I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 186 Lifetime Opportunity

"Thank you for your performance. We will contact you if you pass the audition." Arthur said with a contented smile.

He could not help it.

He would never imagine that he would meet two genius actors far away from Catadrid.

Arthur was certain that Ishii and Helena would make the music video even better.

"Thank you!" Ishii exclaimed with a happy smile.

He walked out of the coffee shop with light steps, he was too happy.

He did not know if he could get the part because he didn't see the other candidates.

But he still thought he had a shot.

Ishii had hopeful eyes as he walked toward the subway.

Meanwhile, the crew inside the coffee shop was excitedly discussing what just happened.

"Oh my god!" Kate exclaimed when Ishii left the shop.

"I can't believe we found two geniuses in just a normal casting!" Buddy chimed in.

"That's impossible. How can it happen?" Bobby exclaimed in shock.

"Even he called a casting in Catadrid, we would not find actors more talented than Helena and Ishii." Kanna commented with a thoughtful face.

And she was right in her quote.

​ The great actors in Catadrid would not answer a casting call from nobodies like them.

"It's our luck to have these two people in this project. Now more than ever, we have to produce something amazing. There are no excuses." Arthur declared with a determined face.

The others also felt the same.

Even though the pressure on them increased, they were not intimidated by it.

They welcomed this pressure as a way to motivate themselves to produce the best work of their lives.

"You're right, Art. We can do this, guys!" Bobby exclaimed with a confident smile.

As the oldest of them all, he had much more experience and worked in much more productions than the rest of them.

So, he knew for sure that these people were super talented, and he also knew that this chance was once in a lifetime.

They had to succeed!

"Yeah!" The others exclaimed excitedly.

Their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Now we have to start the planning." Kanna commented afterward.

"Hmm, before we start that. I brought here the employment contract for the production of one music video. You guys should read it first, and if you don't find any problems, you can sign it." Ayia chimed in when she saw they finished the casting.

Everyone looked at Ayia with curious eyes as she placed a stack of papers on the table.

"You're right, Ayia-san." Kanna replied as she took the contract to read it.

The other scooched next to her to read it too, but after a few minutes, they could not understand anything.

Even Arthur was confused when he read it.

He never cared about these things when he was in the family, and when he was banned he never looked to study these things again.

But Kanna was different, as the Production Coordinator, she had the basic notions of contacts, so she could understand without problems.

She would not able to produce a contract, but she could understand.

"I will leave you guys to discuss the terms of the contract. I will order something at the counter." Ayia declared with a small smile as she stood up.

Shizuka nodded in agreement and also stood up.

Shortly after, Kanna finished reading the contract while Ayia and Shizuka were at the counter.

"So, what does it say?" Arabella asked when she saw Kanna's eyes leaving the paper.

"That's a great proposition. They are offering us 60k for the production of this music video." Kanna replied with a calm voice, but if someone looked at her eyes, excitement could be seen in them.

"What!?" Buddy exclaimed when he heard how much they would receive.

Everyone else was also shocked.

They have never seen so much money in their lives, so it was not a surprise for them to be shocked.

Even Arthur, who saw much more money than the rest, was a little dumbfounded when he heard it.

After leaving his family, he had been living frugally to survive.

After entering the entertainment industry, this was the first time that he would get so much money from a job related to it.

"Do you guys remember? Moonlight wanted to hire us for his other music videos if we do well in this one..." Kaitlyn said suddenly when she remembered what Arthur told them in the morning.

Their eyes went wide once again when they remembered this fact.

They earn even more money!

They were without reaction for a good while before Kanna exclaimed with determination, "This chance may not even happen once in a lifetime. So, we have to cherish it as if it's our last chance!"

The others had their blood boiling when they heard that.

If they were determined before, they became even more with the prospects of earning more money.

It could not be helped.

All of them were poor, they wanted to live their dream while living comfortably.

"Come on, let's sign it." Kanna said as she signed her name on the contract.

The others lined up and also signed their names.

Shortly after, Ayia came back carrying a hot tea.

"So, what do you guys think?" She asked as she sipped her tea.

"We will take it." Kanna replied.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Ayia, Shizuka." Arthur expressed with a grateful voice.

He could not put in words how grateful he was toward Ayia and Shizuka.

They defied their elders' orders to not help him, they erased the Lionheart's watch on him, and they even nominated his name to Moonlight to be the director of his music videos.

He was aware that he would not be even considered for the job if it wasn't for the girls.

After all, Moonlight did not even know him before, how could he get the job then?

"I just hired a capable director. We believe in your talent." Ayia replied with a giggle.

"Thank you, Ayia-san!"

"Yes, thank you, Ayia-san."

"Tell Moonlight we are grateful to him too!"

The crew expressed their gratefulness when they saw Arthur saying that.

They were happy that Arthur called them for this project.

They would regret all their lives if they missed this heaven chance.

Ayia just smiled and nodded when she saw that.

She took the contract and placed it inside her bag, she would bring this for Theo to sign later.

"How about we start the planning you mentioned, Kanna-san." Ayia suggested as she placed her bag down.

"Yes, we should start by choosing the locations." Kanna stated with a pondering look.

"How about the square where there are performances on the weekends?" Nomura suggested.

"Hmm, there are several restaurants and street artist performances there. It is a good place." Ayia commented.

"Plus, as it is a public place, I won't need to file permission to shoot a video there." Ayia added after thinking for a while.

"We should go there tonight to search the place." Niwa suggested.

"Yes, we should do that." Kanna agreed.

"You can do that. I have an appointment tonight, so I cannot accompany you guys. But tomorrow morning I will hand you all the equipment necessary for the shooting." Ayia informed them when she remembered that Theo had the night off from the restaurant, and she would be the head chef tonight.

"That works for us. We will have Helena and Ishii tomorrow morning to start the work." Kanna replied as she started to formulate multiple plans.

"Great! Then I will also bring the contracts for them to sign." Ayia said with a smile.

"Oh, you said you wanted to have this coffee shop as a location to shoot, right? I will apply for permission from the owner for you to do that."

"Also, you should start searching for things like clothes and makeup for the actors. You just have to tell me what you want and I will get it for you. Even other things like props or something else. I will get them for you. If not I will give you the money for you guys to buy. So, you guys should strive for the best and not worry about the price of things." Ayia added with an amused smile.

She was looking forward to seeing what these people would produce.

The crew was not even surprised anymore after the previous impactful statements they heard from Ayia.

When they heard that they did not have to worry about the budget, they became even more determined to produce something never seen before!

Then they started to discuss several things about the production.

Would they be able to succeed?

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