However, there was still a long way to go before the blueprint was fully completed.

Because Lynn realized that when it came to delving into the intricacies of structure and specific details, it involved delving into deeper and more esoteric knowledge. This included aspects such as the drawing of magic runes, integrating core sectors with the overall wizard tower, and simulating and generating frequencies similar to a wizard’s own mental energy within the living environment.

Every detail of each sector’s construction involved a plethora of knowledge. Sometimes, what seemed simple in theory turned out to be quite baffling in practice.

Nevertheless, Lynn had already established the basic framework.

Next, all that was needed was to gradually fill in the creativity, inspiration, and acquired knowledge step by step, which would be the best response.

Lynn had always believed that a wizard’s daily inspiration paled in comparison to the inspiration brought about by years, or even decades, of uninterrupted contemplation.

Emerging from the lounge, Lynn spotted a pink mushroom head outside the door. Fura turned her head upon hearing the door open.

“Here, this is from Toby for you,” Fura said, handing over a letter.

“Thank you.”

“Then, give me a positive evaluation,” Fura said, producing a sheet of paper and a pen from her pocket.

Wait, even this kind of thing has to be given a positive evaluation?

Lynn hesitated for a moment.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a whole four hours,” Fura pouted.

“In that case, you deserve top marks,” Lynn awarded a perfect score, and Fura happily skipped away with the rating sheet, resembling a child.

Lynn accepted the unopened letter and opened the envelope. Inside, there was a letter and an invitation card. Lynn read the contents of the letter first.

The letter was concise, and Lynn quickly finished reading it. Harin informed Lynn that the laboratory assistant position he had promised to help find had been secured. However, they needed to check if Lynn’s abilities met the standards. Lynn was required to visit the laboratory within ten days.

With this letter of recommendation, Lynn could arrive at the destination on time.

However, the letter did not specify the type of experiment. Considering Harin’s character, Lynn suspected that experiments related to mutation studies were most probable.

Recalling Harin’s earlier mention that the reward for experiments could be important source materials for building wizard towers, Lynn now understood what constituted important source materials.

Previously, Lynn didn’t understand what important source materials were, but now he knows.

While constructing the basic framework of a wizard tower required what is referred to as “raw materials”, only the core materials capable of assembling sectors is called “source materials”.

Since it was related to mutation studies, Lynn planned to spend the next few days improving his knowledge in that area.

Returning to his residence, Lynn could see the six-story square building from afar.

To avoid any mishaps, Lynn had designed the first construction of this style to be a simple square structure, without any fancy embellishments.

Each floor had windows, doors, and corridors, with transparent glass used for the windows.

With a super area of 300 by 300, this six-story building had a total floor space of five hundred and forty thousand square meters on the ground alone, not including the ten underground floors.

Not to mention two hundred and thirty-two goblins, even if it’s increased tenfold, accommodating them would still be a breeze.

Lynn planned to transform the underground space into a laboratory in the future.

Until the wizard tower was completed, this underground space would serve as his laboratory. Lynn intended to build an enormous laboratory for himself, covering alchemical studies, undead studies, and mutation studies, among others.

Now Lynn was only worried that he wouldn’t have enough time every day.

He went to Ido’s house next to retrieve the goblins.

Arriving at Ido’s backyard, Lynn found the goblins pitching tents and hosting a bonfire party in the center of the field. They held hands, dancing merrily around the fire.

On the sidelines, there were also some tall and burly minotaurs, with giant waist drums strapped around their waists, clapping and swaying.

The goblins stood next to these minotaurs, not even reaching the height of their thighs.

Seeing this scene, Lynn was somewhat stunned.

“Oh, you’re back.” Among the monsters, Ido, dressed in a black and red gown, turned around, smiling and greeting Lynn.

“Are these your followers?” Lynn asked, pointing to the minotaurs.

These minotaurs had dark, almost black skin with reddish patterns on their yellowish skin. Their two large horns on their heads were exceptionally massive, and their bodies were extremely robust, with an average height approaching four meters, and their muscular masses were as hard as granite.

“The Dark Minotaurs, I spent a fortune on them. Each one is at least a second-level extraordinary being,” Ido remarked.

Lynn glanced over and saw at least twenty dark minotaurs in the center of the field, each one indeed a second-level extraordinary being.

In the wizarding world, apart from wizards, other extraordinary beings were classified from first-level to twelfth-level based on their strength.

Wizards, however, were evaluated separately due to their vast knowledge and research into spells and truths. The combat power of each wizard couldn’t be simply calculated based on the level of the extraordinary beings.

However, there was a rough judgment criterion.

A first-level wizard who had broken through, digested, and researched for a period of time could, on average, unleash the destructive power of a fifth-level extraordinary being if the battlefield was limited to the vicinity of their wizard tower and if the battlefield was prepared in advance.

The reason the word “average” was used was that there might be a slight discrepancy in the wizard towers of different wizards.

Moreover, the greatest strength of wizards wasn’t just their sheer destructive power but also their ability to transform and cultivate their followers.

An official wizard, with his legion of followers, could unleash terrifying warfare potential, even if he was just a first-level wizard. One person could overthrow a nation, which wasn’t an exaggeration.

Of course, if a wizard left his wizard tower and encountered an unprepared ambush, his combat power would also decrease significantly.

“Have a drink. It’s a Bloody Mary bought from hell. They say those vampires love this stuff,” Ido handed Lynn a bottle of unopened red wine.

“I don’t like drinking. You guys go ahead. After they finish the bonfire party, have them clean up the area and come find me,” Lynn said to Ido.

“Do you suspect there’s something wrong with my wine?” Ido raised an eyebrow.

“No, I just simply don’t like drinking,” Lynn replied calmly.

“Okay,” Ido took back the bottle, no longer forcing Lynn.

Watching Lynn leave, Ido sneered at his back, “What a hypocritical guy. He’s clearly worried there’s something wrong with my wine.”

Since childhood, Ido had awakened a natural ability that allowed her to perceive whether others were telling the truth or lying.

It was precisely because of this talent that from a young age, she felt that many people were like wearing masks, their smiles seeming so glaring.

So she left the wizard tower where her father resided and came to this Abyss’ demon academy. She had been prepared to have a big argument with her father when she grew up, but she was surprised when her father actually agreed to her request.

Compared to the wizard tower where her father previously resided, she felt that the people here were relatively more genuine.

Especially the demons in the Abyss, most of them were straightforward and outspoken, saying they wanted to kill you meant they really wanted to kill you.


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