I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 75: The Princess Becomes A Fleshlight, It's Common Sense (2)


“S-sorry!…Ian…I…I didn’t think…you would come…!”

As soon as the office door closed, Laplace knelt down and bowed her head.


I silently sat on Laplace’s chair and crossed my legs.


“Ah!.. sob…Y-yes!”

As I clicked my tongue, Laplace crawled over on her knees and carefully took off my shoes with both hands.

Swoosh- kiss!

Then, very carefully, ensuring not to let her teeth touch the skin, Laplace opened her mouth to remove my socks and kissed the top of my foot.

“…gag.. sob…So…so the onahole girl…from now on…”

“No, that’s not necessary.”

I stopped Laplace as she was about to use ‘Judgement.’



Then, without using ‘Judgement’ and thinking she would be hit in the stomach, she started to roll up her top while tears streamed down her face.

“That’s also not necessary right now. I won’t hit you.”

I was a man who knew where to draw the line.

After all, what would happen if you punched someone in the stomach right after they’ve eaten lunch?

“Ah… sob!…Th-thank you…!..Then..sob..the onahole girl will…sob…serve with…her mouth…”

“Don’t make me repeat myself. It’s not necessary now. Just put your shoes back on.”


Despite her relieved expression, Laplace’s voice seemed slightly cold.

If I were to put it in Evelyn’s terms, it felt like, ‘Why the hell is he acting like this all of a sudden?’

Of course, I had no obligation to answer that question.

“Onahole girl.”


“Do you know about the underground training ground that the discipline committee members use?”

“Ah…Yes…There is one.”

“Then, let’s go there. I’m going to skip the lecture, so bring the proof as well.”

Being a member of the discipline committee had its perks, one of which was significant freedom regarding attendance.

As long as the reason stated was “discipline committee activities” and there was a “certificate from the head of the discipline committee,” most absences were marked as attended.


Did she think she was going to be assaulted at the training ground?

Laplace followed me, returning to her usual voice.

“Ah, just pretend to scold the onaholes outside about mental training because explaining is too much hassle.”

“sob…To scold…Ian?”

“Just do it when I tell you to.”


As Laplace wiped away her tears and responded, I slightly worried if she could really pull it off, but…

Click-! Squeak-!

“Stand up straight! Ian!!”

As if my worry was unwarranted, as soon as the door opened, Laplace shouted with a changed expression.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, this won’t do! With that kind of mindset, it’s hard to call you a ‘Special Inspector’! From now on, I’ll give you ‘Justice’s Special Training.’”

“Ah- finally… The Special Inspector goes to ‘that place’? Hehe… I wonder if they can really come back alive…”

“Kuolli, you seem to want ‘Justice’s Special Training’ too, seeing you chatter like that?”

“No, thank you. I’ll be quiet, chief.”


What exactly was Laplace’s ‘Justice’s Special Training’ that made Kuolli speak normally again and Gaur silent as soon as it’s mentioned?

Trudge- Trudge-

“What are you doing! Why aren’t you following quickly!”

“…I’m sorry.”

“Tsk, I’ll straighten out your slackened mental state!!”

Of course, I never received ‘Justice’s Special Training.’

“sob… sniff..”

Far from ‘Justice’s Special Training,’ as soon as we entered the training ground, Laplace started to sob again.


“Hey, stop crying. You can use magic, right?”

“sob…Ah…Yes..Yes, Ian…somewhat…”

Fundamentally, the more ‘Blessings’ were trained, the stronger they became. Since they used mana for activation, most ‘Blessed Ones’ focused on training their blessings rather than learning ‘magic.’

However, unlike ‘Elementalists,’ ‘Blessed Ones’ were not incapable of using magic.

Thus, blessed ones like Laplace, overflowing with ‘talent’ and ‘resources,’ did learn magic.

“Then, try casting a spell over there.”


“Tsk, do I have to tell you everything? Just fire off anything.”

“gasp…Ah.. grunt…Yes…”



Laplace’s magic flew accurately towards the target and hit it.

“…sob…I fired it, Ian.”

“Who said to stop? Keep going until I say otherwise.”

“Ah… grunt…Yes…Yes, I’ll…continue…”

[Fire-Arrow], [Fire-Arrow], [Fire-Arrow]…

Laplace seemed not to understand why I wasn’t assaulting her but instead making her do this, but she followed the order nonetheless.

“sigh…! pant…Fi…Fire-Arrow…gasp…gulp…wheeze…”


After repeating for a while, Laplace’s mana seemed to have depleted as the magic disappeared before reaching the target.

‘…Her mana capacity is insane.’

As I suspected, Laplace had an enormous amount of mana.

I would have collapsed long before reaching even a quarter of what Laplace managed to fire.



After a few more attempts at casting spells in that state, completely drained of mana, Laplace collapsed and started retching.

“…pant…I’m sorry…retch…I’m sorry..! I’ll…stand up now…! sob…Don’t…hit me…”

“No, you did well. That’s enough.”

“huh? sigh?..sob…Thank you…”

It became clear.

Every time I treated her kindly, Laplace’s voice grew a bit colder.

‘…Well, it’s been three days, that might be affecting her.’

I didn’t check through her halo, but even without looking, it seemed like it would be tinged with gray.

“Hey, then try using ‘Judgement’ now.”

“Ah!…sob…I’m sorry! Ian…!sob…I can’t right now!…My…mana…is depleted…I can’t use it…sob…Please forgive me..!!”

As expected, ‘Judgement,’ which had a ‘mana amplification effect,’ also required mana to activate initially.

“Haah… Then when do you think your mana will be fully recovered?”

“sob…In…six…no! …Five hours…if I rest…somehow…sob…”


Normally, such depletion of mana would require more than a day of rest, but for Laplace to start recovering in just five hours…

It seemed that Laplace Mapleflower also had an exceptionally fast rate of mana recovery.

“Haah… Tsk, then, for now, go wait at the old school building. I’ll head over there too.”


Watching Laplace stagger away, I swallowed a laugh.


Upon arriving at the old school building’s duty room, Laplace Mapleflower’s expression turned cold.

Her head was dizzy from the depletion of mana, and her body felt weak, but that wasn’t the important issue.

‘…Something’s changed.’

Ian’s behavior had changed.

Today, he didn’t punch her stomach nor did he use almost any swear words…

He showed too weak a figure to be called ‘Master.’


Had he suddenly developed affection for her?

Why, after treating her like an onahole all this time?

…Could it be because of sharing her lunch box?

‘That’s absurd…!’


Laplace’s teeth gritted.

A master harboring affection for a tool!

Such a person didn’t deserve to be called a master.

Laplace wanted to be used as a ‘female,’ not to be loved as a ‘woman.’

Trudge- Trudge-

Then, hearing Ian’s footsteps approaching, Laplace’s expression returned to normal.

‘It’s not certain yet…’

The sane Ian might just punch her in the stomach and have ‘irresponsible creampie’ as soon as he opens the door.


“…Laplace. You’ve had a hard time, haven’t you?”


Contrary to her expectations, Ian, who had brought his bag, spoke softly with a smile.

“gasp! sob…No!…I’m…happy…to be made…an onahole…thank you…”

“It’s okay, you can be honest now.”


Hug- Stroke- Stroke-

Feeling Ian’s embrace and the gentle strokes on her head, Laplace experienced a suffocating sensation in her chest.

‘…Eventually, this man too.’

He might be able to destroy the ‘Laplace Mapleflower’ who was a stranger…

But he was just a common man who couldn’t destroy the ‘Laplace Mapleflower’ who became his possession.

“I’ll ask once more. It was hard, wasn’t it?”

“Ah..! sob…Yes!…Actually, it was hard…!”

Was there really no master in this world who could destroy and ruin her as much as she desired?

Just when an unbearable sense of disappointment was about to surge from deep within her heart.

“Indeed…? Then I won’t let ‘Laplace’ suffer anymore. I’ll completely ruin ‘Laplace.’”


The master whispered.

“You’ve had a hard time. It must have been tough pretending to be human… From now on, I’ll make sure ‘Laplace’ doesn’t have to struggle by turning her into a ‘dumb onahole girl who can only think of dicks.’”


In the midst of the master’s suddenly changed tone, her thought process momentarily halted…

Thump-! Thud-

Pushed on the shoulder, she fell onto the mattress, pushed down by the force.

“Ah..!.. grunt…Just…just a moment..!…Ah…!…sigh….Ah!….”


Upon seeing the master’s expressionless face, Laplace was struck mute with fear.

It was different.

Fooled by false kindness, she hadn’t fully realized it…

Depleted of mana, she was completely powerless.

Meaning, in my current state, she couldn’t resist anything the master did to her.


Thinking of the hours left until she could escape the depletion of mana, her body trembled uncontrollably, and tears flowed freely.

“…I…I hate it!.. sob!!….That…that kind of thing!…I…I hated it…!”


“Onahole girl. If you don’t want to die, stay still.”


Trying to escape instinctively proved futile; a ‘female’ without mana couldn’t possibly escape from a ‘male’s’ grasp.

Especially if that male was the master, who was much larger and stronger than ordinary males…


Pulling a rope from the bag, the master declared to her.

“Then, Laplace… I’ll do my best to ruin you.”

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