“Minor Fireball.” Lynn silently intoned, and in the next moment, a burning fireball, the size of a washbasin, condensed at the tip of his magic staff.

The fireball hovered in mid-air, and even at half a meter away, Lynn could feel the scorching flames approaching, the rolling heat causing him to squint his eyes involuntarily.

In the next instant, at Lynn’s command, the fireball at the magic staff’s tip turned into a red arc and smashed towards the distant sea.

Upon contact with the sea surface, the fireball exploded on a small scale. Spraying sparks reflected on the pitch-black sea, creating streaks of red light.

From brightness to extinguishment, it resembled a brilliant firework.

Though the power of this fireball seemed considerable, compared to the vast ocean, it was nothing more than a negligible ripple.

Lynn couldn’t test the Minor Fireball indoors—after all, it was fire, and a slight mistake could lead to the family needing a new house.

So, he came out at night, left the port, and found a deserted coast to test the power of the Minor Fireball.

Apart from Minor Fireball, there were two other spells that needed experimentation.

The release of mental energy was infused into the spell framework of the Mage’s Hand.

During the mental energy injection into the Mage’s Hand’s spell framework, Lynn was surprised to find that this spell was divided into two segments of casting rhythm.

The first segment involved mental energy injection, and the consumption of this spell turned out to be continuous. Lynn could freely control this variable—akin to controlling the flow of water if one were to compare mental energy to water.

Lynn chose the lowest standard, and he felt his mental energy depleting at a rate of 0.1 points per second.

Simultaneously, an invisible giant hand formed in the empty space in front of him. It was transparent and only had a palm, lacking a wrist. The transparent giant hand floated in mid-air, about half a meter in size, which, for a spell-controllable hand, was not considered small.

Then, under Lynn’s control, this half-meter-sized Mage’s Hand slammed heavily onto the ground.


Dust rose, the sound neither too loud nor too soft.

Following this, the Mage’s Hand grabbed a stone from the ground, suspending it in mid-air.

Visibly, a basketball-sized stone floated silently in the air.

Lynn released the connection to the Mage’s Hand, halting the continuous consumption of mental energy.

Rubbing his forehead, Lynn acknowledged that the spell’s power was impressive, but the mental energy depletion was rapid, even with his current mental strength. He couldn’t sustain it for too long, not even with his current mental strength.


Level: Level 9 (0/100)

Physical Fitness: 3.47

Mental Strength: 6.9


—Earth Ring Meditation (24%)

Life Occupation:

—Level 1 Mutation Studies (47%) (0/10)

—Level 1 Bloodline Studies (5%) (0/10)

—Level 1 Alchemical Studies (2%) (0/10)

General Experience Points: 40′

Even with the maximum mental strength limit of 6.9, he could only maintain the Mage’s Hand for a maximum of 69 seconds. For Lynn at this stage, the Mage’s Hand couldn’t become a regular spell.

However, the Mage’s Hand did seem impressive and had the potential to fool ordinary people who didn’t understand magic.

Next was the experimentation of the last spell.

As his mental energy dwindled, a phantom appeared in front of Lynn, bearing a striking resemblance to him in appearance and attire.

Although the resemblance was about eight or nine points, without careful observation or for someone not very familiar with Lynn, they might mistake the phantom for him.

In Lynn’s eyes, the most significant difference lay in the temperament. The phantom had a somewhat rigid and stiff temperament.

This was the result of Lynn’s continuous efforts over the past half-month, and a month had passed since he returned from teacher Angley’s place.

Initially, the illusions created by Lynn were crude and unconvincing. Although they could confuse the minds of onlookers when standing still, any attempt to make them move or perform other actions appeared remarkably stiff and rigid.

Over the past half-month, Lynn continuously refined the Minor Illusion Spell, resulting in significant improvements. However, when it came to the final spell, Lynn had the spell framework constructed but lacked the mutated plant seeds, rendering him unable to cast it.

Mutated seeds could be obtained through two channels—natural magical plants and self-cultivation. Since obtaining magical plants from nature was not feasible, Lynn had to find a way to cultivate them himself.

Fortunately, he could use alchemy to conduct extensive screening and continuously cultivate new seeds. Lynn didn’t need to extract the genes from mutated seeds—he could directly use the finished product.

However, all the mutated seeds Lynn produced during this period were in the direction of ordinary mutation, lacking the extraordinary magical power.

This experience enlightened Lynn about the difficulty of obtaining seeds with magical powers.

As Lynn turned to leave, a rustling sound emanated from the nearby bushes. Enhanced by Lynn’s strengthened mental and physical powers, the sound was particularly clear in the darkness.

Was it a small animal, or had someone inadvertently witnessed me using magic?

Maintaining composure, Lynn pretended not to notice and continued walking back.

In the bushes behind him, Bayer cautiously trailed the man ahead. Although he had just consumed blood, he was still unsatiated. However, upon hearing the commotion outside, he couldn’t resist coming out.

For some reason, the man in the distance evoked a strong sense of attraction in him, like a starving person catching a whiff of a delectable aroma.

As the man ahead turned a corner and disappeared from view, Bayer saw him running forward. Although he sensed something peculiar, Bayer’s muddled and somewhat rigid thoughts didn’t delve into it. He couldn’t let his delicious prey escape!

Bayer burst out of the bushes, accelerating to catch up. At that moment, a sudden shock hit the back of his head, as if someone had struck him with a hefty blow.

In the next instant, a scorching surge came from behind.

Bayer felt a sudden heat in the back of his heart, and the next moment, intense burning pain erupted from his back.

Accompanied by a pitiful scream, Bayer was sent flying by the force of the impact, crashing to the ground.

His back was burnt, exposing flesh and a pungent scent of charred skin wafted through the air.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Bayer struggled to get back up, but another powerful Mental Shock slammed into his head.

If he could articulate his thoughts coherently, he might have uttered something about unfair play.

This time, Bayer found himself utterly bewildered. Consecutive Mental Shocks left him in a daze for several seconds.

Facing such an easy target, Lynn launched another Acid Missile, and the potent acid landed on Bayer’s head, corroding it into a pockmarked mess. Yellow-green pus oozed from the wound.

Despite losing a significant portion of the brain, Bayer hadn’t succumbed, body still twitching and convulsing slightly.

Lynn couldn’t help but feel surprised—this was the first time he had encountered a tough guy who could withstand a direct hit from an Acid Missile followed by a Minor Fireball without dying.

With his remaining mental energy, Lynn conjured the Mage’s Hand and grabbed a nearby stone, then aimed for the massive cavity where Bayer’s head used to be and struck it.

One hit, two hits.

It wasn’t until Bayer’s head was reduced to an unrecognizable mush that Lynn stopped.

That scared me to death. If this guy could endure a bit longer, my mental energy wouldn’t be enough.


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