
Yi Feng nodded lightly.

Anyway, they were just drinking and boasting, so he didn't care whether they believed it or not.

But he didn't know that his words made their hearts tremble and their admiration reach new heights.

In all the time they had known Yi Feng, they had never truly confirmed his cultivation level, and Yi Feng himself had never revealed any information about his cultivation.

In addition, they didn't dare to ask, so they could only guess Yi Feng's cultivation based on some of the methods he had displayed.


Yi Feng had finally revealed a little clue about his cultivation!


Undoubtedly an immortal.

Although they had guessed it before, those were just guesses. But this time it was solid evidence.

Because they were certain that even the strongest Martial Emperor of the Immortal River Continent could absolutely not travel between worlds. Only those legendary immortals from the upper realms could accomplish such a heaven-reaching feat.

They couldn't help but feel even more respect for Yi Feng, and a strong sense of pride welled up in their hearts.

This glory was not just for them personally, but also for their descendants who would roam the continent in the future. They would be able to hold their heads high and say that their ancestors had worked for an immortal and shared meals together.

It was truly glorifying their ancestors!

"Why are you all so excited that I mentioned another world?"

Yi Feng rolled his eyes at them.

Seeing this, they lowered their flushed faces in embarrassment.

Although crossing between worlds was a trivial matter to their senior, it was still shocking to hear about.

"Please continue, sir."

"Yes, yes. Could you tell us about that world?"

"Tell us some stories about that world."

They looked at Yi Feng expectantly and asked.

Yi Feng nodded. Recalling his previous life stirred his emotions. He still couldn't let go after all these years!

Oh well!

He would tell them a story to listen to. After all, they were just boasting drunkenly!

"That was another civilization. The people of that world were also very smart and powerful. If they brought out their creations, destroying the Immortal River Continent would be easy. They could even make all life on the entire continent go extinct!"


Hearing this, Wu Yonghong and the others shuddered.

They looked at each other, shock evident in their eyes.

Such ability was simply horrifying.

The Immortal River Continent was so vast, yet no one had heard of anyone who could destroy the entire continent, let alone make all life go extinct.

"What level were you at in that world?" Wu Yonghong carefully asked.


Yi Feng smiled and said, "I was barely average. Of course, I was just a bottom-tier person compared to those truly powerful figures!"



Yi Feng's words almost scared them unconscious.

Someone as powerful as sir, an exiled immortal, was barely average in that world?

How strong were the people of that world?

Could everyone be immortal!?

Thinking of this, they sucked in a breath of cold air and instantly felt their own insignificance. If they went to that world, wouldn't they be like trash?

"Did you have any other stories from your time in that world, sir?" Unable to restrain his curiosity, Lu Qingshan asked.

"All kinds of stories, of course. For example, in my reckless youth, relying on my looks I played with several boats at once and chatted up several girls thousands of miles away at the same time." Yi Feng said self-deprecatingly.

"Chatting up several girls thousands of miles away at the same time?"

Hearing this, Wu Yonghong and the others' eyes widened again.

Although thousands of miles wasn't too far for them, just the width of Pingjiang City, it would still take about an hour. But Yi Feng was chatting with several girls thousands of miles apart in different places at the same time...

What kind of ability was this?

Twisting space?

"Simultaneously chatting up multiple girls, sir, your abilities are truly terrifying!" They couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

"What's so terrifying about it? In that world, it was just basic skills!" Yi Feng rolled his eyes at them speechlessly. It was just a cell phone.

But he didn't explain too much, or else the chattering would be endless.

However, Wu Yonghong and the others were shocked beyond belief.

Such ability was just basic skills. It seemed their guess that the people of that world had an average cultivation of immortal was undoubtedly true!

"Speaking of which, I was quite a scumbag back then!"

Yi Feng picked up a cup of wine and gave a self-deprecating laugh. His eyes were full of nostalgia for that world. Bringing up these embarrassing stories of his past was also a way of cherishing his reckless eighteen-year-old self and those times of youth.

Especially those nights spent staring at his phone waiting for messages, scrutinizing posts on social media to guess others' feelings, and dozing off in class...

He was a scumbag, but who said that wasn't the bloom of youth?

"A scumbag?"

Wu Yonghong and the others couldn't help but ask.

Yi Feng glanced at them. This group of old men really needed to know everything. He mocked, "Take it as a compliment!"

"I see. Sir was undoubtedly a scumbag!"

Wu Yonghong and the others learned a new term and eagerly used it to praise Yi Feng.

Hearing this, Yi Feng's face darkened and his facial muscles twitched uncontrollably.

He had really shot himself in the foot!

The night gradually darkened.

The wine continued flowing.

The boasting went on.


Some couldn't hold their liquor. Wu Yonghong and Lu Qingshan had collapsed under the table at some point, each hugging a table leg and snoring away.

Sun Zhuge and Chu Kuangshi were sprawled on the floor, with Sun Zhuge hugging Chu Kuangshi's feet. As he mumbled in his sleep, he would occasionally take a whiff.


Yi Feng gently sighed, slightly tipsy as he looked up at the bright moon, drinking down a pot of turbid wine alone.

He picked up his guitar and sat on the roof.

"Bright moon, when will you be there, to drink with me the wine of air, I do not know in heavens hall, today is which year..."

The guitar strings plucked lightly, accompanying the guitar sounds, the melodious voice softly hummed out.

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