Kitchen, Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.

Theo and Ayia could be seen cooking dinner in perfect harmony.

After months of cooking together, the two of them acquired chemistry in the kitchen rarely seen between cooks.

They did not seem merely colleagues cooking.

They perfectly complement each other.

If one started cutting something, the other would start the preparation where the pieces cut by the other would be used.

So, it was not a surprise to see them cooking without any hiccups.

"And you? How was your day?" Theo asked the same question that she asked him.

"Hmm, I spent the day taking care of the requests that Arthur and his crew sent to me." Ayia replied when she remembered the tons of things they asked her.

"Really?" Theo asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it seems that after last night's shooting, they decided to use the whole Monday to plan the next shootings." Ayia answered.

"Oh, that's right! You told me they filmed a scene last night. How did it go?" Theo asked with a curious voice.

Even though he was not involved in the production that did not stop him from being curious.

After all, even with all the knowledge given to him by the system, he hadn't experienced a film shooting himself yet.

He was curious to know how it was.

"It was so exciting!" Ayia exclaimed excitedly when she remembered her adventure the night before.

"They filmed the second scene of the script, where the two characters have their first date. They chose the White Willow Plaza to be the location of the shoot." Ayia started explaining.

"White Willow?" Theo asked as he tried to remember where that was.

It was only when he searched his predecessor's memories that he figured out where the place was.

It seemed that when he was a kid, Theo and Aurora's parents took them to this plaza.

And by the memories Theo had of the place, he could see why Arthur and the crew chose that place to film.

It was the perfect place to have a first date.

"Yeah, they chose that place and when we arrived there they started..." Ayia then started giving an exciting description of how the shooting went.Â

Theo listened to everything she said with a smile on his face.

He liked seeing Ayia so excited.

He loved her bubbly personality as it felt like a good contrast with his cool personality.

"That was pretty much how it went." Ayia finally finished her story with a smile on her face.

"I see you had fun there." Theo laughed.

"So much fun!" She also laughed.

"Oh, they asked me to ask your opinion about the scene they filmed. They even sent me the videos for me to show you." She added when she remembered Kanna's request.

"Really? Well, you can send me the file later then." Theo replied in a surprised tone.

"'Kay!" She replied.

"But you said you spent the day working on their requests. What did they ask you?" He asked as he picked the vegetables she sliced and put them inside the pot he was mixing.

"Hmm, they asked for a bunch of clothes and materials. I suppose they were decided on the clothes for the scenes and the props for them." Ayia replied with a thoughtful face.

Even though she did not understand much about film productions, she still studied them when she heard from Theo that she needed her to oversee these video productions.

Therefore, since then she became a knowledgeable person in film productions.

At least when the theory was talked about.

"Oh, and they sent me a bunch of places for me to get the permit for them to shoot the scenes." She added when she remembered their last request.

"Where are these places?" Theo asked curiously.

"The coffee shop you met them on Friday, a furnished apartment,..." Ayia listed the locations that Kanna asked for.

"That's interesting." Theo commented as he gave a small smile.

'It seems that this crew had an interesting view of this production.' Theo thought in amusement.

Ayia gave him other details about the production and he heard everything with an intrigued face as they cooked dinner.

"Where's Shizuka?" Theo asked when he remembered Ayia's sister.

Shizuka usually accompanied Ayia everywhere, so it was a rare sight to see Ayia coming alone today.

Ayia blushed a little when she heard his question.

"Oh, she had something to do. But she will come later." Ayia gave a short answer.

Theo found her answer weird, but he figured that he was overthinking things.

If only he knew what truly happened.

The truth was that Ayia begged Shizuka for her to arrive for the party later.

Ayia wanted some alone time with Theo before everyone arrived, so she had to ask his sister to arrive later to the party while she arrived early.

Shizuka was exasperated when she heard Ayia's request.

It was obvious that she didn't want to intrude on her sister's romance, so she did not know why Ayia had to ask her this.

Shizuka could only shake her head at her sister's silliness as she agreed with Ayia's request.

And that was how and why Ayia arrived earlier than Shizuka.

If only Theo knew...

He would be shocked at Ayia's efforts to be with him.

But Ayia would never tell him about such an embarrassing moment.

The two of them were cooking while catting happily when they heard the sound of the elevator opening.

"Brother!" A sweet voice shouted as a silver-haired stunning girl entered the kitchen with a sweet smile on her face.

"Hey, cupcake!" Theo greeted his sister with a warm smile as he hugged her with his elbows.

His hands had food on them and he didn't want to stain her clothes with it.

Aurora just snuggled into his embrace with a satisfied sigh.

Her brother's arms were still the best.

A while later, the two silver-haired people let go of each other.

And at that moment, Ayia pounced on Aurora and squeezed the girl on her chest.

"Big sister! I can't b-breath!" Aurora managed to say through Ayia's squeeze.

Ayia reluctantly let go of Aurora when she heard that.

Theo just laughed when he saw their interaction.

"Are you cooking dinner already?" Aurora asked with shining eyes as she looked at the food being prepared.

"Yeah, it will be ready in an hour. What about your friends? Are they coming?" Theo asked as he started cooking again.

"They can't. Their parents forbade them from going out on the weekdays until the end of the exams." Aurora replied dejectedly.

Vivian, Carolla, and Umaru wanted to come but their family didn't let them.

"Well, you can invite them when the exams end." Theo tried to comfort his sister.

"Yeah." Aurora agreed.

"Big brother, did you see? It is snowing!" Aurora suddenly exclaimed excitedly.

Aurora always loved the snowy weather just like Theo.

So, the siblings had an unusual high excitement when the first snow of the autumn descended from the skies.

Obviously, in the last few years, they could not enjoy much because of their parents' deaths and their difficult living situations.

But they still tried to celebrate in their own way.

They usually watched an old movie as they ate a cheap hot chocolate.

These memories were something that both of them cherished greatly.

"Of course! I already took care of the hot chocolate!" Theo replied with a brilliant smile.

"Great! I can't wait!" Aurora also smiled sweetly at him.

,m Ayia observed the siblings' interaction with a curious face.

She could see that this snowfall meant something to them, but she didn't want to be intrusive.

The purple-haired girl knew that she could know everything about the two of them overnight.

These two siblings only had each other in the world.

But Ayia hoped that someday Theo and Aurora could see her as a family too.

Because she couldn't wait to belong to their family already.

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