I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 221 Breakfast With 6 Beauties

Ayia and Shizuka emerged from their room with a fresh look.

They also made use of the bathroom and took a shower.

Ayia could not bear to appear in front of Theo with the smell of alcohol in her.

What if he refused to hug because of the smell?

So, as soon as she saw the prepared bathroom with fresh clean towels, she took a shower.

And Shizuka followed suit, she also did not like the smell of alcohol in her.

Ayia and Shizuka looked at the three girls standing together in the corridor.

And the five girls smiled at the same time.

"You guys woke up before us!" Ayia exclaimed.

"Yeah, I had to. I will have to go directly to the office from here." Sam replied with a sigh.

"Me too!" Sayuri chimed in.

"Let's talk while we get down. We have to talk with Theo before leaving." Shizuka said with a calm voice.

"Shizu-chan is right!" Ayia agreed.

Sam, June, and Sayuri also agreed and followed Shizuka and Ayia.

"I'm so embarrassed! We made so much trouble to Theo last night." June declared with a blushed face as she remembered the last night's happenings.

"I can't believe all of us wanted to drive home in a drunken state!" Ayia exclaimed.

All the girls had blushed faces when they heard Ayia saying that.

Even Shizuka was embarrassed because she got too drunk last night and lost her usual calm personality.

"I'm so thankful I was not drunk enough to throw up in any of Theo's furniture." Sayuri commented in a relieved voice

"Tell me about it! If I had thrown up in Theo's house, I would not have the face to look at his eyes again." Ayia declared boldly.

How could she face her crush when she threw up in his house?

It would be so humiliating.

The girls talked excitedly about the night before as they descended the stairs.

While they did that they looked for signs of where Theo and Aurora might be.

They could not help it, the house was too big.

It was only when they arrived on the ground floor that they heard sounds coming from the kitchen.

When the five girls arrived hall, they saw Theo and Aurora putting dishes on the table.

At that moment, Theo turned his head and gave them a brilliant smile.

"Good morning, drunk ladies!" Theo warmly said with a teasing voice.

"Good morning! You guys gave me so much trouble last night!" Aurora added with a teasing smile

The five of them blushed hard when they heard that.

"G-good morning!" Ayia stuttered an answer with a mix of embarrassment and infatuation.

Embarrassed because she could not believe she got so drunk last night.

And infatuated because Theo was particularly breathtaking that morning.

She didn't know if it was because she never saw him in the morning or because she loved him more.

But when she saw Theo wearing black boots, blue jeans, and an anime t-shirt, she almost ran towards him to hug him.

"Good morning."

"Yeah, good morning."

"Stop teasing us, you two."

The other girls replied to Theo and Aurora's greetings.

"You girls arrived at the perfect time! Breakfast just got ready. Would you all honor us to have breakfast with me and Aurora?" Theo asked with still a warm smile on his face.

The girls melted a little when they saw Theo's smile.

The impact was even more powerful on Ayia.

"Sure!" Shizuka replied with her usual calm voice, but the blush on her cheeks could not be hidden.

The other girls just nodded to express that they agreed with Theo's proposition.

"Great! Aurora, get us another 5 plates." Theo asked.

"Sure!" Aurora replied as she walked to get the plates.

A while later, the seven of them were seated at the table.

The girls looked at Theo waiting for him to say something.

"What are you looking at me? Let's eat!" Theo exclaimed with a chuckle as he pour coffee into his cup.

The girls giggled when they heard that.

"Are you going to school after breakfast, Aurora-chan?" June asked as she looked at the girl dressed in school clothes.

"Yeah, as soon as I finish eating I will go." Aurora replied with a sweet voice as she sipped her hot chocolate.

"And you cooked all this food today, Theo?" Ayia asked as she looked at the food capable of feeding 7 people on the table.

"Well, I knew you girls might be hungry after waking up. So, I cooked a little more than usual today." Theo smiled as he sipped his coffee.

"Plus, I'm used to cooking a big amount of food every morning because I cook the lunch that Aurora brings to her school." He added with a nonchalant face.

"Yeah, big brother's food is too delicious so I cannot bear to not eat it in every meal." Aurora chimed in as she ate the steaming porridge in front of her.

The girls were impressed when they heard that.

They had another proof of how much Theo loved Aurora.

He did not measure efforts to make the girl happier.

Theo and Aurora never talked about it, but the girls could notice that because siblings only had each other as family, they became closer than normal siblings.

"You must wake up early to do all of that." Shizuka commented as she sipped a hot tea.

"Early? Big brother wakes up at 5 am every day to work out!" Aurora replied with a proud face.

"What?" Sam asked in shock.

The girls were surprised when they heard that.

Was he a robot?

How could he have the energy to wake up so early?

And the girls knew that he would sleep late most of the days because of his work at the restaurant.

So, most of the days he had very little sleep!

"Why do you do that?" Ayia asked with a curious face as she ate her steaming porridge.

"Hmm, it's to take care of my body. I plan to live a long life, so a healthy body is the first step for that." Theo replied with a calm smile.

"It's amazing! We first run a few laps around the lake and afterward we practice martial arts." Aurora commented.

"You wake up early too, Aurora-chan?" Sayuri asked.

The girls looked at Aurora in a new light when they heard that.

Aurora was a little shy as her big sisters looked at her in admiration.

"Well, I started accompanying big brother for almost two weeks now." She replied shyly.

"Wow! You are amazing, Aurora-chan!" Ayia exclaimed with shining eyes.

She wanted to jump on Aurora to squeeze the girl, but after a while, she decided to do that after they finished eating.

Aurora shivered a little when she saw Ayia looking at her.

'I better avoid big sister Ayia or she will kill me in her chest' The young silver-haired girl thought.

"And you two even practice martial arts? I didn't know that." Sam commented as she sipped her hot tea.

"Yeah, big brother has been teaching me self-defense for a few months already." Aurora replied with a sweet smile.

"Wow! I didn't know you knew how to fight, Theo!" June exclaimed in admiration.

Sam was equally impressed when she heard Aurora's reply.

"Yeah, I know a little bit." Theo said with a modest smile.

Only Ayia, Shizuka, and Sayuri were not surprised.

They knew about the episode where Theo fought against three men and won.

And one of them even had a gun!

When Sayuri heard the story from Theo's mouth she almost could not believe it.

And the only that made her believe was that she knew that Theo was not a person to brag about anything.

Ayia and Shizuka's case was different.

The two of them had access to the case and they saw the video where Theo fought the bandits.

They only had one word for Theo.


He was certainly a Martial Grandmaster!

Who could have the privilege of getting personal classes with a grandmaster?

That's why Ayia and Shizuka looked a little envious when they heard that Aurora was receiving classes from Theo.

Could the two of them sigh in that class too?

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