“If you dare to lay a hand on us, aren’t you afraid of the wizards’ retaliation?” The noble wizard apprentice, now slumped on the ground, exclaimed in shock and anger.

“Perhaps you overestimate your own status,” Lynn replied coolly.

Compared to those truly powerful wizards, wizard apprentices were inconsequential, as inconsequential as a handful of kindling.

“You’re making enemies with Wizards Mutual Aid Alliance of the Erdolu Kingdom by attacking us,” Anousheh said with a displeased expression, having lost so many people before the academy selection even began.

The deed was done, and there was no way for him to kneel and beg for mercy.

Lynn remained unfazed, he never regretted what he had done.

Anousheh gritted his teeth. He knew this incident was extremely rare, even when compared to previous boarding events. As the leader this time, such a major oversight would undoubtedly lower his standing in the eyes of his elders, affecting his interests.

If Hans were still alive, he would definitely give that fool a harsh lesson.

“Andina, let’s join forces to deal with him. After releasing so many magic spells, he must be running low on mental strength,” Anousheh said to Andina.

Andina’s beautiful eyes glanced at Anousheh’s suggestion but didn’t reply.

Anousheh ground his teeth. “I owe you a favor and a magic item.”

Andina’s eyes lit up. “Uncle Dempsey, Sister Dolores, I need your help.”

Dempsey frowned slightly, silently sighing to himself. He felt that the young lady might have made a wrong decision. He wasn’t keen on antagonizing Lynn, given his high regard for the young man.

Compared to these nobles who, though educated, were more “naive,” Lynn, with his decisive killing and unwavering nature, could achieve great things if things went smoothly.

Unless they could ensure Lynn’s complete elimination, if he managed to escape, they would need to be prepared for potential retaliation at any time.

However, Andina had already promised the prince, and Dempsey, as her servant, wasn’t in a position to question his master’s decisions.

“Yes,” he said.

Dempsey stared intensely at Lynn in the distance, his lone eye burning with determination. If he was going to make a move, he had to make sure to take down this person. He unfastened the sheath at his back, revealing a pair of dual longswords that could be disassembled.

He had earned the title of Storm Knight in the North due to the incredible speed of his dual swords, swift as a storm! 


The swords rang out as they scraped against each other, sparks flying. Dempsey kept his eyes fixed on Lynn, then, like a fierce tiger, lunged toward him.

However, before he could get close to Lynn, a towering figure intercepted him. A meteor hammer swung towards Dempsey, and he had to use his dual swords to parry and slide backward. 

Looking at the lizard-man blocking him, Dempsey’s expression remained unchanged.

His body slid left and right, as he continued to agilely maneuver, rhythmically thrusting his two swords forward. Lauren, relying on the lizard-man’s enhanced dynamic vision, struggled to keep up with Dempsey’s rhythm but seemed unlikely to hold out for much longer.

It seemed that his stored experience points would have to be used. Lynn, observing the battle, turned his attention to Lauren, who was falling behind. Although Lauren was strong, his lack of combat experience was evident against Dempsey.

Although relying on the attack range of the meteor hammer, Lauren managed to haphazardly block Dempsey temporarily. However, as time passed, trouble was bound to arise.

Lynn made a quick decision, investing all 3000 general experience points into leveling up.

Level 21→24.

Physical Fitness: 10.05→19.05, Mental Strength: 24.7→33.7.

The mental energy that had been consumed by more than half suddenly increased sharply. The consumed mental energy would naturally not be restored, but the newly gained mental energy would not dissipate. The most significant improvement was in his physical fitness, nearly doubling his previous capabilities.

This unparalleled boost in speed allowed him to outrun the group of inexperienced wizard apprentices, making it impossible for them to catch up. While assessing the battlefield, Lynn also kept an eye on Anousheh, while incessantly chanting spells. He used a Minor Fireball spell to deflect the frost rays Anousheh had unleashed. The collision of the two zero-ring spells collided and dissipated in the air.

Then Lynn rolled awkwardly to evade the flame arrow shot by Andina. Watching the gaping hole left in the ground behind him, Lynn’s mind raced. He had the upper hand in the surprise attack that allowed him to massacre the defenseless noble wizard apprentices, but now he faced two noble wizard apprentices simultaneously. It wasn’t that he lacked confidence in defeating them, but he couldn’t be certain if there were hidden enemies among the onlookers.

The crowd was vast, and those who were spectators a moment ago might become assailants in the next. Lynn couldn’t guarantee that he could always perfectly dodge spells in the heat of battle. The wizarding world was filled with strange and diverse spells.

Lynn decided that once he settled down, he would thoroughly study defense and survival skills. Just as Lynn scanned his surroundings, a faint blue arc suddenly shot out from an inconspicuous corner of the crowd. Lynn realized at the last moment, but his body couldn’t keep up. The speed of the electric arc was too fast, and it struck Lynn in an instant.

A transparent barrier appeared a few feet away from Lynn’s wizard robe, and the electric arc dissipated into ashes in the void, neutralized by the power of the transparent barrier.

“Damn, there’s really a sneak attacker! Lauren, let’s go.” Lynn cursed.

Following the direction of the spell, Lynn looked at a freckled young man with short red hair. Lynn’s eyes were filled with hostility. Kid, I remember your face.

He had anticipated the possibility of unscrupulous apprentices attempting to ambush him, so he had always kept a portion of his attention on the others around him. However, this lightning spell was too fast—even though he saw it, his body couldn’t react quickly enough.

Lynn swiftly ran towards the nearby forest, chanting incantations incessantly. Due to the sprint, the rhythm of casting spells was affected, slowing him down a bit. Several zero-ring spells flew towards him, but they were all countered by the transparent barrier outside Lynn’s wizard robe.

However, Lynn could sense that the remaining power in the shield spell of the wizard robe was dwindling. At most, it could withstand one or two more zero-ring spells.

“Light of Darkness.” Lynn unleashed a spell that Roger had once cast. A layer of black film spread rapidly, forming a semicircular, inverted dark area with a diameter of thirty meters.

This area conveniently connected Lynn’s current position with the dense forest.

Upon receiving Lynn’s command, Lauren promptly retreated. Dempsey firmly engaged with Lauren, and in the end, Lauren, who had endured a sword strike to his back, escaped into the area shrouded by the Light of Darkness.

The other wizard apprentices were unaware of the effect of the Light of Darkness. Apart from casting spells, they hesitated to enter the covered area. Finally, another apprentice who was spectating recognized the Light of Darkness and explained its effects.

However, by the time this apprentice spoke, Lynn had already run into the woods, disappearing into the dense forest.

Witnessing Lynn’s formidable performance and ruthless tactics, with no one leading, nobody dared to pursue. Moreover, Lynn’s speed during the recent escape was too rapid—even if someone wanted to chase, they wouldn’t catch up.

Perhaps a few knights could keep up, but chasing alone without wizard support would be suicidal.

Instead of making a direct escape into the woods, Lynn withdrew Lauren and the two Iron Earthworms that emerged from the ground back into the Alchemy Laboratory. He then changed his position and observed the surroundings discreetly.

Anousheh was busy organizing the bodies of the remaining noble wizard apprentices from the Erdolu Kingdom. Other wizard apprentices, realizing that there was no more good show to watch, gradually dispersed.


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