I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 247 Afternoon At The Lake

Theo's Recording Studio, Pedrarruna Manor.

The silver-haired man was so focused on modifying the lyrics of the song that he forgot that he promised to head to the lake to have fun with the girls.

His mind hadn't any stray thought as he worked.

He needed to be like that, after all, he was modifying the lyrics that became so acclaimed in his past life.

He was not pretentious enough to think that he could produce something better than the original lyrics, but Theo wanted a least to write something as good as the original.

If he did that, he would be ecstatic.

But he knew that it was a difficult task, that's why he was so focused, and consequently, he forgot about the girls outside.

And this was also the reason why he did not notice six girls wearing bikinis entering the room.

If Theo was not so focused, he would have noticed.

After all, his title as a grandmaster martial artist was not for show.

But Theo was inside his house that heavily guarded against intruders, so he did not deem it necessary to be so alert.

The girls had mischievous faces as they observed Theo working.

Ayia had a blushed face as she observed Theo working.

This would be the first time that Theo would see her in a bikini, so she was a little nervous.

And she blushed even more as she looked at his handsome face.

He looked so gorgeous while working.

His beautiful silver moon eyes exuded focus.

And his perfect facial features looked so masculine and handsome.

She was glad that the other girls were focused on Theo.

Because if the girls looked at her, they would see Ayia's abashed face as she looked at Theo lovingly.

Even the other girls were a little abashed as they looked at Theo.

Theo was the most handsome man they have ever seen, and his charm seemed to multiply as they looked at his concentrated face.

Shizuka was the most immune to Theo's charm, she would not lust over her sister's crush.

But that did impend her to admire Theo's beauty.

That's why she was also a little abashed.

The girls woke up from their reverie and looked at each other with mischievous smiles.

They slowly tip-toed behind Theo and looked at each other and nodded.

They already planned how it would go down.

Ayia then started counting down with her fingers.

3, 2, 1. Go!

As soon as they saw Ayia's ok signal, they sprinted into motion.

"Big Brother!" Aurora's sweet voice shouted behind Theo.

Theo was caught in surprise when he heard his sister's voice behind him.

As he recognized her voice, he smiled and moved to turn his head.

But as soon as he tried doing that, he felt his arms being lifted.

Quickly the girls lifted him from his chair.

Theo was once again surprised.

"What the hell!" He exclaimed in confusion.

He had no idea what was happening.

He did not resist their hands because he could feel that hands were from the girls.

And also because of Aurora's voice.

The girls were giggling as they dragged Theo out of the room.

They were super strong to be able to lift him completely and drag him.

But Theo was not surprised about it, he never underestimated someone because of their gender.

He knew that Ayia, Shizuka, and Aurora were strong, so it was not surprising that the six girls were able to lift him.

"It is your time to take a bath, Theo!!" Sam exclaimed with a giggle.

"Yes!" The other girls exclaimed giggling.

Theo also laughed as he understood the situation.

The girls dragged Theo to the backyard and motioned to throw him into the lake from the pier.

"Come on, girls! I will join you. But don't throw me." He pleaded with a defeated voice as he was being swung back and forth.

If he wanted, he could escape from their clutches, but Theo would hurt the girls if he did that.

With the myriad of techniques he knew, it was no surprise for him to know that.

But Theo would never hurt these girls outside of the martial arts training.

Even in the training, he only used his strength in an attempt to make them stronger.

Therefore, he relented to their control.

"No!" The girls denied with excited voices as they let go of Theo.

Theo flew into the air above the lake.

"AAARGH!" Theo screamed as fell into the lake.


The girls were laughing as they saw Theo coming to the water's surface.

"You little imps." Theo said with a wry smile as he saw the girls' satisfied smiles.

It was only that Theo was able to see their figures, and he was immediately stunned by the girls wearing bikinis.

Even though Theo was a perfect gentleman with amazing self-control, he was still a young man.

And seeing the six gorgeous girls in bikinis made Theo a little flustered.

His cheeks blushed a little with heavenly sight.

'Am I in heaven?' He said inwardly.

Theo was glad that he was inside the water and the girls were not able to see him flustered.

He would be embarrassed if they knew.

He immediately tried to control his excitement with the view in front of him.

"I will get you all!" Theo shouted as swam towards the pier.

"No! You won't get us!" Aurora shouted with a giggle as she ran away.

"Yes! You will never catch us!" Ayia giggled as she also ran away.

The other girls also ran away giggling.

Theo climbed the pier in soaking clothes.

He was wearing sweatpants and a white shirt.

They were very comfortable clothes to wear at home, but now they were soaked in lake water.

"Sylph, get some swim shorts." He shouted as he ran after the girls.

He had to throw the girls at the lake too!

Theo did not like speedos, so he preferred wearing shorts.

He took out his wet shirt as he after the girls.

The girls were having fun and laughing as they fled from Theo, but when they saw Theo's figure after he took his shirt, they almost blanked.

How could he be so handsome!

Even Aurora was abashed, it had been some time since she saw her brother without a shirt, she never thought that something so heavenly was inside that shirt.

The other girls were feeling the same thing.

And the one who took the biggest hit was Ayia, she almost drooled as she watched his perfect muscles.

His six-pack abdomen seemed so yummy.

She was suddenly hit by the desire as she saw him.

She never felt something like that.

The image was too much for her, and she blushed hard.

Her face seemed like a super tomato.

She could not believe she was having these thoughts.

The purple-haired girl was glad that she was running, and the others did not have time to observe her red face.

Theo's image proved to be fatal to these girls and made them slow down their pace.

Theo caught Aurora and lifted her.

"I caught you!" Theo laughed as he threw her into the lake.

"Aaaargh!" Aurora screamed.

The others woke up from their reverie and started running again.

Theo caught each one and threw them into the lake amidst waves of laughter and excited voices.

The girls would never admit it, but they did slow down their pace so they would be able to touch Theo's heavenly muscles.

When Ayia felt Theo's muscles on her, she almost let out a moan in satisfaction.

She was glad she held in, otherwise, she would never be able to look at Theo again.

After a while, Theo changed from his soaked sweatpants to the shorts that Sylph brought to him.

He and the girls started having fun as they swam and enjoyed the sunny sky.

Their beautiful figures made the scene even more gorgeous.

With his silver hair, silver eyes, and handsome body, Theo looked like an elf playing with the water.

And the girls looked like fairies.

If anyone else watched the scene, they would think that.

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