Chapter 50

TL: IDevK11

Editor: Capitano

The Kingdom of Rochan, which bordered the Kingdom of Iota, was essentially the frontiers edge.

If one advanced a little to the east from Rochan, it led to the western part of the continent. freё

Therefore, to venture into the continent, it was necessary to cross the Kingdom of Rochan.

The problem was that the Kingdom of Rochan, despite being a border nation, had considerable size and military power.

It was about three times more powerful than the present Kingdom of Iota.

Rather than conquering it, the concern was being invaded instead.

In reality, the Kingdom of Rochan was planning to invade with a 100% certainty.

In the past, Otto had been unable to repel the invasion of the Kingdom of Rochan and had repeatedly been forced to kneel.

Although he had tried to think of a solution, he was always outsmarted.

But waiting for an invasion and trying to repel it was simply impossible.

The Kingdom of Rochan was a formidable presence, akin to an insurmountable wall.

However, the Kingdom of Iota had a glimmer of hope, and that was the present moment.

Before launching an invasion on the Kingdom of Iota, the Kingdom of Rochan had been engaged in a civil war for the past three months.

Now is the opportunity. The perfect chance to bring down the Kingdom of Rochan.

Otto knew very well that he had to make good use of this timing, so he immediately decided to take action upon hearing the report of civil war in the Kingdom of Rochan.

There has been a civil war in Rochan, our neighboring country.

Otto immediately called for a meeting and shared his thoughts with his subordinates.

I plan to intervene in the civil war in the Kingdom of Rochan.

Why would you unnecessarily meddle in another countrys war? Duke Wazir asked.

The Kingdom of Rochan is an extremely threatening existence. Otto, From the perspective of the Kingdom of Rochan, our growth is unsettling, and they would also covet the trade routes we have newly established.

And so?

If things continue as they are, they will definitely invade our country as soon as their civil war ends.

Isnt it possible that the Kingdom of Rochan may desire peace?


Otto sighed as if asking why he would think that, knowing everything.

You know it all. Where is peace in the international community? Its just about devouring each other. Maintaining peace between countries that share a border is complicated due to various issues, not because people are kind-hearted.


We have no complicated ties with the Kingdom of Rochan, and the power gap is significant. The neighboring countries are not interested in this corner of the world, so there is no need for a pretext for war. In this situation, if we hope for peace and remain quiet, it will only mean putting our lives at the mercy of the Kingdom of Rochan, whether they show mercy or not.

You know a lot! Right.

Why are you asking when you know everything? You seem to know more than I do.

Why did I ask? Its because these fools around here cant understand your words.

Then the attendants blushed in embarrassment.

The number of talent in the current Kingdom of Iota was very shallow, and there were hardly any individuals who could understand Ottos words like a rock.

Well, how do you plan to intervene in the civil war of Rochan?

Well um

Otto scratched the back of his head and replied.

We have to throw ourselves into the battle with all our might, right?

Without sending our army?

Where can we send an army? Were currently busy building up our military strength. Besides, our country has a small number of troops. Each loss of a soldier is deeply painful.

Its not entirely wrong, but intervening in Rochans civil war without sending an army Do you have any solid basis for believing in it?

Thats the plan. Its about cost-effectiveness. We want to invest the minimum cost and extract the maximum efficiency It would be even better if it were free.

Truly a statement of extreme profit-seeking.

Just ask for the life to be given for free while youre at it.

Camille couldnt believe Ottos selfish mindset, but he didnt necessarily view it negatively.

Everyone wants to achieve great success with minimal effort.

The problem is that its almost impossible.

However, Otto seemed to be able to turn such selfish thoughts into reality.

What strategy do you have in mind?

I plan to deploy a special forces unit and carry out various operations.

It wont be easy, will it?

Its possible.

Otto chuckled.

He knew exactly how to handle the divided Kingdom of Rochan


The Kingdom of Rochan, located on the western frontier of the continent, used to be a peaceful place.

However, after the death of the king in a carriage accident, the situation changed.

The kings younger brother, Duke Alex, launched a surprise rebellion and seized the capital. Prince Louis, along with some close associates, managed to escape from the capital but was being relentlessly pursued by rebel forces.

Prince Louis goal was to reach the Felton Fortress, located on the eastern border.

The 1st Division, the most powerful army in the Kingdom of Rochan, was stationed there, and one of the commanders, Earl Gardner, was one of Prince Louis closest allies.

In other words, in order to fight against Duke Alexs rebel forces, Prince Louis had to survive and make it to the Felton Fortress.

That was Ottos explanation.

How do you know that? Camille asked.

I have my ways of knowing everything, Otto shrugged his shoulders in response.

So, whats your plan with such a small group? Camille glanced at him.

As mentioned in the conversation with Duke Wazir, Otto and his group heading to the Kingdom of Rochan had a very small number of troops.

The only forces they brought were thirty members of the Kutachi familys elite magic swordsmen.

It was indeed a limited force to intervene in the civil war of the Kingdom of Rochan.

I told you, the size of the troops doesnt matter, Otto replied with a smile. First, we need to rescue the prince quickly.

Is there a high chance that the prince wont make it to the Felton Fortress?

In my experience, its about a 10% chance. One out of ten times


Oh? I misspoke. Hehehe.


Anyway! What if the prince dies quickly?

The civil war in the Kingdom of Rochan will likely end quickly.

And then?

The Kingdom of Rochan will advance its invasion on us earlier Ah.

Camille finally understood Ottos intentions.

So, youre going to rescue the prince now?

Yes. Otto nodded.

Saving him is not enough. We need to get him to the Felton Fortress as quickly as possible. That way, well have the power to handle the situation effectively.

I understand what you mean.

Thats why we need to go and rescue the prince first.

Yes, Your Highness.

Thus, Ottos group secretly crossed the border of the Kingdom of Rochan to rescue Prince Louis.


Prince Louis Blanc and his companions narrowly escaped from the capital.

However, the pursuit by rebel forces was relentless.

For several days, Prince Louis Blanc and his group had been fleeing from the pursuing rebels, and it seemed they had reached their limits.

Most of the knights and servants who had escaped with them had either perished or been captured by the rebels, leaving only four of them, including Prince Louis Blanc.

And thats not all.

Their food and water supplies were running out.

But what could they eat to sustain their strength and continue their escape?

So Prince Louis Blanc and his companions were hiding in the forest, unable to leave.

Your Highness, please eat this.

Lord Kent, the right-hand man of the late king and Prince Louis Blancs closest ally, offered a piece of raw meat dripping with blood.

It was a rabbit he luckily caught and slaughtered on the spot, given to the prince.

Your Highness, you must eat this. It will give you the strength to continue your journey, Lord Kent said.

I know, replied the prince.

Silently staring at the meat, which was still covered in rabbit fur soaked with blood, Prince Louis Blanc closed his eyes and took a big bite.


The strong odor and the peculiar texture of raw meat made him feel nauseous, but he forced himself to chew and swallow it.

In their exhausted state, he knew that if he didnt eat even this kind of meat, escaping would be impossible.

I will I will definitely have my revenge I must survive somehow I will take that traitors life Prince Louis Blanc vowed as he chewed the bloody meat.



Night came, while Prince Louis Blanc and his companions were taking a rest.


Bark! Bark bark.

Bark bark bark.

In the distance, the sound of barking dogs could be heard.

Prince Louis Blanc and his group were startled.

Dogs barking at this night suddenly? It was clear that the rebels had deployed guard dogs.

Damn it

Prince Louis Blanc gritted his teeth.

They might be able to escape from rebel soldiers, but escaping from dogs with keen senses was nearly impossible.

Your Highness, we must leave quickly.

I understand.

Prince Louis Blanc swiftly followed Lord Kents lead and started running.

But it was only for a short while.

In just 30 minutes, Prince Louis Blanc and his group were caught by the dogs, and soon they were surrounded by rebel soldiers.

A fierce battle ensued between Prince Louis Blancs group and the rebel soldiers.


Meanwhile, Otto and his group were lurking about 100 meters away from where the battle was taking place.

Your Highness, Prince Louis Blancs group is in danger.

Thats to be expected.

Otto nodded in response to Camilles words.

Shall we start moving then?

Are we going right now?

First, put these on.

Otto took out items from his inventory that looked like small binoculars and distributed them among Camille and the swordsmen.

What is this?

Its goggles.

What is??

Literally, its goggles. When you connect them to the helmet like this and infuse mana,

Following Ottos explanation, Camille and the swordsmen attached the goggles to their helmets and infused mana into them.

As a result

Their previously pitch-black vision gradually began to clear, and they could see even in the darkness where they couldnt see a step ahead before.

What is this?

Night vision goggles.

I made them temporarily, so they might be a bit rough, but they should be useful.

The small binoculars Otto distributed were items called Crude Low-tier Night Vision Goggles which had the spell Sight engraved on them.

In other words, with these items, they could secure their vision even in the dark night, giving them a tactical advantage in nocturnal battles.

Those who can see and those who cannot see.

It was obvious who would have the upper hand.

As Ottos eyes turned green, the previously dark forest began to shine brightly as if it were broad daylight.

Remember to wear your masks. We are not soldiers of the Iota Kingdom, but members of the Black Legion.

After urging them, Otto immediately moved his steps toward the location where the fight was unfolding.

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