I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 324 [Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [10] Amael And Alicia

Chapter 324 [Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [10] Amael And Alicia

"Miss Raven, it's important to take some time to relax," the healer advised gently, concern evident in his tone. "You need to rest tonight to ensure you're in good form for tomorrow. However, your body requires natural rest to recover from exhaustion. I would normally advise against participating in tomorrow's Round if you are—"

"Thank you," Alicia interrupted, cutting off the healer just as he was about to suggest she refrain from the second round.

With a sigh of exasperation, the healer departed, leaving Alicia clad in a red robe, closing the door behind him.

"Are you alright?" Leire asked with a worried tone, while Martin also showed concern.

Meanwhile, I lounged on the sofa, indulging in popcorn, observing the scene unfold.

James Raven remained silent, but I knew he would take action for his daughter's sake. With nothing to lose, he undoubtedly harbored a desire to see Adrian's arrogance crumble.

Alicia glanced briefly in my direction before responding to Leire. "I'm fine," she assured, though her legs faltered beneath her.

Leire rushed to support her, concern etched on her face. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Alicia grimaced, holding her forehead. "I'm... fine," she insisted weakly, before allowing Leire to guide her to her room and bid her goodnight.

"Will Lady Alicia be alright for tomorrow's second round?" Martin asked, his worry evident.

"I think we should encourage her to rest," Leire suggested, turning to me for support, knowing Alicia's determination would be hard to sway. They hoped I might have some influence over her decision.

Well, sorry to disappoint you guys, but I don't have any influence over her.

"But... we might need her. This round was tough enough; if we face powerful opponents tomorrow, we could be in trouble," Martin pointed out.

"Lady Alicia isn't in a state to fight!" Leire insisted adamantly.

"Let's calm down, everyone," I said, halting their argument. "Alicia is a Princess from the Raven House. She carries noble vampire blood in her veins. She'll recover in a few hours and be ready to fight tomorrow, even if she's tired."

I took another handful of popcorn, munching thoughtfully. "This exam is crucial for all of us, especially for her. Coming from a Great House, she needs to prove her capabilities to everyone. And with her father watching, the pressure's even higher."

While I couldn't fully grasp Alicia's emotions, I understood enough to know the weight she carried.

"I'm sorry," Leire apologized, seeming to grasp the gravity of the situation.

"I-I just hope we get an easy group for tomorrow's round," Martin murmured.

Unfortunately for Martin, I knew that hope wouldn't likely come to fruition. Tomorrow's group was bound to be challenging.

[<You think you can win?>]

'You are underestimating me Cleenah.'

[<Not at all. I just think that you shouldn't underestimate him. He is dangerous.>]

'Of course he is. He's a Pretender and an Antagonist of Alicia's Hidden Story.'

The problem was that I didn't play that Hidden Story so I don't know much about Adrian and Alicia.

'By the way, what do you know about Anuket?' I asked curiously.

Anuket was the Goddess who shared her Bloodline with the Dolphis House but I don't know much after that.

[<She is…dangerous.>]

'Thanks for the great help.'

[<You are welcome!>]

I grimaced a little before heading toward my room.


'In another life…I wish I will find you again, Samael.'


I awoke in a stupor, struggling to lift myself from the bed. My body was drenched in sweat, and a pounding headache throbbed relentlessly.

"What the hell was that?" I muttered, glancing outside to see that it was still the dead of night.

Dragging myself out of bed, I splashed water on my face, attempting to alleviate the parched sensation in my throat. As I looked out the window, I noticed a figure seated on one of the benches at the entrance of the house. It was Alicia, wrapped in a blanket against the chill of the night.

Opening the door, I stepped outside, my gaze falling upon her.

She sat there, gazing out at the sprawling grassland with a distant expression. Her usually graceful demeanor seemed overshadowed by the disarray of her golden-blond hair.

"What are you doing? You'll catch a cold," I said.

But she remained silent, lost in her thoughts, and I wondered if she even registered my presence.

"I won't let you participate in today's Round," I said, changing my tone.

This time, she reacted swiftly, turning her weary eyes towards me, a mixture of surprise and exhaustion etched on her face.

After a brief moment of awkward silence, Alicia turned her gaze back to the horizon, seemingly lost in her thoughts. If only I had delved deeper into her story, I might have felt more at ease in dealing with her, but circumstances dictated otherwise, so I had to adapt.

Taking a seat beside her, maintaining a respectful distance, I reclined slightly before speaking. "This time around might be tougher, so I suggest you rest for this round."

As I voiced my concern, I couldn't shake the nagging uncertainty about her potential confrontation with Adrian. After all, he was her fiancé. Would she even fight him? I pondered whether Adrian would resort to his usual tactics of manipulation and control, using threatening words to influence her, as he had done in the past.

It struck me as odd that I was so invested in her situation. We were practically strangers, but perhaps the fact that she was Victor's younger sister stirred a sense of responsibility within me. I couldn't ignore the pleading looks Victor had given me, urging me to look out for her.

I harbored a curiosity about Alicia's perspective on her engagement with Adrian, but broaching such a personal topic felt intrusive. It was akin to a stranger prying into someone's private affairs, a situation bound to be awkward for both parties.

Perhaps I could concoct a flimsy excuse, citing concern for my friend Victor's sister. However, I doubted Alicia's relationship with Victor was particularly amicable. Moreover, such a ploy could backfire, potentially causing complications for both me and Victor.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to approach the matter directly. "Listen, you may have recovered enough, but I don't want to risk losing you for the Final Round, assuming we succeed in this one," I stated calmly, hoping she would heed my advice for her own well-being.

"It's my business. You should take care of your own affairs, Senior," Alicia retorted.

Suppressing a wry smile at her persistent rejection, I pressed on. "Your business is my business."

There was a tense silence between us, punctuated only by the quiet night air.

When Alicia met my gaze with another emotionless stare, I adjusted my approach. "I mean, if you're unable to participate in the Third Round, it could pose a problem. I don't want us to lose, after all."

"Neither do I," Alicia replied curtly.

"Then you should—" I began, but she cut me off.

"...I need to fight all the Rounds. It's my duty and... my desire," Alicia stated softly, her words carrying a sense of determination.

"Even if it means you might miss the last Round? The most important one. Your performance will be heavily evaluated during that final exam, you know," I persisted, unwilling to let the matter drop.

"I'm not weak."

My response seemed to have struck a nerve, as she rose to her feet, her expression turning colder, though she concealed it well.

"Fine," I sighed, reaching out to catch her arm before she could depart. "But I'll take the lead this time—"

Before I could finish my sentence, Alicia collapsed against me with a heavy thud.

"What?" I exclaimed in surprise, barely managing to hold onto her arm.

Alicia's face, now resting against my chest, appeared unnaturally pale, with a slight flush of red. Her breathing sounded labored.

"What's happening?" I asked, furrowing my brow.

Alicia's eyes snapped open in shock, and she attempted to pull away weakly.

Feeling a pang of discomfort at her evident distress, I gently held her in place, studying her face intently.

"Give it a rest. Am I that annoying?" I asked, my tone laced with concern as I brushed her cheek with my hand.

Despite her cheeks puffing out slightly in my grasp, I ignored her reaction, focusing on her pallid complexion.

"Don't tell me... you need blood?" I asked, a hint of realization dawning upon me.


Yes, it's likely that Alicia's sudden collapse was a result of the increased strength she had gained the day before. Such a sudden surge in power could easily lead to physical exhaustion.

As I observed Alicia, I couldn't help but scratch at the lingering itch on my neck where Elizabeth had bitten me. Shaking off the discomfort, I refocused my attention on Alicia.

Releasing my hold on her face as she seemed uncomfortable with the gesture, Alicia remained slumped against my chest, clearly exhausted. The glare she shot me spoke volumes about her thoughts on my actions. I mentally scolded myself for overstepping boundaries and touching her without permission.

Ignoring her icy glare, I blurted out a question that had been lingering in my mind. "Don't take me for a beast or something, but why the heck do you smell so nice?" The fragrance emanating from her was even more intoxicating than before.

Unsurprisingly, Alicia's glare intensified at my comment.

"I'll take you back to your room. You must have some reserves of blood in such a case, right?" I suggested, to which she nodded weakly.

Lifting her effortlessly, I carried her back to her room. Setting her down on her bed, I found myself face-to-face with her, struck by her remarkable beauty even in her weakened state.

Silence hung between us as Alicia stared back at me, annoyance evident in her expression. She looked clearly vulnerable with that exhausted look and disheveled hair. Her pale body was soft and seemed-

My heart skipped a beat as she rested her weak hand on my chest, attempting to push me away.

"R-Right," I stammered, hastily retreating from her room. Leaning against the door in silence, I couldn't help but wonder: What the hell was that?

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