Chapter 183: Isolation (2)

Dark mages did not train.

They achieved faster growth through real combat experience and devouring blood through slaughter, which was considered natural in the world of dark mages.

In that sense, Mayuseong could truly be called a special existence...

- Are you practicing right now?

- What a miserable bastard.

- Truly fitting to an inferior half-breed; they even have such a cocky attitude.

- I find it rather amusing.

Located atop a cliff where the dark wind blew, this place was called the Black Fortress.

It was certainly not a place anyone could enter freely.

Even among the blurry hierarchy of dark mages, only those closest to nobility, or the 'aristocrats,' dared to set foot in the Black Fortress.

Most of those residing in the Black Fortress were either top-ranking dark mages who inherited power and blood from the Dark Mage King or his children.

Mayuseong could be considered a top-ranking dark mage as the child of the Dark Mage King, but ironically, he was a half-breed, a result of something forbidden between a dark mage and human.

The act of distinguishing this itself was ridiculously absurd since there were no such things as ‘pure dark mages’ to begin with.

Various crossbreeds, including elves, dwarves, and humans, had to abandon their souls to the underworld before they could be called dark mages.

However, perhaps that was why they might reject Mayuseong.

From the perspective of those who became dark mages by abandoning their own races, Mayuseong, who was neither human nor dark mage, was nothing but a mongrel with even more impure blood.

Moreover, seeing such a mongrel engaging in vulgar ‘training’ would hardly make it appealing.

- Ridiculous. Even if you do that your whole life, you won't truly possess dark mana. So it's best not to expect approval from the 'brothers.'

His practice, which involved meditation to cultivate mana, simulating battles against imaginary enemies, increasing concentration to cast spells faster, and even studying to acquire various tactics and spells, was highly respected as a mage. However, in dark mages eyes, it was nothing but disgusting antics.

Since they couldn't possess the same power, they felt a sense of superiority upon enraging in such vulgar behavior?

However, in reality, there was one thing 'the brothers' didn't know.

The potential of Mayuseong had already surpassed their expectations, and the reason for his training was to erase the dark mana.

Mayuseong couldn’t control dark magic on his own.

When exhausted, he unconsciously activated the dark magic and goes into a rampage.

At that moment, Mayuseong loses all sense of emotion... which he found terribly unpleasant.


As the giant fireball shattered one side of the castle wall, Mayuseong wiped his sweat and looked up.

Meeting the gaze of his brothers, he smiled warmly and addressed them with contemptuous eyes.

"Brothers, care for a duel?"


"Nah, I'm good."

"I don't want to mix with half-breeds."

"Scared, are you?"

"More like Disgusted."

The brothers avoided the duel with him.

Certainly, Mayuseong was weak.

However, if he were to enter a 'rampage' state, his nature and abilities, which were deeply inherited from the Dark Mage King, would surpass anyone present here...

In that state, Mayuseong would be unstoppable.

If they were to duel normally, the brothers would undoubtedly win, but if by any chance they were to lose to a half-breed, it would be a lifelong disgrace, hence their reluctance to engage.

Mayuseong silently watched them and then lifted his wand again. He cherished it even more as it was solely a tool of a mage, not used by dark mages.

However, he could no longer continue his training.


Unexpectedly, the Dark Mage King appeared.

He looked at the broken castle wall and spoke nonchalantly, as if not particularly concerned.

"Return to Stella. You're to stay until the end of summer break."

The Dark Mage King spoke calmly.

Mayuseong stared at him.

Neither father nor son smiled.


The Dark Mage King felt Mayuseong’s gaze.

The gaze directed at him contained not a single trace of emotion, yet somehow it resembled her eyes so much.

It was rather resentful, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel grateful for him being born with eyes resembling hers.

Now there was not a single trace of her left in this world.

"That's right. The schedule has changed."

"May I ask for the reason?"

"You don't need to know."

That was the end of the conversation.

Deciding there was no need to spend any more time there, the Dark Mage King turned away.

*'There's no need to keep him here any longer.'*

While others may say they have no children they wouldn't mind biting, it was different for the Dark Mage King.

He loved Mayuseong more than anyone else.

The way he expressed it... was entirely different from that of a human, which posed a problem.

He knew, however, that Mayuseong was currently receiving unfavorable treatment at the Black Fortress.

Yet the reason he called his son was because he anticipated his fragmented soul hidden in Stella would awaken soon.

The fragmented soul was a part of him, but it created another consciousness with memories from fifty years ago, one that didn't recognize his son.

The Dark Mage King feared that this other consciousness would harm his son, so he summoned Mayuseong to the fortress, which ultimately proved to be a wise decision.

The tragedy which unfolded in Stella was heard even from thousands of kilometers away.

*'But... I failed.'*

Knowing that the Child of the Conllationrwould be born and enrolled in Stella, he had prepared in his own way, but he failed miserably.

The plan seemed perfect, but what was the variable?

Or perhaps, was he arrogant to think that his plan would work on the Child of the Constellation?

Standing atop the Black Fortress, the pinnacle even amidst the screaming cliffs, the Dark Mage King looked up.

The Milky Way in the night sky sparkled as if it could pour down at any moment, yet it seemed as fragile as a candle flame that could go out at any time.

*'As the master prophesied... Is the world racing towards its end?'*

It was a very special generation.

The descendants of the twelve disciples of the Progenitor Mage began to flourish the 'blessing' with the birth of the Child of the Constellation.

*'It'll be long... Is ten years the limit? Even if I myself may not survive until then... my son will surely experience that day.’*

The Dark Mage King quietly closed his eyes, hoping for nothing but a peaceful future for his son.

If he did that, he wouldn't see any constellations anymore.


When one heard of the palace of the Adolveit Royal Family, one typically imagined a grand and splendid castle.

But reality was different.

The resident erected on the chillingly carved cliffs was more akin to a fortress than a palace, and the cold winds made every day feel like winter.

Arriving at the capital of the Adolveit Kingdom, Tehalan, Princess Hong Bi-Yeon rode her carriage eastward, feeling the unusually chilly temperatures.

Adolveit, one of the twelve disciples of the Progenitor Mage, had established the Adolveit Royal Family in the most rugged and coldest region of the north.

It remained a mystery why she made such a choice.

"Princess, we've arrived."


In response to Yuri, Princess Hong Bi-Yeon’s personal bodyguard, she nodded her head.

She raised her head to look at the giant palace spread out before her.

'Frost Cliff Palace'

From its name alone, it was clear that it was a cold and forbidding place, the very homeland and cradle where Hong Bi-Yeon was born and raised.



"Are you prepared in your heart?"

"Do I need to be prepared for going back home?"

"That’s right... I am glad."

There was no one to trust in the palace.

At best, there were only a few of her own handpicked servants, including Yuri.

Even the hundreds of knights currently guarding her carriage were not her people.

She couldn't even breathe comfortably, plagued by the anxiety of when they might turn against her.

*'Stay focused.'*

She closed her eyes and cooled her head.

She must never show weakness at Frost Cliff Palace.

She had to become stronger than anyone else.

As she steeled her resolve, the carriage passed through the only bridge connecting the cliffs and the palace, the grand 'Sun's Path,' and finally arrived at Frost Cliff Palace.

Without a moment's rest, she immediately entered the 'Crimson Hall' according to protocol to meet the king.

"Princess Hong Bi-Yeon greets the illustrious face of the Great Sun."


As the horns announced the princess's arrival, the sky-high doors opened, revealing an overwhelmingly grand hall.

And at its end, there stood a woman.

With crimson hair closer to pink and eyes redder than anyone else's, that woman was none other than... the king, 'Hong Se-ryu Adolveit.'

Hong Bi-Yeon walked along the red carpet.

With each step toward the king, her heartbeat seemed to quicken. Her gaze upon her was intense and painful.

Was it because she was a great Class 8 mage who could ignite a person with just her eyes, or... because she resented her?

She couldn't know the reason, but there was one thing she understood: 'You still dislike me.'

Knowing she was resented by the king didn't faze Hong Bi-Yeon since there was a valid reason for her resentment.

She was already accustomed to facing immense obstacles.

"Have you come?"

Princess Hong Bi-Yeon kneeled before King Hong Se-ryu and bowed her head.

Without permission, she dared not gaze upon the sun.

"You may."

Hong Bi-Yeon raised her head and met her gaze.

The look in her eyes was unsettling.

*‘Was this person worried about me and summoned me back to the palace?’*


"Yes. How have you been all this time?"

"Thanks to the generous care of the Sun, I have been able to enjoy peace and tranquility."

"Your words are flowery."

Hong Se-ryu rested her chin on her arm, leaning on the armrest.

It was clearly an attitude of annoyance.

"Though you are not my own daughter, I tried to love you because my daughter loved you."

... Hong Bi-Yeon bowed her head.

"But you reject my love. May I ask why?"

*‘Why indeed.’*

*‘Should I even say it out loud?’*

*‘It's obvious.’* *'Because you hate me.'*

Hong Eulin, the king's beloved daughter and the first princess.

Since her death, the Sun had been angry.

Her death was inevitable, but the king sought to find a cause.

No, she created a target for her hatred.

Ironically, Hong Bi-Yeon bore a striking resemblance to the deceased Hong Eulin.

With hair resembling moonlight and fiery red eyes, coupled with overwhelming talent in pyromancy and a beautiful personality that was adored by everyone, why did 'her daughter have to die?'

The queen asked the princess. "Do you think about that child?"


"I see. Make sure to never forget her for the rest of your life."

Only then could Hong Bi-Yeon lift her head.

It wasn't because she felt relieved.

Rather, it was because the anxiety she had been feeling all along had now become a reality.

"I summoned you back to the palace because I want to like you. You're living in place of my daughter, so you mustn't die in vain."

"So, until the situation calms down, stay in the palace."


"The weather is hot. How about going on vacation together?"

"Vacation... you mean?"

"Ah, yes. The coast of Levian would be nice. It should be cool there."

"I'm grateful for your kindness."

"Do you have anything to be grateful for? I also need some rest. The conversation is over. You may go now."

Hong Bi-Yeon got up from her seat and left the Crimson Hall.

She wasn't in her right mind until then.

Dizziness enveloped her head, and she couldn't remember if she walked steadily or staggered.

As expected.

She unwillingly faced the truth. There was nothing she could do.

*'The coast of Levian...'*

The eternal sea of winter.

For the royal family, it was practically an exile.

Though she felt like crying, she clenched her fist and endured.

The wind cut into her palm, drawing blood, but she felt no pain.

Today confirmed it.

She had no intention of making her king.

Furthermore, she wouldn't even release her from the cage she kept her in for the rest of her life, until Hong Bi-Yeon withered away.

A bitter laugh escaped her.

She had expected to be trapped in the Frost Cliff Palace, but she never imagined it would come to this extreme.

It was a dreadful feeling.

*‘Why am I so powerless?’*


She walked along the walls of Forst Cliff Castle.

It was always a place she walked with her sister Hong Eulin whenever she felt stressed.

There was nothing she loved more than admiring the blooming flower garden below, but now not even a flower was in bloom.

She walked endlessly.

Walking until she grew tired.

She sat on the wall, looking down at the capital city of Tehalan below.

It was dusk.

The streets were bustling with people, making it impossible to see each face individually.

Yet somehow, one person stood out vividly.

The reason she could see him was simple.

While everyone else was bustling about, he remained still, gazing in her direction from the top of a tall building.


He was too far away for her to be sure of his identity, but the moment she thought he resembled someone... his figure vanished in an instant.

She stood up and hurriedly scanned the area around her, but with human eyesight, it was impossible to observe that far.

"... What am I doing?"

Someone came to mind, but it couldn't be.

There was no reason for him to come here.

She dismissed the thought, and thought she was just delusional about pushing past her limits.

She dismissed any futile delusions, and turned her head at the thought of truly going all the way.

Really... It felt like it would be a long night.",

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