I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 326 [Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [12] Incoming Love Drama

Chapter 326 [Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [12] Incoming Love Drama

"Hmm... I think we're late," Leire murmured timidly.

"You think?" I raised an eyebrow, strolling along leisurely.

"We're definitely late, Sir Amael... by a few hours already," Martin added, his tone hesitant.

"Why are you two looking at me? Whose fault do you think it is?" I retorted, shooting a glance at Alicia, who was walking alongside us.

She didn't respond, her focus fixed ahead with a tired expression on her face.

It seemed she still hadn't fully recovered from her peculiar surge from yesterday.


I glanced at my phone, knowing we could check the results there. That's why we were taking our time walking—there were still other groups engaged in battles.

From the latest matches, Celeste's group had unsurprisingly advanced to the Third Round, as had Alvara's and Cylien's groups.

Damn, the Third Round was shaping up to be quite the intense battle. There was a high probability that the main contenders would face off against each other. Pretenders and Heroines I mean.

[<You have to first pass the Second Round for that.>]

'I will, no doubt about it.'

This exam was undoubtedly crucial, not just to avoid my mother's wrath, but because of the looming threat posed by Behemoth. They were poised to strike after the exam, aiming to seize the Horn held by the Dolphis royal family—a scenario that simply couldn't be allowed to unfold.

Stopping Behemoth's scheme was paramount, but the problem lay in their unpredictable nature. My interference with Nora and Manuel had undoubtedly forced them to alter their plans, adding an unsettling layer of uncertainty. The element of surprise, which they now possessed, was deeply unsettling, especially considering Nora's continued existence within their ranks. She was an annoying woman, capable of assuming the appearance of others with uncanny accuracy—a skill that posed a significant threat.

In the game, Nora had effortlessly infiltrated and stolen the third Horn by exploiting vulnerabilities. The potential havoc she could wreak by impersonating key figures of Sancta Vedelia was a chilling prospect, one that underscored the urgency of eliminating her swiftly.

Although Amelia had seen through Nora's deception with our intervention, my wariness towards her remained acute.

With a sense of urgency gnawing at me, I swiftly dialed John's number.

We had already exchanged a few messages regarding the ongoing event, but I felt compelled to reach out again, this time specifically about Nora. Just in case.

In moments like these, I cursed my lack of influence with the other Heads. I couldn't simply instruct the Dolphis King to bolster defenses around the Horn—it would only fuel his existing suspicions towards me. Yet, despite my frustration, I found some solace in the fact that he was present. As one of the Kings of Sancta Vedelia, his strength rivaled that of monarchs. If one of Behemoth's top four operatives attempted an incursion, his presence offered a measure of reassurance, for I knew I was not yet capable of facing such strong enemies.

As I pondered the potential threats, a particular figure flashed in my mind—Nikolas Tepes, that guy who had intervened at the restaurant to aid Manuel.

"Strange..." I muttered under my breath.

Ordinarily, John would respond promptly to my messages, given that we communicated only when urgency demanded it. Yet, neither my messages nor my calls received a response.

"Don't tell me..." I trailed off, my eyes widening in realization.

I quickly checked the exam details, confirming my fears.


John was in Group B alongside Selene, while Amelia's group—Group T—was their opponent.

I couldn't suppress a small smile at the twist of fate. "Seems like Lady Luck wants some love drama for the exam," I muttered aloud.

John versus Amelia. "We should pick up the pace," I said, quickening my steps.

"B-But I thought everything was fine, Sir Amael?" Martin asked, his confusion evident due to my earlier nonchalant demeanor.

"Oh, it's fine, but we shouldn't keep Professor Raven waiting," I replied vaguely.

[<You just want to see the drama between John and Amelia.>]


"But Lady Alicia?" Leire called out looking at Alicia worriedly.

I glanced briefly at Alicia before shrugging. "Join us later, we are leaving ahead."

"W-Wait for me Sir Amael!" Martin followed after me as I rushed toward the stadium.


The tension in stadium 3 of the exam was palpable, with two strong groups descending onto the field, each boasting powerful students—elites among elites.

In Group B stood Selene, her usual aloof expression unchanged as she prepared for battle, clad in attire designed for maximum efficiency. Her stunning appearance drew the gaze of many, but beside her stood a figure shrouded in mystery. Renowned within the academy as a foreign criminal who had stirred up trouble in his class, he remained stealthy in terms of his true strength.

Facing them was Amelia Dolphis, a standout among the students of Trinity Eden Academy. Positioned at the forefront of her group, her expression was unusually serious and focused, hinting at deeper concerns. Strangely, her gaze wasn't fixed on Selene, her anticipated opponent, but on John Tarmias. An awkward tension hung between them, perceptible to only a select few—Celeste, her closest friend, Cylien, and Elizabeth.

"What's happening?" Victor, ever oblivious, voiced his confusion aloud.

Celeste grimaced, realizing Victor's oversight despite his proximity to both Amelia and John. Nonetheless, she offered an explanation. "John and Amelia are in love, but John is playing hard to get, which has left Amelia frustrated."

"W-What?!!!" Victor's reaction was predictably loud, the news shocking him to his core.

"I see... so that's why things are so awkward," Roda murmured, piecing together the puzzle with a nod of understanding.

"...So it was true after all," Victor mumbled, recalling Amael's words from their previous discussion in their shared room. "But why is John playing hard to get?"

"Who knows..." Celeste shrugged in response.

Victor nodded thoughtfully before scanning the area in search of Amael. "Maybe Amael knows something."

"Yeah, maybe..." Celeste replied, her gaze averted. Amael's words continued to echo in her mind, stirring up conflicting emotions within her. She couldn't shake the feeling that his kindness towards her was merely a facade, motivated by his knowledge of her status as the Prophetess and the potential utility she held for him.

'I...really hate the Holy Tree and this Prophetess status,' Celeste thought bitterly. Her resentment towards the Holy Tree and the status given with it that had taken her mother and her freedom only intensified with each passing day. It was inevitable that her true identity would eventually be revealed to the world, plunging her into a sea of hypocrisy akin to what her mother had endured.

Though she knew she could rely on her close friends—Amelia, Victor, Elizabeth, and even Earth upon his return—Celeste couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that Amael wasn't among them.

"Good luck, Selene! And Amelia too!" Elizabeth's familiar voice reached Celeste, prompting her to turn towards her twin sister and friend, who were being cheered on with a smile.


How long had it been since Celeste had a proper conversation with Elizabeth? The dynamic between them had grown awkward since Elizabeth's engagement to Amael. It was clear that Elizabeth was affected by it, and Celeste found herself similarly unsettled.

"You should cheer for her too, Celeste," Cylien's voice interrupted Celeste's thoughts, reminding her of her usual role as the enthusiastic supporter of her friends.

"Ah, yes! Good luck, Amelia! Good luck, Selene!" Celeste exclaimed, but her words lacked conviction.

"Not very convincing," Victor teased, earning a glare from Celeste.

"Do it for John then!" Celeste retorted, nudging Victor with her elbow.

"R-Right! Good luck, John!" Victor shouted, though his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as John remained focused on Amelia.


"Don't hold back," Amelia urged John.

"Why would I?" John's response was immediate.

Amelia hesitated for a moment, wanting to say something more, but instead, she simply echoed, "I don't know."

"Then don't hold back either, Amelia, because I won't," Selene interjected, her tone icy as she locked eyes with Amelia.

"Why would I, Selene?" Amelia countered, a defiant smile playing on her lips.

"Because you love John."


The stadium fell into a profound silence, the weight of Selene's accusation hanging heavily in the air.

Her words, uttered in a low tone yet carrying enough force to be heard by all, including the King and Queen, echoed throughout the stadium.


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