I Am Overlord

Chapter 1708: Really Blind

Chapter 1708: Really Blind

"Audacious! Who dares to insult our lord?" questioned Yu Tiangan.

"They're definitely Xiang Shaoyun's followers," said Wei Quan.

At this time, the three freaks flew out of the house. They still looked as sloppy as ever. It did not seem like they had changed, but those who knew them well would notice that their auras were now so withdrawn that they were almost undetectable. The look in their eyes had also become much more oppressive. Those were signs of great growth in strength.

Yu Tiangan and Wei Quan did not underestimate the three freaks because of their appearance. Anyone that could enter this housing area would be someone of extraordinary willpower. Even their followers were all Gods. Any carelessness would cost one a great loss.

"Stop making noise. Get the hell back from where you came from," said the red freak without any trace of politeness.

"How impudent. We were trying to give your master a bright future out of the kindness of our hearts. Stop being stupid," said Yu Tiangan with a frown.

"You're acting like you're doing our young master a charity. Piss off, or I'll make sure your only way out is by crawling on the ground!" said the green freak.

Wei Quan had a fiery temperament, and he finally lost his temper. "Die, freaks!"

He then released a fist the size of a mountain at the three freaks. A boundless God Realm energy erupted. The punch was powerful yet well-controlled, sallying forth without damaging its surroundings one tiny bit.

Battles were not prohibited in the housing area, but any damage to the area was to be strictly avoided. All who broke the rule would suffer miserably.

"You're acting up here with only this much strength? You must have a death wish!" said the blue freak before grabbing Wei Quan's fist in his palm. The God Realm energy covering Wei Quan's fist was completely suppressed. As the blue freak exerted some strength with his palm, Wei Qian's arm was snapped.


The sharp sound of a bone breaking rang out.

Wei Quan was a fourth-stage God. Even after losing a limb, he would be able to regrow it. Thus, losing an arm wasn't a big deal for him. However, it did tell him how much stronger his opponent was. He hurriedly threw another punch with all his strength, hoping to break free from the blue freak's suppression.

Unfortunately for him, the blue freak would not give him any chance. Before the punch could be fully thrown, a heavy kick struck his stomach, sending him flying far away.

That was not the end of the blue freak's attack. He dashed forward, turned into a blue streak, and crashed into Wei Quan. As he sat atop Wei Quan, he rained down punches at Wei Quan's face.

A tragedy befell Wei Quan's face.

Yu Tiangan naturally wouldn't just watch as his companion was beaten. But just as he was about to make a move, the red and green freaks moved, completely sealing his body, making any movement impossible.

After capturing Yu Tiangan, the two freaks started beating him. Even as a fifth-stage Rebirth Realm cultivator, Yu Tiangan was completely helpless.

"Scram! Get your shitty Celestial War King over here. Or else, even he will receive a beating after our young master leaves seclusion," said the red freak with one last kick to Yu Tiangan's bottom.

Yu Tiangan felt extremely humiliated. Since he had become a God, he had never suffered such humiliation. He felt so ashamed that he wished he could dig a hole and hide in it. The only thing he could rejoice in was the fact that there was nobody around to see his current state. Right? Alas, just as that thought crossed his mind, he saw numerous heads stretching out of the nearby houses. Those people had witnessed the entirety of the incident.

"J-just you wait! The Celestial War King will not spare you!" threatened Yu Tiangan as his face flushed red with shame. He hurriedly left with Wei Quan. The two cut rather sorry figures as they left.

"Remember! Get that Celestial War King to come and submit to our young master! Otherwise, we'll go looking for him!" shouted the green freak.

"Youngsters nowadays are so rash. They actually dare to provoke our young master? They must be blind," said the blue freak with a sigh.

"Alright. Continue keeping watch. Don't let anyone disturb our young master's seclusion," said the red freak.

Right afterward, a voice rang out, "It's fine. Let's take a walk outside."

Then, a figure appeared before the house. It was none other than Xiang Shaoyun. He had been in seclusion as of late.

That day, he was clad in a purple outfit with bright, golden trim. With the outfit, he was shrouded in a noble aura that changed his temperament entirely. He used to dress much more casually. Sure, he was still handsome and elegant in a casual outfit, but when he was actually making an effort to dress, his appearance was brought to a brand new level.

"Young Master, you're out of seclusion?" asked the three freaks with a respectful salute.

The three had broken through two stages in the short span of three months. They were now fifth-stage Rebirth Realm cultivators, yet they still remained loyal to Xiang Shaoyun. Their devotion to him was clear for all to see.

"Obviously?" said Xiang Shaoyun as he rubbed his nose.

"No, we meant to ask if we had disturbed your seclusion?" asked the red freak nervously.

"It's their fault! We shouldn't have spared them so easily!" said the green freak.

The blue freak suggested, "We need to catch them! Also, we can catch the Celestial War King while we're at it! Have them all apologize to our young master!"

The three seemed completely serious.

"Settle down. I left seclusion two days ago. I had merely remained in the room," said Xiang Shaoyun. "Come with me. Let's greet our neighbors. Perhaps we will be brothers and sisters on the same battlefield in the future."

"Sure. Have all of them follow you, Young Master," said the red freak.

"Our young master is truly generous. With all of us personally paying them a visit, they will be touched by our young master's grace," said the green freak.

"That's right. They will all acknowledge our young master as the young guild master," said the blue freak.

One ought to admit that the three's intelligence couldn't be judged by their appearance. The way they spoke differed greatly depending on who they were speaking to. Xiang Shaoyun slowly became used to their antics. With the three in tow, he started heading toward house number 80.

All the houses were filled with guests, so house number 80 naturally would not be empty. In fact, standing before the house were two guards. When Xiang Shaoyun approached, they glared at him, warning him not to approach.

Just as the three freaks were about to speak, Xiang Shaoyun waved his hand and said, "Xiang Shaoyun is here to visit. I wonder if the one residing in this house is willing to accept guests?"

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