“᧗⟆ Ohhhhhh!!!! ♥♥♥”

Laplace let out an odd groan as I plunged into her, and she climaxed.


At the same time, like a snake devouring its prey, Laplace’s pussy, having swallowed my entire cock from glans to root, twitched and squirmed.


But it still lacked something, despite being a ‘drug-like pussy’.

It certainly wasn’t pleasure that it lacked.

If I let myself relax even for a moment, I would ejaculate without warning.


Like a drug addict chasing a stronger high, Laplace’s cunt beckoned me, promising even greater sensations.

Kwaak! Peok! Peok!

I gripped Laplace’s pelvis like a handle, succumbing to the allure of her vagina, and thrust my penis repeatedly.

“Huff! ♥… Cry! ♥… Grit!… Yell!! ♥… Heave… Huff!… Heh!… Shriek ♥!… Gasp!… Ugh… Whine.. Cry..! ♥… Scream! ♥… That… That’s too hard! ♥… Choke!… Womb! ♥… It’s… It’s breaking! ♥… Laugh!! ♥”

“Shut up and tighten your vagina, you onahole wench!”

“Groan!! ♥… Ah!… Cry! ♥… Ah!… Huff!! ♥… Ian…!! Scream! ♥… Just… Just a little!… So… So gentle! ♥… Hold on!… Cry ♥… Gasp!… Groan ♥… Heh!… Heh!… Sigh! ♥… Ah!… It’s… Close! ♥… Done! ♥… Gasp!… Heave! ♥… Scream!!! ♥”


“Groan!!… ♥ Agh!… ♥ Huff!… Wait… Just a moment…! ♥… It’s… It’s close! ♥… Now ♥… It’s over…! ♥… Whine!! ♥… Cry!… Groan, Gasp! ♥… It’s… It’s happening ♥… Oh! ♥… No… Not again… Going to… Again! ♥ ♥”

“I told you to shut up and tighten your vagina!”

No matter how aggressively I moved my hips, I felt impatient for an unattainable pleasure, much like a real drug addict.


Eventually, I choked Laplace while kissing her.

“Cough..!! ♥… Gag!… Choke… ♥Groan!… ♥Choke! ♥… Ugh!… Ugh! ♥… Mumble!… ♥Groan… Huff! ♥… Heave!… Suck!.. ♥”

The act of lovers kissing during intimacy was hardly a lovely gesture in this case.

It was a kiss that prevented Laplace from breathing properly, more a form of torture than a show of affection.

“This onahole is damn convenient. Does gel automatically come out when I choke it?”

“..Ke..Khek!♥…Heck!..Heck!…♥Gagging!…Gulp!..Suck!♥…Da…Da..Dang it!♥…Heh!…Breath..!♥Blocked!….Choke..Choke me!♥….Gag.!…♥Cough!…♥Suffocating..Ugh!..Heh!♥Huff Gasp!♥Ki…Kiss…♥Dan, Dangerous!..Heuk!.Suffocate!..♥Be prepared!….Ugh!♥..Huff!..G…That thing!♥…Heck!…Heave!..Eoheuk!!♥♥”

Thud-! Thud-!

The sex was violent and selfish, not considerate of Laplace at all, only aiming to satisfy an insatiable pleasure.

No, it more closely resembled the mating of beasts than human intimacy.

“Uhh…♥Huge sigh!…Ple, Please..!♥..Heave!♥..Just a little..!!.HokHeh!♥…Ha..!!…Huge sigh!!♥…Ugh, heave!..!!♥Heck!..Gulp♥….Hya!…♥..No..Not that!…Huge scream!..♥Not yet!♥..Heh!..♥..Now..Now!..Really not yet!♥”

However, Laplace’s expression, response, and constriction showed that pleasure was thoroughly imprinted in her.


“…Heok!♥…Gulp…♥…Heh..!Hehe…!Hehe…!Tha…Thank you..huff…for you…♥…Sorry…..♥Jus..Just a moment…rest…Heh..”

When I briefly withdrew, Laplace, thinking it was a break, stammered something.

Of course, I had no intention of stopping.

But I feared being devoured by impatience if I continued as I was, so I knew I had to train Laplace first.


Index finger, middle finger, ring finger.

I spread out these three fingers and slowly stroked Laplace’s buttocks, thighs, and then her navel with my fingertips.


Sensitized by consecutive climaxes, Laplace twitched at even this slight stimulation.


“Hic!..Yes…Yess!… I’m… I’m sorry!… I’ll.. I’ll stay still!…Heh!”

When I called her name, Laplace, thinking she was in trouble, bit her lips hard and tensed up.

I had not intended to cause her any distress.


“Go away.”



Now, pressing just 3.8cm below the navel was enough to make Laplace ejaculate and climax.

‘… It’s going smoothly.’

It seemed that the training for her to climax from a ‘womb massage’ was progressing well.

For reference, the next stage of training was to make her climax simply at the command ‘Go away,’ without any physical stimulation.

“Heh…Heh…Gasp….Groan!….Dislike..Heuk….My…My body….Sob….Feels…Weird….Sob..”

Laplace, not expecting to climax from this, leaned over the desk, sobbing.


Flutter- Flutter-

Regardless of her sobs or speech, Laplace’s vagina desperately sought my penis.

‘…If she’s been trained well, she deserves a reward.’


I inserted my fist between Laplace’s navel and the desk, applying my weight on it, and thrust my penis as if to crush it.


Laplace, experiencing the pleasure of simultaneous internal and external stimulation to her womb, clutched her head and shook her legs.


At last, Laplace’s vagina, as if satisfied, began spasming, begging for semen.

“Ha! This onahole vagina is damn good.”

“Aah..!…♥Haah!♥…Yelp!..,Groan!!♥..♥No..Not that!!.Head♥..Going crazy!!♥.Gulp!…Womb.ugh!..Tormenting.♥.!!Sob!!.♥…Head!!♥..Ah!…Groan!..♥…Broken!!..Scream!.♥.Uh..Groan!…Scream!♥♥”


“Who told you to sit down? Isn’t your butt supposed to be straight?”


As Laplace tried to slump down, I forcibly lifted her, rubbing my glans against her cervical mucus.

“Squeak!♥…Sob!.!!..That..Sob..Now..♥….Please!..Sob!♥…Do…It♥…..Do it..Then!!…♥Heh!.!…Squeak!!♥…Misunderstood!!!♥”

A woman of such high status in the empire, reduced to uttering the moans of a female in heat, gave a male an ultimate sense of conquest.

“About to finish soon.”

“…Groan! Heave… Squeak♥! …Uh… Groan!! …♥Sob… ♥! …Ian♥… Not… Inside… ♥No… Not allowed! …Ah…! …♥Not inside… Really!! …♥Pregnant♥… Scream…! Squeak!♥”

“So what! Take birth control or raise it yourself! Ugh! Here it comes!!”

“Groan?! …♥Dislike… Please♥… Can’t take it!♥… Beg! …♥Now… If you do it inside!!♥… Need… Help… Groan!?!!♥♥”

Drip! Drip-!

While Laplace struggled to escape, I grabbed her neck and poured semen into her womb.


Overwhelming pleasure surged through me as if my brain were fried in hot oil.

Laplace, unable to even scream, lost consciousness along with her halo.



After I expelled the remaining semen from my urethra, Laplace lay on the floor, barely breathing.

“…Heh… ♥Heck… ♥Heck… …Heh… Heck♥…”


[Taking a picture]

Before waking up Laplace, I decided to take a picture first.

(An image of semen flowing out of the completely knocked out Laplace’s vagina.jpg)

This alone was great material, but I felt it was somehow 2% lacking.

‘Hmm… Ah!’


I searched the room for something to address the lacking element and then placed something on Laplace’s arm before taking another picture.

(A disheveled Laplace, nude except for the red armband of the ‘Discipline Leader’, in the image.jpg)

‘This is it.’

Satisfied with the new material, I smiled and bit Laplace’s nipple.


“─Groan!?♥… Ow… it hurts… Sob?!… Uh… Gasp!… Heh..”

“Woke up, did you? Who said an onahole could faint on its own?”

“Sorry! …Sob! …I… I apologize…! …Please forgive me! …Sob…”


Seeing the distinct bite marks on Laplace’s nipple, I couldn’t resist the urge to leave more.

“Come here.”


I hugged Laplace from behind in a back hug and sucked strongly on her neck.

“Suck! Slurp!”


Now, looking at the kiss mark on Laplace’s white nape, I felt satisfied.

“Hey, don’t erase this.”

“Heh…♥Gasp…Then…Then… I’ll get caught…”

“That’s for the onahole to worry about. Did I not order you not to erase it?”


“Good, now clean the penis. Onahole wench.”


As I sat on the chair of the Discipline Leader and spread my legs, Laplace knelt between them.

“Gulp…Penis… I’ll clean…Gasp…Suck-♥…Heave…Suck…Suck…”

Though unskilled, Laplace earnestly used her tongue to clean every corner of the penis, erasing the traces of our act.



“What is this ‘Special Inspector’ thing?”

While receiving Laplace’s service, I glanced over the documents on the desk, noticing my name next to the term ‘Special Inspector’, a title I had heard earlier.

“…Ah…that… It’s…a rank within the…Discipline Committee…never been used before…but…for Ian…to give…”


Upon hearing her explanation, I clenched her hair in a growl.


“Groan!…Ow!…It hurts!…Sob…”

“Were you trying to put me in the Discipline Committee without permission?”

With my schedule already full with ‘Evelyn’ during lunch on weekdays, ‘Estelle’ after school, and ‘Yuris’ on weekends, becoming a committee member seemed overwhelming, even with two bodies.

“Sob!!…No, not that…The Committee is the Committee, but…like the name ‘Special’ Inspector suggests…ugh!… You’re free to join!…Sob!…Ian…whenever you want…Sob…act as an Inspector…Sob!”

In essence, it appeared to be a position with privileges but no responsibilities.

‘… That’s not bad, is it?’

I released Laplace’s hair and asked again.

“What is the position of the Special Inspector? It doesn’t sound like a regular member?”

“Yes… Yes… So, excluding the Discipline Leader… other academy students… have the right to ‘inspect’… so… it’s kind of like a vice-leader…”

It seemed the ‘Special Inspector’ was a much higher position than I had thought.

“And the leaders didn’t object to just giving this position away?”

“Gasp… Until now… I’ve solved… and not reported… cases… all submitted as done by Ian… Sob… no… problem… should be…”

“…Really? But now that I think about it, it’s meaningless. The Discipline Committee is mine anyway.”

“Sob… Sob… Yes?”

Laplace blinked, not understanding what I meant.

“Isn’t it? The Leader is my onahole. So, the Committee is mine, too.”

“…That… that’s…!♥… Sob!…♥… Heh!♥… Heck!♥… Groan!!♥”

Press- Press-

Laplace resisted for a moment, but as I pressed my foot on her stomach, she curled up and trembled.

“… I’m right, aren’t I?”

“Heh, Heh!♥… Gasp!♥… Yes… Yes♥!… Groan!♥… I’m… I’m all!♥… Yours!♥… Ian♥… yours!!♥”


“Alright, then, I’ll accept the Special Inspector position as a special case.”

“Bliss…!♥ Heh♥… Yes…!♥… Tha… Thank you…♥”

With the climax of the Discipline Committee Leader Laplace, I became the ‘Special Inspector.’

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