Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.

8:05 AM.

While Theo started editing his music videos in his office, upstairs, a silver-haired girl was waking up.

Aurora had gone to sleep early last night, so she woke up earlier than she used to on Sundays.

Different from Theo, who woke up tired and sleepy, Aurora woke up perfectly rested after a full night of sleep.

Aurora stood up from her bed quietly to not wake up Maya, who was currently sleeping on the bed.

After she made sure that Maya was sleeping, Aurora headed toward the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower.

Just like her brother, Aurora liked to take a shower when she woke up in the mornings.

A while later, Aurora exited her bedroom with a fresh look.

There was something special about feeling the hot water bathing her after a good night of sleep.

Aurora felt really good doing that.

She walked down the stairs wearing sweater pants, fluffy slippers, and an anime t-shirt.

When she arrived in the kitchen, she saw the still hot breakfast set on the dining table.

"Sylph, where's my brother?" Aurora asked as she sat down by the table.

"He had just finished eating his breakfast a few minutes ago. Now he is in his office working." Sylph replied promptly.

'It seems I missed having breakfast with him by a few minutes.' She thought as she poured some hot coffee into a mug.

That explained why the dining table was set up for breakfast.

Aurora quickly ate her breakfast because she wanted to talk with her brother as soon as possible.

A while later, she finished eating and quickly left the dining room.

But instead of going toward Theo's office, she headed to her office, where she picked up her school bag and books.

Only after doing that, she headed toward Theo's office.

When she arrived there, she saw a silver-haired man with headphones on as he looked at the computer screen with focused eyes.

Theo, who was busy editing his music video, suddenly felt something poking his shoulder.

He turned his head and saw Aurora smiling at him.

"Oh, good morning, Cupcake!" He said with a smile as he moved his headphones to the side.

"Good morning. Big Brother!" Aurora replied with a sweet smile.

"Woke up early this Sunday, huh?" He commented.

"Yeah, I have to study for my exams. Is it okay if I study here by your side?" She asked with a hesitant voice.

"Sure! That's not a problem." Theo replied with a doting smile.

He would never say no to spending more time with his sister.

"Thank you, Big Brother!" Aurora exclaimed with an excited voice.

She quickly sat beside him and put down her bag and books on the table.

Theo laughed as he saw her antics.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously.

"Editing a music video." Theo replied simply.

"From which song?" Aurora asked.

"From that romantic song I showed you: Perfect." Theo replied with a smile.

"Oh, that song is awesome and so romantic!" She commented as she became excited to see the music video ready.

"In a few hours, you will be able to watch the music video." Theo chuckled.

"Great, I will wait!" She exclaimed with a smile as she opened her bag and took her exercise book, she would study while her brother worked.

Theo smiled as he saw his sister starting to study, so he started working too.

He needed to finish editing two music videos today.

That way he could go back to the production of his animated music video.

Aurora worked hard on her exam preparations, and Theo worked on his album release preparations.

But it was not only him who was working hard for this album release.

Ayia was also doing heavy work, but she was happy nonetheless.

She was able to help her crush through his project!

That's why she made so much effort in securing the copyrights of the last song of Theo's album.

In less than a day, 'Save Your Tears' by Moonlight (feat. Tsukuyomi) had already registered copyright.

'Earth to Azure' also had its registered copyrights ready.

As soon as Ayia received the copyrights documents on that Sunday morning, she contact the Track streaming service.

She had to send the album and the copyright documents to them.

If Ayia didn't know anyone there, it would take 1 to 2 weeks to process and inspect these things.

But she knew that Theo wanted to launch his album next Thursday, so Ayia would have to contact her friend from college.

Ayia picked up her phone and called her friend.

"Hello?" A female voice came through Ayia's phone.

"Madeline? It's Ayia!" Ayia said with a lively voice.

"Ayia-chan? It's been so long!" Madeline replied with a giggle.

"Mad-chan, it has been indeed. Since you graduated I never saw you again." Ayia also giggled.

Madeline Nicole Gallagher was 5 years older than Ayia, and she studied Business Management at Rainbow Sakura University.

Just by this fact, we can understand that Madeline was a genius and rich.

After all, this college was only for genius people.

Madeline was graduating when Ayia entered university, and that was how they met.

Even though Ayia was much younger, Madeline still cared for her like a big sister.

And she didn't even know Ayia's background, so her affection for Ayia was genuine.

Ayia knew for a fact that Madeline came from a wealthy family.

Her father was part of the board of directors of the Track company, and after she graduated from college, she started working in the company.

She was working as a subdivision of the management team.

"Did you see the text I sent you?" Ayia asked suddenly.

"Yeah, you need to speed up the inspection of an album, right?" Madeline replied as she remembered the text that Ayia sent her a few days ago.

"Exactly! I'm managing the career of this artist called Moonlight. And we wanted to release his album next Thursday, December 24th." Ayia explained.

She couldn't say that she was too close to the artist because when Theo became famous, and she knew he would, it would be a pain in the ass if someone knew that she was too close to Moonlight.

She used her identity as a manager to occult that fact.

And Madeline totally believed in her, after all, Ayia graduated with a business management degree, so it was inside her area of expertise being a career manager.

"Really? Are you working as a career manager? That's great, Ayia-chan!" Madeline said with a smile on her face.

She didn't know that Ayia was filthy rich, so she was genuinely happy about Ayia's situation.

"Don't worry about it. Send yo me the album and the documents and the album will be released on the day you want." Madeline declared with a reassuring voice.

"Thank you so much, Mad-chan! That means a lot to us!" Ayia exclaimed with an excited voice.

"Don't worry about it." Madeline replied with a giggle.

She was genuinely happy to help Ayia in her job, it wouldn't take much effort from her anyways to speed up the inspection.

The two girls talked for a while longer, until they hung up the phone.

Ayia had a wide smile on her face as she put down her cellphone.

Theo's Album would be released on December 24th just like he wanted.

She couldn't wait to tell him the news.

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