I Am Overlord

Chapter 764: Xiang Shaoyun, You’re Shameless

Chapter 764: Xiang Shaoyun, You're Shameless

Xiang Shaoyun was no slower than Feng Xiaosha. Before Feng Xiaosha could reach Mu Qingyu and Wang Xin, Xiang Shaoyun appeared before him. The two launched their attacks at the same time. Instantly, they exchanged over 100 moves, creating explosions all around them.

Feng Xiaosha’s combat prowess was comparable to a peak Emperor's. However, he was unable to gain any advantage against Xiang Shaoyun. The discovery greatly alarmed him, but he could not end it in this manner since the fight had already started. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stand tall in the academy.

Feng Xiaosha was thoroughly infuriated. "Xiang Shaoyun, today, one of us will die!"

Naturally, Xiang Shaoyun showed no fear. After all, he was here today to create trouble.

"You will be the one to die," replied Xiang Shaoyun unyieldingly.

As the fight intensified, the enforcers finally arrived.

The captain roared, "Stop right now, or don't blame us for not showing any mercy!"

After one final exchange, Xiang Shaoyun and Feng Xiaosha separated from each other. Even so, their faces were still filled with displeasure. It was obvious both were still furious.

"What are you doing? Don't you know that you can't create trouble within the core disciples' residential district?" questioned the captain.

Feng Xiaosha landed on the ground and said loudly, "Lord enforcer, you're just in time! Xiang Shaoyun is too overbearing! He came to my villa and started beating up my brothers! Lord, please uphold justice!"

Feng Xiaosha’s anger was apparent from his tone.

The captain replied with displeasure, "Are you teaching me how to do my job?"

Only then did Feng Xiaosha realize his mistake. He quickly replied with a much milder tone, "This disciple dares not!"

"Hmph!" the captain snorted coldly. He looked at Xiang Shaoyun, and a smile bloomed on his face, "Overseer Xiang, what matter brings you here, I wonder?"

The attitude the captain showed the two was completely different. Feng Xiaosha started having a bad premonition.

"Lord enforcer, you're just in time! I was passing by today when they suddenly stopped me. And then they started beating me up! Look at this wound on my back! I was forced to defend myself!" said Xiang Shaoyun with a sullen tone. "I was merely appointed an overseer by the principal, but that actually caused them to view me with hostility. They claimed I was weak, not worthy of being an overseer. They also claimed that this person, Feng Xiaosha, should be the overseer instead. I agree with them, honestly. But the position of an overseer is not something I can give away casually! So I tried to reason with him, but he actually commanded his subordinates to surround and attack me! If it weren't for these two chivalric brothers helping me, I would have been killed by now! Lord enforcer, please uphold justice!"

When Feng Xiaosha heard the explanation, he nearly spat up blood from anger.

"Xiang Shaoyun, you're shameless! You were the one who came to provoke us and beat up my brothers. You even wanted to beat me up as well! Lord enforcer, please uphold justice!" Feng Xiaosha shouted indignantly.

"Lord enforcer, how strong can I be all by myself? How could I dare to provoke so many of them? He is blatantly lying!" Xiang Shaoyun countered.

Feng Xiaosha was fuming. He had seen many shameless people, but he had never seen someone so shameless before. Even the disciples observing the situation were cursing inwardly, This is truly shameless!

Xiang Shaoyun was obviously the one who had provoked the fight, but he was levying accusations against the other party. How shameless.

And yet, the enforcement captain actually nodded and said, "You make perfect sense. You people, you are gathering in large numbers to create trouble, and you are even attempting to suppress your fellow disciples? You deserve to be punished. But since you have all been injured, I will let this slide. If you dare repeat this, you won't be spared!"

Feng Xiaosha's face practically greened from anger. He had not imagined that the captain would so blatantly side with Xiang Shaoyun. He was furious, but he couldn't do anything. After all, he was only a disciple. Even if he was the personal disciple of an elder, he was not qualified to question the enforcers. Thus, he was forced to swallow his anger.

Xiang Shaoyun, I won't spare you! Feng Xiaosha vowed inwardly.

"Um. This matter ends here. I am still an overseer, and for your offense of offending your superiors, you can even be expelled from the academy. The lord enforcer is actually being very kind toward you," said Xiang Shaoyun, deciding to quit while he was ahead.

"Ok. Everyone, disperse," said the captain. He then looked at Xiang Shaoyun, "Overseer Xiang, do you have the time to have a drink with me?"

Xiang Shaoyun quickly replied, "Even if I'm busy, I will squeeze some time out if it's lord enforcer's invitation! However, you must allow me to treat you instead!"

Xiang Shaoyun did not know why this captain was being so friendly, but he had to show him some respect.

"Haha, let's go," said the captain with a hearty laugh.

And just like that, Xiang Shaoyun strutted away from the villa with Mu Qingyu and Wang Xin alongside the captain. Feng Xiaosha was gnashing his teeth in anger. If eyes could kill, Xiang Shaoyun would be ridden with holes by now.

"I will be sure to repay this!" roared Feng Xiaosha furiously.

After finding somewhere quiet, Xiang Shaoyun and the enforcers sat down and started drinking. Only then did Xiang Shaoyun learn something from the captain. It turned out this captain had been promoted all because of Xiang Shaoyun.

Two years ago, a captain called Ouyang Jianghu had once treated Xiang Shaoyun unfairly. Subsequently, the academy punished him, and this new captain named Chu Yuan was selected as his replacement.

Apart from that, an even more important reason was that he was Xiao Wei's disciple, and Xiao Wei had once told him to show Xiang Shaoyun more care. Xiang Shaoyun immediately felt closer with this captain after learning that he was Xiao Wei's disciple.

The enforcers held sizable power in the academy. At the very least, they wielded enough power to plant fear in all disciples. Establishing a friendly relationship with them would only improve Xiang Shaoyun's status in the academy.

While chatting, Xiang Shaoyun took out some good stuff and gifted them to Chu Yuan. One ought to know that Xiang Shaoyun had quite a collection of treasure, including some sovereign-grade items. These gifts were rare treasures for Chu Yuan, and he naturally accepted them.

After a short while, they separated. Through this battle, Xiang Shaoyun once again caused shockwaves in the academy.

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