
Suddenly, I felt a chill, as if an ancient monster had marked me as its prey, sending shivers down my spine.

‘That was a close call.’

This morning, Evelyn sent a message saying she couldn’t come with me in the carriage, so I left a bit early…

Who would have thought the gates of hell would open on the first day of the semester?

Elfrida Carlerea

Also known as JustSayNiceThings■

A fervent believer in Elf Eugenics and an extreme racial supremacist.

Of course, I knew to separate reality from the concept of the gallery.

…But there should be limits.

[Hey, you dark-skinned kid. Don't wander around at night. Seeing only your eyes floating in the dark scared me, haha.]

[Ugh, 300 years ago, you lowly creature couldn't even meet the eyes of an elf. What do you know?]

[Look at the culinary level of the beast-kin, haha. The meat is so undercooked that if you bring it to church, it'll come back to life, haha.]

[To be honest, elves being superior isn't discrimination. It's just a fact.]

I didn’t want to be involved with elves who posted such comments.


When I opened the door of classroom 2-C, someone was already there.

Her neatly tied black hair and emotionless grey eyes made her look more like a doll than a person.

Usually, when the door opened, people checked to see who was coming in, but Estelle didn’t take her eyes off her book, showing no interest.


I greeted Estelle as I approached the seat in front of her and sat down, turning my chair.


She glanced at me briefly, then her gaze returned to her book.

“What are you reading?”


Ignored again.

Glancing at the book’s title, it was ‘Introduction to Demonology.’

I would have started a conversation about it if I had known the book, but unfortunately, I didn’t.

“Is it interesting?”

“… You’re noisy.”

Her first words were a complaint about the noise.

Not a great start, but at least it wasn’t a straight ‘go away.’

“Sorry, sorry. I’m just excited to see you. You know me, right? We’ve been in the same class for two years now…”


As I spoke, the door opened again, and classmates began to enter one by one.

“Hey! Ian!”

“Hello, Delphicia. You’re early.”

“Hmm… It’s the first day. You’re early too, Ian?”

Delphicia glanced briefly at Estelle, so I rose from my seat and approached her.

‘It’d be uncomfortable to stay near her.’

The conflict between Estelle and Delphicia was buried, not resolved.

“Did you dye your hair?”

“Yeah, um… How is it? Does it suit me?”

“It suits you so well! If I hadn’t seen you in the first year, I would have thought you were a natural blonde.”

“Phew… that’s a relief… But where’s Evelyn? Don’t you two always come together?”

“Ah… I was going to, but she said she wasn’t feeling well yesterday and told me to go ahead.”

“Oh, is that so?… Then, maybe… Ian… if you don’t have anyone to eat lunch with later… do you want to join me…?”


At that moment, the door opened with a distinctly rough sound.

Blonde hair that captured attention at a glance, sharp eyes, and a slightly broad forehead.

Her face naturally brought a smile to mine.



When I called her name, Evelyn glanced at me briefly and then approached Delphicia without a word.

It seemed today was a day for me to be ignored.

“Hey, Delphicia.”

“Uh, uh-huh… Hi, Evelyn.”

“What were you talking to Ian about?”

“Nothing! We didn’t talk about anything! Really!… Ah, sorry, my friend is calling me. I have to go!”


As Delphicia hurried away, Evelyn, looking just as usual, clicked her tongue and glared at me.

[Posted by ChildhoodFriendAssault■] = [Evelyn Marigold]

[Oh my God, what do I do!!][3]

I just wished she wouldn’t write such posts in the gallery.

“What? Why are you smiling like that?”

“Just happy to see you after a long time. You were sick, weren’t you?”

“Ha, whatever…”

Though she seemed indifferent, I, an expert in reading Evelyn’s emotions, could tell.

Right now, Evelyn was desperately trying to suppress her curling lips.


Despite the assigned seating order, Evelyn chose to sit next to me, ignoring it.

“That’s not your seat.”


“Move when the owner of the seat comes… Oh, hey, Herun. You’re in C class?”

“Yeah, Ian. We’re in the same class this time. Even our seats are… Oh?.. Evelyn, that’s my seat…”


Evelyn silently looked at her own assigned empty seat, responding to Herun’s words with nothing.

“Ah..! You know, I just realized I prefer a front seat because I’m short. Evelyn, shall we switch seats?”


“Th-that’s good… Let’s do that… It’s better that way….”

I shook my head at Evelyn’s swift acquisition of Herun’s seat.

“Be a bit nicer.”

“…What did I do? Herun offered to switch.”

“Yeah, yeah. You’re right.”

“What’s with that attitude? You don’t like me sitting next to you?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then keep quiet. Hmph!”

As I chatted with Evelyn for a while, the classroom gradually filled up as the start time of the semester neared.

Murmur murmur—

“Everyone, please take your seats!!”

The front door opened, and the professor entered, his walk embodying the word ‘plodding’.

Climbing onto a high chair, the professor wrote his name on the blackboard.

[Jamie Felstein]

“I’m Professor Jamie Felstein, in charge of Class C! My specialty is Elemental Magic! I look forward to a great year with you all!!”

With the professor’s self-introduction, as brief as his stature, my second year began.

“Let’s go.”

Since it was the first day of the semester, there were no lectures, and the academy day ended early.

“Where to?”

“What do you mean ‘where’? Home, of course. I’ve called for the carriage.”

Evelyn responded as if it were the most obvious thing, making me scratch my cheek.

“Ah, I’m going to stay a bit longer. I submitted a temporary application to join the library club.”

“…Library club? Why? Since when did you like books enough to join a club?”

Evelyn’s piercing gaze always felt a bit too intense.

“Right. I don’t like books enough to join a club.”

“Then why did you apply? Don’t tell me there’s someone you like in the library club?”

I had anticipated this kind of interrogation.

And being prepared meant I had a perfect excuse ready.

“You’ve always wanted to work in the Magic Tower before inheriting the Marigold estate.”

“Don’t change the subject. Why are you bringing that up now?”

“You might make it, but the Magic Tower is out of reach with my current grades. I thought joining the library club would give me more time to study in the library.”

“Wait, what… what?… You… now… want to go to the Magic Tower… with me…?”

“Well, something like that.”

For the record, ‘something like that’ meant there was only about 20% sincerity in my words.


Even without being an expert in reading Evelyn’s emotions, her lips twisted oddly in a way that was obvious to anyone.

“Hm… Hmph!… Hey… what?… You… following me to the Magic Tower? Even for childhood friends, isn’t that… liking me too much?”

“What are you talking about? You like me more.”


Evelyn’s face turned bright red at my light counter.

“What… what… what are you saying!!! Are you crazy! That’s just overconfidence!!!”

“Is it? Then maybe I’m wrong.”

“Aaaa!!! Damn it! I’ll go by myself! You can walk home!”

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Evelyn stormed down the hallway, visibly angry.

Soon after, a post appeared in the gallery.

[Kekekeke Childhood Friend Victory Route Confirmed!!!][0]

[Kekekeke Childhood Friend Victory Route Confirmed!!!][1]

[Kekekeke Childhood Friend Victory Route Confirmed!!!][0]

[ㄴMarried the Meme Girl][0]

[Kekekeke Childhood Friend Victory Route Confirmed!!!][6]




[Posted by ChildhoodFriendAssault■] = [Evelyn Marigold]

[Kekekeke Childhood Friend Victory Route Confirmed!!!][6]

Ah keke, my childhood friend really likes me kekekekeke

ㅇㅇ(892.151): Stop spamming, you lunatic. You always do this.

ㄴChildhoodFriendAssault■: Kekekekekekekekeke

ㄴㅇㅇ(892.151): Seriously, stop laughing. It's creepy; you seem crazy.

ㄴChildhoodFriendAssault■: Kekekekekekekekeke, I'm so happy right now; your insults don't bother me.

ㄴㅇㅇ(892.151): What's going on?

ㄴChildhoodFriendAssault■: It's a secret kekekekekeke

ㄴㅇㅇ(892.151): ...Are you the same person who was freaking out this morning about how to get rid of your childhood friend?

ㄴChildhoodFriendAssault■: Ah kekekeke. At first, I was a bit scared, but now he's acting so normal it seems like he doesn't remember anything.

Seeing Evelyn’s smugness made me want to tease her, so I logged out and left a comment.

ㄴ ㅇㅇ(89.74): What if he actually remembers everything? What if he's just pretending not to know?

ㄴ ChildhoodFriendAssault■: Ah kekeke, this person is desperately trying to stir things up kekeke. Oh, that guy is a complete idiot; he definitely doesn't know.

Seeing Evelyn call someone a fool for being considerate, I felt a surge of emotion, but I held it back.

[Person Who Commits Suicide in 94 Days (Don't Talk to Me X No Interaction X Soliloquies O)][0]

‘This is much better than seeing her depressed.’

Indeed, Evelyn looked best when brimming with confidence.

Actually, anyone would look better confident rather than depressed.

“Then, I guess I should head to the library.”

Having dealt with the final boss, Evelyn, it was time to cheer up a melancholic classmate.

Thump─ Thump─

Yuris sat anxiously in her seat, biting her lip as she waited for her master’s command.

‘Master… It’s almost the end of the academy day… when will… the command… Ah!’

Yuris cursed the Sacred Academy for ending early on the first day and realized two things simultaneously.

‘Uh… what should I do…’

First, she considered that the master she had assumed was a fellow academy student might not be one.

‘I… really might be a pervert…’

Second, despite her initial denial, she acknowledged that she was actually looking forward to secretly masturbating at the academy.

‘Does master… know this too?’

Her respect for the master, who seemed to know her true nature better than she did herself, grew over time.

‘But… if master’s penis… is as big as a forearm… how can I… insert it?… My… won’t be able to… fit it?… Uh… even now… only one finger fits…’


Just the thought of her master’s penis made Yuris’ body involuntarily heat up, and she was about to rub her thighs together when…

“…Ris… Yuris?”


She let out a scream, startled by the touch on her shoulder.

“…Are you okay? You didn’t respond when I called you.”

“Ah… I’m fine… just… got distracted for a moment…”

“What were you thinking about so intensely…? You’re a candidate for sainthood. Aren’t you pushing yourself too hard?”

“No, really, I’m fine… So, what’s up? What do you need?”

“It’s nothing much. I just thought we could grab some mint chocolate chicken skewers before heading home. You like them, right?”

“Mint choco chicken skewers?!”


Her mouth watered at the mere mention of them.

A miraculous food born from the simple equation: delicious (mint) plus delicious (chocolate) plus delicious (chicken skewer) equals even more delicious.

Despite many people’s aversion to it, it was Yuris’ favorite snack.

‘What should I do…’

With any other offer, she would have declined and waited for her master’s command in her dormitory.

But mint choco chicken skewers were different…

“Ah, there’s a 20% discount on mint choco chicken today to celebrate the start of the term.”

“Uh uh uh…!!”

Ink’s relentless temptation caused Yuris to bite her thumbnail nervously.

At the Sacred Academy, if her master commanded, she could simply run to the bathroom and snap a picture, but going to town for mint choco chicken might prevent her from fulfilling her master’s command in time.

‘…Ah… no… I must resist…’

Her master was great but stern.

If she failed to follow orders, she might be discarded instantly.

Caught between desire and hunger, Yuris sighed and said,

“Ah… no… it’s okay, Ink. Not today.”

“Really? Yuris is refusing mint choco chicken? Are you sure you’re not sick?”

“…No. I just have some things to do…”

“Things to do? Is it a guy? Did you meet someone over the break?”

“Ah, no! It’s not… like that…!”

“Ahaha! Just kidding. I know you have no interest in guys. Oh, when will our Yuris find her match?”


Yuris avoided Ink’s gaze, filled with trust, and apologized in her heart.

‘… I’m sorry.’

Contrary to what Ink believed, Yuris had been a lewd bitch just moments ago, wetting herself while imagining her master’s penis.


Episode 18: Academy Life Isn't Easy (2)







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