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A notification window with rapidly increasing numbers.

As I wondered what was happening, I clicked on the alarm, taking me to my last post.

[Author: Eight Times a Day◆◆] = [Ian]

[Feeling down...][148]

Maybe I should just go out and die...

JustSayNiceThings■: F---, admin, did you really kill yourself??? Stop being depressed and come back!!!

ㄴJustSayNiceThings■: Without you, all sorts of idiots are running wild in the gallery!!!

MojitoDeliveryman■: Seriously, spam of the Dark Emperor? Can't stop this without an admin...

ㅇㅇ(113.111) Almighty Admin, protect us from the tactical nukes and save the gallery from chaos.

Whoopee■: Please... admin, please come back!!! I'm really going crazy!!!

ㄴWhoopee■: Aaahhhh!! Saw three nukes just today!!!

Just reading a few comments was enough to guess that the gallery’s situation was far from normal.

And as expected, checking the first page of the gallery…

[No admin? lol, let's go lololol][0]

[Aaaargh! Where did all the tactical nuke handlers go!!!][6]

[lolol I'm joining in lolol. Let's watch the gallery fall~][5]

[┏━━━━━━━Collection of idiots complete━━━━━━━━┓][7]

[No admin? lol, let's go lololol][0]

[No admin? lol, let's go lololol][0]

[Justice!! Where is the justice in this gallery!!!][3]

[Aaaargh!! F---!! Admin!!! Where are you!!!][4]

[No admin? Lol, let's go lololol][11]

[ㄴIf spam continues, I'll eat mint chocolate chicken for lunch tomorrow][3]

[Admin, please come back!!! The gallery will fail without you!!!][1]

[┗━━━━━━━━Collection of idiots in progress━━━━━━━━┛][0]

[No admin? lol, let's go lololol][0]

[You uneducated brat, stop posting offensive images!][2]

[What??? Admin abandoned the gallery??? It's really going to fail???][6]

[No admin? lol, let's go lololol][0]

[Posting a fragrant image of a virgin in the chaotic gallery.jpg][4]

It was like hell.

Just two days of absence from me and the gallery had deteriorated to this extent. It was astonishing.

‘How did they even manage when I wasn’t an admin… At least now I know what a tactical nuke is.’

With a bit of hope, I clicked on the post with the most comments among the spam…

[Author: ㅇㅇ(74.859)

[No admin? lol, let's go lololol][11]

(The tactical nuke I hate to describe.JPG)

If you like tactical nukes, press like lololol

“Ugh… f—.”

The post was so disgusting that I had to look away immediately.

“What? …Comparing this crap to Lady Yuris?”

The idea of Lady Yuris’s chest being a ‘tactical nuke’… it was insane.

JustSayNiceThings■: Hey, f---er, how many hours have you been spamming!! Are you insane?

ㄴㅇㅇ(74.859): Why so serious? It's just a harmless prank.

Whoopee■: There must be a reason you keep doing this... This will ruin the gallery...

ㄴㅇㅇ(74.859): A reason? Do I look like someone who needs a reason? I'm like a dog chasing cars. Once I catch one, I won't know what to do with it. I act first and think later.

JustSayNiceThings■: What the hell are you talking about, you damn edgy kid? Aren't you ashamed to act like this at your age?

ㄴㅇㅇ(74.859): Ashamed? Of what? I am an agent of madness! And madness is like gravity, once you start falling, you can't stop yourself!

Justice's Magical Girl■: Stop hiding behind a VPN and come out with your real nickname! Then, I'll deal with you!

ㄴㅇㅇ(74.859): Oh no! You won't do! You're not enough! You can't stop the onslaught of the Dark Emperor!

Healthy Nickname32■: You're having mint-choco chicken for lunch tomorrow. sg

ㄴㅇㅇ(74.859): F*ck off, idiot.

Tenant Farmer Fan■: As expected of Mint-Choco Chicken. Stripping away the concept in an instant ㄷㄷㄷ

“…Ah, I wish I could verify the real names.”


[Block][Real Name Verification]

If it weren’t for my new relationship with Evelyn, I would’ve risked being abstinent for three days and found out the names…

But once I experienced that pleasure, abstaining from sex for three days became impossible.

“How many IPs does this person have?”

I asked the gallery before, and they said making a VPN was too complicated and difficult, so everyone gave up…

I didn’t know how this troublemaker managed to get so many VPNs.

[Ah, really can't stand it anymore. I'm leaving the gallery bb][5]

[Isn't there an admin? lol Going to post lololol][0]

[Admin!!!! F---!!!! You!!!!! Where are you!!!][7]

This wasn’t the time.

I had to organize the gallery first, or things would become irreversible, so I posted a message.

Tap-tap─ Tap-tap─

[Author: Eight Times a Day◆]=[Ian]

[I'm here][7]

Haha, sorry for being late. The gallery turned into a mess while I wasn't looking. I'll start blocking the troublemakers now.

JustSayNiceThings■: You f*cking bastard, why did you come so late!!!

Tenant Farmer Fan■: Ban that goddamn rebel vermin right now!

Whoopee■: ...Damn, I believed in you! Admin!! You had to come back!!

ㅇㅇ(113.111) Almighty admin, protect us from the tactical nuke and save our gallery from the troublemakers.

Comments were replicated in the blink of an eye, but there was no time to check each one.




I indiscriminately banned users like when I first got admin rights.

[Hahaha! That's our admin! But can you really stop me? We are like light and shadow, the stronger you become...][0]

“Uh, not reading.”


I decided to immediately impose a two-week ban on anyone who seemed to be spamming. The once filthy gallery began to cleanse, even with their numerous VPNs.

[Starting to praise the admin now][6]

[Admin - Now I can't live without this guy, upvote lol][13]

[Uploading a collection of pure maiden images in the cleansed gallery.jpg][7]

“…This should do it.”

The gallery finally returned to normal.

I casually checked the time, and it was almost the checkout time for the inn I had extended twice.

[F*ck lol Sex lol Just had a ton of sex with my childhood friend lololol][0]

[F*ck lol Sex lol Just had a ton of sex with my childhood friend lololol][1]

[F*ck lol Sex lol Just had a ton of sex with my childhood friend lololol][0]


Just then, Evelyn also logged into the gallery and started spamming as usual…

[Blocked for 3 hours]

Since I blocked everyone else, I couldn’t leave Evelyn unblocked, so I lightly imposed a block on her.

‘Time to go home. …But I feel like I’m forgetting something… What is it?’

[After all, people are meant to die, so is there a reason for someone like me to keep living?][0]

“Ah, crazy.”

Just before closing the gallery, I remembered I hadn’t bought the macarons to give Estelle tomorrow after hitting my head.

“Only 40 minutes left until Catherin Macaron closes… Let’s hurry.”

While Ian was quickly getting dressed after closing the gallery.

Sacred Power Container■: Master... I've done something wrong...

Sacred Power Container■: I'll follow your orders from now on...

Sacred Power Container■: Please forgive me... Master...

A comment appeared without a notification.

ㅇㅇ(89.74): Stop pretending you don't know. Send a pussy pic.

“…Pu, pu, pussy…huh…”

Yuris trembled as she read her master’s comment.

Posting a breast picture was one thing; she had the excuse of relieving the pain. But a pussy picture was purely for the sake of sexual desire without any reason.

“How..how should I… Ahh!!”

What started as a moment’s hesitation turned into more than a minute.


“Miss Yuris, are you ready? It’s almost time for prayer.”

“…Ah… Yes… Yes… I’m coming out…”

And it was even time for the worship service.

Generally, the services were held every Sunday, but Yuris, being a candidate for sainthood, also held services on Saturdays for those who couldn’t attend on Sundays.

“Uh…ah… There’s…no time…”

Even if she wanted to take the photo right away, there wasn’t enough time to undress from her integrated robe and take a pussy picture.

Sacred Power Container■: I’m sorry… Master, I can’t show my pussy yet… it’s too embarrassing… Can I post a bitch’s breasts later instead?

‘…Will this… be okay?’


“Miss Yuris?”

“Oh…! I’m coming out now!”

There was no more time to hesitate.

Yuris, who had posted the comment, closed the gallery and turned off the notifications.

The master’s command was important, but…

Inside the church, not using the gallery was the last bit of conscience she had as a candidate for sainthood.

‘…Ugh…what…should I do…’

It was the first time she had disobeyed her master’s command.

Her heart raced with the thought of having done something wrong, but she believed her master would understand.

After all… he had always understood her deepest feelings, even those she hadn’t known herself.

Even if he didn’t understand, it was okay.

That way, she might receive a new punishment from her master.

Though it was a baseless thought, Yuris believed in it and finished the service.

“Miss Yuris, thank you for your inspiring words today.”

“No, I’m still lacking a lot.”

“Hahaha, you’re always so humble. I hope our children can learn a lot from you.”

Yuris internally apologized to the parishioner who was patting her daughter’s head.

“No… you shouldn’t… look up to… a bitch… like me… I’m sorry… for being lewd… I’m sorry…”

Throughout the service, Yuris’ mind was not filled with gratitude towards the goddess but consumed with thoughts about her master.


No, even at this very moment of conversation, Yuris was only thinking about the comment her master might have posted.

“I… parishioner… I must go now…”

“Ah, yes. See you next week, Miss Yuris. Have a good rest.”

“You, too, have a good rest.”

Tap- Tap- Tap-

As soon as the prayer was over, Yuris hurried down the corridor.


She wanted to return to her room quickly and become the obedient bitch following her master’s command.

“Haah… Haah… Huh..!.. Ma… Master…!”

The moment she returned to her room, Yuris couldn’t wait and opened the gallery.

“….Eh?….. No comments?”

Contrary to her expectations, there were no punishments or commands from her master.

“Uh… Master.”

Was he disappointed in her for not following his command as his bitch?

She wanted to comment right away, but she remembered her master’s words about testing her patience.

‘..Just… a little… more… wait… surely… he will… come…’

As one hour passed, then two, and even when it became the middle of the night…

Her master did not return.

“…Why?… Why?… Why?… aren’t you coming… Master…?”

Because she didn’t reply within a minute?

Because she didn’t obey his command to take a pussy picture as a lowly bitch?

Or was it because… the master had found another bitch?


At the last thought crossing her mind, Yuris, overwhelmed, took off her suffocating nun’s outfit, grabbed a pen, and began to scribble on her chest.

[I want to serve you like this, Master...][83] (Edited)

(ㅇㅇ(89.74) Master's exclusive tit-bitch with a pen stuck between her breasts labeled as a breast-pussy.jpg)

Though they’re just big and useless bitch breasts… I want to serve your dick with them…


Even to herself, it was an indecently lewd picture.

Sacred Power Container■: Master... please forgive me with this...

After posting the photo, Yuris commented to ensure her master received the notification.

She hoped that such a lewd photo might make her master look her way again.

But despite her expectations…

Click- Click-

“Ma, Master… Where… have you gone…”

Her master did not return.

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