I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 312: Rioters Called Adventurers 2

Chapter 312: Rioters Called Adventurers 2

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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A building so extravagant it felt almost childish.

Even though the highlands inside the tower were filled with clouds, making the sun invisible, the building sparkled so brightly up close that it hurt the eyes.

Its flashy, almost gaudy appearance reminded me of a child's toy palace, and my heart pounded as if I were reclaiming my childhood.

The reason was simple.

The primal, one-dimensional desire to destroy the city without thinking about the aftermath was growing inside me.

Breaking monitors, smashing cars, demolishing buildings—how much fun was it to break things as a kid?

Even in games meant for mining, I enjoyed destroying the world with lava buckets and dynamite.

'Maybe I'm not in a position to make fun of Han Se-ah…'

Of course, I'd destroyed my fair share of terrain while fighting massive monsters or swarms of beasts.

I'd even blasted away an entire floor after receiving a divine blessing.

But this was the first time I could freely destroy something someone had painstakingly built.

I'm not some antisocial psychopath villain who would destroy a city and massacre its citizens just because I'm in a fantasy world.

But since there were no citizens here, only the imperialist harpies who were tower monsters, there was no harm in smashing things up, right?

Even if I didn't destroy it, Han Se-ah would cheerfully blow it up with the bombs in her inventory.

'Make it as flashy as possible, but not so much that the harpies get scared and flee.'

I'd draw attention by smashing buildings, Han Se-ah would plant bombs, and once they exploded, the fifteen high-level adventurers would start looting like a protest unit from the Rice Country.

So my job now was to cause a ruckus—something flashy but not substantial—so that the enraged armored harpies would chase after me.

Not that a pure tank like me could wipe out a flying monster horde anyway.

With that in mind, I raised my mace.

"That building looks just like the princess playset they sell at my local stationery store. You know, the one made of cubic zirconia that costs three thousand won."

-But whether it's an empire or whatever, their aesthetic sense is a mess, lol.

-Did the stone dwarves become slaves because they couldn't understand the harpies' sense of beauty?

-The building really does look like something made with cubic zirconia in an elementary school craft class, lol.

-So what is Teacher Roland up to? Is he planning to smash it all?

-He'll do something; he's a 6★ after all.

Beyond the hologram window, Han Se-ah had long since entered a secluded alley and was chatting with viewers while taking bombs out of her inventory.

I couldn't see them, but the fifteen adventurer thieves were likely heading to their marked targets.

So, I destroyed.

"Humaaaan—? What are you doinggg—?"

A harpy who seemed to be a guard of the tall building clicked his bladed talons and something resembling handcuff-like magical tools as he approached, but my mana-infused mace was already swinging through the air.


The building, which was made entirely of glittering metal rather than just stone with metallic plating, gave an echoing, resonant feedback.

I was a little surprised by the heavier-than-expected recoil, but a structure focused more on aesthetics than defense couldn't withstand my blow.

"Crazy humaaan—! It's a crazy humannnn――!!!"

As the first floor wall of the rectangular high-rise crumbled, the building wobbled.

The stone dwarves, a race of craftsmen, wouldn't have skimped on reinforcement like some apartment complexes, but there was no way the upper floors would remain intact once the first floor collapsed.

The explosion, the deafening noise, the metallic walls shattering like glass, the dust clouds billowing up, the flapping wings of startled harpies, and the rattling, threatening sound of bladed talons.

Causing a ruckus legally made my heart race like a kid with a Christmas present in front of him.

And when the sound of explosions and the sight of panicked harpies flapping around added to the chaos, I couldn't help but get even more excited.

“This way! Catch himmm――!!!”

“Catch himmm―! Get that guyyy―!”

It was clearly a mansion where someone important resided.

Naturally, all eyes turned when a lowly creature suddenly came walking and started demolishing the first floor of the building.

I wasn’t using my full strength; just swinging my mace moderately sent a resonant clang echoing through my ears as it struck the metal.

Like Pac-Man gobbling up points, I circled around smashing the walls, and soon enough, an ominous creaking sound came from above.

“It’s, it’s fallinggg―!”

“What in the world is happeninggg―!!!”

Smashing one wall might have been tolerable, but with all three destroyed, the building toppled sideways like a felled tree despite the stone dwarves’ sturdy construction.

At that point, the high-ranking harpy who had been observing from the top floor came flying out in shock.

As expected of a monster species, the noble's level was higher.

She wasn't as big as the Harpy Queen, but she was a head taller than the soldier harpies.

She wore elaborate silk robes and flapped her wings, her sharp harpy eyes still evident.

The ornate silk robes and the gemstone jewelry made her look like a lazy, corrupt official.

“Catch himmm―! What are you doinggg―!”


What can I say?

She was squawking like a proper corrupt official.

Upon closer inspection, unlike the soldier harpies who had bladed talons, her claws were adorned with rings and anklets.

Even if I took off my armor, I doubted she could catch me.

The large bureaucrat squawked while the soldiers flapped their wings, and then―――



Explosions rang out in the distance, drowning out the hysterical cries of the corrupt official with the screams of the harpies.


Raei Translations


While I drew attention by smashing the gaudy, flashy building, Han Se-ah moved quietly with a clear objective in mind.

-Why is she so skilled? What did she do in real life?

-Tsk, no way this is the work of a woman in her 20s who hasn't served in the military.

-What's the number for reporting spies again?

-Have you ever made rice cooker bombs at home, by any chance?

-They never caught that guy who planted something at the last game event… hoxy…?

“What the hell? They’re ignoring the first floor even when I’m blatantly sticking bombs to the building’s walls. Those harpies fly around so much they couldn’t care less about what’s happening on the ground.”

Her determination was to bring down the tallest building, whatever it was.

The harpies considered walking an inferior act, so all their buildings were built tall.

In contrast, the shabby one-story buildings mostly seemed to be stone dwarf holding pens.

The harpies looked down on the lower floors, building their structures high like perches.

As a result, they didn’t notice her openly attaching explosives to the building's exterior walls.

Whether stone dwarves or human adventurers, they probably just assumed it was ground-dwellers repairing the building.

And the price for that complacency was a perfect explosion.

“That tall building is falling next to the big one? Then, let’s go! For arrrrt―!!!”

[Thanks All See You Next Year donated 10,000 won!]

She’s having fun on her own, but no one’s cheering along, huh?

“Aw, damn it, really!”

The perch-like building stood tall and slender.

With the top floor’s ceiling and windows wide open, it hardly looked like a proper building. With explosives plastered all over the first floor, it was bound to collapse.

The luxurious building where the city's high-ranking officials stayed toppled sideways, while the perch-like building that seemed to house the soldier harpies crumbled into a dust cloud.

The bureaucrat harpy screamed hysterically while the armored harpies scrambled into the air.

With the panicked flight of the citizen harpies added to the mix, it created the perfect environment for chaos.

"Let's gooo!"

"I'm headed to the market district!"

"Ha-ha, do whatever you want, you moron!"

The fifteen adventurer thieves dashed in all directions, leaping over the rubble of the collapsed buildings and the still-intact structures, kicking up clouds of dust.

Their eyes gleamed as they placed their hands on their weapons, ready to cut down anyone who stood in their way.

After seeing this scene through Han Se-ah’s hologram window, I, too, moved forward.

"Catch himmm―! I said catch himmm―!"

"Aaahhh― that crazy human is attacking another buildinggg―!"

Ignoring the slave-capturing metal nets and the sharp bladed winds raining down from above, I charged ahead.

My robe, unenchanted, had long since been torn, but underneath was not my bare face but a tightly worn steel helmet.

With a series of weak *ting-ting* sounds, various obstacles bounced off harmlessly.

Undeterred by such trivialities, I raised my shield with excitement.

The shield was brimming with mana, strengthened almost to a ridiculous degree.

If I slammed it into the ground and unleashed my mana, it would cause havoc, but there was no time for that now.

I simply kept the shield firm and moved forward, and the wall of the adjacent building crumbled like a biscuit soaked in milk.

"That crazy humannn― is breaking through the wallll―!?"

I advanced with my shield held high, leaving the startled harpies' screams behind.

"Ha, damn. This is fun."

With a crashing sound, the shattered building tipped backward and collapsed behind me, filling the air with a deep rumble.

I really shouldn't be enjoying this.

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