen.)

Ottos plan was for at least half of the 9,000 rebel troops who had left the Canyon Ridge to become combat ineffective.

That way, the power imbalance between the suppression army and the rebel forces would be just right, leading to a more intense war.

Your Highness, we must immediately intercept the rebel forces who have left the Canyon Ridge. They must not be allowed to return safely.

I agree. Thanks to you, we have occupied the Canyon Ridge, but it is true that the rebel army is still intact.

Look here.

Otto pointed to the map and explained to the Crown Prince.

At this point, the rebel forces of 9,000 are likely passing through here.


Their target is right here, where Your Highness had stationed the army. So our forces

Lets advance immediately along this road

The Crown Prince understood Ottos words instantly and pointed to the map with his finger.

We can surround and annihilate the enemies on this plain. It seems like it would work.

Why did you choose that location?

It is strategically advantageous due to the terrain, and we can launch attacks from both directions. Tactically, it provides a significant advantage. If we can strike the enemy here our forces can achieve a great victory.

You are wise.

Otto praised the Crown Prince.

(Not just an empty vessel, huh?)

Strictly speaking, the Crown Prince was not an ordinary person either.

He was just not as cunning, crafty, or intelligent as Otto.

Well then, shall we advance immediately?

Every advance.

The Crown Prince nodded.

When you make it so tempting, how can I refuse?

You are excellent.

Whats excellent about me? Im just doing as you tell me.

Being able to listen to the words of subordinates is also one of the qualities that a great ruler should possess. Your Highness, you have those qualities, so you will become an excellent king in the future.

Th-Thank you. Hahaha.

The Crown Prince laughed awkwardly, clearly pleased with Ottos praise.

(Oh, oh, did you fall for me, Crown Prince Louis Blanc?)

Otto found the Crown Princes reaction cute and chuckled.


Meanwhile, the main force of the rebel army, which had marched away from Canyon Ridge, was lost in the wrong direction.

In the midst of it all,

What? The Canyon Ridge has been taken?

What is this?

No way! How did they find out and attack through the Canyon Ridge? ƒreewebɳ

The rebel officers panicked upon hearing this news.

Commander! General Aquinas!

Where is the commander?

Find even the vice-commander!

The high-ranking officers searched for the commander and vice-commander, but Otto and others had already escaped from the rebel camp several hours ago.

This damn it! We must return to our main force first!

Lieutenant Haig, who was reluctantly given the role of commander, urgently led the rebel forces westward, where the capital was located.

The situation had not been properly assessed yet, and key staff, including the commander, were nowhere to be found.

If they rashly tried to find the Crown Princes army and launched a surprise attack but suffered heavy losses, it would be the end.

Thats why Lieutenant Haig made the wise decision to return to the main force in a safe direction and ensure the survival of the troops.

It was undoubtedly a prudent and optimal choice.

The problem was that the one manipulating the enemys movements was right on top of Lieutenant Haigs head.

Just five hours had passed since the 9,000 rebel troops heading toward the capital encountered the suppression army led by the Crown Prince.

Annihilate the enemies!

Attack, everyone, attack!


The suppression forces emerged from all sides and began advancing toward the rebel forces.

Take formation!

Its the enemy! The enemy!

The rebels fell into great confusion due to the sudden ambush, and without even trying anything, they quickly started to crumble.

Not only were they surrounded without being prepared for battle, but they were also hit by a surprise attack. It was only a matter of time before the rebel forces collapsed.


The Crown Prince repeatedly exclaimed in admiration as he witnessed his army sweeping away rebel forces wherever they went. It was truly a satisfying sight.

They had occupied the Canyon Ridge.

They had defeated rebel forces numbering 9,000.

From the Crown Princes perspective, it couldnt get any better than this.

The victory scenario had been steadily progressing since the beginning of the war, and at this rate, they would soon suppress the rebellion and ascend to the throne.

(Commander Cain I dont know your true identity, but)

The Crown Prince thought as he looked at Otto by his side.

(I must somehow make you mine. With you, my Roshan Kingdom expanding into the continent is no longer just a dream.)

On the other hand, Otto had a completely different idea.

(Should I start making my exit?)

Now that the power balance between Crown Prince Louis Blanc and Duke Alex had reached a 50-50 equilibrium, Ottos role was essentially over.

If he sat back and watched while munching on popcorn, the Kingdom of Roshan would naturally crumble


The next day.

What is this?!

Duke Alex, upon receiving the report, was furious.

The Canyon Ridge, which was the most strategically important location in this war.

Not only did they lose such a vital position, but the surviving troops were almost nonexistent.

In other words, they suffered near annihilation.

Is this even possible? How could we lose the Canyon Ridge? How?!

Duke Alex lost his composure and raged with anger.

Aquinas, you useless fool! Not only did you evacuate the Canyon Ridge, but now were facing complete annihilation? Damn it! Aquinas! Where is Aquinas?!

Your Grace, a knight reported.

It is estimated that General Aquinas fell in battle.


Not only that, but the high-ranking officers of that unit are also missing. It seems likely that they perished together.

And you call that a report?!

Duke Alex received the report that General Aquinas and the high-ranking officers, who were the targets of his wrath, had all perished, and he was completely taken aback.

But the water had already been spilled, and there was no way to turn it back.

If only time could be reversed.

We go for an all-out war. Prepare to fight them head-on.

In the end, Duke Alex, who had lost all strategic advantages, decided to face the Crown Prince head-on with his full strength.

Losing Canyon Ridge was bad enough, but now they had also lost around 10,000 troops. Duke Alex could no longer afford to be complacent.

Whether he liked it or not, the situation demanded continuous battles and struggles.

There was no other choice now.


Shortly after annihilating the rebels.

Otto bids farewell to Crown Prince Louis Blanc.

H-huh? Where are you going?

Upon hearing that Otto and his group were leaving, the Crown Princes expression turned desolate.

For the Crown Prince, Otto was like an irreplaceable force of thousands.

In fact, the advantages the Crown Prince gained through Ottos presence were immeasurable.

If only Otto stayed by his side, they could quickly bring an end to the civil war.

So, it was only natural for the Crown Prince to feel dismayed at Ottos sudden departure.

Im truly sorry, but I received an urgent request to assist the Crown Prince. I rushed here to fulfill that request.

Is that so?

There is another urgent task at hand. I will handle that task and return as soon as possible.

Why would you leave my side during such a crucial time for a task that is supposedly urgent?

It is a matter of security that I cannot disclose. Please understand


It is a task that will take at most a week. I will complete it as quickly as possible and return.


The Crown Prince was deeply disappointed, but he couldnt force Otto to stay.

Why? Because Otto was ultimately a mercenary, not a servant of the Crown Prince.

Commander Cain.

Yes, Your Highness.

I have a favor to ask.

What is it?

If you were to return could you become my retainer?


I am still lacking in many ways but given the opportunity, I will strive to become a great ruler who lives up to your expectations. Please consider my request?

A sudden confession.

(Hes fallen hard for me. Hahaha)

Internally, Otto chuckled at the Crown Princes shy(?) confession, but outwardly, he maintained a serious demeanor.

I am a mercenary. Furthermore, you do not know my true identity, do you?

It doesnt matter.

The Crown Prince spoke firmly.

If I can have you, I will not concern myself with your past or who you are. Whatever you have done in the past, I will embrace and accept it.

Is that truly your decision?

Yes. I promise.

If thats what you say Next time we meet again I will remove this mask.


At that time, I will formally pledge my loyalty as your retainer.

Commander Cain

The Crown Prince looked at Otto with a tender gaze.

(How can a tiger crawl under a puppy? Wake up, you fool.)

Otto regarded the Crown Prince with a mocking gaze, then turned on his heel.


Ottos plan worked out very accurately.

After occupying the Canyon Ridge, the Crown Prince advanced towards the capital with fearsome momentum.

In response, Alex, the Duke, led his rebel forces to defend the capital.

Thus, large and small battles erupted across the entire territory of the Kingdom of Roshan.

A relentless civil war began, with not a day passing without bloodshed.

The rebel forces and the Crown Princes troops fought fiercely, exchanging victories and defeats.

The war was so intense that within just a week, the combined casualties on both sides exceeded ten thousand.

The war continued, and by the end of a month, both sides had lost over 50% of their original forces.


Yes, Your Highness.

Move the troops to the border of the Kingdom of Roshan and wait. I will visit Duke Alex and return.

After returning to the Kingdom of Lota, Otto gave orders to Camille and prepared to depart.

Why do you have to go? Cant you just leave it be?


Otto shook his head.

If I leave it be, theres a high possibility of a ceasefire.

A ceasefire?

The casualties are already too great. Even if it means temporarily surrendering both sides and catching our breath.

Then what do you plan to do?

I just need to give Duke Alex a little push. Then well see the end.

Leaving those words behind, Otto headed towards the Kingdom of Roshan to meet Duke Alex.

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