I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 177 First Time In Elffire City

Inside the economy car of a train traveling at high velocity, 10 people could be seen napping.

After a long journey, Arthur and the rest of the crew were exhausted.

So, they decided to sleep a little before they arrived at Elffire City.

They would have a meeting with their boss when they got into the city, and they had to be rested for that.

At 11:54 AM, they woke up with the warning from the train company that they would arrive in Elffire City in 10 minutes.

Each one stretched and rubbed their sleepy eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" Arthur asked his girlfriend beside him.

"Hmm, I did, and you?" Kanna nodded as she tried to wash away her sleepiness.

"Not enough. But I am too excited to care about that." Arthur replied with shining eyes.

It could not be helped, after all, in a few hours he would get to know if his bet to come to Elffire City was worthy of the trouble.

The 10 members of the crew took their bags from the superior compartment and waited for the train to arrive at Elffire Train Station.

A while later, they felt the train stopping and through the windows, they saw a city.

"Passengers with the stop at Elffire City, please, exit the train in the next 10 minutes." A voice came out from the speakers on the train.

The ten members of the film crew quickly got out of the train and observed their surroundings.

They noticed that Elffire City was much different compared to Catadrid.

This city had a feeling to be connected with nature with all types of red sakura trees surrounding the train station.

While Catadrid had a feeling to be in tune with the entertainment business, which was understandable, after all, the city was the capital of entertainment.

Arthur took a deep breath as he observed everything and gave a relieved smile.

Even though he could not if the Lionheart Family was still monitoring him, his intuition told him that he was finally free from their eyes.

It has been a long time since he felt so free.

At the same time that Arthur was smiling happily, inside a huge manor at Sakura City, three people were freaking out.

"Where is he??" A middle-aged man asked with bloodshot eyes.

"I don't know! After he got on the train we lost sight of him! He could be in any of the cities where the train passed!" Another man replied as he looked at the computers in front of him.

Shizuka had a genius plan.

She did not want to make seem as if Arthur was getting help from someone because that would make her one of the suspects.

So, she made it seem like the Lionheart Family lost sight of him because of their incompetence.

After all, the family was able to follow him until he got onto the train, so if they did not see him getting out of the train was because they missed the footage.

"Find him immediately! I will tell this to the boss." The middle-aged ordered as he walked toward his boss with a nervous look.

He could already see the rage when his boss heard the news.

But although they would search for his tracks, Shizuka already deleted all traces of Arthur and his friends' arrival in Elffire City.

He and the rest had already taken a bus to their hostel where they would stay.

Ayia offered for them to stay in the mansion, but after living frugally for so many years, Arthur was reluctant to be inside a mansion.

He preferred to stay somewhere he could pay with his own money.

The whole crew arrived at the hostel and went to their rooms to take a shower after checking in.

They wanted to be in their best shape when they met the Moonlight.

Inside Arthur and Kanna's room, the two of them were dressing some clean clothes as they talked.

As a couple, they did not have any problems with staying in the same room.

"Are you nervous?" Kanna asked as she put on a shirt.

  "A little. Even though I was super confident in the train, it still is a huge gamble." Arthur replied with a worried face as he put on his shoes.

"It is normal to be like that, but let's hope this works." Kanna said with a determined voice as she took his hand in hers.

Arthur squeezed her hand lovingly as the two of them got out of the room holding each other's hands.

They waited for the rest of the crew to get out of their rooms as they looked through their phones.

After a while, the rest of the crew came out of their rooms after taking a shower and dressing in clean clothes.

Kate, Nobura, Bobby, Buddy, and the rest had mixed feelings as they exited their rooms.

They were excited about this opportunity, but they were also worried if it was everything that they hoped it would be.

"Is everyone ready?" Arthur asked with a smile as he looked at them.

"Ready than ever!" Buddy exclaimed.

It was his first time in another city, so he was excited about this experience.

The rest of them chuckled when they saw Buddy being so excited.

"Then, let's go!" Arthur exclaimed as he took Kanna's hand and lead them out of the hostel.

They would take the subway toward the coffee shop where they would meet Moonlight and Ayia.

The subway of Elffire City was one of the best in the country, so it did not take much time to arrive there.

All of them were impressed by the level of this city, it seemed that in some aspects Elffire City was better than Catadrid.

After all, Catadrid did not have such an advanced subway system.

A while later, the ten of them stood in front of a quiet coffee shop without many customers.

This would be the place where both parties would meet each other.

They entered and ordered some coffee before taking a seat.

The crew started talking about other things as they waited.

,m The time of the meeting was still 15 minutes away, so they did not mind waiting.

But it was at that moment that someone entered the coffee shop.

And she became the center of attention as soon as she entered.

After all, she was too pretty!

She looked like a supermodel with her godly figure and pretty face.

Her golden eyes seemed to be looking for someone as she looked throughout the room.

Almost all the crew was wondering who this woman was, but there was someone among them that recognized her.

After all, she seemed so similar to his aunt!

Ayia's eyes lit up as she found her cousin and his crew.

She walked toward them with shining eyes.

"Cousin!" Ayia exclaimed as she looked at him.

"Ayia!" Arthur smiled happily as he stood up.

"You look so mature! The last time I saw you, you were just a teenager!" Arthur exclaimed as he hugged his cousin.

"Yeah, I remember." Ayia giggled as she hugged him back.

The rest were stunned when they saw this scene.

Arthur's cousin was too pretty!

They would never believe that this girl was a genius if they saw her in the street, they would think she was a model.

"Guys, this is my cousin Ayia."

"Ayia this is my crew." Arthur introduced them to each other after he let go of his cousin.

"Hey, guys. Nice to meet you all." Ayia smiled at them.

"Hey!" They greeted her back.

They were a little nervous talking with such a girl.

"Moonlight will arrive in a bit. I came early to let you see the script and hear the song." Ayia said with a smile as she took a seat.

Their eyes lit up when they heard that.

They wondered if this song was indeed good, they could not wait to hear it.

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