I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

Chapter 399 - Chapter 399: Chapter 254: Upgrade and Holy Scripture of Withering and Flourishing

Chapter 399: Chapter 254: Upgrade and Holy Scripture of Withering and Flourishing

Translator: 549690339

[Chen Sheng]

[Strength: 2630]

[Agility: 2206]

[Constitution: 2321]

[Soul: 10.2]

[Skill Column: Holy Scripture of Withering and Flourishing lv0: 1/100]

[Skill Points: 3992]

After several days of Chen Sheng’s relentless effort.


After successfully guiding the strength particles to his heart,

the words he had been looking forward to appeared in his skill column.

Holy Scripture of Withering and Flourishing.

This meant that Chen Sheng could bypass the lengthy and complicated cultivation steps and directly upgrade his realm of secret skills.

Chen Sheng didn’t hesitate at all.

He sat cross-legged, adjusting his condition.

His breathing gradually became steady and prolonged.

After Chen Sheng released control,

the strength particles originally used to enhance his heart were once again separated, returning to their original positions.


without the panel, if Chen Sheng were to cultivate on his own,

it would probably take a long time to practice and reach the first realm of the Holy Scripture of Withering and Flourishing.

First, he needed to learn to gradually control a large number of strength particles to prevent their escape.

Also, while controlling them, he must learn how to hide these strength particles deep inside his body.

Instead of enhancing his strength like before.

Going through this process,

if Chen Sheng wants to achieve what is described in the Holy Scripture of Withering and Flourishing, successfully storing a portion of his body’s strength,

by his estimation,

he wouldn’t be able to complete it without months of practice.


this isn’t a problem for him.

Chen Sheng focused his mind.

After adjusting his condition,

he looked at the skill column again.

His eyes focused,

Chen Sheng concentrated his attention.


Skill points rapidly decreased.

[Skill Points: 3892]

The words representing the Holy Scripture of Withering and Flourishing became somewhat blurry.

The next second,


A massive amount of bodily memory began to form within him.

Chen Sheng’s eyes widened.

Countless blood vessels were climbing up the whites of his eyes.

With a thud,

he could no longer maintain his posture and lost control in an instant.

His body slammed into the ground, convulsing uncontrollably.

All the muscles on his body were writhing under his skin as if they were alive, undulating in a specific rhythm.



Chen Sheng gasped for breath.

At this moment,

he could no longer control his own strength.

A hurricane swept through the cave and continuously rushed out of the entrance.

Soon enough,

Chen Sheng heard screams and chaotic footsteps.


the hurricane had wreaked havoc in the outer area of the Holy Sect Religion’s Base.

The Holy Sect members, who had already experienced such a scene before, took corresponding measures and began to investigate the source of the hurricane.

As for Chen Sheng,

he was currently completely immersed in the transformation of his physical body and had no concern for his surroundings.

Upgrading through the panel would compress the originally lengthy cultivation process into an extremely short time.

Compared to the breathing technique,

the changes when upgrading secret skills were obviously much more intense.

Each time he inhaled,

Chen Sheng’s body would shrink at a visible speed,

and then expand again while exhaling, restoring to its full state.

What originally took at least an hour to complete, the transformation between the withered and flourishing states,

was now reduced to a single breath.

From this, one could see,

how intense the changes in Chen Sheng’s body were.

A large number of strength particles were constantly separated, and before they could linger for a brief moment, they were once again pushed back to their original positions.

Although this sensation couldn’t be considered painful,

every part of his body was trembling, as if every nerve of Chen Sheng’s was constantly being stimulated.

This was much more unbearable than pain.

The consumption of spiritual power was also quite intense.

In just a few minutes,

Chen Sheng’s forehead was already covered in sweat.

On his skin’s surface, green tendons wriggled like giant snakes.

Once the upgrade started, there was no reason to stop.

Chen Sheng was well aware of this.

At this point,

all he could do was endure silently.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

One hour later.

The upgrade was finally completed.

The commotion within the Holy Sect Religion’s Base finally subsided.

Chen Sheng lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

An overwhelming sense of exhaustion washed over his mind,

causing a dizzy spell.

But Chen Sheng’s eyes shone brighter than ever.

He looked at the panel before him.

[Holy Scripture of Withering and Flourishing lv1: 0/200]

Upgrading the Holy Scripture of Withering and Flourishing didn’t bring much improvement in attributes.

Each attribute was enhanced by only around a hundred points.

It was thanks to the constant cleansing of his body by the thunder sea within him every time he entered the Withered State.

The biggest advantage brought by the upgrade,


Chen Sheng could finally freely control the transformation between the Withering and Flourishing States, shortening that time to within a second.


Chen Sheng had finally gained mastery over controlling strength particles and storing them in his body.

However, since he had just completed the upgrade, Chen Sheng hadn’t had a chance to try it yet.

Adding to his previous consumption of spiritual power,

he decided to take a short ten-minute break to recover his energy before attempting it.

Ten minutes later,

Chen Sheng appeared above the Holy Sect Religion’s Base.

He was now preparing for a series of tests.

In order not to cause too much damage to the Holy Sect Religion’s Base, Chen Sheng decided to perform his tests above ground.

With that thought,

Chen Sheng sat cross-legged.

With a thought,

his body quickly shrank, entering the Withered State.

The spiritual power instantly enveloped the strength particles, guiding them deeper into other parts of his body.

The first layer of the Holy Scripture of Withering and Flourishing, the Withering Realm.

Practitioners could store energy in their bones, blood, and muscles.

They could store up to five portions of strength,

which could be instantly released to make Chen Sheng’s basic attributes soar five times in the blink of an eye.

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