I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 14: Don't Talk To Me X Interaction X Monologue O (3)

“I’m really troubled…”

I thought more seriously than I ever had before.

“What should my nickname be…”

While the decision to set a permanent nickname was certain, the problem lay in which one to choose.

It had to be anonymous to avoid identifying me. Yet, it should hint at some identity, ideally with wit and humor, and given the nature of the gallery, a touch of vulgarity seemed appropriate.

“EmperorontheBed■… that’s a bit much.”

That was the first nickname that sprang to mind, but it was too arrogant for someone who had only had sex once.

“What’s a good one…”

SourCreamPie■ – the nickname itself screamed a lack of originality and was cliché.

BabySeedFarmer■ – It’s not bad but still lacks the necessary vulgarity.

BodyOdorSoupResearch Society■ – It barely met the vulgarity threshold but felt forced. The ‘sincerity’ was missing.

[Aaaaah!! Now they're spamming tactical nukes, too!!!][6]

[Seriously, I want to leave this gallery; blocking them doesn't end it][0]

[Damn it!! How many are spamming!!! Stop it!!!][3]

I wanted to take my time choosing a nickname, but the increasingly serious state of the gallery left no room for delay.

“Ah, what should I do…”

As I pondered which nickname would express my uniqueness without going too far…

“…This is it!”

The perfect nickname flashed through my mind.

[Permanent Nickname Created!]

[Gallery administrator privileges expanded!]

With the notification, I logged in using my new permanent nickname and immediately posted my first message.

[Author: EightTimesaDay◆]=[Ian]

[Hi, I'm new to the gallery.][0]

Nice to meet you.

For the first 30 seconds after posting, there were no comments; my post got buried in the flood of spam.

But then…

ChildhoodFriendAssault■: What's this? Why is your tag different?

ㄴㅇㅇ(76.812): Seriously, what is it?? First time seeing this??

ㄴBabyNapmi■: Interesting, eung! BabyNapmi wants it too, eung!

As soon as one comment appeared, the number inside [@] quickly increased.

Over the past few days, I noticed that there was a significant difference in views depending on whether a post had comments or not.

‘Is it because people come to see the comments rather than the post?’

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: I think it's because I'm the gallery administrator. I didn't know either, but the tag shape is different.

By tag, I meant the ■ next to the nickname.

‘…Mine is ◆ though.’

While others in the gallery had a grey color, mine was yellow.

ㄴㅇㅇ(112.39): Administrator? There was an administrator in the gallery? What have you been doing until now?

ㄴChildhoodFriendAssault■: That just shows how messed up the gallery is today~

ㄴㅇㅇ(112.39): True, today's gallery is the worst since 'that time'; I'm thinking of leaving.

ㄴChildhoodFriendAssault■: Typical of those who say this—they can never leave the gallery.

ㄴㅇㅇ(53.71): What's 'that time'?

ㄴTenantFarmerFan■: Ah... you don't know... about 'that time' in the gallery...

ㄴㅇㅇ(53.71): Old-timers again telling stories only they know.

ㄴJustSayNiceThings■: A newbie who doesn't know 'that time' is talking.

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Everyone, please don't fight.

ㄴJustSayNiceThings■: Hey, administrator, don't be rude and use honorifics.

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Ok, let's not fight.

ㄴJustSayNiceThings■: The hell, who are you to use informal language with me?

ㄴChildhoodFriendAssault■: This guy doesn't back down even to the admin, just being himself.

ㄴㅇㅇ(76.812): But what can you actually do as an admin? Is having a different badge all there is?

Finally, a sensible question surfaced after a long thread of nonsensical comments.

-Gallery block and unblock functions have been activated.

-Post deletion, notice creation, and removing concept posts functions have been activated.

-You can now 'limitedly' see the real names of users who have posted in the gallery!

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: I can block and unblock the gallery, write notices, and remove concept posts. Not much else.

I knew I shouldn’t mention that real names were visible in a gallery where anonymity was crucial, so I quickly changed the subject.

ㄴFlameSandwich■: What's a gallery block? Is it different from regular blocking?

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Yes, regular blocking just hides them from my view, but gallery blocking seems to prevent them from using the gallery entirely.

ㄴFlameSandwich■: What?? So, if you block someone, they can't post in the gallery at all?

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: I haven't tried it yet, but that seems to be the case.

ㄴFlameSandwich■: Lol, so we finally have a 'Tactical Nuke Disposal Unit'...

Intrigued by the term I didn’t recognize, I asked for clarification.

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: What's a Tactical Nuke Disposal Unit?

ㄴFlame Sandwich■: You're an admin, and you know less than me, lol

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Haha, I may be an admin, but I'm still new to the gallery. There's a lot I have yet to learn.

ㄴFlameSandwich■: Up until now, if a post received enough downvotes, the gallery would automatically block it.

ㄴFlameSandwich■: People who click on tactical nukes even though they know they are hostages just to rack up downvotes for automatic blocking are called the Disposal Unit.

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: It sounds like a tough job. But what exactly are tactical nukes? Are they hate images? Why do people post them in the gallery?

ㄴㅇㅇ(74.812): A reason? Do they need one? Some people just want to see the gallery burn. I call that madness.


I didn’t feel inclined to engage with that comment and decided to ignore it, moving on to check other responses.

TenantFarmerFan■: But why is your nickname EightTimesaDay? Do you really masturbate that often?

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Yeah. Usually, it's around 8 times. It has gone up to 20 on occasion.

It was an exaggeration, but a bit of boasting seemed harmless enough.

ㄴTenantFarmerFan■: Damn, the admin's stamina is off the charts...

ㄴㅇㅇ(177.96): Seriously? How can anyone manage it 8 times? Lol

ㄴㅇㅇ(511.462): Honestly, doing it just four times a day is crazy. Twenty times is complete nonsense.

However, it seemed the gallery users were skeptical.

“…Still, I managed to do it five times today. But how can I prove that?”

I had never reached twenty times, but I did go up to sixteen, and five times a day was my average—sometimes eight when I was bored.

ㅇㅇ(114.511): Damn it!!! Whether it's eight or twenty times, first handle the spamming crap!! At this rate, the gallery will collapse!!!

Perhaps I was reveling too much in the attention.

Upon seeing the desperate comment, I finally took action as an administrator.

Blocking was easy.

I just had to click on the nickname, press the [Block] button, and set the duration.

The blocking duration could be set anywhere from a minimum of one minute to a maximum of 300 years.

[Author: EightTimesaDay◆]=[Ian]

[But for how long should I block them?]

From one minute to 300 years?

ㅇㅇ(177.96): Ah! Stop asking about every trivial thing and just manage. Do whatever you want.

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Ok

“Alright, let’s do this.”

I cracked my wrists and embarked on my first task as an administrator.




With each spammer I blocked, the onslaught of spam posts dwindled, and the gallery quickly stabilized.

And… the more I blocked, the more exhilarating the sensation became, accelerating my pace.



Block─ Block─ Block─

Block─ Block─ Block─ Block─ Block─ Block─


Suddenly, I snapped back to reality and realized I was frantically waving my right hand in the air.

“Is this… power?”

My hand quivered slightly.

Although I held nothing, it felt as though I wielded a cold, heavy sword.

Since Evelyn always overshadowed me, the taste of power at the helm was intoxicating.


Without limits, this power, confined to the gallery, could turn into an addiction.

[Author: EightTimesaDay◆]

[I've blocked all the spammers for the time being ㅇㅇ]

And I'll only block hate images and spam from now on ㅇㅇ

I won't suddenly block for 300 years, but depending on the severity, I might start with a day or maybe three for worse cases.

TenantFarmerFan■: But are teasing images okay? (link)

(Blonde hair covering eyes with black bars lol.jpg)

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Yeah, even 10 times worse than that is fine.

ㄴTenantFarmerFan■: Oh~ Love you~

ㅇㅇ(137.38): Hey, let's block the three villains for 300 years ㅇㅇㅇㅇ.

ㄴㅇㅇ(74.812): Lol, those Elves thought they were safe. Now, they can't use the gallery for life ㅋㅋ.

ㄴJustSayNiceThings■: Why the hell am I suddenly mentioned?

ㄴㅇㅇ(74.812): I just said, 'Those Elves,' why are you getting angry? Are you one of them? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

ㅇㅇ(177.96): If hate images are blockable, block Sacred Power Container, too. They post hate images consistently.

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Can't do that.

ㄴㅇㅇ(177.96): Why not?

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Because they're not hate images.

ㄴㅇㅇ(177.96): Not? What's your standard, then?

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Up to the admin's discretion.

ㄴTenantFarmerFan■: Ah... can't argue with the admin's discretion...

ㄴㅇㅇ(177.96): Admin loves tactical nukes lol.

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: You're blocked for 15 minutes.

[Author: Whoopee■] = [Penelophil Depodil]

[Admin, comments not blocked from spamming?][4]

(Excuse me, why is it suddenly disappearing? Answer me. Don't run away. Answer me.jpg)

Can't you just block it? It's annoying to keep getting spammed even when you ignore it.

EightTimesaDay◆: Yeah, for now, I won't block comment spam; I'll moderate just post spam.

ㄴWhoopee■: So it's okay if I spam hundreds of comments on your posts?

ㄴEightTimesaDay◆: Yeah, try it if you want a 300-year block.

ㄴWhoopee■: Damn, totalitarian rule is crazy ㄷㄷㄷㄷ.

EveryoneEventuallyDiesAlone■: Delete post, delete post, delete post...

Truthfully, if someone other than Estelle had posted those comments, I might have blocked them.

However, as a classmate, I wanted to check on Estelle’s seemingly unstable state through the gallery.

“A bit of abuse of power should be fine.”

With that thought in mind, I looked outside to find that it was already dark.

“…Feels like I’ve done nothing, yet time flies.”

If I kept this up, I would end up skipping meals and stay on the gallery, so I left my last post for the day.

[Author: EightTimesaDay◆]=[Ian]

[Anyway, please don't treat me special just because I'm the admin]

I'll be active as a regular gallery user. And I won't interfere as long as you abide by the rules ㅇㅇ

Gonna go eat now, bye.

JustSayNiceThings■: Wow, chilling. How come the admin talks just like the Elf elders lol? 'As long as you abide by the rules' ㅋㅋㅋ

ㄴPoporingSpyria■: But doesn't the term 'admin' sound off? Am I the only one uncomfortable?

ㄴJustSayNiceThings■: Ah, here comes another complainer. What's not uncomfortable for you?

ㄴPoporingSpyria■: I'm just saying it sounds off; why start a fight?

As the gallery buzzed with the sudden appearance of an admin…

“Ahaha! Ahahahahaha! Ahahahahah!!”

Someone in a dark room, watching over the gallery, let out a tearing laugh.

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