I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

Chapter 425 - Chapter 425: Chapter 267: Hidden Cards and Chen Sheng’s Arrival

Chapter 425: Chapter 267: Hidden Cards and Chen Sheng’s Arrival

Translator: 549690339

“Big brother, this way please.”

“Old Li and Elder Sun are both at the Yihe Gate’s base.”

“If nothing goes wrong, the main battlefield will be there.”

Several hundred kilometers away from Kyoto, by the highway.

Chen Sheng and two others were rapidly approaching Kyoto.

Azure Dragon led the way.

Having the ability to communicate with Feng, he was most aware of the current situation.

Along the way.

The Azure Dragon, who was almost slapped to death by Chen Sheng, gradually relaxed his tense heart.

“Tsk tsk tsk.”

Vermilion Bird walked side by side with Chen Sheng.

Looking at the Azure Dragon addressing him as big brother, his face showed disgust.

“Azure Dragon, oh Azure Dragon.”

“Old boy, how did you learn to flatter like this now?”

“I prefer your once unyielding and untamed attitude.”

Vermilion Bird’s words.

Instantly caused Azure Dragon’s face to flush red and blue.

Originally, the words “big brother” flowed smoothly from his mouth, but now they were stuck in his throat, unable to be uttered for a long time.


Azure Dragon chose to honestly lead the way, remaining silent.

Seeing this,

Vermilion Bird nodded slightly, with an air of a teachable child.

He turned his head and looked at Chen Sheng.

His face immediately burst into a brilliant smile.

Like a blooming chrysanthemum.

“We’ve been in a hurry for a while, big brother, are you tired?”

“If you’re tired, I can carry you on my back. Your little brother may not be good at other things, but I’m great at hurrying.”

“Big brother, are you thirsty? Hungry?”

“Do you want your little brother to—”

“Get lost.”

Chen Sheng’s expression was blank, intent on hurrying along.

“Alright, brother.”

Vermilion Bird didn’t mind.

“Just let me know if you need anything.”

It was hard to imagine.

How Vermilion Bird managed to maintain a high speed while walking humbly beside Chen Sheng.

Azure Dragon in front turned his head back.

He looked at the living, veritable eunuch-like Vermilion Bird.

His face expressionless,

As if he hadn’t said anything, yet as if he had said it all.

“What are you looking at? Lead the way!”

“Didn’t you see that big brother is in a hurry to get to Kyoto?!”

“If you’re late, I’ll hold you responsible!”

Vermilion Bird glared.

Azure Dragon remained silent.

He only felt an unnamed anger surge into his heart.

It seemed like he hadn’t beaten Vermilion Bird for many years.

He decided to hold a roast bird feast tomorrow.

As for whether he could survive tonight?

Thinking about this.

Azure Dragon’s gaze glanced past Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng was very strong.

Strong enough to far surpass his imagination.

Even comparable to Li Wuji once upon a time.

To claim a 100% chance of defeating the Respected Elder and others.

Azure Dragon didn’t have that.

But with Chen Sheng’s strength, it would surely have a significant impact on the changes in the battle situation.

On this point,

Azure Dragon had great confidence.

Old Li… Elder Sun… hold on.

Anxiety flashed in his eyes.

Unconsciously, his footsteps grew faster and faster.

On the outskirts of Kyoto.

Mountain forest.

Li Wuji and the Respected Elder fought further and further away.

By now, they had completely lost track of how many kilometers they were from the Yihe Gate.

Even if someone stood on a mountain peak, they would not be able to see what was happening clearly.

On the scorched earth.

Not a single blade of grass grew.

Sparks danced in the air.

Invisible radiation filled an area several kilometers in radius.

Even the tree leaves and branches that were not affected by the battle were withering away slowly.

Two figures stood at the center of the scorched earth, separated by more than ten meters.

The Respected Elder manipulated Xiang Li’s body, recklessly using the power of the Authority of Heart’s Power, regardless of the consequences.

With every collision between the two,

The Respected Elder forcefully exerted the power of Xiang Li’s body beyond its limits.

Li Wuji could only fight back with all his might.

Until now,

Li Wuji’s body surface had lost its initially weak but visible light.

Xiang Li’s body, on the other hand, was even more miserable.

Cracks of varying sizes covered his body.

Underneath the cracks, there was no flesh and blood, only twisted darkness.

This kind of injury went far beyond the physical level.

Even if the Respected Elder were to stop now,

Xiang Li, who regained control of his body, would most likely be half-crippled.

“What are you trying to do?”

Li Wuji looked at the Respected Elder not far away, growing more and more puzzled.


In the face of Li Wuji’s question,

The Respected Elder still gave no answer.

He paused for a moment.

The red light inside him bloomed again.

Immediately thereafter,

He charged at Li Wuji again.

Having no other choice,

The fight began once more.

Although it was not as fierce as before,

There was no sign of the frequency declining.

With every collision,

With every punch,

Li Wuji could clearly see,

The cracks on Xiang Li’s body were gradually widening at a visible rate.

Making him look more like a monster than a human.

The Respected Elder was very anxious.

So anxious that he didn’t even bother to hide his intentions.

He wanted to finish off Li Wuji as soon as possible.


Li Wuji furrowed his brow,

Could it be that there was some danger where the Respected Elder’s main body was?

Li Wuji was thinking,

But he didn’t come up with an answer in the end.

The Respected Elder’s relentless entanglement,

Even made it impossible for him to give up the fight and leave.

Turning his back on the enemy would have dire consequences.

Just like that,

Time went by little by little.

Even though Li Wuji’s heart was anxious.

He could only watch helplessly as the energy he had accumulated with great difficulty dissipated.

The light grew weaker and weaker.



The light completely vanished.

Li Wuji, who had lost his strength, fell to the ground.

He once again became that physically weak, decayed old man who could only sit in a wheelchair and rely on others to move around.


Only then did the respected elder sigh again.

“Both of us, we’ve mistaken one person.”

“If I hadn’t seen his performance with my own eyes by borrowing someone else’s body.”

“I wouldn’t have believed that there’d be such a genius in this world.”

Standing in front of Li Wuji.

The cracks on his face, still carrying a compassionate expression.

Li Wuji could even see two lines of tears falling from the elder’s eyes.

“Both you and I come from the same source. ”

“We share the same aspirations.”

“If circumstances did not force me, I wouldn’t want to kill you.”

“As it is now, I’ve had no choice.”


Misread who?

Until the very end, the elder continued to speak in riddles.

After his strength had vanished,

Intense weakness quickly overwhelmed his body.

Li Wuji tried to ask a question.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he could only instinctively breathe and couldn’t say a word.


He saw the elder appear before him.

The red light on his body,

lit up once again.

The scorching hot air blew toward him.

The other party was going to use lethal force.

Li Wuji, realizing this,

was not too panicked.

He sighed lightly as well.

“I, too, would rather not have come to this point.”

“But do you really think I don’t know your intentions?”

All over his body,

cries of unbearable pain.

His emaciated arm supported his knee and slowly stood up.

“The same aspirations?”

“Don’t forget”

“I’ve also connected with the Heavenly Person.”

“I’m very clear about the kind of effect that connection has on one’s consciousness.”

“Eliminating the Heavenly Person.”

“If that’s truly your intention, there might still be room for discussion between us.”

“But you—”


At this point.

The elder’s face.

A fleeting flash of chilliness.

The red-lit fist, with stunning momentum, struck straight at his face.

It seemed that he didn’t want the following words to come from Li Wuji’s mouth.

Seeing this,

Li Wuji’s eyes,

divine light surged forth once more.

The ultimate power of chaos,

was a secret skill he created to deal with the elder.

Li Wuji naturally couldn’t afford to put all his chips on just a five-minute explosive state.

There’s another way,

that would completely dissolve his soul.

But at the same time, it would bring about an even more powerful explosion than before.

Not until the final moment,

Li Wuji was unwilling to use it.

Because that means mutually assured destruction.

But now,

he had no other options left.

He could only,

give it his all!


Facing the rapidly approaching fist,

Li Wuji’s eyes,

gleamed with divine light.

Just as,

the power was about to explode.

His emaciated arm, slowly struck out.

Flowing light gradually covered his body.

But at that moment.


A figure appeared beside the two.

At the same time,

A familiar voice sounded in their ears.


“Made it.”

The next second,


Li Wuji didn’t even see what happened.

He only heard a loud boom explode in his ear.

Boundless shockwaves once again swept through the area.

Smoke and dust rolled.

The elder, like a cannonball, instantly broke through the dust and debris.

Boom, Boom, Boom!!!

Stones flew everywhere.

Earth trembled.

He slammed into the ground, but his momentum didn’t diminish.

A long trench appeared, stretching to the end of his sight, its length unknown.

This sudden change,

left Li Wuji astonished.

That’s not right.

Something was off.

Relying on the power of authority, the elder forcefully changed the rules of force in Xiang Li’s body.

Li Wuji had fought the elder for several minutes, but couldn’t cause the slightest harm to him.

Even the cracks on his body were caused by the backlash of authority.

Why now… would the elder be blown away by a single punch?

Had the body finally reached its limit?


Before Li Wuji could react,

There was another voice in his ears.


“He’s not dead?”

Li Wuji subconsciously looked up at the newcomer.

The face he saw greatly surprised him.

“Chen Sheng?!”

“What are you doing here?”

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