*Slosh* *Slosh!* *Slosh!*

In the twisted wilderness, monsters were being born in constant flux.

The sight of them crawling out through the land that had turned into a mudflat was truly grotesque.


The holes scattered throughout the mudflat bubbled and hissed as though they were boiling with hot water.

"…There are so many of these things."

Otto looked at the monsters being born in the twisted wilderness, unable to even gauge their number.

There was no proper way to determine how many monsters were hidden beneath the ground.

It was possible that there could be hundreds of millions of them.

If there really are hundreds of millions of them…

If those monsters continued to attack the Lota Kingdom.


Just imagining it was horrifying.

‘Why on earth is this happening?'

The current situation was something that hadn't even been introduced in the game's version of [Territory Wars], and Otto couldn't help but feel confused.

Since it was an unexpected variable that completely defied predictions, Otto was at a loss for how to respond.

‘Let's see.'

Otto decided to use his clairvoyant power to find out what was hidden beneath the twisted wilderness.

Clairvoyance is a power that can see through even thick walls.

Additionally, as Otto's level had increased significantly, his clairvoyant ability had become even stronger.

He figured I could at least get an idea of how many monsters lurked beneath the surface of the twisted wilderness, and what the situation was like.


Otto's eyes glowed green.

‘I see it.'

Soon, the situation beneath the twisted wilderness unfolded before his eyes.


Otto was aghast at the scene.

Beneath the ground, what appeared to be millions of eggs were wriggling, preparing to hatch.

And underneath them…….


Otto also saw a huge, elongated creature coiled up and asleep beneath the eggs.

*Wriggle* *Squirm!*

The creature too seemed to be rousing to life, wriggling and stirring ever so slightly.

At this rate, it seemed that the massive creature would also break through the surface and unleash a major catastrophe.

The problem was that, in the current situation, he couldn't think of a way to prevent the eggs and the giant creature from awakening.

"Let’s return for now."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

For now, Otto decided to return to the Fortress.

Now that he had figured out what's happening in the Twisted Wilderness, Otto decided to go back to the stronghold and try to figure out how to fix the crisis.

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At the Fortress, the battle was once again raging.

"Prepare for battle!"


The Lota Kingdom's troops gripped their weapons and prepared for the upcoming battle against the encroaching monsters.

The enchantment Otto had placed on the fortress walls came undone, and the monsters began to scale the walls again.

Meanwhile, Otto having returned to the Fortress, was deep in thought, trying to find a solution to the situation.

‘There must be a clue. I need to think and analyze this. Nothing happens without a reason. Every event has a cause and effect. Surely there must be a way to resolve the situation somewhere.'

Following this logic, Otto pondered the situation deeply.

But no matter how much he thought about it, nothing came to mind.

Until suddenly.

‘Wait a minute. Didn't this variable arise when the [Varuna's Water Pillar] was moved?'

Something clicked in his head.

‘When Varuna's Water Pillar disappeared, it rained on the twisted wilderness, turning it into a mudflat. Is that why this situation arose?'

Just then.

"Your Highness, Baron Sullivan wishes to speak with you."

"Baron Sullivan?"

Otto's head snapped up at the mention of Sullivan's name.

Sullivan was supposed to be in the capital right now.

This was because Otto had given him a position as a professor at the academy, where he was supposed to teach his classes from now on.

Had Sullivan really risked danger to come all the way to the fortress?

There had to be a compelling reason for this.

"I greet Your Majesty!"

Sullivan burst in, panting as he dropped to his knees before Otto.

"I rushed here because I have urgent news to share!"

"What is it?"

"I've found out the reason for the current situation!"


"Your Majesty! We must return the Varuna's Water Pillar to its rightful place!"

"And on what grounds do you base that?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. It's because of this."

Sullivan took out a very old book and showed it to Otto.

"The Varuna's Water Pillar is a holy relic set up by the ancient civilization to seal off the Great Catastrophe."

“Please explain in detail.”

"Understood, Your Highness."

Sullivan explained the course of events to Otto based on ancient documents.

“In fact, the cause of the great flood is an ancient monster named Deucalion¹, which is sealed in the twisted wilderness.”

"Please continue."

“Deucalion is a monster that causes Great Floods, and it is said to be inactive without moisture."

"What do you mean it is inactive without moisture?"

"According to the documents, Deucalion is a gigantic fish with the blood of dragons. Therefore, it cannot operate without moisture."

"Is that why it summons rain?"

“Yes, Your Majesty. Deucalion, if deprived of moisture, burrows into the ground and falls into a deep slumber. When it is time to awaken, it creates a great flood to resume its activities. It is presumed that the great flood is a disaster caused by Deucalion to resume its activities.”

"So that's why the ancient people placed the Varuna's Water Pillar in the Twisted Wilderness to seal the Deucalion away?"

"That is correct, Your Highness."

"Then if we return Varuna's Water Pillar to the Twisted Wilderness, it will prevent Deucalion from awakening?"

"That is right, Your Grace."

Otto finally understood the cause of the situation and nodded.

Having heard both his own reasoning and Sullivan's explanation, the pieces fit perfectly, making it a sufficiently credible story.

‘I was right to save him. Good things come to those who do good.'

In fact, from Otto's perspective, it didn't matter whether Sullivan lived or died at the hands of Kalmar.

Leaving him alone wouldn’t have been a problem.

However, Otto couldn't shake the thought of the innocent Sullivan being falsely accused as a liar and unjustly killed, so he infiltrated the capital of the Cherokee Kingdom and rescued him.

Technically, Sullivan was the reason Otto learned of the existence of Varuna's Water Pillar when he played Kalmar in the past.

But now that Sullivan had provided a solution to the current situation, Otto felt extremely fortunate.

If he hadn't saved Sullivan, he wouldn't have found a clue to solve the current situation, and the damage would have been much worse.

"Baron Sullivan."

Otto firmly grasped Sullivan’s hand.

"You've really done a great service."


“Thanks to Baron Sullivan’s research, we were able to save many more people. Baron Sullivan, you are a hero of our Kingdom.”

“I-I just focused on my research as a scholar.”


Otto shook his head.

"Discovering the cause of the great flood and finding the cause of the current situation as well. You've been able to save countless lives."

"Haha… Hahahaha."

"Baron Sullivan."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Effective immediately, Baron Sullivan, you are appointed as a Duke in our Kingdom."


“Additionally, I will establish a new academy named after Baron Sullivan and appoint you as its Headmaster .”

"H-How can I possibly receive such a great reward, Your Majesty!"

"It is only natural to reward a Hero who has saved the Kingdom."

Otto was sincere in his words.

The Great Flood aside, finding a way to resolve this crisis was a tremendous feat.

Therefore, granting such rewards was a duty that a Lord must fulfill.

"In addition."

Otto continued.

"I will grant you tax exemption for the next three generations."


"Surely this will be satisfactory to you Baron Sullivan… no, I mean Duke Sullivan."

"Y-Your grace is immeasurable, Your Majesty!!!"

Sullivan bowed deeply before Otto.

Otto gave him a new peerage.

The position of headmaster of an academy.

And on top of that, a tax exemption?

This was also evidence that Otto truly recognized Sullivan as a Hero.

“Thank you for your hard work in rushing to this dangerous place."

"I.. It's nothing."

"The awards will be formally presented at a ceremony after this situation is resolved."

Otto said this and then looked around at the knights.

“He is an esteemed person. Ensure their safe return to the Capital, even at the risk of your lives. He is now a Duke of the Kingdom. Not a single hair on his head should be harmed.”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Otto provided the highest level of escort to ensure that Sullivan safely returned to the capital.

‘Yes, force isn’t everything. The role of scholars is significant as well.'

Through this incident, Otto realized once again the importance of talented individuals.

Scholars like Sullivan may not directly contribute to warfare, but they are valuable individuals who contribute to the world in their own fields.

It is impossible to solve every event or mishap in the world through force alone.

Sometimes, it is the seemingly powerless individuals like Sullivan who end up saving the world.

Take Archduke Wazir, for instance. Though he was not notable for military strength, he achieved great success by using his unique diplomatic skills and political acumen in bringing other kingdoms into the fold.

‘First, I need to get back to the capital.'

Otto immediately began to move.

Since Sullivan's efforts had found a way to resolve the situation, it was now necessary to return the [Varuna's Water Pillar] to the Twisted Wilderness.

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The key was to return the [Varuna's Water Pillar], which had been installed in the center of the Royal Palace, to its original place in the Twisted Wilderness as quickly as possible.

However, transporting the enormous pillar to the twisted wilderness was realistically an impossible task.

Even at this time, monsters were constantly being born in the Twisted Wilderness, making it too dangerous to even consider approaching the area.”

Transporting it overland by cart, as they had done when they first brought the Holy Relic was clearly impossible.

Moreover, since the water had completely drained away, it was impossible to use the Fleet.

However, Otto was capable of moving the [Varuna's Water Pillar] very quickly.

Land routes blocked? Waterways unavailable?

Then they can simply use the air route.

Once again, Qasim had made a major contribution.

"Let's go!"

"Guik! Gwiiik!!"

Qasim led a group of wyverns and flew to the capital.

Then using ropes, he tied the wyverns and Varuna's Water Pillar together and transported it to the Twisted Wilderness.

Thanks to this, Otto was able to move the Varuna's Water Pillar to the Twisted Wilderness very safely and quickly, without being attacked by the monsters.

Having aerial forces provided an enormous advantage.

‘As expected, a blessing in disguise.’

Otto looked at Qasim, who was commanding the wyvern group, and smiled contentedly.

How is it that Qasim only ever does such charming things?

Qasim had grown into an indispensable figure, like light and salt², for the Kingdom of Lota.

“Your Majesty! We are almost there!”

"Guik! Guiiek!!"

It was at that moment when Qasim and Peng pointed far into the twisted wilderness and shouted.


*Crack!* *Crack!* *Flash!*

Suddenly, dark storm clouds gathered in the clear sky, and thunder and lightning erupted.

That wasn't all.


Suddenly, a fierce storm with heavy rain and wind erupted.

Due to the sudden change in weather, the flight speed of Otto and his group noticeably slowed.

The storm was so severe and lightning struck so relentlessly that even the wyverns were unable to advance.



*Thump* *Thump*

The monsters heading towards the Fort suddenly stopped and began to furiously dig through the mudflats.

As if they were trying to unearth something.

‘Are they making a last-ditch effort?’

Otto noticed the reason for the sudden change in weather and the altered movements of the monsters.

It was clear that Deucalion, which was just about to awaken, had sensed the presence of the [Varuna's Water Pillar] and was now attempting to rouse itself.

** ** **


1. Deucalion – In Greek mythology, Deucalion was the son of Prometheus; ancient sources name his mother as Clymene, Hesione, or Pronoia. He is closely connected with a flood myth in Greek mythology. (From Europe and Mongol stuff to Gree… forgot also had Middle East the Sultan Necromancer is ref to "Scheherazade")

2. Salt was not only a preservative but also recognized for its medicinal properties, it was used to treat wounds, purify drinking water, and even as a remedy for certain ailments. The importance of salt in maintaining health was acknowledged across various medieval civilizations.

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