Chapter 272: One Step 1

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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After destroying the underground mid-boss monster, the interaction between the three races began.

The stone dwarves, natural artisans, and harpies, who farmed horned goats and exported mana stones, traded valuable goods.

From enhancement stones to luxury swords and armor, alchemical catalysts, and even the mana stones of superior one-horned goats.

These weren't just tradable items; their sale could confer significant power.

Under normal circumstances, these precious items would have attracted greedy nobles or large trading companies, who would bring hordes of nefarious adventurers to plunder

"Ha-ha, in the name of the Goddess!"

"May the Goddess's blessing be upon the Bobo brothers too!"

"These squishies sure are loud."

Thanks to the Temple Knights, who happily roamed the beautiful Temple built by the stone dwarves, no tragedy occurred.

The stone dwarves, who readily believed in the Goddess, effortlessly built a Temple so beautiful it nearly became an art piece.

The harpies, though not contributing anything tangible, decided to abandon their ancient faiths for the Goddess Faith, influenced by the Queen.

If corrupt adventurers lured by mana stones were to come, they wouldn't find treasure but frenzied Temple Knights, in a state of near-collapse, foaming at the mouth.

"Welcome, Roland"

"You look tired, are you okay?"

"A bit of a hangover... Rebecca really can drink...."

Watching Temple Knights swarm around in praise of the Goddess, our group staggered into the inn's first floor.

Han Se-ah, after secretly filming me all night, logged in refreshed.

However, Grace and Katie appeared utterly spent, frowning.

They had been coerced by Rebecca into attending a mercenary's drinking session in my absence.

Even the notorious Rebecca Rebecca couldn't force a nun to drink, so she alone started preparing warm soup, looking at the two as if they were troublesome children.

Mercenary drinking sessions, after all, are meant for drinking to the point of passing out rather than enjoying the buzz.

"Right, let's take today to rest and resume tower climbing tomorrow."

"That sounds good my head"

"It's normal for adventurers to unwind with drinks after an event."

Katie, struggling to articulate, slammed her head onto the table. Grace collapsed, silently clutching her forehead.

I nodded in understanding, having endured Rebecca's antics before, but they were too out of it to notice my reaction. Before the warm soup Irene brought, they just groaned, unable to snap out of their stupor.

Viewers joked that if they were placed on the 35th floor, the undead would invite them to their feast.

Of course, it wasn't only Grace and Katie who resembled zombies.

"So, does that mean we're free to do what we want today?"

"That sounds good. You two should rest up at the inn."

"Got it."

Looking around, it was evident everyone was either face-down on the tables or hadn't managed to leave their inn rooms.

The inn was populated with numerous adventurers, all looking near death.

The ones who were tired yet okay were likely the trading company's workers.

The ones crawling around like dogs were probably adventurers or mercenaries.

The inn's owner, a stone dwarf, was shocked to see people sleeping on the floor.

After Irene helped Grace and Katie to their room, she approached me quietly.

"Roland? If you're free, would you like to walk around with me?"

"Sure, I'd like that."

Originally, I planned to spend my time locked away, researching Heroes Chronicle and browsing edited memes and photos of Han Se-ah.

Her sudden invitation was unexpected.

We had grown comfortable as companions, but Irene, our saint candidate, had never suggested doing anything alone together.

Her cheeks blushed as if asking to simply walk together was a monumental request.

I hadn't anticipated she would suggest something other than visiting the Temple.

And there were hyenas watching this scene with great interest.

"Oh, you two... on a date?"

"No, no! It's not a date, not a date..."

Han Se-ah, previously amusing her viewers with a close-up of a drunken adventurer's backside, rushed over immediately.

It was evident to everyone, not just from Han Se-ah's spying, that Grace and Katie had become more intimate as party members.

Their secretive chats during explorations and how they stayed close during breaks gave them away.

But this was the first time Irene had suggested doing something together, despite our camaraderie.

-She was Roland's the moment she joined the party

-Lol, agreed. Is this what they call the charm of a dangerous man?

-Fact: In Japan, BL material featuring Roland and the adventurers is being produced.

-How do you even know this...?

With that, the chat exploded with information I'd rather not know, and Han Se-ah sneaked away with a sly look.

"Where's Hanna?"

"Oh, I'm going to be walking around the city for some alchemy research. Sadly, you two will have to go without me."

Anyone could tell that she wasn't going to tour the city but likely follow us with her camera.

The mischievous twitch of her lips and squint of her eyes were undeniable.

Our innocent Saint Candidate, unaware of it all, said it was a shame with a smile, prompting the viewers to fill the chat with their amused reactions.


Raei Translations


The reason our benevolent Saint Candidate took me, not outside but inside the tower, was very simple.

"Wow, what a huge squishy!"

"Heh, lifting that with bare hands?"

It was for volunteer work.

The sudden date...or rather, hang out, was to the 42nd floor, the ruins of Lili's city.

With the underground mid-boss monster defeated, leaving an entire city in ruins wasn't an option.

There was also a touching story involving Lili's courage and Bobo's loyalty.

They overcame their trauma related to the underground and the mid-boss monster to assist the squishies.

Though it was skipped due to Han Se-ah's troll bomb.

How could the temple, in front of a race overcoming the Tower's challenges, remain idle?

"Thank you, Roland. The brothers at the Temple are a little busy right now... We really needed the help."

"Well, it's nothing. I'm not even sweating, so don't worry too much."

-Feels like a reason not to date a church-going girlfriend

-Our Irene took a bold step forward, and then.. haaah

-Turns out what was needed wasn't a male friend but heavy machinery lol

-Roland's muscles are steel, steel, haha, both Irene and Roland look good

With the Temple Knights clearing rubble and preparing the ground, our Saint Candidate couldn't just stand by and watch.

It seemed she had planned to volunteer by herself on her day off, but realized that what was needed now was not divine energy but physical strength.

Despite the stone dwarves being skilled carvers and blacksmiths, clearing the massive amount of debris from a collapsed city was beyond their capacity.

In this world, a superhuman who has awakened their mana can clear debris much faster than any mechanical crane or magical device created by artisans.

"Still, you've got quite a bit of dirt on you. Just a moment."

"Ah, um... thank you."

Amidst the heavy machinery operated by the stone dwarves, I smashed and cleared away boulders as big as a minibus with my warhammer.

Although it felt more like being a day laborer than being on a date, this simple task allowed me to focus on gaining the Saint Candidate's approval.

While working hard, Irene, feeling sorry for my efforts, came over with a divine energy-infused handkerchief to wipe the sweat from my forehead.

-Yesterday's stream featured someone terrorizing with bombs and sulfuric acid, and now...

-Is this pure love? Is this pure love? Is this pure love? Is this pure love? Is this pure love? Is this pure love? Is this pure love? Is this pure love?

-So sweet that my iced Americano turned into honey Americano

-Not just the handkerchief but also the subtle head bow, that's freaking cute

-Oh my Irene... That is so lovely... Irene is smiling...

Hidden away, Han Se-ah's unseen camera captures these moments, causing even me, a usually detached observer, to feel an unexpected flutter in my heart.

It's not just the excited chat that's affecting me but the sense that Irene, always so kind, has suddenly become even closer.

It feels odd, considering my experience with women, to be moved by such simple gestures of intimacy from her, the Saint Candidate herself.

'But really, why is she doing this all of a sudden? Did she hear something at the Temple yesterday?'

Anyway, I don't know the reason, but for me, there was nothing bad about this situation.

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