While the candidates arrived in the auditorium, Theo and Ryoko looked at their figures from backstage while they talked.

he are cold.

"What did you think about the drawings?" Theo asked with a small smile.

"They are perfect, boss! With all these drawings and designs done, I am certain that we can deliver the anime in time!" Ryoko replied with an excited face.

She could not help but recall last night's happenings.

It already started snowing and she was inside her hotel room waiting for the drawings that Theo said he would send her.

She was too anxious to get in her hands these drawings.

It was past 5 pm, and she was wondering if she should text Theo to know when the drawings would arrive.

But it was at that moment that she heard a knock coming from her room window.

At first, she ignored it, after all, her room was on the 8th floor of the hotel.

The only possibilities were that a bird was on her window frame or the wind knocked something onto the window.

But after she heard the same knock 5 more times, she stood up from the work table she was at.

She was sure that a bird was on her window, and she wanted to drive it away.

However, when arrived in front of the window, she saw a scene that she will never forget.

A shiny drone, that looked super expensive, was hovering outside her window with a big package in its claws.

The thing that made her even more impressed was that even with the wind and snow falling upon the drone, it never swayed and was always steady.

That was to be expected, this drone was given to Theo by the system after he designed super drone designs.

So, the drones in Theo's possession were much more advanced than others in Azure Star.

But even these drones had limits, if the drone flew when the snowstorm descend upon the city later that night, it would not have any chance to fight against the rage winds and falling snow.

But at that moment, the snowstorm did not fall yet, so the drone did not have any problems keeping a steady flight.

When the drone sensed Ryoko's presence on the other side of the window, a tiny screen opened on top of its frame.

Immediately after, a few words appeared on the screen.

It said:

[Package from Theodore Gray]

[To Ryoko Riverdale]

Ryoko's mouth opened in shock.

Her eyes became wide.

How could she not be shocked?

That was the first time she witnessed something so awesome!

A drone made the delivery!

"How could Theo do something like this?" She asked herself in bewilderment as she quickly opened the window.

As soon as she opened the window, the drone flew into her room slowly and placed the package on her bed.

After doing that, the drone flew out of the room through the open window.

Everything happened in less than 10 seconds.

"How efficient!" She commented in wonder as she observed the drone flying away from her hotel.

Shortly after, she lost sight of the drone.

"It must be one of the drones that Theo showed us that day." She commented as she closed the window.

​ Even though the window was only opened for a little while, the cold weather was already affecting her room.

"It doesn't matter anyway." Ryoko quickly forgot about the drone as she looked at the package on her bed.

It finally arrived!

She quickly picked up the package and placed it on the desk she was working at.

Shortly after, she pulled out of the package tens of drawings and designs.

Her eyes shone as she looked at these drawings.

Just by her initial assessment, she could infer that these drawings were made by an expert!

She first took hold of the storyboard of the 12 episodes of the anime and the script of these episodes.

These were the fundamental framework for the production of the episodes.

With them ready, the production would be much faster.

So, it was not a surprise that Ryoko was curious to see them.

She first read the storyboard and script for the first episode.

Ryoko knew in-depth the contents of the first episode.

After all, the task that Theo gave her to get her job was to produce the script and storyboard for the first episode of the [SAO] Anime.

It was only after she spent 2 weeks only sleeping 4 hours per day, that she managed to complete the task.

And because of her high talent and effort, she managed to impress Theo and get the job as Head Director.

Ryoko thought that her work would be the best.

But as she read the storyboard and script that Theo sent her and after comparing it with the ones she made, she had to admit that the ones Theo send were much better!

But that was to be expected, these two works took weeks and lots of people to complete.

Even with Ryoko's talent, she would not be able to achieve that quality by herself in only two weeks.

It was only then that Ryoko realized that when Theo judged her work, he took into consideration all the conditions of the task.

Theo indeed had these thoughts when he judged her work.

He was indeed blown away by Ryoko's talent because she managed to produce satisfactory work alone in only two weeks.

It was important to say that Ryoko was just a normal person, she was not like Theo who had an enhanced intellect, eidetic memory, and enhanced motor coordination.

With only her normal body and genius animator mind, she produced an excellent work.

Even though it was not better than the one Theo produced, that was because Theo had several things to assist him.

That's why Theo did not hesitate to hire Ryoko to be the head of his studio.

He could not let such a talented person slip away.

Ryoko finished reading the storyboard and script of the first episode.

She looked at the work in front of her and sighed.

"Theo's my lucky star! It is obvious that he did not care about the work I produced. He only looked at my talent." She shook her head.

"I will be the best director that a studio has ever seen!" She vowed with a determined face.

She wanted to repay all the favor that Theo showed her.

Ryoko shook her head to focus and picked up the storyboard and script of the other episodes.

And the more she read, the more she was awed.

Everything was described from every small detail.

Every camera movement, every layout disposition, every sound effect, and every other element that the animation should have.

It was so perfect that they would just have to follow the storyboard and script and they would be able to produce an amazing anime.

Ryoko was already numb when she read the contents of the 12th episode.

She thought that she would not be surprised anymore.

But she was sorely mistaken.

Because when she saw the drawings and designs of the characters, layout, and background, she could not help but take deep breaths.

Every character was drawn from every angle possible.

Profile, frontside, backside, and other angles.

This way the animators would not be able to draw wrongly the characters.

Even the layout and background had the same drawings features!

Now Ryoko understood Theo's confidence in producing an anime in only 4 months.

After Ryoko inspected everything, she started working.

She needed to use all the animators recently hired in the most efficient way.

So, she took the division of teams she had done in the past days and started assigning work in accordance with the drawings she received.

She spent all night doing that and almost didn't sleep that night, but even then her excitement did not waver.

That's why she had such an excited face as she looked at the animators entering the auditorium.

She could not wait to start!

Theo saw her behavior and chuckled.

He understood her feelings because he was the same.

His studio was finally ready to start working!

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