I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 650: Lunch By The Lakeshore

The sun was at its zenith, casting a warm, golden glow over the expansive campus of Yukihime High School. The lively atmosphere of the school's first club festival buzzed in the air, filled with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the enticing aromas of various foods wafting from the numerous stalls set up by the clubs. Around noon, Theo and his friends had just finished their exhilarating board game match and were ready for a well-deserved lunch. Theo, Ayia, Shizuka, Samantha, June, and Sayuri made their way to one of the picturesque lakeshores within the school grounds. The tranquil lake shimmered under the midday sun, its gentle waves providing a calming backdrop to their bustling surroundings. They had agreed to meet their other friends-Max, Shoko, Lauren, Kumiko, Gwen, Ryoko, and Kin-by the lakeside to enjoy their lunch together.

Theo carried a tray laden with a hearty bowl of ramen he had picked up from the Culinary Club's stall. The rich, savory scent made his stomach growl in anticipation. "This looks amazing," he said, eyes wide with excitement.

Ayia, walking beside him, had opted for a vibrant bento box filled with sushi, tempura, and colorful vegetable garnishes. She smiled, appreciating the meticulous presentation. "The Culinary Clubs really outdid themselves this year," she remarked, taking a seat at one of the wooden picnic tables by the lake.

Shizuka, who had chosen a plate of gyoza and miso soup, sat down across from Ayia. "I've been craving these dumplings all morning," she said, eagerly picking up her chopsticks.

Sam, still buzzing with excitement from the Mystery Box Challenge, had chosen a plate of spicy curry. "I needed something with a kick," she said, grinning as she took her first bite. "This is exactly what I needed."

June, Ryoko, and Sayuri, the fans of street food, had gone for takoyaki and okonomiyaki, their trays filled with savory treats. "I love festival food," June said, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Max arrived with a tray of yakitori skewers, sitting down next to Lauren, who had a bowl of soba noodles. Shoko and Kumiko shared a large platter of assorted dumplings, while Gwen and Kin each had bowls of miso soup and rice balls.

The friends settled around the large picnic table, the gentle breeze from the lake rustling the leaves of the surrounding trees. The table was filled with an array of colorful and appetizing dishes, reflecting the diverse culinary talents of the school's clubs. They began to eat, savoring the delicious food and the company of one another.

"That board game was intense!" Theo said between bites of ramen. "I didn't expect so many twists and turns."

"You were great in the skit challenge," Ayia complimented him, nudging his shoulder. "You really got into character."

"I laughed so hard watching you, Theo." Max said laughing.

Samantha laughed. "I think my heart rate has finally gone back to normal after that Mystery Box Challenge. I was so nervous!"

"You nailed it, though," Sayuri said. "You overcame your fear, we were so proud of you." Max nodded in agreement. "It was fun watching you all compete. It's such a pity that we didn't manage to arrive earlier so we could join you for the match."

Lauren, who had been quietly enjoying her soba, looked up and added, "Maybe, we can all participate in a match tomorrow."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard that, they felt that it would be extremely fun if their whole group of friends competed in a board game match.

The conversation shifted to the various attractions they had visited and the ones they still wanted to see.

"I want to check out the Haunted House after lunch," Kin said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I heard it's really well done this year."

Gwen, less enthusiastic about the idea, shook her head. "I'll pass on that. I'm more interested in the Art Club's gallery. I've heard they have some incredible pieces on display."

Kumiko, always up for a challenge, grinned. "I'm with Kin on this one. The Haunted House sounds like a lot of fun. Who's in?"

Theo raised his hand. "Count me in. I love a good scare."

Ayia chuckled. "I'll join you guys, but I'll probably be clinging to Theo the whole time."

Shoko, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up. "I think I'll stick with Gwen and check out the art. I'm not a fan of jump scares."

As they finished their meals, they took a moment to appreciate the beauty of their surroundings. The lake shimmered under the midday sun, and the gentle breeze carried the sounds of the festival across the water.

Theo leaned back, stretching his arms. "This was a great lunch."

"Yeah, I have to admit that these little guys have a talent for cooking." Ayia commented.

"Who knows? Maybe one of them will become a famous cook in the future." Kumiko said with a smile.

With their lunch break over, they began to gather their trays and dispose of their trash. The excitement of the festival beckoned, and they were eager to dive back into the activities. They agreed to meet at the musical stage at 2 PM to watch the upcoming Mini Musical Festival, ensuring they wouldn't miss one of the highlights of the afternoon.

Theo looked around at his friends, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for each of them. They had been through so much together, and today was another chapter in their shared story.

"Alright, team," he said, smiling. "Let's go make some more memories."

As they walked away from the lakeshore, their laughter and chatter filled the air, blending with the vibrant sounds of the festival. The future was uncertain, but at that moment, they were united in their joy and friendship, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures awaited them at the Yukihime High School Festival.

The group split into smaller clusters based on their interests, some heading towards the Haunted House, others towards the art gallery, and a few meandering through the various food and game stalls. Theo, Ayia, Kin, Max, Lauren, and Kumiko made their way to the Haunted House, their anticipation palpable.

"Do you think it'll be scary?" Ayia asked, her grip tightening on Theo's arm.

"I hope so," Kin said, his enthusiasm infectious. "The Haunted House is always a highlight." Kumiko nodded. "Last year's was great, but I've heard they really outdid themselves this time."

Theo smiled reassuringly at Ayia just like a good boyfriend would say, he said. "Don't worry, I'll be right beside you."

They joined the line for the Haunted House, the excited chatter of other students adding to the atmosphere. Meanwhile, Gwen and Shoko strolled towards the Art Club's gallery, eager to see the latest creations.

"I love seeing what the Art Club comes up with," Gwen said, her eyes bright with anticipation. Shoko agreed. "They always have such unique and inspiring pieces."

As they entered the gallery, they were greeted by a stunning array of paintings, sculptures, and mixed media works. Each piece told a story, reflecting the creativity and dedication of the

Student artists.

Back at the food stalls, June, Ryoko, and Samantha sampled various treats, from sweet to savory. "I think I'm going to need a second lunch," Ryoko joked as she bit into a fluffy taiyaki.

June laughed. "I'm with you. There's just too much good food to try."

Samantha, holding a skewer of grilled squid, nodded in agreement. "I love this festival. The food here is amazing!"

Just like that, the friends had fun together at the festival like everyone else was having.

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