I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 210: 4★ 'Sword Princess' Katie Wesley

Chapter 210: 4★ 'Sword Princess' Katie Wesley


How did things end up like this?

Grace, who had been smiling broadly and lifting her beer glass, leaned sideways and fell asleep, while Katie, who had been comparing skewers and guzzling beer, laid her head on the table and dozed off.

It was the power of modern beer, cold and strong, not the thick and low-alcohol medieval-style ale.

They weren't just pretending to be drunk like foxes; they were genuinely passed out.

"Hehe, Roland?"

"Hmm, no, a Northerner felled by mere beer..."

Both were mumbling something in their inebriated state, barely able to hold themselves upright.

Perhaps they accidentally got drunk from the strong liquor they bought to get me drunk?

I, on the other hand, was not even tipsy, amusingly watching the disgraceful yet not-so-disgraceful state of the two beauties while munching on skewers.

It felt like turning on a video expecting a p*rno only to find a comedy show after the intro, from Han Se-ah's perspective, who was probably watching us in hiding.

Above our heads, like a vulture circling its prey, the camera drone hovered.

The beauty of the two, even in their drunken state, was undiminished.

Looking at them, I couldn't help but smile even though I was sober.

"Phew, what kind of beer is this?"

"Are you okay, Katie?"

Perhaps it was thanks to Han Se-ah's earnest watching from somewhere hidden.

Katie, of the two, began to overcome her drunkenness with sheer willpower.

Maybe it was because a swordsman, unlike an archer, is more suited to physical tasks, or perhaps Northerners just inherently know how to handle their alcohol.

While Grace, who leaned against the tent wall, slid down gracefully to the floor, unable to hold her head up, Katie managed to rise from the table, muttering about beer.

Her disheveled yet beautiful smooth silver hair, her blue eyes blurry from the alcohol, and her fair skin turned bright red.

Before Han Se-ah's appearance, she would have been called the kingdom's greatest beauty.

"Okay? Of course, I am! I am from the North, heh, you see."

"Alright, just be careful."

"Be careful, huh? It's just Roland here, hehehe... Huh?"

Her usually cold exterior seemed to melt away like ice, worrying me that her cheeks might spasm from smiling so much.

Drunk from the alcohol, she was melting like ice in a whiskey glass.

Katie, barely able to walk straight, approached me and hugged me as if hanging on for dear life.

Even the scent of the alcohol, whether it was prepared for players or some gacha character star buff, was fragrant.

The sweet, sharp smell was followed by the sensation of soft, smooth skin.

Unlike when we were buried, now we both wore only thin casual clothes, making the contact feel starkly vivid.

Grace, with her voluptuous figure that might hinder her archery, lacked the fullness but possessed well-toned muscles of a trained swordsman, stirring emotions in a man in a different way.

Through the unbuttoned coat, a thin dress was revealed.

The sleek body, devoid of any excess fat, and cheeks flushed red with the influence of alcohol, were more than enough to tempt any man.

"Huh? Roland, why should I be careful around you~?"

"You're too drunk…."

But that was one thing, and this was another.

Despite her alluring appearance as she mischievously tried to tease me in her drunken state, I had no desire to take advantage of a woman so inebriated.

It wasn't out of some shallow sense of morality, but rather due to the abundance I had come to know.

My life wasn't lacking in women, from noble ladies and misses in the capital to fellow adventurers.

This wasn't about Lee Haneul's days but Roland's life after the transformation.

Thanks to ten years of time, I had no intention of carelessly taking a drunken woman's first experience, especially not while someone was watching through a camera.

With these thoughts, I was helping Katie into her sleeping bag and was about to make Grace comfortable too, but…

'She seems to have sobered up a bit?'

Katie's gait, as she staggered with my support, had changed noticeably.

She might be trying her best to act, but she couldn't fool the eyes of a warrior of superior rank.

Katie, on the verge of mastering aura, seemed to have circulated mana to dispel her drunkenness and regain her senses.

The first thing she did after sobering up was to stagger and lean against my arm, pretending to still be intoxicated.

At this point, the scales in my mind tipped decidedly to one side.

With such a beauty going to these lengths to seduce me, why should I resist till the end?


Raei Translations


After maintaining the charade of being drunk, I gently seated Katie at the table and rented another tent to let Grace sleep.

Katie initially twitched, thinking I had chosen Grace over her, but she waited obediently like a well-trained large dog as I told her to wait and gently stroked her head.

Still, with a hint of unease, when I returned to the original tent, I saw her swinging her legs back and forth, splashing them like water, while sitting at the table.

"…Roland? Where did Grace go? Why are you back alone?"

"I rented another tent nearby for her to sleep comfortably. But since both are magically enchanted tents, it shouldn't matter."

"Magic? What kind of magic?"

"For cleanliness, soundproofing, and other things."

"Sound, soundproofing…."

So, even Han Se-ah, who must be hiding somewhere, could fully enjoy herself.

With that thought, I took a step towards the table, and Katie twitched oddly.

She couldn't properly seduce someone if she was still under the influence of alcohol.

Once the effects of alcohol faded, it became difficult to seduce someone with a clear mind.

Seeing her shrink back into a dilemma, a smile involuntarily formed on my lips.

While a man waking up from drunken antics might feel embarrassed and deserve a slap, a slender beauty in her early twenties would only stir a man's heart.

Even if her cold demeanor crumbles into foolishness, with such beauty, it's simply called 'gap moe', a charming contrast.

Her hesitation and shyness, even though she initiated the interaction, felt like innocence.

"Soundproofing is important, isn't it…"

"Yes, it is."

Katie's cheeks reddened further at the mention of soundproofing, fueling her imagination.

If the songs of the wandering poets were to be believed, likening the Northern beauty's pale skin to snowscapes, then her flushed cheeks were like flowers blooming in the snow.

I reached out to her, sitting obediently at the table with her head bowed, murmuring nonsense.

Touching her warm cheeks, the smooth, soft, and warm sensation was incredibly addictive.


She was startled, perhaps not used to someone so blatantly touching her face, her skin.

But as I gently stroked her soft hair with one hand while caressing her cheek with the other, she quickly calmed down, making me feel like I was petting a large, loyally devoted dog.

A cute, large dog that wags its tail blindly and loyally, whether fed with treats or given injections, as long as its head is petted.

Her face was so petite that it almost fit entirely in my large palm.

My fingers slightly brushed over her temples, enjoying the sensation of her smooth, velvety, and warm skin.

As I gently moved my fingers, her soft skin couldn't resist and distorted slightly under the touch.

"Wh-What are you doing?"

"Well, what should I do?"

Ever since becoming Roland, I have never refused a meal set before me.

I've fled and refused when the table was set with monsters, not food, but the feast now before me could be called the world's greatest delicacy.

I moved my hand that had been holding her cheek, ruffling her soft hair, moving towards the back.

I could feel the back of her head with its disheveled hair, her neck too soft and delicate to believe it was human.


"Don't worry, just relax."

Gently pulling her towards me, as if embracing her without exerting much force, her petite face was drawn from the table to me without resistance.

Her cheeks, reddened and her lips, moist and red, gradually drew closer.

How many noble ladies had first seduced me, only to freeze up in nervousness when things actually started? Katie, being a lady from the North, was no different.

She might have the boldness to dress as a man and run away, not wanting to be an heiress, but that boldness was now buried under tension, anticipation, and embarrassment.

Her tightly shut eyes twitching, her small nostrils flaring slightly with her heavy breathing due to nervousness, and her hands, lost and flailing.

As our breaths became close enough to feel each other, I gently met her protruding lips with mine.


A very light butterfly kiss, where lips barely touch each other.

Unlike Grace, who charged in recklessly in her drunken state, I couldn't treat this shy maiden rashly.

With that thought, I calmly moved my hand.

Even though our lips had barely touched, the tension seemed to rush in, and Katie's body stiffened like a deer in front of a predator.

"Ro, Roland, that’s…"

"It's okay, it's okay."

As the foreplay began, she tensed up even more.

Pulling her into my embrace seemed to make her freeze like a log. So, just like I did in the underground dungeon, I pulled her cheek to my chest and gently stroked her hair.


I combed her tousled hair with my fingers, tidying it up, and each time she looked up at me, I lightly kissed her lips.

Without any rush to advance, I just soothed her, feeling the tension in her rigid back and shoulders gradually loosen like a new recruit relaxing.

In my past life, my hair used to get tangled once it grew just past my eyebrows, but how could her long hair, slightly past her shoulders, be so soft?

Lost in these thoughts, I noticed Katie, who had been fidgeting in my arms, glance at the table with a serious expression.

Her gaze landed on the strong liquor, masquerading as beer, still on the table. Was she contemplating getting drunk again? Her fidgety hands slowly moved from her waist towards the table.

"Let's drink later."


I couldn’t just let her be.

I had planned to approach her with a clear mind, but if she got drunk again, it would all be for naught.

Her cunning attempt to sneak in a drink while clinging to me was easily thwarted.

Just embracing her tightly was enough to prevent her from reaching out for the bottle.

Her body was lean and muscular, but ultimately, she was still a delicate lady.

To the extent that if I wrapped my arm around her slender waist, I could restrain both her arms with just one of mine.

"Huh, huh-"


Perhaps changing her mind, she stood on her toes, reaching up to me. She took the initiative this time, pressing her lips to mine.

Due to our height difference, her stretched-out lips lightly touched just below my lower lip.

She wasn't particularly short for a woman, but my physique as Roland was so large and sturdy that she couldn't even steal a kiss without me bending down.

Of course, the largeness and sturdiness weren't limited to muscles and height.

The sensation of the soft, fragrant female body in my arms stirred the lower Roland to an astonishing degree.

So much so, that Katie, who was about to hang her hand around my neck and lower her face, stiffened up again like a malfunctioning robot.

Wearing only thin trousers, the outline of my member became distinctly visible, pushing against the fabric as if pitching a tent, something Katie couldn't fail to notice while held in my arms.

The hefty appendage, barely constrained by the thin fabric, nudged forward, lightly poking her soft lower abdomen.

"No, this is, I mean, a man’s, that... I know it's a natural physiological reaction, but..."

An unmistakable heavy weapon, even without seeing it bare.

She seemed more flustered, perhaps due to her limited s*xual knowledge sourced only from romance novels or the crude banter of mercenaries.

Fiery romance novels targeted at noble ladies wouldn’t describe such hefty flesh, and mercenaries, despite their lewd talks, rarely claim their manhood is as big as a horse's.

When you’re out and about, you end up seeing each other naked multiple times anyway.

So, it was a natural reaction for Katie to swallow nervously, her curiosity and fear equally mixed as she tentatively reached towards my waist.

She seemed determined, not planning to stop at just hugs and kisses.

"Why, does it seem strange?"

The protruding flesh above the lowered waistband of my trousers.

Katie, perhaps having heard about it somewhere, tried to grasp the imposing flesh with one hand... but this was not something that could be held with just one hand.

A normal-sized member might be managed with one gentle hand, but mine was far from ordinary.

When Katie's delicate hand grasped it, so much was left unhandled that it looked pitiful.

It clearly seemed like something that needed two hands.

She seemed startled, having probably read or heard about stimulating a man with her hand and realizing her knowledge was incorrect.

She noticed the amusement in my voice a bit late.

"Huh, Roland? Aren't you treating me too much like a child? I've learned various things for gentlemen's nighttime manners in my family."

"They teach that in the North?"

"No, it's not because it's the North! The madams like... to... you know..."

She ended up revealing that she had overheard the lewd talks of noblewomen, similar to Charlotte Cavendish and her social circle instructors.

Grace tried to seduce me after getting drunk, Charlotte approached me based on rumors, and now Katie.

It gave an idea of how promiscuous the kingdom's nobility was.

After all, a guy like me openly courting noble ladies and young misses, and the nobles just accepting it as normal.

Well, to be precise, it wasn't so much me pursuing as being pursued.

When I went to the capital for missions, even if I did nothing, invitations would come, or maids would discreetly lead me away.

"This, like this, oh, umm...."

"I'll undress too."

"Uh, okay?"

As Katie's face turned red beyond her cheeks at the mention of the madams' stories, I recalled my times in the capital.

She was still awkwardly holding my member with both hands, frozen in place.

I reached out to her.

Given her sexual knowledge composed of madams' and mercenaries' lewd talks, it seemed unlikely she'd understand the concept of penetration before dawn.

Holding my member as if it were a sword handle, she tried changing the grip, showing all the performances a sexually inexperienced maiden might attempt.

I held Katie close and gently undressed her, from top to bottom.

Her snow-white skin, befitting a snowfield, was flawless.

Once she was completely naked, she let go of her hold on me and assumed a pose that covered her breasts and v*gina, which was provocatively suggestive.

There's a saying that a little clothing is more arousing than none, but even fully naked, the mere act of covering with her hands is stimulating in both ways.

A man with his trousers half down and his member out, and a woman, naked, covering her breasts and v*gina.

Described this way, the situation felt blatantly erotic and lewd.

"No, Roland? There’s a, um, order to, you know, male and female union…"

"That sort of thing, there's no set way. It's all about going with what feels right."

"Is that so? But the books said... I mean, the madams had different stories."

Katie's confusion, I guessed, stemmed from having multiple educators in her high-ranking family.

With each romance novel and each madam offering different lewd talks, based on their experiences, it was no wonder she was lost.

So, a simpler approach was needed now.

Waiting any longer felt almost like torture.

"So, I’m going to put it in."

"Eh, uh, oh-"

In the tent, which served as a meeting place and lacked a bed, there was a table.

I gently laid her on it, and she looked up at me, bewildered.

Why did he undress me and lay me down?- Her eyes, full of such questions, widened in shock, perhaps due to the pain of penetration.

I had wanted to do this from the moment I held her in my arms.

Just holding my member in her hands and not moving was torture.

Thanks to the atmosphere we had built with hugs, kisses, and strokes, her moist opening reluctantly allowed my tip to push through.

It feels like forcibly widening a tight rubber hose, the sensation of a virgin.

Feeling her tight inner flesh, I paused, sensing Katie, who had been trembling in my arms, gradually calming down.

At the same time, her wetness welcomed the intruder, drenching it.

Maybe it's because she's a skilled swordsman that she quickly overcame the pain of penetration.

"Um, Roland? Does this mean sex is over? We have plenty of time until morning…"

"Sex is over?"

Even though I'm not moving, her tight insides wriggle, trying to adjust.

Katie, lying on the table, talks about something odd.

I've just penetrated and torn her hymen, so what does she mean by sex being over?

Reflecting on her words, I respond, and she continues, proving how limited her sexual knowledge was.

"So... after a woman pleases a man with her hands, mouth, or breasts... when the man inserts, he ejaculates in a few minutes, and then sex is over, right?"

"A few minutes? After today, you won’t be able to say that anymore."

"What do you mean by that, yahahat-?!"

It seemed like a provocation, expecting things to end quickly based on her misguided sexual knowledge.

With her carrying such misconceptions, it would be better to correct her understanding through experience rather than explaining it a hundred times.


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