30 minutes after Arthur's warning, the whole crew of the 12 people was seated at the biggest table in the apartment.

"Now we can start our meeting." Arthur said with a smile when he saw that everyone was seated.

"I called for a meeting to know what we have so far. I will start."

"Obara, Arabella, and I started working on the shooting plans and movements according to the manuscript." Arthur informed with a thoughtful face.

"So far we planned the first two scenes. The first meeting between the characters and their first date. Because we know the locations of these two scenes, it wasn't hard for us to do the planning."

"The first scene will be at the Tulip Coffee Shop and we will use the indoor warm lighting with the features the script demands. And the focus will be..." Arthur started explaining the technical part of the scene.

The crew that came from Catadrid understood what Arthur said, even Kate, the Makeup Artist, understood.

After all, all of them worked in filming productions before, so all of them knew the names of the technical part.

And all of them were talented in what they did, so all of them studied this stuff in their free time.

They wanted to become better in what they did, so it was not surprising for all of them to know.

The only ones who had no idea what Arthur was talking about were Helena and Ishii.

The two of them only worked with theater before, so they did not have any experience with film productions.

But as the two young actors heard Arthur's explanation, their hearts burned with eagerness to explore this world.

They knew that if they wanted to become better actors in film productions, they had to study these things.

"Now about the second scene. The scene will portray the first date between the characters. The location will be at the White Willow Plaza that Ayia told us about. You all remember our visit to this place, so I do not have to explain why it is the perfect place for the first date of a new couple." Arthur stated as he remembered the night before when the whole gang went to the plaza.

The crew also remembered the great time they had at the White Willow Plaza when Arthur said that.

The visitors from Catadrid were amazed by the location.

 It had great restaurants, bars, street artists, beautiful architecture, and so on.

And the most beautiful feature of the plaza was the huge willow in the middle of it.

This tree had centuries of history in Elffire City.

It existed since the native tribes habited these lands.

And the most peculiar thing was that the bark of the tree was white instead of brown.

And because of this peculiarity, the natives had a legend about this tree.

​ It was said that this tree was a Tree Fairy called Siofra, this fairy was said to be friends with Fire Elf who dyed the sakura trees of the land with flames. The two of them were inseparable, and that's why a white tree could be seen in the middle of the sea of red sakuras.

Throughout the centuries, the tree was protected and taken care of to not die.

And at present time, the tree became one of the tourist points of the city.

Everyone wanted to see the gigantic gigantic white willow tree with thousands of branches.

The tree was particularly beautiful when the winter arrived, as it would shed its leaves and the white branches would be revealed for everyone to see.

And that was a saying in Elffire City that if a couple prayed to the White Willow Siofra, she would bless the couple with good fortune.

Therefore, the plaza where the tree was located became one of the main gatherings for couples to have a date in Elffire City.

"But the problem is that the most optimal time for couples to go there is on the weekends. So, that means if we do not manage to shoot this scene today, we will have to wait until next Saturday." Arthur informed them of his worries.

"That's why I called you all for this meeting. I want to know what you have so far to see if we can shoot this scene tonight." Arthur revealed his intentions.

The crew had worried faces when they heard that.

They knew they had only one week to shoot all scenes, and if they delayed any scene, the whole schedule would be messed up.

So, it was imperative for them to shoot this scene today.

"So who wants to start?" He asked as he looked at his crew.

Kanna immediately raised her hand when Arthur said that.

Everyone looked at Kanna with knowing looks.

They knew of Kanna's efficiency, so they were not surprised to see her eagerness to start.

"Niwa, Kate, and I have been working on the designs of the characters. And we already finished choosing the designs for half of the scenes. So, it will not be a problem if we shoot the second scene today. We would only have to contact Ayia-san for her to buy the clothes we chose for the characters for this scene." Kanna declared with a professional look.

"And Kate is ready for her part, so from our side, we can shoot this scene today." Kanna added.

"Really? Is that right, Kate?" Arthur asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I already know to do the makeup that the script asks. The only problem is that I don't have the makeup materials equipment to work. But Kanna said we can ask that to Ayia-san." Kate replied with a pondering look.

"That's great! Kanna, talk with Ayia about the clothes and makeup material for tonight's scene." Arthur asked with shining eyes.

"Okay, I will do it." Kanna replied with a nod.

"What about you four? Do you think you can set the equipment for filming the scene tonight?" Arthur asked Nomura, Kaitlyn, Bobby, and Buddy.

"With the truck, I can set all the equipment without any worries." Kaitlyn replied.

"Me too. I already familiarized myself with the outdoor lighting equipment, so it will not be a problem to set it up." Bobby also replied.

"Buddy and I are ready too." Nomura finally replied with a nod.

Buddy just nodded vehemently to express that he agreed with his senior.

Arthur had a brilliant smile as he heard their answer.

"What about you two? Do you think you can act already tonight?" Arthur asked as he turned his head to the two young actors.

Helena and Ishii felt their heart jump when they heard Arthur's question.

They did not think they would start acting so soon.

But they could not restrain their excitement.

Their eyes shone as they looked at each other's and nodded.

For the last hours the two of them had been talking and exchanging views as they studies the script.

They knew that if they wanted to perform well, they had to show good chemistry on screen.

So, they have trying to know each other better and exchange their views about the script.

And they had to admit that the other was a talented actor.

Ishii saw how confident and intelligent Helena was as she analyzed the script.

And Helena saw that even though Ishii was shy, he had strong opinions when they talked about the script.

"We are ready!" They both exclaimed excitedly at the same time.

Arthur had an excited face as he heard that.

"Then it's decided, guys. We will shoot this scene tonight!" Arthur declared with a face full of determination.

The crew also had the same determination on their faces as they heard Arthur's statement.

"We will have to finish all the preparation this afternoon before we go to the White Willow Plaza. So, let's give our all." Arthur said with a serious face.

The crew nodded to show they understood.

All of them stood up and started doing what they had to do.

They worked quickly so they could finish all preparations before nightfall.

But would they be able to finish it?

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