Chapter 47

"I never thought Ella would come to visit me. I'm very surprised. You can tell from the outside, but I've been quite busy, so it's hard to meet."


There were traces of a fierce battle outside the stage.

He must have been fighting right before we arrived, and the only person that he could be fighting is the half-devil.

How is the fight between Pierrot and the Devil? I'm honestly curious. There nothing more fun than seeing two strong beings clashing against each other.

"You worked hard to come this far. Are you not hurt? With your numbers, it would have been difficult to deal with the spiders."

"Huh? Spiders?"

He seems to be talking about the spider monsters. Didn't you fight the Devil?

"You didn't fight the Devil?"

"Well, in a way, you're right. I fought against Arachne's spider army."

Ms. Spider was attacked by the Devil.

However, the fact that she attacked is almost certain that she's being manipulated.

It seems that Pierrot, who's the strongest among us, couldn't be manipulated, so they decided to borrow the power of Ms. Spider, who is the second strongest.

"You are stronger than Miss Spider. Can't you just smash through everything?"

Pierrot laughed as if I said something reckless.

"Hahaha! If you believe only in strength and fight, you will be caught off guard by the pincers of the Devil and Arachne. Can't you see this arm that got hurt because I was careless?"

Pierrot showed his eroded arm.

The erosion had progressed quite a bit from last time.

This looks a bit dangerous. Are you really okay?

"There is no need to look at it like that because there is nothing to be controlled. It will take days for the erosion to be complete."

"Are you saying that if we finish quickly, it'll be over?"

"Correct answer!... And in terms of strength, Arachne is also formidable. She's grown a bit since before. You will know when you see it."

Pierrot guided us inside without looking back.

Maybe it's because seeing children might make him want to kill them.

As we entered the entrance where light was emitting, various rides and a circus tent in the center greeted us.

It's a fairly large space.

"Oh, that guy."

A monkey carrying a weapon met our eyes while on a ride.

This is the guy I saw in the boss fight in the game. One of Pierrot's monsters.

[Ook-ook! Eeek-aak-eek!]

The monkey ran at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to follow with their eyes.

The moment the monkey raised his weapon over his head, Pierrot blocked it with one of his fingers.


"Stop. Mister Monkey, these are not enemies. After consecutive battles, you must be tired. Rest for now."


"Spider scent, you say? Hmm. I understand. For now, please return."

Pierrot pondered for a moment. He seemed to be contemplating some possibility.

Then he asked us.

"I didn't hear the answer I just asked, but with that number of people, it would have been difficult to deal with all the spiders. Are you all unscathed?"

"No one's hurt. Well, we haven't seen spider's webs, let alone a spider."

Yes. We didn't see any spiders.

What kind of plan does she has?

I wonder if she was hiding somewhere and preparing something.

"...And the spider corpses outside?"

"...? There was none."

Pierrot nodded at my answer and took out several hat-shaped badges from his pocket.

"I see. For now let's put this topic aside. First of all, it looks like you will need this."

"What's this?"

"It would be difficult if you keep being attacked by my members like before, so I'm handing over a token. Please don't drop it."

As soon as we put on the badges, the monsters who have been hiding went back to their places as if it had never happened.

Seems like it's not a lie. Honestly, I had suspected it might explode.

"Ella. Seeing that you've led everyone here, I don't think you came here just to play. There must be a purpose. What is it?"

Oh, the main point is always welcomed.

"It's good you got right to the point. You're aware that we've been setting up artifacts as we move around, right?"

"It's hard not to know. It was so blatant that I thought there might be another hidden meaning. What are you going to do if you disturb the Devil?"

"We have to install them quickly, so there's no other choice. Even though the artifacts are sturdy, we can't say for sure that they won't break. Still, if we finish quickly as you mentioned, it should be over."

Pierrot scratched his head for a moment as he was about to say something, but did not retort as if he knew we were right.

"This time, the place where the relics will be installed is here. I want to get your permission."


I nervously waited for his answer. What if he's the type who doesn't like other people hands on his circus?

If this guy refuses, it will be very difficult. Right now, he's scarier than the Devil.

However, Pierrot easily agreed.

"Do as you please."


"But there is one condition."

"What is it?"

"Once the artifact is installed, you won't be able to use the rides because of its strange power. Please enjoy them at least once. That's all."

"It's not that hard."

I asked the kids to enjoy the rides.

Adults were entrusted with monitoring them so that they would not get hurt.

Although it is a horror ride, all the safety devices are in place, so the thrill feels like a actual thrill with no harm to life.

I'm glad they seem to be enjoying it.

"Why are you alone?"

I was sitting alone on the Ferris wheel watching the kids.

Pierrot curiously looks at me. This guy, when did he arrive?

"You don't have to know."

"Hmm~ I see."

Oops. I reacted bluntly.

By doing this, I was advertising that I 100% had a story.

I have to change the subject. I asked Pierrot.

"Did you want to see it? Seeing children enjoying the rides."

"Yes. That's right. It's not bad. I also feel nostalgic."


Perhaps, like Mary, he vaguely senses the feelings about what he wants.

If all bosses have a wish, I think he has one as well.

Hey, let's just ask.

"What is your wish?"

Pierrot tilted his head. He seemed troubled.

"My wish? If it's the fake wish, I can answer it, but if it's the real one, I can't."

Mary's false wish is to call and stab to death whoever she's looking for with a knife.

Her real wish is to meet her mother.

Pierrot's wish seems to have been corrupted as well, and whatever the content is, it's likely to be violent and cruel.


"That's because I don't know! The moment I know that will be my last?"

Well, so did Mary. Ella said that too.

"But don't you have something you vaguely wished for?"

At my question, Pierrot seemed to be wondering if he could say it.

I don't know why he bothered to hide. Isn't it a wish because you want it to come true?

After much thought, he opened his mouth.

"...I'm looking for the director."

It was an unfamiliar word.

"If you're talking about a director..."

"Ella. What do you think this world resembles?"

He suddenly speaks philosophically

This world resembles something... Because this is a horror game... Similar words...

"Uh~huh... Playground (game)?"

When I answered that, Pierrot responded in a raised tone.

"Ohh! This is an interesting idea. I am similar. I think of it as a stage."

"The director of the stage..."

"Not all stages can be fun. However, the director who plays the scenario behind the stage and brings entertainment. I am looking for him."

"It's quite random. Why are you looking for someone like that? Does such a person even exist?"

"Is it so strange that I, who seeks fun, is searching for them? And it doesn't matter whether they exists or not. The important thing is that I am looking for them."

Well, if you know why you're looking for it, it's no different than knowing everything about your wish.

"...Next thing I would like to ask you, does finding that director have anything to do with helping us?"

"No. It doesn't, but saving the children is disadvantageous to the Devil. I'm not pleased with the current situation. Also, the monsters were transformed into spider monsters by Arachne. The monsters are a mystery. Each of them has their own attack method, and even if there is no extermination method, the escape method are all different.

Trying to unify them into one is not fun."

Do you see monsters as playthings?

Well, the interesting monsters make the game stand out.

I also played the game and enjoyed it, so I agree to some extent.

A clown who hates boring performances.

Simply put, he does quizzes for the main character who can't physically harm him in the game.

If she gets the quiz right, he bizarrely harms himself.

"They are both enigmas and jokes. They deserve fitting treatment."

"It's complicated. In the end, I have no idea what your wish is."

"Huh, is that so? Secrets can often be quite alluring."

I judged that it would be difficult to get a hint from Pierrot's words.

Then a good idea came to my mind. Just like I did with Mary, use the mirror ghost story.

A ghost story about the reflection of a destined person in a mirror.

I created a mirror and faced it towards Pierrot.

There, a young brown-haired woman playing with many children...


"Not yet. It is not yet time."

Pierrot shattered the mirror in a instant. He knows this technique.

"As expected, you were watching, weren't you?"

You must have seen the entire fight with Mary.

I stared at Pierrot and questioned him.


"Why don't you help when Mary is fighting? Saying it's better to save the children? We almost died, you know?"

Pierrot answered while averting his eyes. The low tone of his voice showed he felt a little bad.

"...Sometimes I want to be in a position to watch an exciting performance."

"You think that makes sense?!"

"Ahahaha. I'll definitely help next time, so don't worry. Because the situation turns interesting every time it's a crisis, I didn't feel like stepping in and ruining it. Well, if I had stepped in, Mary would have been killed in an instant."

"...Next time, you'll definitely help."

"Indeed. Got it! I'll help you!"

The strongest boss, please actively help me.

I was suspicious of Pierrot and opened my mouth to continue questioning him.

"Now, why don't you go down and play?"


And closed again.

"Ah, I see. You didn't fit in and stayed alone. Are there any circumstances?"


Ah, so noisy. I didn't want to answer, so I covered my ears and turned my head away.

"Oh dear."


A change occurred in my head as Pierrot snapped his fingers.


"There must be a reason behind it, right~?"

I was feeling like a fool.

My mind has become incredibly simple, blurring the line between words that shouldn't be said and words that can be said.

On a more fundamental level, the information in my head is roughly maintained, leaving only the necessary information.

"Oh yes~ There is~ just like a fool, all alone. I'm anxiously pondering about uncertain possibilities~"

"Oh, really? What are they about?"

"That's— what are you forcing me to say, you son of a bitch!!"

I kicked Pierrot in the face.

I kicked so hard that I could hear the sound of tearing the air, but there was no wound. Rather, only my feet hurt.

"Oops. You're quick in coming to your senses."

"What are you doing!"

"Because you're not being honest. I was just playing around a bit. Didn't you also try to see something in me with the mirror?"

"That's why you did a mental attack?!"

"Instead of doing that, why don't you just tell me? It might be helpful. I'm not forcing you. I'm actually contemplating whether to just break the artifact."

That's forcing.

"Just... There's a reason. It's a bit difficult to explain."

Why am I talking to this guy heart to heart?

It was when I had such an annoying thought.

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