I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 303: King of the Feathered Ones 2

Chapter 303: King of the Feathered Ones 2

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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An altar depicted with a giant harpy defeating a tentacle monster.

Although it seems to have religious significance, there appear to be no magical traces, as mages have checked several times.

We also thought that our party wouldn't find anything—

[Art School Dropout Now in the Army donated 10,000 won!]

Look at the armor drawn on that harpy's torso. Could this be a new race?

"Armor? There's armor drawn on the harpy in the picture?"

-You can see that tiny detail? I can barely see the wings, lol.

-Your eyes see that over the incredible maternal instincts of the harpy? You're a 2D geek...

-But honestly, there's not much difference between our eyes and those of the wife.

-A harpy soldier? There's a kingdom, so it makes sense there would be soldiers or an army.

-If you think about it, it's odd that the kingdom is just on the 43rd floor; there might be another one.

Through Han Se-ah's camera, hundreds of thousands of people were watching, hoping to discover something.

The coarse drawing on the large stone is at a level of primitive cave paintings.

A large tentacle monster is drawn in the center, and diagonally above it, a giant harpy is depicted. The donation pointed out the small harpies nearby.

On closer inspection, some of the smaller harpies are depicted with bare chests, crudely illustrated breasts, while others have something black painted over their upper bodies.

After hearing the discussion, it's clear that there are harpies wearing armor and those that are not.

It's not a game of finding differences, yet how did someone discern fingernail-sized armor in a picture as small as a finger seen through the camera?

"But doesn't it look like the harpies are wearing armor?"

"Hmm? Yes, if you look closely, the armored harpies are charging toward the tentacles, while those without armor are turning their backs to flee."

With the hint from the viewer's donation, Han Se-ah pretends to have discovered it herself and points to the small harpies.

Harpy with dye-painted breasts and harpy with the upper body painted black.

Noticing this clear difference, we slowly examine it further, and as Grace said, the difference between the two harpies becomes apparent.

Now it looks like a great king and his soldiers, along with the civilians being rescued.

As seen with the Harpy Queen of the Harpy Kingdom, the harpies of the kingdom have a clothing culture where they wear jewelry over their exposed breasts.

Therefore, if we attribute meaning, this mural was created in a second, different, Harpy Kingdom. Not the Harpy Queen's kingdom.

"...So we need to find this?"

"Right? It seems we need to find this new Harpy Kingdom."

The harpies that suddenly disappeared.

A potential second kingdom.

Considering the Harpy Queen cleverly included a red harpy girl under her command, one conclusion emerged.

It's that another kingdom of harpies has unified all the nearby harpies.

The disappearance of the harpies suggests that the new kingdom might be higher up.

There could be more than one Harpy Kingdom swept into this level of the tower.

As I share these thoughts, everyone nods, agreeing that it makes sense.


Raei Translations


Although we've made a new discovery, it's the job of the mages tucked away in their labs to uncover every detail.

Holding onto a child's crooked drawing won't yield anything more.

"At least it's not on the 43rd floor. We'll have to comb through the 44th floor again, right?"

"Probably? If a hidden altar was there, it must mean something."

Ultimately, an adventurer's job is to search every inch of the tower's vast space and find something hidden.

It's about leaving the thinking to the mages and physically getting on with the job.

The good news is that, unlike before, this labor has a chance of leading to something meaningful.

In the past, even after days of searching, there was a chance of coming up empty, but now, with Han Se-ah as a player, there is a quest window, so something should turn up.

We have to search the floors we've already gone through again, but thanks to the clue about the altar, the viewers don't seem to feel much dissatisfaction.

The viewers are too busy arguing among themselves about whether the harpies wear armor or not, so no criticism is directed at Han Se-ah.

-A harpy soldier, isn't that jumping to conclusions? It seems like you're reading too much into a simple mural.

-No lol. If you can't trust a mural hidden in a safe zone, what can you trust?

-Like the golem hidden on the 30th floor, there might be several altars.

-So, do we have to check every cave? Isn't this game becoming too grindy?

-But the stone dwarves have several cities, so there could be several Harpy Kingdoms too.

"Hmm, really? But guys, in the end, we're all just trying to trigger something, so why fight among yourselves? It's good to share opinions, but those who excessively disrespect others and overreact will be banned, you know?"

With so many people online, there are always some who cross the line. Her ability to selectively read the chat is comparable to Roland's superior physical abilities.

While Han Se-ah diffused the heated viewers, the rest of the party naturally prepared for the re-exploration.

They replenished arrows that were hardly used, gathered food that was mostly consumed, and listened to information from people from the Adventurers' Guild...

"Are there any related quests?"

"There are quite a few minor quests, so more adventurers are participating than expected. mages came running with bags of gold to buy research rights from the party that discovered the altar."

"Really? How many?"

"Just under twenty parties."

"...That's a lot. Money really does have power, huh?"

As expected, money moves adventurers more than faith.

Hearing that the explorers who found the altar might bathe in gold, it seems everyone rushed over.

With about twenty top-tier adventurer parties, it's similar to or a bit more than when we broke through the marsh.

It seems like even those who had retired, like me, have all returned to the tower.

Well, with the gate open and the temple involved, it's hard to ignore the situation where gold is being duplicated.

If you can earn an enormous amount of gold after a boring and exhausting search, instead of risking your life in battle, all the more reason to do so.


Raei Translations


We gather arrows, ropes, and other seldom-used but necessary consumables, and fix up lanterns and sleeping bags before filling the inventory with food.

Since the frequency of battles has decreased, Han Se-ah thinks the exploration will be a long-term effort.

She quickly organizes explosives and alchemical materials that were in a corner of her inventory and increases the amount of food more than usual.

Meanwhile, she manages to make even inventory organization and shopping part of the stream angle, which is pretty impressive.

"So, where do you plan to go now?"

"We should probably start searching the 45th floor again. After all, it's the floor where the altar was discovered, and it's also where the monster emerged from underground."

"That makes sense."

"There are areas that other adventurers have already investigated, so we don't need to check everywhere."

With all preparations complete, the party discussed the exploration.

At some point, Irene's place became fixed to my right, and Katie and Grace seemed to take turns sitting on my left—maybe it's just my imagination.

Her lovely golden eyes looked this way with a bright smile, naturally warming my heart.

Back to the 45th floor, huh? Not bad.

For me, this was a kind of reprieve.

I worried about rushing straight to the 50th floor, but if we start again from the 45th floor and look around carefully, at least we'll have time to find clues about the awakening.

Leaving aside the happy night with Irene, I still feel shackled by the quest to deal with the boss using an awakening skill.

It's not a typical game quest but one sent by a transcendent being that deals with human souls.

It would be stranger if I didn't feel burdened.

"Roland? You seem to be deep in thought. Is it about the issue of the realm you mentioned last time?"

"Um? ...Yes, I sometimes feel a bit frustrated."

"Don't be too hasty. Everything will turn out fine."

That's how the re-exploration of the 45th floor began.

Irene seemed to sense my complex feelings and held my hand tightly, comforting me... but the uneasy feeling in my heart didn't disappear.

Now, the only thing I can rely on is the hope and prayer that this hologram window, like the quest window that changes in real-time, will somehow change for me.

I grumble about suddenly finding faith as I explore the 45th floor, and then, sure enough, news comes from elsewhere.

"A harpy has kidnapped an adventurer...?"

"What's the situation now?"

"Like one of the harpies that was drawn on the altar?"

The re-exploration of the 45th floor was a bust this time too.

We only rummaged through empty caves and couldn't even properly collect mana stones.

While we may have bought some time to find clues about the awakening power, Han Se-ah's stream hit a snag with missed quests and fruitless hunts...

But back in the city of stone dwarves for supplies, adventurers were noisily gossiping.

The rumor was quite simple.

A beautiful, communicative harpy wearing clothes had come up to do some chores, and the intermediate-level adventurers who were flirting with her had gone missing.

...Damn it, like with the doppelganger situation, is it always the males causing problems?

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