Recording Studio, Pedrarruna Manor.

That Saturday morning could mean different things to different people.

But to Theo and Aurora, it meant their cooperation as artists.

Their first duet together.

It was something that the siblings would always remember.

"Cupcake, there's no need to get nervous. We will record our vocals at the same time. Even if we make a mistake, we can start all over again." Theo gently said when he saw her nervous face.

Aurora took a deep breath and calmed herself when she heard her brother's words.

"Thank you, Big Brother!" Aurora gave a sweet smile.

"I'm ready!" She said with determination as her eyes shone.

"I know you are." Theo laughed.

"Come on! Let's have fun!" He exclaimed as he pulled her into the recording room.

It was finally time to record the vocal of 'Save Your Tears'!

Theo and Aurora put on headphones and each of them stood up in front of a microphone.

They already had the lyrics memorized, and each of them knew what part of the song they should sing.

"Sylph, play the song!" Theo asked.

Sylph was the perfect assistant in the studio, she could perform everything perfectly and without delay.


The intro of 'Save Your Tears' played through Theo and Aurora's headphones.

The two of them closed their eyes, they wanted to feel the music.

Shortly after, it was Theo's turn to sing his part.

The two siblings had all their focus on recording the vocals.

On their first try, Aurora forgot some things, but Theo could see that it was only a matter of time until she got it right.

Like that, the siblings spent the whole morning in the recording studio.

And after countless tries, Theo and Aurora looked at each other with determined eyes.

Theo taught Aurora throughout the morning about the best way to sing the song, and he also gave some bits of advice about how to record the vocals.

Now, after Theo's teachings, Aurora was a new singer.

What she learned during the last few hours trying to record a song with her brother was much more than she learned when she studied and practiced her singing by herself.

Theo and Aurora were determined to make their next try their last try.

It would be the final version of the song!

They put on the headphones as Sylph played the instrumental song to them.

The intro started and it was time for Theo to sing his part.

[I saw you dancing in a crowded room

You look so happy when I'm not with you

But then you saw me, caught you by surprise

A single teardrop falling from your eye

I don't know why I run away

I'll make you cry when I run away

You could've asked me why I broke your heart

You could've told me that you fell apart

But you walked past me like I wasn't there

And just pretended like you didn't care.]

Theo's magnetic and beautiful voice sang his first part with perfection, but it was the next part that would be difficult.

That was because, in the next lines of the music, Theo would sing the lyrics while Aurora would complement the riffs.

Aurora had to perfectly complement the instruments and Theo's voice.

But after countless tries, she finally knew how to do it.

[I don't know why I run away

I'll make you cry when I run away

Take me back 'cause I wanna stay

Save your tears for another

Save your tears for another day

Save your tears for another day]

Aurora's sweet and melodic voice complemented Theo's strong voice throughout these lines.

They were perfect together.

Maybe Theo was biased because she was his baby sister, but he thought that Aurora was much better than Ariana Grande.

Her sweet, and at the same time, strong voice was ready to sing her part of the song.

In this part, she would sing along without Theo's help.

Through her shining eyes, it was possible to see her concentration and determination to make the best performance of her life.

[Met you once under a Pisces moon

I kept my distance 'cause I know that you

Don't like when I'm with nobody else

I couldn't help it, I put you through hell

I don't know why I run away, oh boy

I make you cry when I run away

So, I made you think that I would always stay

I said some things that I should never say

Yeah, I broke your heart as someone did to mine

And now you won't love me for a second time]

Theo heard Aurora's amazing voice singing the lyrics perfectly.

Just like Theo taught her, she put her emotions through the words she sang.

And just like he expected, the effect of the words she sang was strong with her sweet and strong voice singing it.

Theo could not help but give a brilliant smile as he looked at the focused silver-haired girl singing in front of the microphone.

He was so proud of her.

When she finished singing her part, Aurora turned her eyes to Theo and saw him looking at him with a smile.

She could not help but smile too when she saw his smile.

They turned their heads to the microphone once again because it was time for the two of them to sing together.

[Save your tears for another day (ooh, yeah)

Save your tears for another day (yeah)

I don't know why I run away

I'll make you cry when I run away

Save your tears for another day, ooh, girl (ah)

I said save your tears for another day (ah)

Save your tears for another day (ah)

Save your tears for another day (ah)...]

Theo and Aurora gave their all to put all their emotions through the words they sang.

When the last note of the song was over, Theo and Aurora woke from the musical reverie they were in.

"Let's see if this time worked, Big Brother!" Aurora exclaimed as she took off her brother and pulled Theo outside the recording room.

Theo laughed when he saw her eagerness to see the result of their last session.

The two of them arrived on the digital mixing table, and Theo played the vocal track that he had just recorded with Aurora.

They both perked their ears.

They were searching for eventual mistakes they might have done.

Theo's ears were much more accurate, so he was the main force in this inspection.

But Aurora also participated, after months of training her ears, she finally was able to recognize the notes and sounds she heard, although she was not as good as her brother.

But that was normal, Theo's musical ear was earned with the help of the system, while Aurora was developing her musical ear by herself.

In a way, this could be an opportunity for Aurora to enhance her musical ear.

They had serious and pondering faces as they listened to the vocal track.

Minutes later, the track ended.

Aurora was not able to find anything wrong with it, but through the last few tries, she also was not able to find anything.

But that was normal because only Theo's expert ears would be able to catch the mistake.

Aurora looked at her brother with expectation eyes.

Theo looked at her and smiled, "We did it!"

"Yes!!" Aurora immediately jumped on him and shouted in joy.

She was so happy!

Theo was also ecstatic as he hugged his sister in joy.

He only needed to edit the song and his album would be finished!

The siblings let go of each other and kept talking enthusiastically about the album when Theo's phone rang.

He picked up his phone and looked at the caller.


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